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Python GUIs for Humans

Python GUIs for Humans

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Here you will find the details for all Elements, Objects, and Functions that are available to you. If you want to use a complex element and don't understand the parameters, then this is the right place to come. For every element you're shown the parameters used to create it as well as all methods available to call.

This call reference document covers the tkinter port

This documentation is created using the file which means it's based on the tkinter code. Some of the calls are different, might not exist at all, or there may be more methods/functions for the other PySimpleGUI ports (Qt, Wx, Web).

The PySimpleGUIQt call reference is located in another location.

Caution - Some functions / methods may be internal only yet exposed in this documentation

This section of the documentation is generated directly from the source code. As a result, sometimes internal only functions or methods that you are not supposed to be calling are accidentally shown in this documentation. Hopefully these accidents don't happen often.

The Elements

Button Element

Button Element - Defines all possible buttons. The shortcuts such as Submit, FileBrowse, ... each create a Button
Button(button_text = "",
    button_type = 7,
    target = (None, None),
    tooltip = None,
    file_types = (('ALL Files', '*.* *'),),
    initial_folder = None,
    default_extension = "",
    disabled = False,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    image_source = None,
    border_width = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled_button_color = None,
    highlight_colors = None,
    mouseover_colors = (None, None),
    use_ttk_buttons = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text Text to be displayed on the button
int button_type You should NOT be setting this directly. ONLY the shortcut functions set this
str or (int, int) target key or (row,col) target for the button. Note that -1 for column means 1 element to the left of this one. The constant ThisRow is used to indicate the current row. The Button itself is a valid target for some types of button
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
Tuple[(str, str), ...] file_types the filetypes that will be used to match files. To indicate all files: (("ALL Files", ". *"),). NOT avoilable on the MAC
str initial_folder starting path for folders and files
str default_extension If no extension entered by user, add this to filename (only used in saveas dialogs)
(bool or str) disabled If True button will be created disabled. If BUTTON_DISABLED_MEANS_IGNORE then the button will be ignored rather than disabled using tkinter
bool change_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. If this button is a target, should it generate an event when filled in
(str or bytes) image_source Image to place on button. Use INSTEAD of the image_filename and image_data. Unifies these into 1 easier to use parm
str image_filename image filename if there is a button image. GIFs and PNGs only.
bytes or str image_data Raw or Base64 representation of the image to put on button. Choose either filename or data
(int, int) image_size Size of the image in pixels (width, height)
int image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
int border_width width of border around button in pixels
(int or None, int or None) or (None, None) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int or None, int or None) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button if True the button size is sized to fit the text
(str, str) or str or (int, int) or None button_color Color of button. default is from theme or the window. Easy to remember which is which if you say "ON" between colors. "red" on "green". Normally a tuple, but can be a simplified-button-color-string "foreground on background". Can be a single color if want to set only the background.
(str, str) or str disabled_button_color colors to use when button is disabled (text, background). Use None for a color if don't want to change. Only ttk buttons support both text and background colors. tk buttons only support changing text color
(str, str) highlight_colors colors to use when button has focus (has focus, does not have focus). None will use colors based on theme. Only used by Linux and only for non-TTK button
(str, str) or str mouseover_colors Important difference between Linux & Windows! Linux - Colors when mouse moved over button. Windows - colors when button is pressed. The default is to switch the text and background colors (an inverse effect)
bool use_ttk_buttons True = use ttk buttons. False = do not use ttk buttons. None (Default) = use ttk buttons only if on a Mac and not with button images
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key If True the return key will cause this button to be pressed
bool focus if True, initial focus will be put on this button
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Generates a click of the button as if the user clicked the button Calls the tkinter invoke method for the button



Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Returns the current text shown on a button


Type Name Meaning
(str) return The text currently displayed on the button


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Button Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(text = None,
    button_color = (None, None),
    disabled = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_filename = None,
    visible = None,
    image_subsample = None,
    disabled_button_color = (None, None),
    image_size = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str text sets button text
(str, str) or str or (int, int) or None button_color Color of button. default is from theme or the window. Easy to remember which is which if you say "ON" between colors. "red" on "green". Normally a tuple, but can be a simplified-button-color-string "foreground on background". Can be a single color if want to set only the background.
(bool or str) disabled True/False to enable/disable at the GUI level. Use BUTTON_DISABLED_MEANS_IGNORE to ignore clicks (won't change colors)
bytes or str image_data Raw or Base64 representation of the image to put on button. Choose either filename or data
str image_filename image filename if there is a button image. GIFs and PNGs only.
(str, str) disabled_button_color colors to use when button is disabled (text, background). Use None for a color if don't want to change. Only ttk buttons support both text and background colors. tk buttons only support changing text color
bool visible control visibility of element
int image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
(int, int) image_size Size of the image in pixels (width, height)


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Generates a click of the button as if the user clicked the button Calls the tkinter invoke method for the button



Returns the current text shown on a button


Type Name Meaning
(str) return The text currently displayed on the button


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Button Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(text = None,
    button_color = (None, None),
    disabled = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_filename = None,
    visible = None,
    image_subsample = None,
    disabled_button_color = (None, None),
    image_size = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str text sets button text
(str, str) or str or (int, int) or None button_color Color of button. default is from theme or the window. Easy to remember which is which if you say "ON" between colors. "red" on "green". Normally a tuple, but can be a simplified-button-color-string "foreground on background". Can be a single color if want to set only the background.
(bool or str) disabled True/False to enable/disable at the GUI level. Use BUTTON_DISABLED_MEANS_IGNORE to ignore clicks (won't change colors)
bytes or str image_data Raw or Base64 representation of the image to put on button. Choose either filename or data
str image_filename image filename if there is a button image. GIFs and PNGs only.
(str, str) disabled_button_color colors to use when button is disabled (text, background). Use None for a color if don't want to change. Only ttk buttons support both text and background colors. tk buttons only support changing text color
bool visible control visibility of element
int image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
(int, int) image_size Size of the image in pixels (width, height)

ButtonMenu Element

The Button Menu Element.  Creates a button that when clicked will show a menu similar to right click menu
    tooltip = None,
    disabled = False,
    image_source = None,
    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    border_width = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    disabled_text_color = None,
    font = None,
    item_font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    tearoff = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text Text to be displayed on the button
List[List[str]] menu_def A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is clicked. See docs for format as they are the same for all menu types
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
bool disabled If True button will be created disabled
(str or bytes) image_source Image to place on button. Use INSTEAD of the image_filename and image_data. Unifies these into 1 easier to use parm
str image_filename image filename if there is a button image. GIFs and PNGs only.
bytes or str image_data Raw or Base64 representation of the image to put on button. Choose either filename or data
(int, int) image_size Size of the image in pixels (width, height)
int image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
int border_width width of border around button in pixels
(int, int) or (None, None) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button if True the button size is sized to fit the text
(str, str) or str button_color of button. Easy to remember which is which if you say "ON" between colors. "red" on "green"
str background_color color of the background
str text_color element's text color. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black"
str disabled_text_color color to use for text when item is disabled. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black"
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) item_font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike, for the menu items
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool tearoff Determines if menus should allow them to be torn off
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the ButtonMenu Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(menu_definition = None,
    visible = None,
    image_source = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    button_text = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List] menu_definition (New menu definition (in menu definition format)
bool visible control visibility of element
(str or bytes) image_source new image if image is to be changed. Can be a filename or a base64 encoded byte-string
(int, int) image_size Size of the image in pixels (width, height)
int image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
str button_text Text to be shown on the button


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Generates a click of the button as if the user clicked the button Calls the tkinter invoke method for the button



Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the ButtonMenu Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(menu_definition = None,
    visible = None,
    image_source = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    button_text = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List] menu_definition (New menu definition (in menu definition format)
bool visible control visibility of element
(str or bytes) image_source new image if image is to be changed. Can be a filename or a base64 encoded byte-string
(int, int) image_size Size of the image in pixels (width, height)
int image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
str button_text Text to be shown on the button

Canvas Element

Canvas(canvas = None,
    background_color = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    border_width = 0,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(tk.Canvas) canvas Your own tk.Canvas if you already created it. Leave blank to create a Canvas
str background_color color of background
(int,int) or (None, None) size (width in char, height in rows) size in pixels to make canvas
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
int border_width width of border around element in pixels. Not normally used with Canvas element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


property: tk_canvas

Returns the underlying tkiner Canvas widget

Type Name Meaning
(tk.Canvas) return The tkinter canvas widget


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


property: TKCanvas

Returns the underlying tkiner Canvas widget

Type Name Meaning
(tk.Canvas) return The tkinter canvas widget

Checkbox Element

Checkbox Element - Displays a checkbox and text next to it
    default = False,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    font = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    checkbox_color = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    disabled = False,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str text Text to display next to checkbox
bool default Set to True if you want this checkbox initially checked
(int, int) or (None, None) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_text if True will size the element to match the length of the text
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
str checkbox_color color of background of the box that has the check mark in it. The checkmark is the same color as the text
bool change_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Checkbox events happen when an item changes
bool disabled set disable state
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Return the current state of this checkbox


Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Current state of checkbox


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Checkbox Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior. Note that changing visibility may cause element to change locations when made visible after invisible

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    text = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    checkbox_color = None,
    disabled = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool value if True checks the checkbox, False clears it
str text Text to display next to checkbox
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text. Note this also changes the color of the checkmark
bool disabled disable or enable element
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Return the current state of this checkbox


Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Current state of checkbox


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Checkbox Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior. Note that changing visibility may cause element to change locations when made visible after invisible

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    text = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    checkbox_color = None,
    disabled = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool value if True checks the checkbox, False clears it
str text Text to display next to checkbox
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text. Note this also changes the color of the checkmark
bool disabled disable or enable element
bool visible control visibility of element

Column Element

A container element that is used to create a layout within your window's layout
    background_color = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    size_subsample_width = 1,
    size_subsample_height = 2,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    scrollable = False,
    vertical_scroll_only = False,
    right_click_menu = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    justification = None,
    element_justification = None,
    vertical_alignment = None,
    grab = None,
    expand_x = None,
    expand_y = None,
    metadata = None,
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Element]] layout Layout that will be shown in the Column container
str background_color color of background of entire Column
(int or None, int or None) size (width, height) size in pixels (doesn't work quite right, sometimes only 1 dimension is set by tkinter. Use a Sizer Element to help set sizes
(int or None, int or None) s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
float size_subsample_width Determines the size of a scrollable column width based on 1/size_subsample * required size. 1 = match the contents exactly, 2 = 1/2 contents size, 3 = 1/3. Can be a fraction to make larger than required.
float size_subsample_height Determines the size of a scrollable height based on 1/size_subsample * required size. 1 = match the contents exactly, 2 = 1/2 contents size, 3 = 1/3. Can be a fraction to make larger than required..
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
bool scrollable if True then scrollbars will be added to the column
bool vertical_scroll_only if Truen then no horizontal scrollbar will be shown
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set visibility state of the element
str justification set justification for the Column itself. Note entire row containing the Column will be affected
str element_justification All elements inside the Column will have this justification 'left', 'right', 'center' are valid values
str vertical_alignment Place the column at the 'top', 'center', 'bottom' of the row (can also use t,c,r). Defaults to no setting (tkinter decides)
bool grab If True can grab this element and move the window around. Default is False
bool expand_x If True the column will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the column will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID


Not recommended user call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Column Element.

add_row(args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Element] *args The list of elements for this row


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


When a scrollable column has part of its layout changed by making elements visible or invisible or the layout is extended for the Column, then this method needs to be called so that the new scroll area is computed to match the new contents.



Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



Can use like the Window.Layout method, but it's better to use the layout parameter when creating


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Element]] rows The rows of Elements
(Column) RETURN Used for chaining


property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Column Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Not recommended user call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Column Element.

AddRow(args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Element] *args The list of elements for this row


Can use like the Window.Layout method, but it's better to use the layout parameter when creating


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Element]] rows The rows of Elements
(Column) RETURN Used for chaining


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Column Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool visible control visibility of element

Combo Element

ComboBox Element - A combination of a single-line input and a drop-down menu. User can type in their own value or choose from list.
    default_value = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    button_background_color = None,
    button_arrow_color = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    disabled = False,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    tooltip = None,
    readonly = False,
    font = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Any] or Tuple[Any] values values to choose. While displayed as text, the items returned are what the caller supplied, not text
Any default_value Choice to be displayed as initial value. Must match one of values variable contents
(int, int) or (None, None) or int size width, height. Width = characters-wide, height = NOTE it's the number of entries to show in the list. If an Int is passed rather than a tuple, then height is auto-set to 1 and width is value of the int
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_text True if element should be the same size as the contents
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
str button_background_color The color of the background of the button on the combo box
str button_arrow_color The color of the arrow on the button on the combo box
bool bind_return_key If True, then the return key will cause a the Combo to generate an event
bool change_submits DEPRICATED DO NOT USE. Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Combo event is when a choice is made
bool disabled set disable state for element
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
str tooltip text that will appear when mouse hovers over this element
bool readonly make element readonly (user can't change). True means user cannot change
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Returns the current (right now) value of the Combo. DO NOT USE THIS AS THE NORMAL WAY OF READING A COMBO! You should be using values from your call to instead. Know what you're doing if you use it.


Type Name Meaning
Any None return


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Combo Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior. Note that the state can be in 3 states only.... enabled, disabled, readonly even though more combinations are available. The easy way to remember is that if you change the readonly parameter then you are enabling the element.

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    values = None,
    set_to_index = None,
    disabled = None,
    readonly = None,
    font = None,
    visible = None,
    size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value change which value is current selected based on new list of previous list of choices
List[Any] values change list of choices
int set_to_index change selection to a particular choice starting with index = 0
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool readonly if True make element readonly (user cannot change any choices). Enables the element if either choice are made.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool visible control visibility of element
(int, int) size width, height. Width = characters-wide, height = NOTE it's the number of entries to show in the list


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Returns the current (right now) value of the Combo. DO NOT USE THIS AS THE NORMAL WAY OF READING A COMBO! You should be using values from your call to instead. Know what you're doing if you use it.


Type Name Meaning
Any None return


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Combo Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior. Note that the state can be in 3 states only.... enabled, disabled, readonly even though more combinations are available. The easy way to remember is that if you change the readonly parameter then you are enabling the element.

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    values = None,
    set_to_index = None,
    disabled = None,
    readonly = None,
    font = None,
    visible = None,
    size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value change which value is current selected based on new list of previous list of choices
List[Any] values change list of choices
int set_to_index change selection to a particular choice starting with index = 0
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool readonly if True make element readonly (user cannot change any choices). Enables the element if either choice are made.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool visible control visibility of element
(int, int) size width, height. Width = characters-wide, height = NOTE it's the number of entries to show in the list

Frame Element

A Frame Element that contains other Elements. Encloses with a line around elements and a text label.
    title_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    title_location = None,
    relief = "groove",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    border_width = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    grab = None,
    visible = True,
    element_justification = "left",
    vertical_alignment = None,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title text that is displayed as the Frame's "label" or title
List[List[Elements]] layout The layout to put inside the Frame
str title_color color of the title text
str background_color background color of the Frame
enum relief relief style. Values are same as other elements with reliefs. Choices include RELIEF_RAISED RELIEF_SUNKEN RELIEF_FLAT RELIEF_RIDGE RELIEF_GROOVE RELIEF_SOLID
(int, int) size (width, height) Sets an initial hard-coded size for the Frame. This used to be a problem, but was fixed in 4.53.0 and works better than Columns when using the size paramter
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. for the TITLE. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
int border_width width of border around element in pixels
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool grab If True can grab this element and move the window around. Default is False
bool visible set visibility state of the element
str element_justification All elements inside the Frame will have this justification 'left', 'right', 'center' are valid values
str vertical_alignment Place the Frame at the 'top', 'center', 'bottom' of the row (can also use t,c,r). Defaults to no setting (tkinter decides)
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Not recommended user call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Frame Element.

add_row(args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Element] *args The list of elements for this row


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



Can use like the Window.Layout method, but it's better to use the layout parameter when creating


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Element]] rows The rows of Elements
(Frame) RETURN Used for chaining


property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Frame Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None, visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value New text value to show on frame
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Not recommended user call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Frame Element.

AddRow(args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Element] *args The list of elements for this row


Can use like the Window.Layout method, but it's better to use the layout parameter when creating


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Element]] rows The rows of Elements
(Frame) RETURN Used for chaining


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Frame Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None, visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value New text value to show on frame
bool visible control visibility of element

Graph Element

Creates an area for you to draw on.  The MAGICAL property this Element has is that you interact
with the element using your own coordinate system.  This is an important point!!  YOU define where the location
is for (0,0).  Want (0,0) to be in the middle of the graph like a math 4-quadrant graph?  No problem!  Set your
lower left corner to be (-100,-100) and your upper right to be (100,100) and you've got yourself a graph with
(0,0) at the center.
One of THE coolest of the Elements.
You can also use float values. To do so, be sure and set the float_values parameter.
Mouse click and drag events are possible and return the (x,y) coordinates of the mouse
Drawing primitives return an "id" that is referenced when you want to operation on that item (e.g. to erase it)
    background_color = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    change_submits = False,
    drag_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    motion_events = False,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    float_values = False,
    border_width = 0,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) canvas_size size of the canvas area in pixels
(int, int) graph_bottom_left (x,y) The bottoms left corner of your coordinate system
(int, int) graph_top_right (x,y) The top right corner of your coordinate system
str background_color background color of the drawing area
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
bool change_submits * DEPRICATED DO NOT USE. Use enable_events instead
bool drag_submits if True and Events are enabled for the Graph, will report Events any time the mouse moves while button down. When the mouse button is released, you'll get an event = graph key + '+UP' (if key is a string.. if not a string, it'll be made into a tuple)
bool enable_events If True then clicks on the Graph are immediately reported as an event. Use this instead of change_submits
bool motion_events If True then if no button is down and the mouse is moved, an event is generated with key = graph key + '+MOVE' (if key is a string, it not a string then a tuple is returned)
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element (Default = True)
bool float_values If True x,y coordinates are returned as floats, not ints
int border_width width of border around element in pixels. Not normally used for Graph Elements
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Changes some of the settings for the Graph Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(background_color = None, visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
??? background_color color of background
bool visible control visibility of element


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Changes Z-order of figures on the Graph. Brings the indicated figure to the front of all other drawn figures


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int figure value returned by tkinter when creating the figure / drawing


Changes the corrdinate system to a new one. The same 2 points in space are used to define the coorinate system - the bottom left and the top right values of your graph.

change_coordinates(graph_bottom_left, graph_top_right)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) (x,y) graph_bottom_left The bottoms left corner of your coordinate system
(int, int) (x,y) graph_top_right The top right corner of your coordinate system


Remove from the Graph the figure represented by id. The id is given to you anytime you call a drawing primitive


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int id the id returned to you when calling one of the drawing methods


Draws different types of arcs. Uses a "bounding box" to define location

    style = None,
    arc_color = "black",
    line_width = 1,
    fill_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] top_left the top left point of bounding rectangle
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] bottom_right the bottom right point of bounding rectangle
float extent Andle to end drawing. Used in conjunction with start_angle
float start_angle Angle to begin drawing. Used in conjunction with extent
str style Valid choices are One of these Style strings- 'pieslice', 'chord', 'arc', 'first', 'last', 'butt', 'projecting', 'round', 'bevel', 'miter'
str arc_color color to draw arc with
str fill_color color to fill the area
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the arc


Draws a circle, cenetered at the location provided. Can set the fill and outline colors

    fill_color = None,
    line_color = "black",
    line_width = 1)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] center_location Center location using USER'S coordinate system
int or float radius Radius in user's coordinate values.
str fill_color color of the point to draw
str line_color color of the outer line that goes around the circle (sorry, can't set thickness)
int line_width width of the line around the circle, the outline, in pixels
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the circle


Places an image onto your canvas. It's a really important method for this element as it enables so much

draw_image(filename = None,
    data = None,
    location = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename if image is in a file, path and filename for the image. (GIF and PNG only!)
str or bytes data if image is in Base64 format or raw? format then use instead of filename
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] location the (x,y) location to place image's top left corner
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the image


Draws a line from one point to another point using USER'S coordinates. Can set the color and width of line

    color = "black",
    width = 1)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] point_from Starting point for line
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] point_to Ending point for line
str color Color of the line
int width width of line in pixels
int or None RETURN id returned from tktiner or None if user closed the window. id is used when you


Draws an oval based on coordinates in user coordinate system. Provide the location of a "bounding rectangle"

    fill_color = None,
    line_color = None,
    line_width = 1)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] top_left the top left point of bounding rectangle
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] bottom_right the bottom right point of bounding rectangle
str fill_color color of the interrior
str line_color color of outline of oval
int line_width width of the line around the oval, the outline, in pixels
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the oval


Draws a "dot" at the point you specify using the USER'S coordinate system

    size = 2,
    color = "black")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] point Center location using USER'S coordinate system
int or float size Radius? (Or is it the diameter?) in user's coordinate values.
str color color of the point to draw
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the point


Draw a polygon given list of points

    fill_color = None,
    line_color = None,
    line_width = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[(int, int) or Tuple[float, float]] points list of points that define the polygon
str fill_color color of the interior
str line_color color of outline
int line_width width of the line in pixels
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the rectangle


Draw a rectangle given 2 points. Can control the line and fill colors

    fill_color = None,
    line_color = None,
    line_width = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] top_left the top left point of rectangle
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] bottom_right the bottom right point of rectangle
str fill_color color of the interior
str line_color color of outline
int line_width width of the line in pixels
int or None RETURN int


Draw some text on your graph. This is how you label graph number lines for example

    color = "black",
    font = None,
    angle = 0,
    text_location = "center")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any text text to display
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] location location to place first letter
str color text color
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
float angle Angle 0 to 360 to draw the text. Zero represents horizontal text
enum text_location "anchor" location for the text. Values start with TEXT_LOCATION_
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the text


Erase the Graph - Removes all figures previously "drawn" using the Graph methods (e.g. DrawText)



Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Given a figure, returns the upper left and lower right bounding box coordinates


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
object figure a previously drawing figure
Tuple[int, int, int, int] or Tuple[float, float, float, float] RETURN upper left x, upper left y, lower right x, lower right y


Returns a list of figures located at a particular x,y location within the Graph


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] location point to check
List[int] RETURN a list of previously drawn "Figures" (returned from the drawing primitives)


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



Moves the entire drawing area (the canvas) by some delta from the current position. Units are indicated in your coordinate system indicated number of ticks in your coordinate system

move(x_direction, y_direction)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int or float x_direction how far to move in the "X" direction in your coordinates
int or float y_direction how far to move in the "Y" direction in your coordinates


Moves a previously drawn figure using a "delta" from current position


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
id figure Previously obtained figure-id. These are returned from all Draw methods
int or float x_direction delta to apply to position in the X direction
int or float y_direction delta to apply to position in the Y direction


Move a previously made figure to an arbitrary (x,y) location. This differs from the Move methods because it uses absolute coordinates versus relative for Move


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
id figure Previously obtained figure-id. These are returned from all Draw methods
int or float x location on X axis (in user coords) to move the upper left corner of the figure
int or float y location on Y axis (in user coords) to move the upper left corner of the figure


Changes Z-order of figures on the Graph. Sends the indicated figure to the back of all other drawn figures


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int figure value returned by tkinter when creating the figure / drawing


property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


property: tk_canvas

Returns the underlying tkiner Canvas widget

Type Name Meaning
(tk.Canvas) return The tkinter canvas widget


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Graph Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(background_color = None, visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
??? background_color color of background
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Changes Z-order of figures on the Graph. Brings the indicated figure to the front of all other drawn figures


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int figure value returned by tkinter when creating the figure / drawing


Remove from the Graph the figure represented by id. The id is given to you anytime you call a drawing primitive


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int id the id returned to you when calling one of the drawing methods


Draws different types of arcs. Uses a "bounding box" to define location

    style = None,
    arc_color = "black",
    line_width = 1,
    fill_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] top_left the top left point of bounding rectangle
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] bottom_right the bottom right point of bounding rectangle
float extent Andle to end drawing. Used in conjunction with start_angle
float start_angle Angle to begin drawing. Used in conjunction with extent
str style Valid choices are One of these Style strings- 'pieslice', 'chord', 'arc', 'first', 'last', 'butt', 'projecting', 'round', 'bevel', 'miter'
str arc_color color to draw arc with
str fill_color color to fill the area
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the arc


Draws a circle, cenetered at the location provided. Can set the fill and outline colors

    fill_color = None,
    line_color = "black",
    line_width = 1)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] center_location Center location using USER'S coordinate system
int or float radius Radius in user's coordinate values.
str fill_color color of the point to draw
str line_color color of the outer line that goes around the circle (sorry, can't set thickness)
int line_width width of the line around the circle, the outline, in pixels
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the circle


Places an image onto your canvas. It's a really important method for this element as it enables so much

DrawImage(filename = None,
    data = None,
    location = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename if image is in a file, path and filename for the image. (GIF and PNG only!)
str or bytes data if image is in Base64 format or raw? format then use instead of filename
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] location the (x,y) location to place image's top left corner
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the image


Draws a line from one point to another point using USER'S coordinates. Can set the color and width of line

    color = "black",
    width = 1)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] point_from Starting point for line
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] point_to Ending point for line
str color Color of the line
int width width of line in pixels
int or None RETURN id returned from tktiner or None if user closed the window. id is used when you


Draws an oval based on coordinates in user coordinate system. Provide the location of a "bounding rectangle"

    fill_color = None,
    line_color = None,
    line_width = 1)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] top_left the top left point of bounding rectangle
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] bottom_right the bottom right point of bounding rectangle
str fill_color color of the interrior
str line_color color of outline of oval
int line_width width of the line around the oval, the outline, in pixels
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the oval


Draws a "dot" at the point you specify using the USER'S coordinate system

    size = 2,
    color = "black")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] point Center location using USER'S coordinate system
int or float size Radius? (Or is it the diameter?) in user's coordinate values.
str color color of the point to draw
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the point


Draw a polygon given list of points

    fill_color = None,
    line_color = None,
    line_width = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[(int, int) or Tuple[float, float]] points list of points that define the polygon
str fill_color color of the interior
str line_color color of outline
int line_width width of the line in pixels
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the rectangle


Draw a rectangle given 2 points. Can control the line and fill colors

    fill_color = None,
    line_color = None,
    line_width = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] top_left the top left point of rectangle
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] bottom_right the bottom right point of rectangle
str fill_color color of the interior
str line_color color of outline
int line_width width of the line in pixels
int or None RETURN int


Draw some text on your graph. This is how you label graph number lines for example

    color = "black",
    font = None,
    angle = 0,
    text_location = "center")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any text text to display
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] location location to place first letter
str color text color
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
float angle Angle 0 to 360 to draw the text. Zero represents horizontal text
enum text_location "anchor" location for the text. Values start with TEXT_LOCATION_
int or None RETURN id returned from tkinter that you'll need if you want to manipulate the text


Erase the Graph - Removes all figures previously "drawn" using the Graph methods (e.g. DrawText)



Given a figure, returns the upper left and lower right bounding box coordinates


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
object figure a previously drawing figure
Tuple[int, int, int, int] or Tuple[float, float, float, float] RETURN upper left x, upper left y, lower right x, lower right y


Returns a list of figures located at a particular x,y location within the Graph


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] location point to check
List[int] RETURN a list of previously drawn "Figures" (returned from the drawing primitives)


Moves the entire drawing area (the canvas) by some delta from the current position. Units are indicated in your coordinate system indicated number of ticks in your coordinate system

Move(x_direction, y_direction)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int or float x_direction how far to move in the "X" direction in your coordinates
int or float y_direction how far to move in the "Y" direction in your coordinates


Moves a previously drawn figure using a "delta" from current position


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
id figure Previously obtained figure-id. These are returned from all Draw methods
int or float x_direction delta to apply to position in the X direction
int or float y_direction delta to apply to position in the Y direction


Move a previously made figure to an arbitrary (x,y) location. This differs from the Move methods because it uses absolute coordinates versus relative for Move


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
id figure Previously obtained figure-id. These are returned from all Draw methods
int or float x location on X axis (in user coords) to move the upper left corner of the figure
int or float y location on Y axis (in user coords) to move the upper left corner of the figure


Changes Z-order of figures on the Graph. Sends the indicated figure to the back of all other drawn figures


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int figure value returned by tkinter when creating the figure / drawing


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


property: TKCanvas

Returns the underlying tkiner Canvas widget

Type Name Meaning
(tk.Canvas) return The tkinter canvas widget

HorizontalSeparator Element

Horizontal Separator Element draws a Horizontal line at the given location.
HorizontalSeparator(color = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str color Color of the line. Defaults to theme's text color. Can be name or #RRGGBB format
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.

Image Element

Image Element - show an image in the window. Should be a GIF or a PNG only
Image(source = None,
    filename = None,
    data = None,
    background_color = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    tooltip = None,
    subsample = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    enable_events = False,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes or None source A filename or a base64 bytes. Will automatically detect the type and fill in filename or data for you.
str or None filename image filename if there is a button image. GIFs and PNGs only.
bytes or str or None data Raw or Base64 representation of the image to put on button. Choose either filename or data
background_color color of background
(int, int) size (width, height) size of image in pixels
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
int subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. For an Image element, the event is "image clicked"
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Image Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior. To clear an image that's been displayed, call with NONE of the options set. A blank update call will delete the previously shown image.

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(source = None,
    filename = None,
    data = None,
    size = (None, None),
    subsample = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes or None source A filename or a base64 bytes. Will automatically detect the type and fill in filename or data for you.
str filename filename to the new image to display.
str or tkPhotoImage data Base64 encoded string OR a tk.PhotoImage object
Tuple[int,int] size (width, height) size of image in pixels
int subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
bool visible control visibility of element


Show an Animated GIF. Call the function as often as you like. The function will determine when to show the next frame and will automatically advance to the next frame at the right time. NOTE - does NOT perform a sleep call to delay

update_animation(source, time_between_frames = 0)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes or None source Filename or Base64 encoded string containing Animated GIF
int time_between_frames Number of milliseconds to wait between showing frames


Show an Animated GIF. Call the function as often as you like. The function will determine when to show the next frame and will automatically advance to the next frame at the right time. NOTE - does NOT perform a sleep call to delay

update_animation_no_buffering(source, time_between_frames = 0)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes source Filename or Base64 encoded string containing Animated GIF
int time_between_frames Number of milliseconds to wait between showing frames


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Image Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior. To clear an image that's been displayed, call with NONE of the options set. A blank update call will delete the previously shown image.

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(source = None,
    filename = None,
    data = None,
    size = (None, None),
    subsample = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes or None source A filename or a base64 bytes. Will automatically detect the type and fill in filename or data for you.
str filename filename to the new image to display.
str or tkPhotoImage data Base64 encoded string OR a tk.PhotoImage object
Tuple[int,int] size (width, height) size of image in pixels
int subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
bool visible control visibility of element


Show an Animated GIF. Call the function as often as you like. The function will determine when to show the next frame and will automatically advance to the next frame at the right time. NOTE - does NOT perform a sleep call to delay

UpdateAnimation(source, time_between_frames = 0)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes or None source Filename or Base64 encoded string containing Animated GIF
int time_between_frames Number of milliseconds to wait between showing frames

Input Element

Display a single text input field.  Based on the tkinter Widget `Entry`
Input(default_text = "",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    disabled = False,
    password_char = "",
    justification = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    tooltip = None,
    border_width = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    do_not_clear = True,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    use_readonly_for_disable = True,
    readonly = False,
    disabled_readonly_background_color = None,
    disabled_readonly_text_color = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    right_click_menu = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any default_text Text initially shown in the input box as a default value(Default value = ''). Will automatically be converted to string
(int, int) or (int, None) or int size w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int is supplied rather than a tuple, then a tuple is created width=int supplied and heigh=1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
char password_char Password character if this is a password field (Default value = '')
str justification justification for data display. Valid choices - left, right, center
str background_color color of background in one of the color formats
str text_color color of the text
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
int border_width width of border around element in pixels
bool change_submits * DEPRICATED DO NOT USE. Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events If True then changes to this element are immediately reported as an event. Use this instead of change_submits (Default = False)
bool do_not_clear If False then the field will be set to blank after ANY event (button, any event) (Default = True)
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool focus Determines if initial focus should go to this element.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element. Normally (horizontal pixels, vertical pixels) but can be split apart further into ((horizontal left, horizontal right), (vertical above, vertical below)). If int is given, then converted to tuple (int, int) with the value provided duplicated
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
bool use_readonly_for_disable If True (the default) tkinter state set to 'readonly'. Otherwise state set to 'disabled'
bool readonly If True tkinter state set to 'readonly'. Use this in place of use_readonly_for_disable as another way of achieving readonly. Note cannot set BOTH readonly and disabled as tkinter only supplies a single flag
str disabled_readonly_background_color If state is set to readonly or disabled, the color to use for the background
str disabled_readonly_text_color If state is set to readonly or disabled, the color to use for the text
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool visible set visibility state of the element (Default = True)
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Read and return the current value of the input element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior


Type Name Meaning
(str) return current value of Input field or '' if error encountered


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Input Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior. Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    disabled = None,
    select = None,
    visible = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    move_cursor_to = "end",
    password_char = None,
    paste = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str value new text to display as default text in Input field
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element (sets Entry Widget to readonly or normal)
bool select if True, then the text will be selected
bool visible change visibility of element
str text_color change color of text being typed
str background_color change color of the background
int or str move_cursor_to Moves the cursor to a particular offset. Defaults to 'end'
str password_char Password character if this is a password field
bool paste If True "Pastes" the value into the element rather than replacing the entire element. If anything is selected it is replaced. The text is inserted at the current cursor location.


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Read and return the current value of the input element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior


Type Name Meaning
(str) return current value of Input field or '' if error encountered


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Input Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior. Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    disabled = None,
    select = None,
    visible = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    move_cursor_to = "end",
    password_char = None,
    paste = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str value new text to display as default text in Input field
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element (sets Entry Widget to readonly or normal)
bool select if True, then the text will be selected
bool visible change visibility of element
str text_color change color of text being typed
str background_color change color of the background
int or str move_cursor_to Moves the cursor to a particular offset. Defaults to 'end'
str password_char Password character if this is a password field
bool paste If True "Pastes" the value into the element rather than replacing the entire element. If anything is selected it is replaced. The text is inserted at the current cursor location.

Listbox Element

A List Box.  Provide a list of values for the user to choose one or more of.   Returns a list of selected rows
when a is executed.
    default_values = None,
    select_mode = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    bind_return_key = False,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    disabled = False,
    auto_size_text = None,
    font = None,
    no_scrollbar = False,
    horizontal_scroll = False,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    highlight_background_color = None,
    highlight_text_color = None,
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    tooltip = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    right_click_menu = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Any] or Tuple[Any] values list of values to display. Can be any type including mixed types as long as they have str method
List[Any] default_values which values should be initially selected
[enum] select_mode Select modes are used to determine if only 1 item can be selected or multiple and how they can be selected. Valid choices begin with "LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_" and include: LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_SINGLE LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_BROWSE LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED
bool change_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Listbox generates events when an item is clicked
bool bind_return_key If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
(int, int) or (int, None) or int size w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool disabled set disable state for element
bool auto_size_text True if element should be the same size as the contents
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_scrollbar Controls if a scrollbar should be shown. If True, no scrollbar will be shown
bool horizontal_scroll Controls if a horizontal scrollbar should be shown. If True a horizontal scrollbar will be shown in addition to vertical
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
str highlight_background_color color of the background when an item is selected. Defaults to normal text color (a reverse look)
str highlight_text_color color of the text when an item is selected. Defaults to the normal background color (a rerverse look)
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Returns the list of items currently selected in this listbox. It should be identical to the value you would receive when performing a call.


Type Name Meaning
List[Any] return The list of currently selected items. The actual items are returned, not the indexes


Returns the items currently selected as a list of indexes


Type Name Meaning
List[int] return A list of offsets into values that is currently selected


Returns list of Values provided by the user in the user's format


Type Name Meaning
List[Any] return List of values. Can be any / mixed types -> []


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Set listbox highlighted choices


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Any] or Tuple[Any] values new values to choose based on previously set values


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Listbox Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(values = None,
    disabled = None,
    set_to_index = None,
    scroll_to_index = None,
    select_mode = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Any] values new list of choices to be shown to user
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
int or list or tuple set_to_index highlights the item(s) indicated. If parm is an int one entry will be set. If is a list, then each entry in list is highlighted
int scroll_to_index scroll the listbox so that this index is the first shown
str select_mode changes the select mode according to tkinter's listbox widget
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Returns the items currently selected as a list of indexes


Type Name Meaning
List[int] return A list of offsets into values that is currently selected


Returns list of Values provided by the user in the user's format


Type Name Meaning
List[Any] return List of values. Can be any / mixed types -> []


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Set listbox highlighted choices


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Any] or Tuple[Any] values new values to choose based on previously set values


Changes some of the settings for the Listbox Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(values = None,
    disabled = None,
    set_to_index = None,
    scroll_to_index = None,
    select_mode = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Any] values new list of choices to be shown to user
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
int or list or tuple set_to_index highlights the item(s) indicated. If parm is an int one entry will be set. If is a list, then each entry in list is highlighted
int scroll_to_index scroll the listbox so that this index is the first shown
str select_mode changes the select mode according to tkinter's listbox widget
bool visible control visibility of element

Menu Element

Menu Element is the Element that provides a Menu Bar that goes across the top of the window, just below titlebar.
Here is an example layout.  The "&" are shortcut keys ALT+key.
Is a List of -  "Item String" + List
Where Item String is what will be displayed on the Menubar itself.
The List that follows the item represents the items that are shown then Menu item is clicked
Notice how an "entry" in a mennu can be a list which means it branches out and shows another menu, etc. (resursive)
menu_def = [['&File', ['!&Open', '&Save::savekey', '---', '&Properties', 'E&xit']],
            ['!&Edit', ['!&Paste', ['Special', 'Normal', ], 'Undo'], ],
            ['&Debugger', ['Popout', 'Launch Debugger']],
            ['&Toolbar', ['Command &1', 'Command &2', 'Command &3', 'Command &4']],
            ['&Help', '&About...'], ]
Finally, "keys" can be added to entries so make them unique.  The "Save" entry has a key associated with it. You
can see it has a "::" which signifies the beginning of a key.  The user will not see the key portion when the
menu is shown.  The key portion is returned as part of the event.
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    disabled_text_color = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    tearoff = False,
    font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Tuple[str, List[str]]] menu_definition The Menu definition specified using lists (docs explain the format)
str background_color color of the background
str text_color element's text color. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black"
str disabled_text_color color to use for text when item is disabled. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black"
(int, int) size Not used in the tkinter port
(int, int) or (None, None) s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool tearoff if True, then can tear the menu off from the window ans use as a floating window. Very cool effect
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Update a menubar - can change the menu definition and visibility. The entire menu has to be specified

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(menu_definition = None, visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Tuple[str, List[str]]] menu_definition The menu definition list
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Update a menubar - can change the menu definition and visibility. The entire menu has to be specified

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(menu_definition = None, visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Tuple[str, List[str]]] menu_definition The menu definition list
bool visible control visibility of element

MenubarCustom Element

Note that while the MenubarCustom is an element, it is implemented using a function. It is actually a "compound element" that consists of several elements combined into a single Column element. See the Column element to get a list of method calls available. The function returns a Column element.

A custom Menubar that replaces the OS provided Menubar

Why? Two reasons - 1. they look great (see custom titlebar) 2. if you have a custom titlebar, then you have to use a custom menubar if you want a menubar

    disabled_text_color = None,
    bar_font = None,
    font = None,
    tearoff = False,
    pad = 0,
    p = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    bar_background_color = None,
    bar_text_color = None,
    key = None,
    k = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Tuple[str, List[str]]] menu_definition The Menu definition specified using lists (docs explain the format)
str disabled_text_color color to use for text when item is disabled. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black"
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) bar_font specifies the font family, size to be used for the chars in the bar itself
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size to be used for the menu items
bool tearoff if True, then can tear the menu off from the window ans use as a floating window. Very cool effect
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int). TIP - 0 will make flush with titlebar
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str background_color color to use for background of the menus that are displayed after making a section. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black". Defaults to the color of the bar text
str text_color color to use for the text of the many items in the displayed menus. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black". Defaults to the bar background
str bar_background_color color to use for the menubar. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black". Defaults to theme's button text color
str bar_text_color color to use for the menu items text when item is disabled. Can be in #RRGGBB format or a color name "black". Defaults to theme's button background color
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.

Multiline Element

Multiline Element - Display and/or read multiple lines of text.  This is both an input and output element.
Other PySimpleGUI ports have a separate MultilineInput and MultilineOutput elements.  May want to split this
one up in the future too.
Multiline(default_text = "",
    enter_submits = False,
    disabled = False,
    autoscroll = False,
    border_width = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    horizontal_scroll = False,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    do_not_clear = True,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    write_only = False,
    auto_refresh = False,
    reroute_stdout = False,
    reroute_stderr = False,
    reroute_cprint = False,
    echo_stdout_stderr = False,
    focus = False,
    font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    tooltip = None,
    justification = None,
    no_scrollbar = False,
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    rstrip = True,
    right_click_menu = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any default_text Initial text to show
bool enter_submits if True, the Window.Read call will return is enter key is pressed in this element
bool disabled set disable state
bool autoscroll If True the contents of the element will automatically scroll as more data added to the end
int border_width width of border around element in pixels
(int, int) or (None, None) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_text if True will size the element to match the length of the text
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool horizontal_scroll Controls if a horizontal scrollbar should be shown. If True a horizontal scrollbar will be shown in addition to vertical
bool change_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Spin events happen when an item changes
bool do_not_clear if False the element will be cleared any time the Window.Read call returns
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool write_only If True then no entry will be added to the values dictionary when the window is read
bool auto_refresh If True then anytime the element is updated, the window will be refreshed so that the change is immediately displayed
bool reroute_stdout If True then all output to stdout will be output to this element
bool reroute_stderr If True then all output to stderr will be output to this element
bool reroute_cprint If True your cprint calls will output to this element. It's the same as you calling cprint_set_output_destination
bool echo_stdout_stderr If True then output to stdout and stderr will be output to this element AND also to the normal console location
bool focus if True initial focus will go to this element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
str justification text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c.
bool no_scrollbar If False then a vertical scrollbar will be shown (the default)
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool rstrip If True the value returned in will have whitespace stripped from the right side
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Return current contents of the Multiline Element


Type Name Meaning
(str) return current contents of the Multiline Element (used as an input type of Multiline


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



Print like Python normally prints except route the output to a multiline element and also add colors if desired

colors -(str, str) or str. A combined text/background color definition in a single parameter

There are also "aliases" for text_color, background_color and colors (t, b, c) t - An alias for color of the text (makes for shorter calls) b - An alias for the background_color parameter c - (str, str) - "shorthand" way of specifying color. (foreground, backgrouned) c - str - can also be a string of the format "foreground on background" ("white on red")

With the aliases it's possible to write the same print but in more compact ways: cprint('This will print white text on red background', c=('white', 'red')) cprint('This will print white text on red background', c='white on red') cprint('This will print white text on red background', text_color='white', background_color='red') cprint('This will print white text on red background', t='white', b='red')

print(args=*<1 or N object>,
    end = None,
    sep = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    justification = None,
    font = None,
    colors = None,
    t = None,
    b = None,
    c = None,
    autoscroll = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any args The arguments to print
str end The end char to use just like print uses
str sep The separation character like print uses
str text_color The color of the text
str background_color The background color of the line
str justification text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the args being printed
str or str, str colors Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors. Or just the text color
str t Color of the text
str b The background color of the line
str or str, str c Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors or just tex color (same as the color parm)
bool autoscroll If True the contents of the element will automatically scroll as more data added to the end


Sends stderr to this element



Sends stdout (prints) to this element



Restore a previously re-reouted stderr back to the original destination



Restore a previously re-reouted stdout back to the original destination



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Multiline Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    disabled = None,
    append = False,
    font = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color_for_value = None,
    background_color_for_value = None,
    visible = None,
    autoscroll = None,
    justification = None,
    font_for_value = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value new text to display
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool append if True then new value will be added onto the end of the current value. if False then contents will be replaced.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the entire element
str text_color color of the text
str background_color color of background
str text_color_for_value color of the new text being added (the value paramter)
str background_color_for_value color of the new background of the text being added (the value paramter)
bool visible set visibility state of the element
bool autoscroll if True then contents of element are scrolled down when new text is added to the end
str justification text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element
str or (str, int) font_for_value specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the value being updated


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Return current contents of the Multiline Element


Type Name Meaning
(str) return current contents of the Multiline Element (used as an input type of Multiline


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Multiline Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    disabled = None,
    append = False,
    font = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color_for_value = None,
    background_color_for_value = None,
    visible = None,
    autoscroll = None,
    justification = None,
    font_for_value = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value new text to display
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool append if True then new value will be added onto the end of the current value. if False then contents will be replaced.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the entire element
str text_color color of the text
str background_color color of background
str text_color_for_value color of the new text being added (the value paramter)
str background_color_for_value color of the new background of the text being added (the value paramter)
bool visible set visibility state of the element
bool autoscroll if True then contents of element are scrolled down when new text is added to the end
str justification text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element
str or (str, int) font_for_value specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the value being updated

OptionMenu Element

Option Menu is an Element available ONLY on the tkinter port of PySimpleGUI.  It's is a widget that is unique
to tkinter.  However, it looks much like a ComboBox.  Instead of an arrow to click to pull down the list of
choices, another little graphic is shown on the widget to indicate where you click.  After clicking to activate,
it looks like a Combo Box that you scroll to select a choice.
    default_value = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    disabled = False,
    auto_size_text = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    tooltip = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Any] or Tuple[Any] values Values to be displayed
Any default_value the value to choose by default
(int, int) (width, UNUSED) size (width, height) size in characters (wide), height is ignored and present to be consistent with other elements
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool disabled control enabled / disabled
bool auto_size_text True if size of Element should match the contents of the items
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str tooltip text that will appear when mouse hovers over this element
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the OptionMenu Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    values = None,
    disabled = None,
    visible = None,
    size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value the value to choose by default
List[Any] values Values to be displayed
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool visible control visibility of element
(int, int) (width, UNUSED) size (width, height) size in characters (wide), height is ignored and present to be consistent with other elements


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the OptionMenu Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    values = None,
    disabled = None,
    visible = None,
    size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value the value to choose by default
List[Any] values Values to be displayed
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool visible control visibility of element
(int, int) (width, UNUSED) size (width, height) size in characters (wide), height is ignored and present to be consistent with other elements

Rather than use the Output element, it's recommended that you use the Multiline element instead. The reason for this is that more controls have been added to the Multiline and in the future you can expect more features will be added to the Multiline while the Output element has stopped being enhanced.

You can control which Multiline Element receives your stdout output as well as use the color-print (cprint) with a Multiline.

** NOTE - It's recommended to use Multiline Element instead **

Output Element - a multi-lined text area where stdout and stderr are re-routed to.

The Multiline Element is the superior and recommended method for showing the output of stdout.
The Multiline Element has been added to significantly while the Output element has not.
If you choose to use a Multiline element to replace an Output element, be sure an turn on the write_only paramter in the Multline

Of course, Output Element continues to operate and be backwards compatible, but you're missing out on
features such as routing the cprint output to the element.

In Apr 2022, the Output Element was switched to be a subclass of the Multiline so that more code will be in common. Nowever
you will not get all of the parms unless you switch to the Multline Specifically
Output(size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    echo_stdout_stderr = False,
    font = None,
    tooltip = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None,
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or (None, None) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
bool echo_stdout_stderr If True then output to stdout will be output to this element AND also to the normal console location
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.



Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Multiline Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    disabled = None,
    append = False,
    font = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color_for_value = None,
    background_color_for_value = None,
    visible = None,
    autoscroll = None,
    justification = None,
    font_for_value = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value new text to display
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool append if True then new value will be added onto the end of the current value. if False then contents will be replaced.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the entire element
str text_color color of the text
str background_color color of background
str text_color_for_value color of the new text being added (the value paramter)
str background_color_for_value color of the new background of the text being added (the value paramter)
bool visible set visibility state of the element
bool autoscroll if True then contents of element are scrolled down when new text is added to the end
str justification text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element
str or (str, int) font_for_value specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the value being updated


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Return current contents of the Multiline Element


Type Name Meaning
(str) return current contents of the Multiline Element (used as an input type of Multiline


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.



Changes some of the settings for the Multiline Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    disabled = None,
    append = False,
    font = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color_for_value = None,
    background_color_for_value = None,
    visible = None,
    autoscroll = None,
    justification = None,
    font_for_value = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value new text to display
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool append if True then new value will be added onto the end of the current value. if False then contents will be replaced.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the entire element
str text_color color of the text
str background_color color of background
str text_color_for_value color of the new text being added (the value paramter)
str background_color_for_value color of the new background of the text being added (the value paramter)
bool visible set visibility state of the element
bool autoscroll if True then contents of element are scrolled down when new text is added to the end
str justification text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element
str or (str, int) font_for_value specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the value being updated

Pane Element

A sliding Pane that is unique to tkinter.  Uses Columns to create individual panes
    background_color = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    orientation = "vertical",
    show_handle = True,
    relief = "raised",
    handle_size = None,
    border_width = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    expand_x = None,
    expand_y = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Column] or Tuple[Column] pane_list Must be a list of Column Elements. Each Column supplied becomes one pane that's shown
str background_color color of background
(int, int) size (width, height) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high How much room to reserve for the Pane
(int, int) or (None, None) s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str orientation 'horizontal' or 'vertical' or ('h' or 'v'). Direction the Pane should slide
bool show_handle if True, the handle is drawn that makes it easier to grab and slide
enum relief relief style. Values are same as other elements that use relief values. RELIEF_RAISED RELIEF_SUNKEN RELIEF_FLAT RELIEF_RIDGE RELIEF_GROOVE RELIEF_SOLID
int handle_size Size of the handle in pixels
int border_width width of border around element in pixels
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool expand_x If True the column will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the column will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Pane Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Pane Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool visible control visibility of element

ProgressBar Element

Progress Bar Element - Displays a colored bar that is shaded as progress of some operation is made
    orientation = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    size_px = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    bar_color = None,
    style = None,
    border_width = None,
    relief = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int max_value max value of progressbar
str orientation 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
(int, int) or (int, None) size Size of the bar. If horizontal (chars long, pixels wide), vert (chars high, pixels wide). Vert height measured using horizontal chars units.
(int, int) or (None, None) s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
(int, int) or (None, None) size_px Size in pixels (length, width). Will be used in place of size parm if specified
bool auto_size_text Not sure why this is here
(str, str) or str bar_color The 2 colors that make up a progress bar. Easy to remember which is which if you say "ON" between colors. "red" on "green".
str style Progress bar style defined as one of these 'default', 'winnative', 'clam', 'alt', 'classic', 'vista', 'xpnative'
int border_width The amount of pixels that go around the outside of the bar
str relief relief style. Values are same as progress meter relief values. Can be a constant or a string: RELIEF_RAISED RELIEF_SUNKEN RELIEF_FLAT RELIEF_RIDGE RELIEF_GROOVE RELIEF_SOLID (Default value = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_RELIEF)
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the ProgressBar Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior Now has the ability to modify the count so that the update_bar method is not longer needed separately

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(current_count = None,
    max = None,
    bar_color = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int current_count sets the current value
int max changes the max value
(str, str) or str bar_color The 2 colors that make up a progress bar. Easy to remember which is which if you say "ON" between colors. "red" on "green".
bool visible control visibility of element
(bool) RETURN Returns True if update was OK. False means something wrong with window or it was closed


DEPRECATED BUT STILL USABLE - has been combined with the normal ProgressBar.update method. Change what the bar shows by changing the current count and optionally the max count

update_bar(current_count, max = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int current_count sets the current value
int max changes the max value


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the ProgressBar Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior Now has the ability to modify the count so that the update_bar method is not longer needed separately

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(current_count = None,
    max = None,
    bar_color = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int current_count sets the current value
int max changes the max value
(str, str) or str bar_color The 2 colors that make up a progress bar. Easy to remember which is which if you say "ON" between colors. "red" on "green".
bool visible control visibility of element
(bool) RETURN Returns True if update was OK. False means something wrong with window or it was closed


DEPRECATED BUT STILL USABLE - has been combined with the normal ProgressBar.update method. Change what the bar shows by changing the current count and optionally the max count

UpdateBar(current_count, max = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int current_count sets the current value
int max changes the max value

Push Element (alias include P and Stretch)

Not a true element, but a function acting like an element.

These elements Push and VPush as aliases for Stretch and VStretch and are implemented using a function rather than a class. They're not meant to be manipulated like other elements. They have a functional role in a layout that is much like the "Layout Helper Functions" (pin, vtop, etc).

The name Stretch originally appeared in the PySimpleGUI APIs when the PySimpleGUIQt port was added.

In the Sept 2021 time-frame, a functioning version of this element appeared in the tkinter port, along with some aliases and a vertical addition.

The PySimpleGUI documentation, demos, etc, will be using the names Push and VPush.

Push-style Elements Use

These elements modify the placement of other elements inside of containers. As the name implies, these elements Push and VPush will "push" other elements around. Push works in the horizontal direction, VPush in the vertical.

A Push element will "push" elements on the row away from it. If you have 1 Push as the start of a row, then the row will be right-justified. If you have two Push elements, one as the first element and one as the last element on a row, then the row will be centered.

Acts like a Stretch element found in the Qt port. Used in a Horizontal fashion. Placing one on each side of an element will enter the element. Place one to the left and the element to the right will be right justified. See VStretch for vertical type

Push(background_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str background_color color of background may be needed because of how this is implemented

Radio Element

Radio Button Element - Used in a group of other Radio Elements to provide user with ability to select only
1 choice in a list of choices.
    default = False,
    disabled = False,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    circle_color = None,
    font = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    tooltip = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str text Text to display next to button
Any group_id Groups together multiple Radio Buttons. Any type works
bool default Set to True for the one element of the group you want initially selected
bool disabled set disable state
(int, int) or (None, None) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_text if True will size the element to match the length of the text
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
str circle_color color of background of the circle that has the dot selection indicator in it
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
bool change_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Radio Button events happen when an item is selected
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


A snapshot of the value of Radio Button -> (bool)


Type Name Meaning
(bool) return True if this radio button is selected


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



Sets all Radio Buttons in the group to not selected



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Radio Button Element. Must call or Window.finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    text = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    circle_color = None,
    disabled = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool value if True change to selected and set others in group to unselected
str text Text to display next to radio button
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text. Note this also changes the color of the selection dot
str circle_color color of background of the circle that has the dot selection indicator in it
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


A snapshot of the value of Radio Button -> (bool)


Type Name Meaning
(bool) return True if this radio button is selected


Sets all Radio Buttons in the group to not selected



Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Radio Button Element. Must call or Window.finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    text = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    circle_color = None,
    disabled = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool value if True change to selected and set others in group to unselected
str text Text to display next to radio button
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text. Note this also changes the color of the selection dot
str circle_color color of background of the circle that has the dot selection indicator in it
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool visible control visibility of element

Sizer Element

Note that while the Sizer is an element, it is implemented using a function and doesn't have the normal set of element methods.

This element is used to add more space.... more a Container Element or a Window. They are often better to use than hard-coded sizes on the containers typically.

"Pushes" out the size of whatever it is placed inside of. This includes Columns, Frames, Tabs and Windows

Sizer(h_pixels = 0, v_pixels = 0)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int h_pixels number of horizontal pixels
int v_pixels number of vertical pixels
(Column) RETURN (Column) A column element that has a pad setting set according to parameters

Sizegrip Element

    Sizegrip element will be added to the bottom right corner of your window.
    It should be placed on the last row of your window along with any other elements on that row.
    The color will match the theme's background color.

Sizegrip Element

Sizegrip(background_color = None,
    pad = None,
    p = (0, 0),
    key = None,
    k = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str background_color color to use for the background of the grip
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



A dummy update call. This will only be called if an element hasn't implemented an update method It is provided here for docstring purposes. If you got here by browing code via PyCharm, know that this is not the function that will be called. Your actual element's update method will be called.

If you call update, you must call window.refresh if you want the change to happen prior to your next call. Normally uou don't do this as the call is likely going to happen next.

update(args=*<1 or N object>, kwargs)


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

Slider Element

A slider, horizontal or vertical
Slider(range = (None, None),
    default_value = None,
    resolution = None,
    tick_interval = None,
    orientation = None,
    disable_number_display = False,
    border_width = None,
    relief = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    disabled = False,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    font = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    trough_color = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    tooltip = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float] range slider's range (min value, max value)
int or float default_value starting value for the slider
int or float resolution the smallest amount the slider can be moved
int or float tick_interval how often a visible tick should be shown next to slider
str orientation 'horizontal' or 'vertical' ('h' or 'v' also work)
bool disable_number_display if True no number will be displayed by the Slider Element
int border_width width of border around element in pixels
bool change_submits * DEPRICATED DO NOT USE. Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events If True then moving the slider will generate an Event
bool disabled set disable state for element
(int, int) size (l=length chars/rows, w=width pixels)
(int, int) or (None, None) s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str background_color color of slider's background
str text_color color of the slider's text
str trough_color color of the slider's trough
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Slider Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    range = (None, None),
    disabled = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int or float value sets current slider value
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float range Sets a new range for slider
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Slider Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    range = (None, None),
    disabled = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int or float value sets current slider value
(int, int) or Tuple[float, float range Sets a new range for slider
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool visible control visibility of element

Spin Element

A spinner with up/down buttons and a single line of text. Choose 1 values from list
    initial_value = None,
    disabled = False,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    readonly = False,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    bind_return_key = None,
    font = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Tuple[Any] or List[Any] values List of valid values
Any initial_value Initial item to show in window. Choose from list of values supplied
bool disabled set disable state
bool change_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Spin events happen when an item changes
bool readonly Turns on the element specific events. Spin events happen when an item changes
(int, int) or (None, None) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_text if True will size the element to match the length of the text
bool bind_return_key If True, then the return key will cause a the element to generate an event
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Return the current chosen value showing in spinbox. This value will be the same as what was provided as list of choices. If list items are ints, then the item returned will be an int (not a string)


Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The currently visible entry


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Spin Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior Note that the state can be in 3 states only.... enabled, disabled, readonly even though more combinations are available. The easy way to remember is that if you change the readonly parameter then you are enabling the element.

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    values = None,
    disabled = None,
    readonly = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value set the current value from list of choices
List[Any] values set available choices
bool disabled disable. Note disabled and readonly cannot be mixed. It must be one OR the other
bool readonly make element readonly. Note disabled and readonly cannot be mixed. It must be one OR the other
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Return the current chosen value showing in spinbox. This value will be the same as what was provided as list of choices. If list items are ints, then the item returned will be an int (not a string)


Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The currently visible entry


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Spin Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior Note that the state can be in 3 states only.... enabled, disabled, readonly even though more combinations are available. The easy way to remember is that if you change the readonly parameter then you are enabling the element.

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    values = None,
    disabled = None,
    readonly = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any value set the current value from list of choices
List[Any] values set available choices
bool disabled disable. Note disabled and readonly cannot be mixed. It must be one OR the other
bool readonly make element readonly. Note disabled and readonly cannot be mixed. It must be one OR the other
bool visible control visibility of element

StatusBar Element

A StatusBar Element creates the sunken text-filled strip at the bottom. Many Windows programs have this line
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    click_submits = None,
    enable_events = False,
    relief = "sunken",
    font = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    justification = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    tooltip = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str text Text that is to be displayed in the widget
(int, int) or (int, None) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_text True if size should fit the text length
bool click_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. StatusBar events occur when the bar is clicked
enum relief relief style. Values are same as progress meter relief values. Can be a constant or a string: RELIEF_RAISED RELIEF_SUNKEN RELIEF_FLAT RELIEF_RIDGE RELIEF_GROOVE RELIEF_SOLID
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str text_color color of the text
str background_color color of background
str justification how string should be aligned within space provided by size. Valid choices = left, right, center
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Status Bar Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str value new text to show
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool visible set visibility state of the element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Status Bar Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str value new text to show
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool visible set visibility state of the element

Tab Element

Tab Element is another "Container" element that holds a layout and displays a tab with text. Used with TabGroup only
Tabs are never placed directly into a layout.  They are always "Contained" in a TabGroup layout
    title_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    disabled = False,
    border_width = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    element_justification = "left",
    image_source = None,
    image_subsample = None,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title text to show on the tab
List[List[Element]] layout The element layout that will be shown in the tab
str title_color color of the tab text (note not currently working on tkinter)
str background_color color of background of the entire layout
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font NOT USED in the tkinter port
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
bool disabled If True button will be created disabled
int border_width NOT USED in tkinter port
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
str element_justification All elements inside the Tab will have this justification 'left', 'right', 'center' are valid values
str or bytes or None image_source A filename or a base64 bytes of an image to place on the Tab
int image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Not recommended use call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Frame Element.

add_row(args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Element] *args The list of elements for this row


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



Not user callable. Use layout parameter instead. Creates the layout using the supplied rows of Elements


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Element]] rows List[List[Element]] The list of rows
RETURN (Tab) used for chaining


Create a tkinter event that mimics user clicking on a tab. Must have called window.Finalize / Read first!



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Tab Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(title = None,
    disabled = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title tab title
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Not recommended use call. Used to add rows of Elements to the Frame Element.

AddRow(args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[Element] *args The list of elements for this row


Not user callable. Use layout parameter instead. Creates the layout using the supplied rows of Elements


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Element]] rows List[List[Element]] The list of rows
RETURN (Tab) used for chaining


Create a tkinter event that mimics user clicking on a tab. Must have called window.Finalize / Read first!



Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Tab Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(title = None,
    disabled = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title tab title
bool disabled disable or enable state of the element
bool visible control visibility of element

TabGroup Element

TabGroup Element groups together your tabs into the group of tabs you see displayed in your window
    tab_location = None,
    title_color = None,
    tab_background_color = None,
    selected_title_color = None,
    selected_background_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    focus_color = None,
    font = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    border_width = None,
    tab_border_width = None,
    theme = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Tab]] layout Layout of Tabs. Different than normal layouts. ALL Tabs should be on first row
str tab_location location that tabs will be displayed. Choices are left, right, top, bottom, lefttop, leftbottom, righttop, rightbottom, bottomleft, bottomright, topleft, topright
str title_color color of text on tabs
str tab_background_color color of all tabs that are not selected
str selected_title_color color of tab text when it is selected
str selected_background_color color of tab when it is selected
str background_color color of background area that tabs are located on
str focus_color color of focus indicator on the tabs
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool change_submits * DEPRICATED DO NOT USE. Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events If True then switching tabs will generate an Event
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
int border_width width of border around element in pixels
int tab_border_width width of border around the tabs
enum theme DEPRICATED - You can only specify themes using set options or when window is created. It's not possible to do it on an element basis
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
(intorNone, intorNone) size (width, height) w=pixels-wide, h=pixels-high. Either item in tuple can be None to indicate use the computed value and set only 1 direction
(intorNone, intorNone) s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Add a new tab to an existing TabGroup This call was written so that tabs can be added at runtime as your user performs operations. Your Window should already be created and finalized.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Tab tab_element A Tab Element that has a layout in it


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Searches through the layout to find the key that matches the text on the tab. Implies names should be unique


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tab_name name of a tab
key or None RETURN Returns the key or None if no key found


Returns the current value for the Tab Group, which will be the currently selected tab's KEY or the text on the tab if no key is defined. Returns None if an error occurs. Note that this is exactly the same data that would be returned from a call to Window.Read. Are you sure you are using this method correctly?


Type Name Meaning
Any None return


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Searches through the layout to find the key that matches the text on the tab. Implies names should be unique


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tab_name name of a tab
key or None RETURN Returns the key or None if no key found


Returns the current value for the Tab Group, which will be the currently selected tab's KEY or the text on the tab if no key is defined. Returns None if an error occurs. Note that this is exactly the same data that would be returned from a call to Window.Read. Are you sure you are using this method correctly?


Type Name Meaning
Any None return


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.

Table Element

    headings = None,
    visible_column_map = None,
    col_widths = None,
    def_col_width = 10,
    auto_size_columns = True,
    max_col_width = 20,
    select_mode = None,
    display_row_numbers = False,
    num_rows = None,
    row_height = None,
    font = None,
    justification = "right",
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    alternating_row_color = None,
    selected_row_colors = (None, None),
    header_text_color = None,
    header_background_color = None,
    header_font = None,
    header_border_width = None,
    header_relief = None,
    row_colors = None,
    vertical_scroll_only = True,
    hide_vertical_scroll = False,
    border_width = None,
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    enable_click_events = False,
    right_click_selects = False,
    bind_return_key = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[str or int or float]] values Your table data represented as a 2-dimensions table... a list of rows, with each row representing a row in your table.
List[str] headings The headings to show on the top line
List[bool] visible_column_map One entry for each column. False indicates the column is not shown
List[int] col_widths Number of characters that each column will occupy
int def_col_width Default column width in characters
bool auto_size_columns if True columns will be sized automatically
int max_col_width Maximum width for all columns in characters
enum select_mode Select Mode. Valid values start with "TABLE_SELECT_MODE_". Valid values are: TABLE_SELECT_MODE_NONE TABLE_SELECT_MODE_BROWSE TABLE_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED
bool display_row_numbers if True, the first column of the table will be the row #
int num_rows The number of rows of the table to display at a time
int row_height height of a single row in pixels
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str justification 'left', 'right', 'center' are valid choices
str text_color color of the text
str background_color color of background
str alternating_row_color if set then every other row will have this color in the background.
str or (str, str) selected_row_colors Sets the text color and background color for a selected row. Same format as button colors - tuple ('red', 'yellow') or string 'red on yellow'. Defaults to theme's button color
str header_text_color sets the text color for the header
str header_background_color sets the background color for the header
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) header_font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(int or None) header_border_width Border width for the header portion
(str or None) header_relief Relief style for the header. Values are same as other elements that use relief. RELIEF_RAISED RELIEF_SUNKEN RELIEF_FLAT RELIEF_RIDGE RELIEF_GROOVE RELIEF_SOLID
List[Tuple[int, str] or Tuple[Int, str, str]] row_colors list of tuples of (row, background color) OR (row, foreground color, background color). Sets the colors of listed rows to the color(s) provided (note the optional foreground color)
bool vertical_scroll_only if True only the vertical scrollbar will be visible
bool hide_vertical_scroll if True vertical scrollbar will be hidden
int border_width Border width/depth in pixels
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
(int, int) size DO NOT USE! Use num_rows instead
bool change_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Table events happen when row is clicked
bool enable_click_events Turns on the element click events that will give you (row, col) click data when the table is clicked
bool right_click_selects If True, then right clicking a row will select that row if multiple rows are not currently selected
bool bind_return_key if True, pressing return key will cause event coming from Table, ALSO a left button double click will generate an event if this parameter is True
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Dummy function for tkinter port. In the Qt port you can read back the values in the table in case they were edited. Don't know yet how to enable editing of a Tree in tkinter so just returning the values provided by user when Table was created or Updated.


Type Name Meaning
List[List[Any]] return the current table values (for now what was originally provided up updated)


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Table Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(values = None,
    num_rows = None,
    visible = None,
    select_rows = None,
    alternating_row_color = None,
    row_colors = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[str or int or float]] values A new 2-dimensional table to show
int num_rows How many rows to display at a time
bool visible if True then will be visible
List[int] select_rows List of rows to select as if user did
str alternating_row_color the color to make every other row
List[Tuple[int, str] or Tuple[Int, str, str]] row_colors list of tuples of (row, background color) OR (row, foreground color, background color). Changes the colors of listed rows to the color(s) provided (note the optional foreground color)


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Dummy function for tkinter port. In the Qt port you can read back the values in the table in case they were edited. Don't know yet how to enable editing of a Tree in tkinter so just returning the values provided by user when Table was created or Updated.


Type Name Meaning
List[List[Any]] return the current table values (for now what was originally provided up updated)


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Table Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(values = None,
    num_rows = None,
    visible = None,
    select_rows = None,
    alternating_row_color = None,
    row_colors = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[str or int or float]] values A new 2-dimensional table to show
int num_rows How many rows to display at a time
bool visible if True then will be visible
List[int] select_rows List of rows to select as if user did
str alternating_row_color the color to make every other row
List[Tuple[int, str] or Tuple[Int, str, str]] row_colors list of tuples of (row, background color) OR (row, foreground color, background color). Changes the colors of listed rows to the color(s) provided (note the optional foreground color)

Text Element

Text - Display some text in the window.  Usually this means a single line of text.  However, the text can also be multiple lines.  If multi-lined there are no scroll bars.
Text(text = "",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    click_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    relief = None,
    font = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    border_width = None,
    justification = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    grab = None,
    tooltip = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any text The text to display. Can include /n to achieve multiple lines. Will convert (optional) parameter into a string
(int, int) or (int, None) or (None, None) or (int, ) or int size (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1
(int, int) or (int, None) or (None, None) or (int, ) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_text if True size of the Text Element will be sized to fit the string provided in 'text' parm
bool click_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Text events happen when the text is clicked
(str/enum) relief relief style around the text. Values are same as progress meter relief values. Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str text_color color of the text
str background_color color of background
int border_width number of pixels for the border (if using a relief)
str justification how string should be aligned within space provided by size. Valid choices = left, right, center
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool grab If True can grab this element and move the window around. Default is False
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Returns a list of strings that tkinter reports as the installed fonts


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[str] RETURN List of the installed font names


Gets the current value of the displayed text


Type Name Meaning
(str) return The current value


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Text Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(value = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str value new text to show
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool visible set visibility state of the element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Gets the current value of the displayed text


Type Name Meaning
(str) return The current value


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Text Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(value = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str value new text to show
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool visible set visibility state of the element

Titlebar Element

Note that while the Titlebar is an element, it is implemented using a function.

It is actually a "compound element" that consists of several elements combined into a single Column element. See the Column element to get a list of method calls available. The function returns a Column element. This type of construct is referred to as "User Defined Elements" in the documentation and tutorials.

A custom titlebar that replaces the OS provided titlebar, thus giving you control the is not possible using the OS provided titlebar such as the color.

NOTE LINUX USERS - at the moment the minimize function is not yet working. Windows users should have no problem and it should function as a normal window would.

This titlebar is created from a row of elements that is then encapsulated into a one Column element which is what this Titlebar function returns to you.

A custom titlebar removes the margins from your window. If you want the remainder of your Window to have margins, place the layout after the Titlebar into a Column and set the pad of that Column to the dimensions you would like your margins to have.

The Titlebar is a COLUMN element. You can thus call the update method for the column and perform operations such as making the column visible/invisible

Titlebar(title = "",
    icon = None,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    font = None,
    key = None,
    k = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes or None icon Can be either a filename or Base64 byte string of a PNG or GIF. This is used in an Image element to create the titlebar
str title The "title" to show in the titlebar
str or None text_color Text color for titlebar
str or None background_color Background color for titlebar
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font Font to be used for the text and the symbols
str or int or tuple or object or None key Identifies an Element. Should be UNIQUE to this window.
str or int or tuple or object or None k Exactly the same as key. Choose one of them to use
Column RETURN A single Column element that has eveything in 1 element

Tree Element

Tree Element - Presents data in a tree-like manner, much like a file/folder browser.  Uses the TreeData class
to hold the user's data and pass to the element for display.
Tree(data = None,
    headings = None,
    visible_column_map = None,
    col_widths = None,
    col0_width = 10,
    col0_heading = "",
    def_col_width = 10,
    auto_size_columns = True,
    max_col_width = 20,
    select_mode = None,
    show_expanded = False,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    font = None,
    justification = "right",
    text_color = None,
    border_width = None,
    background_color = None,
    selected_row_colors = (None, None),
    header_text_color = None,
    header_background_color = None,
    header_font = None,
    header_border_width = None,
    header_relief = None,
    num_rows = None,
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None,
    row_height = None,
    vertical_scroll_only = True,
    hide_vertical_scroll = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    tooltip = None,
    right_click_menu = None,
    expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
TreeData data The data represented using a PySimpleGUI provided TreeData class
List[str] headings List of individual headings for each column
List[bool] visible_column_map Determines if a column should be visible. If left empty, all columns will be shown
List[int] col_widths List of column widths so that individual column widths can be controlled
int col0_width Size of Column 0 which is where the row numbers will be optionally shown
str col0_heading Text to be shown in the header for the left-most column
int def_col_width default column width
bool auto_size_columns if True, the size of a column is determined using the contents of the column
int max_col_width the maximum size a column can be
enum select_mode Use same values as found on Table Element. Valid values include: TABLE_SELECT_MODE_NONE TABLE_SELECT_MODE_BROWSE TABLE_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED
bool show_expanded if True then the tree will be initially shown with all nodes completely expanded
bool change_submits DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events. Tree events happen when row is clicked
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str justification 'left', 'right', 'center' are valid choices
str text_color color of the text
int border_width Border width/depth in pixels
str background_color color of background
str or (str, str) selected_row_colors Sets the text color and background color for a selected row. Same format as button colors - tuple ('red', 'yellow') or string 'red on yellow'. Defaults to theme's button color
str header_text_color sets the text color for the header
str header_background_color sets the background color for the header
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) header_font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(int or None) header_border_width Border width for the header portion
(str or None) header_relief Relief style for the header. Values are same as other elements that use relief. RELIEF_RAISED RELIEF_SUNKEN RELIEF_FLAT RELIEF_RIDGE RELIEF_GROOVE RELIEF_SOLID
int num_rows The number of rows of the table to display at a time
int row_height height of a single row in pixels
bool vertical_scroll_only if True only the vertical scrollbar will be visible
bool hide_vertical_scroll if True vertical scrollbar will be hidden
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
List[List[str] or str]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
bool expand_x If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space
bool expand_y If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space
bool visible set visibility state of the element
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Not a user function. Recursive method that inserts tree data into the tkinter treeview widget.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
TreeData node The node to insert. Will insert all nodes from starting point downward, recursively


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Enable or disable the element from getting focus by using the keyboard. If the block parameter is True, then this element will not be given focus by using the keyboard to go from one element to another. You CAN click on the element and utilize it.

block_focus(block = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool block if True the element will not get focus via the keyboard


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Attempts to set the vertical scroll postition for an element's Widget


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float percent_from_top From 0 to 1.0, the percentage from the top to move scrollbar to


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



Changes some of the settings for the Tree Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

update(values = None,
    key = None,
    value = None,
    text = None,
    icon = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
TreeData values Representation of the tree
str or int or tuple or object key identifies a particular item in tree to update
Any value sets the node identified by key to a particular value
str text sets the node identified by key to this string
bytes or str icon can be either a base64 icon or a filename for the icon
bool visible control visibility of element


property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Sets the current focus to be on this element

SetFocus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Changes some of the settings for the Tree Element. Must call Window.Read or Window.Finalize prior

Changes will not be visible in your window until you call or window.refresh.

If you change visibility, your element may MOVE. If you want it to remain stationary, use the "layout helper" function "pin" to ensure your element is "pinned" to that location in your layout so that it returns there when made visible.

Update(values = None,
    key = None,
    value = None,
    text = None,
    icon = None,
    visible = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
TreeData values Representation of the tree
str or int or tuple or object key identifies a particular item in tree to update
Any value sets the node identified by key to a particular value
str text sets the node identified by key to this string
bytes or str icon can be either a base64 icon or a filename for the icon
bool visible control visibility of element

TreeData (for Tree Element)

Class that user fills in to represent their tree data. It's a very simple tree representation with a root "Node"
with possibly one or more children "Nodes".  Each Node contains a key, text to display, list of values to display
and an icon.  The entire tree is built using a single method, Insert.  Nothing else is required to make the tree.

Instantiate the object, initializes the Tree Data, creates a root node for you



Contains information about the individual node in the tree

    icon = None)


Inserts a node into the tree. This is how user builds their tree, by Inserting Nodes This is the ONLY user callable method in the TreeData class

    icon = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Node parent the parent Node
str or int or tuple or object key Used to uniquely identify this node
str text The text that is displayed at this node's location
List[Any] values The list of values that are displayed at this node
str or bytes icon icon


Inserts a node into the tree. This is how user builds their tree, by Inserting Nodes This is the ONLY user callable method in the TreeData class

    icon = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Node parent the parent Node
str or int or tuple or object key Used to uniquely identify this node
str text The text that is displayed at this node's location
List[Any] values The list of values that are displayed at this node
str or bytes icon icon

VerticalSeparator Element

Vertical Separator Element draws a vertical line at the given location. It will span 1 "row". Usually paired with
Column Element if extra height is needed
VerticalSeparator(color = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str color Color of the line. Defaults to theme's text color. Can be name or #RRGGBB format
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Value that uniquely identifies this element from all other elements. Used when Finding an element or in return values. Must be unique to the window
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.


Used to add tkinter events to an Element. The tkinter specific data is in the Element's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str key_modifier Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event to the element


Causes the Element to expand to fill available space in the X and Y directions. Can specify which or both directions

expand(expand_x = False,
    expand_y = False,
    expand_row = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool expand_x If True Element will expand in the Horizontal directions
bool expand_y If True Element will expand in the Vertical directions
bool expand_row If True the row containing the element will also expand. Without this your element is "trapped" within the row


Gets the next element that should get focus after this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that will get focus after this one


Gets the element that should get focus previous to this element.


Type Name Meaning
(Element) return Element that should get the focus before this one


Return the size of an element in Pixels. Care must be taken as some elements use characters to specify their size but will return pixels when calling this get_size method.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return width and height of the element


Excludes this element from being used by the grab_anywhere feature Handy for elements like a Graph element when dragging is enabled. You want the Graph element to get the drag events instead of the window dragging.



Includes this element in the grab_anywhere feature This will allow you to make a Multline element drag a window for example



Hide the entire row an Element is located on. Use this if you must have all space removed when you are hiding an element, including the row container



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is an Element property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Sets the cursor for the current Element. "Cursor" is used in 2 different ways in this call. For the parameter "cursor" it's actually the mouse pointer. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none" For the parameter "cursor_color" it's the color of the beam used when typing into an input element

set_cursor(cursor = None, cursor_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name
str cursor_color color to set the "cursor" to


Sets the current focus to be on this element

set_focus(force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool force if True will call focus_force otherwise calls focus_set


Changes the size of an element to a specific size. It's possible to specify None for one of sizes so that only 1 of the element's dimensions are changed.

set_size(size = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size The size in characters, rows typically. In some cases they are pixels


Called by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using the Element Object such as: window.Element('key').SetToolTip('New tip').


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str tooltip_text the text to show in tooltip.


Removes a previously bound tkinter event from an Element.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function


Unhides (makes visible again) the row container that the Element is located on. Note that it will re-appear at the bottom of the window / container, most likely.



property: visible

Returns visibility state for the element. This is a READONLY property

Type Name Meaning
(bool) return Visibility state for element


property: widget

Returns tkinter widget for the element. This is a READONLY property. The implementation is that the Widget member variable is returned. This is a backward compatible addition

Type Name Meaning
(tkinter.Widget) return The element's underlying tkinter widget

VPush Element (aliases include VP and VStretch)

Like the Push element, this is not a true element but rather a function acting like an element. It will "Push" all elements above and below away from it.

Example: If first row has a VPush, then your layout will be At the bottom of the container it is in. If one is on the last row, then the layout will be at the top of the container. If you use TWO VPush, one on the first row and one on the last row, then your layout will be centered vertically.

Acts like a Stretch element found in the Qt port. Used in a Vertical fashion.

VPush(background_color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str background_color color of background may be needed because of how this is implemented

Window - The Window Object

Represents a single Window
    layout = None,
    default_element_size = None,
    default_button_element_size = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    auto_size_buttons = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    size = (None, None),
    element_padding = None,
    margins = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    font = None,
    progress_bar_color = (None, None),
    background_color = None,
    border_depth = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = 3,
    icon = None,
    force_toplevel = False,
    alpha_channel = 1,
    return_keyboard_events = False,
    use_default_focus = True,
    text_justification = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    grab_anywhere_using_control = True,
    keep_on_top = None,
    resizable = False,
    disable_close = False,
    disable_minimize = False,
    right_click_menu = None,
    transparent_color = None,
    debugger_enabled = True,
    right_click_menu_background_color = None,
    right_click_menu_text_color = None,
    right_click_menu_disabled_text_color = None,
    right_click_menu_selected_colors = (None, None),
    right_click_menu_font = None,
    right_click_menu_tearoff = False,
    finalize = False,
    element_justification = "left",
    ttk_theme = None,
    use_ttk_buttons = None,
    modal = False,
    enable_close_attempted_event = False,
    titlebar_background_color = None,
    titlebar_text_color = None,
    titlebar_font = None,
    titlebar_icon = None,
    use_custom_titlebar = None,
    scaling = None,
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title The title that will be displayed in the Titlebar and on the Taskbar
List[List[Element]] or Tuple[Tuple[Element]] layout The layout for the window. Can also be specified in the Layout method
(int, int) - (width, height) default_element_size size in characters (wide) and rows (high) for all elements in this window
(int, int) default_button_element_size (width, height) size in characters (wide) and rows (high) for all Button elements in this window
bool auto_size_text True if Elements in Window should be sized to exactly fir the length of text
bool auto_size_buttons True if Buttons in this Window should be sized to exactly fit the text on this.
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
(int, int) location (x,y) location, in pixels, to locate the upper left corner of the window on the screen. Default is to center on screen.
(int, int) size (width, height) size in pixels for this window. Normally the window is autosized to fit contents, not set to an absolute size by the user. Try not to set this value. You risk, the contents being cut off, etc. Let the layout determine the window size instead
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int)) or int element_padding Default amount of padding to put around elements in window (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)), or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int) margins (left/right, top/bottom) Amount of pixels to leave inside the window's frame around the edges before your elements are shown.
(str, str) or str button_color Default button colors for all buttons in the window
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(str, str) progress_bar_color (bar color, background color) Sets the default colors for all progress bars in the window
str background_color color of background
int border_depth Default border depth (width) for all elements in the window
bool auto_close If True, the window will automatically close itself
int auto_close_duration Number of seconds to wait before closing the window
(str or bytes) icon Can be either a filename or Base64 value. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO. Most portable is to use a Base64 of a PNG file. This works universally across all OS's
bool force_toplevel If True will cause this window to skip the normal use of a hidden master window
float alpha_channel Sets the opacity of the window. 0 = invisible 1 = completely visible. Values bewteen 0 & 1 will produce semi-transparent windows in SOME environments (The Raspberry Pi always has this value at 1 and cannot change.
bool return_keyboard_events if True key presses on the keyboard will be returned as Events from Read calls
bool use_default_focus If True will use the default focus algorithm to set the focus to the "Correct" element
'left' or 'right' or 'center' text_justification Default text justification for all Text Elements in window
bool no_titlebar If true, no titlebar nor frame will be shown on window. This means you cannot minimize the window and it will not show up on the taskbar
bool grab_anywhere If True can use mouse to click and drag to move the window. Almost every location of the window will work except input fields on some systems
bool grab_anywhere_using_control If True can use CONTROL key + left mouse mouse to click and drag to move the window. DEFAULT is TRUE. Unlike normal grab anywhere, it works on all elements.
bool keep_on_top If True, window will be created on top of all other windows on screen. It can be bumped down if another window created with this parm
bool resizable If True, allows the user to resize the window. Note the not all Elements will change size or location when resizing.
bool disable_close If True, the X button in the top right corner of the window will no work. Use with caution and always give a way out toyour users
bool disable_minimize if True the user won't be able to minimize window. Good for taking over entire screen and staying that way.
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] right_click_menu A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format.
str transparent_color Any portion of the window that has this color will be completely transparent. You can even click through these spots to the window under this window.
bool debugger_enabled If True then the internal debugger will be enabled
str right_click_menu_background_color Background color for right click menus
str right_click_menu_text_color Text color for right click menus
str right_click_menu_disabled_text_color Text color for disabled right click menu items
(str, str) or str or Tuple right_click_menu_selected_colors Text AND background colors for a selected item. Can be a Tuple OR a color string. simplified-button-color-string "foreground on background". Can be a single color if want to set only the background. Normally a tuple, but can be a simplified-dual-color-string "foreground on background". Can be a single color if want to set only the background.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) right_click_menu_font Font for right click menus
bool right_click_menu_tearoff If True then all right click menus can be torn off
bool finalize If True then the Finalize method will be called. Use this rather than chaining .Finalize for cleaner code
str element_justification All elements in the Window itself will have this justification 'left', 'right', 'center' are valid values
str ttk_theme Set the tkinter ttk "theme" of the window. Default = DEFAULT_TTK_THEME. Sets all ttk widgets to this theme as their default
bool use_ttk_buttons Affects all buttons in window. True = use ttk buttons. False = do not use ttk buttons. None = use ttk buttons only if on a Mac
bool modal If True then this window will be the only window a user can interact with until it is closed
bool enable_close_attempted_event If True then the window will not close when "X" clicked. Instead an event WINDOW_CLOSE_ATTEMPTED_EVENT if returned from
(str or None) titlebar_background_color If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as background color
(str or None) titlebar_text_color If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as text color
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) titlebar_font If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as title font
(bytes or str) titlebar_icon If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as the icon (file or base64 bytes)
bool use_custom_titlebar If True, then a custom titlebar will be used instead of the normal titlebar
float scaling Apply scaling to the elements in the window. Can be set on a global basis using set_options
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Adds a single row of elements to a window's self.Rows variables. Generally speaking this is NOT how users should be building Window layouts. Users, create a single layout (a list of lists) and pass as a parameter to Window object, or call Window.Layout(layout)

add_row(args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
*args List[Elements]


Loops through a list of lists of elements and adds each row, list, to the layout. This is NOT the best way to go about creating a window. Sending the entire layout at one time and passing it as a parameter to the Window call is better.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Elements]] rows A list of a list of elements


property: alpha_channel

A property that changes the current alpha channel value (internal value)

Type Name Meaning
(float) return the current alpha channel setting according to self, not read directly from tkinter


Used to add tkinter events to a Window. The tkinter specific data is in the Window's member variable user_bind_event

    propagate = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str bind_string The string tkinter expected in its bind function
str or int or tuple or object key The event that will be generated when the tkinter event occurs
bool propagate If True then tkinter will be told to propagate the event


Brings this window to the top of all other windows (perhaps may not be brought before a window made to "stay on top")



Closes window. Users can safely call even if window has been destroyed. Should always call when done with a window so that resources are properly freed up within your thread.



Get the current location of the window's top left corner. Sometimes, depending on the environment, the value returned does not include the titlebar,etc A new option, more_accurate, can be used to get the theoretical upper leftmost corner of the window. The titlebar and menubar are crated by the OS. It gets really confusing when running in a webpage (repl, trinket) Thus, the values can appear top be "off" due to the sometimes unpredictable way the location is calculated.

current_location(more_accurate = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool more_accurate If True, will use the window's geometry to get the topmost location with titlebar, menubar taken into account
Tuple[(int or None), (int or None)] RETURN The x and y location in tuple form (x,y)


Make a "bell" sound. A capability provided by tkinter. Your window needs to be finalized prior to calling. Ring a display's bell is the tkinter description of the call.

ding(display_number = 0)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int display_number Passed to tkinter's bell method as parameter "displayof".


Disables window from taking any input from the user



Disable the internal debugger. By default the debugger is ENABLED



Causes a window to "disappear" from the screen, but remain on the taskbar. It does this by turning the alpha channel to 0. NOTE that on some platforms alpha is not supported. The window will remain showing on these platforms. The Raspberry Pi for example does not have an alpha setting





Returns a list of all elements in the window


Type Name Meaning
List[Element] return List of all elements in the window and container elements in the window


Re-enables window to take user input after having it be Disabled previously



Enables the internal debugger. By default, the debugger IS enabled



Adds new rows to an existing container element inside of this window If the container is a scrollable Column, you need to also call the contents_changed() method

extend_layout(container, rows)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Frame or Column or Tab container The container Element the layout will be placed inside of
(List[List[Element]]) rows The layout to be added
(Window) RETURN (Window) self so could be chained


Fill in elements that are input fields with data based on a 'values dictionary'


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(Dict[Any, Any]) - {Element_key : value} values_dict pairs
(Window) RETURN returns self so can be chained with other methods


Use this method to cause your layout to built into a real tkinter window. In reality this method is like Read(timeout=0). It doesn't block and uses your layout to create tkinter widgets to represent the elements. Lots of action!


Type Name Meaning
(Window) return Returns 'self' so that method "Chaining" can happen (read up about it as it's very cool!)



Find element object associated with the provided key. THIS METHOD IS NO LONGER NEEDED to be called by the user

You can perform the same operation by writing this statement: element = window[key]

You can drop the entire "find_element" function name and use [ ] instead.

However, if you wish to perform a lookup without error checking, and don't have error popups turned off globally, you'll need to make this call so that you can disable error checks on this call.

find_element is yypically used in combination with a call to element's Update method (or any other element method!): window[key].update(new_value)

Versus the "old way" window.FindElement(key).Update(new_value)

This call can be abbreviated to any of these: find_element = FindElement == Element == Find With find_element being the PEP8 compliant call that should be used.

Rememeber that this call will return None if no match is found which may cause your code to crash if not checked for.

find_element(key, silent_on_error = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
bool silent_on_error If True do not display popup nor print warning of key errors
Element or Error Element or None RETURN Return value can be: the Element that matches the supplied key if found; an Error Element if silent_on_error is False; None if silent_on_error True;


Returns the Element that currently has focus as reported by tkinter. If no element is found None is returned!


Type Name Meaning
Element None return


Forces this window to take focus



Get the screen dimensions. NOTE - you must have a window already open for this to work (blame tkinter not me)


Type Name Meaning
Tuple[None, None] Tuple[width, height] return


This is a "Class Method" meaning you call it by writing: width, height = Window.get_screen_size() Returns the size of the "screen" as determined by tkinter. This can vary depending on your operating system and the number of monitors installed on your system. For Windows, the primary monitor's size is returns. On some multi-monitored Linux systems, the monitors are combined and the total size is reported as if one screen.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) RETURN Size of the screen in pixels as determined by tkinter


Turns off Grab Anywhere functionality AFTER a window has been created. Don't try on a window that's not yet been Finalized or Read.



Turns on Grab Anywhere functionality AFTER a window has been created. Don't try on a window that's not yet been Finalized or Read.



Hides the window from the screen and the task bar



Clears keep_on_top after a window has been created. Effect is the same as if the window was created with this set.



Sets keep_on_top after a window has been created. Effect is the same as if the window was created with this set. The Window is also brought to the front



property: key_dict

Returns a dictionary with all keys and their corresponding elements { key : Element }

Type Name Meaning
Dict[Any, Element] return Dictionary of keys and elements


Second of two preferred ways of telling a Window what its layout is. The other way is to pass the layout as a parameter to Window object. The parameter method is the currently preferred method. This call to Layout has been removed from examples contained in documents and in the Demo Programs. Trying to remove this call from history and replace with sending as a parameter to Window.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Elements]] rows Your entire layout
(Window) RETURN self so that you can chain method calls


Restore values from a previous call to SaveToDisk which saves the returned values dictionary in Pickle format


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename Pickle Filename to load


Makes a window into a "Modal Window" This means user will not be able to interact with other windows until this one is closed

    NOTE - Sorry Mac users - you can't have modal windows.... lobby your tkinter Mac devs


Maximize the window. This is done differently on a windows system versus a linux or mac one. For non-Windows the root attribute '-fullscreen' is set to True. For Windows the "root" state is changed to "zoomed" The reason for the difference is the title bar is removed in some cases when using fullscreen option



property: key

Returns key for the element. This is a READONLY property. Keys can be any hashable object (basically anything except a list... tuples are ok, but not lists)

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return The window's Key


property: metadata

Metadata is available for all windows. You can set to any value.

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Minimize this window to the task bar



Return the (x,y) location of the mouse relative to the entire screen. It's the same location that you would use to create a window, popup, etc.


Type Name Meaning
(int, int) return The location of the mouse pointer


Move the upper left corner of this window to the x,y coordinates provided

move(x, y)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int x x coordinate in pixels
int y y coordinate in pixels


Recenter your window after it's been moved or the size changed.

    This is a conveinence method. There are no tkinter calls involved, only pure PySimpleGUI API calls.


Restore a window to a non-maximized state. Does different things depending on platform. See Maximize for more.



Call your function that will take a long time to execute. When it's complete, send an event specified by the end_key.

Starts a thread on your behalf.

This is a way for you to "ease into" threading without learning the details of threading. Your function will run, and when it returns 2 things will happen:

  1. The value you provide for end_key will be returned to you when you call
  2. If your function returns a value, then the value returned will also be included in your call in the values dictionary

IMPORTANT - This method uses THREADS... this means you CANNOT make any PySimpleGUI calls from the function you provide with the exception of one function, Window.write_event_value.

perform_long_operation(func, end_key)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any func A lambda or a function name with no parms
Any end_key The key that will be generated when the function returns
threading.Thread RETURN The id of the thread


THE biggest deal method in the Window class! This is how you get all of your data from your Window. Pass in a timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for a maximum of timeout milliseconds. Will return timeout_key if no other GUI events happen first.

read(timeout = None,
    timeout_key = "__TIMEOUT__",
    close = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int timeout Milliseconds to wait until the Read will return IF no other GUI events happen first
Any timeout_key The value that will be returned from the call if the timer expired
bool close if True the window will be closed prior to returning
Tuple[(Any), Dict[Any, Any], List[Any], None] RETURN (event, values)


Causes a window previously made to "Disappear" (using that method). Does this by restoring the alpha channel



Refreshes the window by calling tkroot.update(). Can sometimes get away with a refresh instead of a Read. Use this call when you want something to appear in your Window immediately (as soon as this function is called). If you change an element in a window, your change will not be visible until the next call to or a call to Window.refresh()


Type Name Meaning
(Window) return self so that method calls can be easily "chained"


Saves the values contained in each of the input areas of the form. Basically saves what would be returned from a call to Read. It takes these results and saves them to disk using pickle. Note that every element in your layout that is to be saved must have a key assigned to it.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename Filename to save the values to in pickled form


Pushes this window to the bottom of the stack of windows. It is the opposite of BringToFront



Sets the Alpha Channel for a window. Values are between 0 and 1 where 0 is completely transparent


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float alpha 0 to 1. 0 is completely transparent. 1 is completely visible and solid (can't see through)


Sets the cursor for the window. If you do not want any mouse pointer, then use the string "none"


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str cursor The tkinter cursor name


Changes the icon that is shown on the title bar and on the task bar. NOTE - The file type is IMPORTANT and depends on the OS! Can pass in:

  • filename which must be a .ICO icon file for windows, PNG file for Linux
  • bytes object
  • BASE64 encoded file held in a variable
set_icon(icon = None, pngbase64 = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str icon Filename or bytes object
bytes pngbase64 Base64 encoded image


Changes the minimum size of the window. Note Window must be read or finalized first.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) size (width, height) tuple (int, int) of the desired window size in pixels


Change the title of the window


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title The string to set the title to


Set the color that will be transparent in your window. Areas with this color will be SEE THROUGH.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str color Color string that defines the transparent color


property: size

Return the current size of the window in pixels

Type Name Meaning
Tuple[(int), (int)] or Tuple[None, None] return (width, height) of the window


Call your function that will take a long time to execute. When it's complete, send an event specified by the end_key.

Starts a thread on your behalf.

This is a way for you to "ease into" threading without learning the details of threading. Your function will run, and when it returns 2 things will happen:

  1. The value you provide for end_key will be returned to you when you call
  2. If your function returns a value, then the value returned will also be included in your call in the values dictionary

IMPORTANT - This method uses THREADS... this means you CANNOT make any PySimpleGUI calls from the function you provide with the exception of one function, Window.write_event_value.

start_thread(func, end_key)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any func A lambda or a function name with no parms
Any end_key The key that will be generated when the function returns
threading.Thread RETURN The id of the thread


Used to bring back a window that was previously hidden using the Hide method



When making an element in a column or someplace that has a scrollbar, then you'll want to call this function prior to the column's contents_changed() method.



Returns True if the window was closed


Type Name Meaning
bool return True if the window is closed


Returns the element that matches a supplied tkinter widget. If no matching element is found, then None is returned.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Element or None RETURN Element that uses the specified widget


Adds a key & value tuple to the queue that is used by threads to communicate with the window

write_event_value(key, value)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key The key that will be returned as the event when reading the window
Any value The value that will be in the values dictionary

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

Do not use these... they are here for your reference should you see them in old code.

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Adds a single row of elements to a window's self.Rows variables. Generally speaking this is NOT how users should be building Window layouts. Users, create a single layout (a list of lists) and pass as a parameter to Window object, or call Window.Layout(layout)

AddRow(args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
*args List[Elements]


Loops through a list of lists of elements and adds each row, list, to the layout. This is NOT the best way to go about creating a window. Sending the entire layout at one time and passing it as a parameter to the Window call is better.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Elements]] rows A list of a list of elements


property: AlphaChannel

A property that changes the current alpha channel value (internal value)

Type Name Meaning
(float) return the current alpha channel setting according to self, not read directly from tkinter


Brings this window to the top of all other windows (perhaps may not be brought before a window made to "stay on top")



Closes window. Users can safely call even if window has been destroyed. Should always call when done with a window so that resources are properly freed up within your thread.



Get the current location of the window's top left corner. Sometimes, depending on the environment, the value returned does not include the titlebar,etc A new option, more_accurate, can be used to get the theoretical upper leftmost corner of the window. The titlebar and menubar are crated by the OS. It gets really confusing when running in a webpage (repl, trinket) Thus, the values can appear top be "off" due to the sometimes unpredictable way the location is calculated.

CurrentLocation(more_accurate = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool more_accurate If True, will use the window's geometry to get the topmost location with titlebar, menubar taken into account
Tuple[(int or None), (int or None)] RETURN The x and y location in tuple form (x,y)


Disables window from taking any input from the user



Disable the internal debugger. By default the debugger is ENABLED



Causes a window to "disappear" from the screen, but remain on the taskbar. It does this by turning the alpha channel to 0. NOTE that on some platforms alpha is not supported. The window will remain showing on these platforms. The Raspberry Pi for example does not have an alpha setting



Find element object associated with the provided key. THIS METHOD IS NO LONGER NEEDED to be called by the user

You can perform the same operation by writing this statement: element = window[key]

You can drop the entire "find_element" function name and use [ ] instead.

However, if you wish to perform a lookup without error checking, and don't have error popups turned off globally, you'll need to make this call so that you can disable error checks on this call.

find_element is yypically used in combination with a call to element's Update method (or any other element method!): window[key].update(new_value)

Versus the "old way" window.FindElement(key).Update(new_value)

This call can be abbreviated to any of these: find_element = FindElement == Element == Find With find_element being the PEP8 compliant call that should be used.

Rememeber that this call will return None if no match is found which may cause your code to crash if not checked for.

Elem(key, silent_on_error = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
bool silent_on_error If True do not display popup nor print warning of key errors
Element or Error Element or None RETURN Return value can be: the Element that matches the supplied key if found; an Error Element if silent_on_error is False; None if silent_on_error True;


Find element object associated with the provided key. THIS METHOD IS NO LONGER NEEDED to be called by the user

You can perform the same operation by writing this statement: element = window[key]

You can drop the entire "find_element" function name and use [ ] instead.

However, if you wish to perform a lookup without error checking, and don't have error popups turned off globally, you'll need to make this call so that you can disable error checks on this call.

find_element is yypically used in combination with a call to element's Update method (or any other element method!): window[key].update(new_value)

Versus the "old way" window.FindElement(key).Update(new_value)

This call can be abbreviated to any of these: find_element = FindElement == Element == Find With find_element being the PEP8 compliant call that should be used.

Rememeber that this call will return None if no match is found which may cause your code to crash if not checked for.

Element(key, silent_on_error = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
bool silent_on_error If True do not display popup nor print warning of key errors
Element or Error Element or None RETURN Return value can be: the Element that matches the supplied key if found; an Error Element if silent_on_error is False; None if silent_on_error True;


Re-enables window to take user input after having it be Disabled previously



Enables the internal debugger. By default, the debugger IS enabled



Fill in elements that are input fields with data based on a 'values dictionary'


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(Dict[Any, Any]) - {Element_key : value} values_dict pairs
(Window) RETURN returns self so can be chained with other methods


Use this method to cause your layout to built into a real tkinter window. In reality this method is like Read(timeout=0). It doesn't block and uses your layout to create tkinter widgets to represent the elements. Lots of action!


Type Name Meaning
(Window) return Returns 'self' so that method "Chaining" can happen (read up about it as it's very cool!)


Find element object associated with the provided key. THIS METHOD IS NO LONGER NEEDED to be called by the user

You can perform the same operation by writing this statement: element = window[key]

You can drop the entire "find_element" function name and use [ ] instead.

However, if you wish to perform a lookup without error checking, and don't have error popups turned off globally, you'll need to make this call so that you can disable error checks on this call.

find_element is yypically used in combination with a call to element's Update method (or any other element method!): window[key].update(new_value)

Versus the "old way" window.FindElement(key).Update(new_value)

This call can be abbreviated to any of these: find_element = FindElement == Element == Find With find_element being the PEP8 compliant call that should be used.

Rememeber that this call will return None if no match is found which may cause your code to crash if not checked for.

Find(key, silent_on_error = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
bool silent_on_error If True do not display popup nor print warning of key errors
Element or Error Element or None RETURN Return value can be: the Element that matches the supplied key if found; an Error Element if silent_on_error is False; None if silent_on_error True;


** Warning ** This call will eventually be depricated. **

It is suggested that you modify your code to use the recommended window[key] lookup or the PEP8 compliant window.find_element(key)

For now, you'll only see a message printed and the call will continue to funcation as before.

FindElement(key, silent_on_error = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
bool silent_on_error If True do not display popup nor print warning of key errors
Element or Error Element or None RETURN Return value can be: the Element that matches the supplied key if found; an Error Element if silent_on_error is False; None if silent_on_error True;


Returns the Element that currently has focus as reported by tkinter. If no element is found None is returned!


Type Name Meaning
Element None return


Get the screen dimensions. NOTE - you must have a window already open for this to work (blame tkinter not me)


Type Name Meaning
Tuple[None, None] Tuple[width, height] return


Turns off Grab Anywhere functionality AFTER a window has been created. Don't try on a window that's not yet been Finalized or Read.



Turns on Grab Anywhere functionality AFTER a window has been created. Don't try on a window that's not yet been Finalized or Read.



Hides the window from the screen and the task bar



Second of two preferred ways of telling a Window what its layout is. The other way is to pass the layout as a parameter to Window object. The parameter method is the currently preferred method. This call to Layout has been removed from examples contained in documents and in the Demo Programs. Trying to remove this call from history and replace with sending as a parameter to Window.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[Elements]] rows Your entire layout
(Window) RETURN self so that you can chain method calls


Restore values from a previous call to SaveToDisk which saves the returned values dictionary in Pickle format


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename Pickle Filename to load


Maximize the window. This is done differently on a windows system versus a linux or mac one. For non-Windows the root attribute '-fullscreen' is set to True. For Windows the "root" state is changed to "zoomed" The reason for the difference is the title bar is removed in some cases when using fullscreen option



Minimize this window to the task bar



Move the upper left corner of this window to the x,y coordinates provided

Move(x, y)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int x x coordinate in pixels
int y y coordinate in pixels


Restore a window to a non-maximized state. Does different things depending on platform. See Maximize for more.



THE biggest deal method in the Window class! This is how you get all of your data from your Window. Pass in a timeout (in milliseconds) to wait for a maximum of timeout milliseconds. Will return timeout_key if no other GUI events happen first.

Read(timeout = None,
    timeout_key = "__TIMEOUT__",
    close = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int timeout Milliseconds to wait until the Read will return IF no other GUI events happen first
Any timeout_key The value that will be returned from the call if the timer expired
bool close if True the window will be closed prior to returning
Tuple[(Any), Dict[Any, Any], List[Any], None] RETURN (event, values)


Causes a window previously made to "Disappear" (using that method). Does this by restoring the alpha channel



Refreshes the window by calling tkroot.update(). Can sometimes get away with a refresh instead of a Read. Use this call when you want something to appear in your Window immediately (as soon as this function is called). If you change an element in a window, your change will not be visible until the next call to or a call to Window.refresh()


Type Name Meaning
(Window) return self so that method calls can be easily "chained"


Saves the values contained in each of the input areas of the form. Basically saves what would be returned from a call to Read. It takes these results and saves them to disk using pickle. Note that every element in your layout that is to be saved must have a key assigned to it.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename Filename to save the values to in pickled form


Pushes this window to the bottom of the stack of windows. It is the opposite of BringToFront



Sets the Alpha Channel for a window. Values are between 0 and 1 where 0 is completely transparent


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
float alpha 0 to 1. 0 is completely transparent. 1 is completely visible and solid (can't see through)


Changes the icon that is shown on the title bar and on the task bar. NOTE - The file type is IMPORTANT and depends on the OS! Can pass in:

  • filename which must be a .ICO icon file for windows, PNG file for Linux
  • bytes object
  • BASE64 encoded file held in a variable
SetIcon(icon = None, pngbase64 = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str icon Filename or bytes object
bytes pngbase64 Base64 encoded image


Set the color that will be transparent in your window. Areas with this color will be SEE THROUGH.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str color Color string that defines the transparent color


property: Size

Return the current size of the window in pixels

Type Name Meaning
Tuple[(int), (int)] or Tuple[None, None] return (width, height) of the window


Used to bring back a window that was previously hidden using the Hide method



When making an element in a column or someplace that has a scrollbar, then you'll want to call this function prior to the column's contents_changed() method.


Layout Helper Funcs

Pin's an element provided into a layout so that when it's made invisible and visible again, it will be in the correct place. Otherwise it will be placed at the end of its containing window/column.

    vertical_alignment = None,
    shrink = True,
    expand_x = None,
    expand_y = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Element elem the element to put into the layout
str or None vertical_alignment Aligns elements vertically. 'top', 'center', 'bottom'. Can be shortened to 't', 'c', 'b'
bool shrink If True, then the space will shrink down to a single pixel when hidden. False leaves the area large and blank
bool expand_x If True/False the value will be passed to the Column Elements used to make this feature
bool expand_y If True/False the value will be passed to the Column Elements used to make this feature
Column RETURN A column element containing the provided element

Align an element or a row of elements to the bottom of the row that contains it

    expand_x = None,
    expand_y = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Element or List[Element] or Tuple[Element] elem_or_row the element or row of elements
bool expand_x If True/False the value will be passed to the Column Elements used to make this feature
bool expand_y If True/False the value will be passed to the Column Elements used to make this feature
Column or List[Column] RETURN A column element containing the provided element aligned to the bottom or list of elements (a row)

Align an element or a row of elements to the center of the row that contains it

    expand_x = None,
    expand_y = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Element or List[Element] or Tuple[Element] elem_or_row the element or row of elements
bool expand_x If True/False the value will be passed to the Column Elements used to make this feature
bool expand_y If True/False the value will be passed to the Column Elements used to make this feature
Column or List[Column] RETURN A column element containing the provided element aligned to the center or list of elements (a row)

Align an element or a row of elements to the top of the row that contains it

    expand_x = None,
    expand_y = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Element or List[Element] or Tuple[Element] elem_or_row the element or row of elements
bool expand_x If True/False the value will be passed to the Column Elements used to make this feature
bool expand_y If True/False the value will be passed to the Column Elements used to make this feature
Column or List[Column] RETURN A column element containing the provided element aligned to the top or list of elements (a row)

SystemTray - Only for Qt and Wx ports. Use psgtray package for the tkinter port

A "Simulated System Tray" that duplicates the API calls available to PySimpleGUIWx and PySimpleGUIQt users.

All of the functionality works. The icon is displayed ABOVE the system tray rather than inside of it.

SystemTray - create an icon in the system tray

SystemTray(menu = None,
    filename = None,
    data = None,
    data_base64 = None,
    tooltip = None,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[List[List[str] or str]] menu Menu definition. Example - ['UNUSED', ['My', 'Simple', '---', 'Menu', 'Exit']]
str filename filename for icon
bytes data in-ram image for icon (same as data_base64 parm)
bytes data_base64 base-64 data for icon
str tooltip tooltip string
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING


Close the system tray window



Hides the icon



property: metadata

Metadata is an SystemTray property that you can use at any time to hold any value

Type Name Meaning
(Any) return the current metadata value


Displays a "notification window", usually in the bottom right corner of your display. Has an icon, a title, and a message The window will slowly fade in and out if desired. Clicking on the window will cause it to move through the end the current "phase". For example, if the window was fading in and it was clicked, then it would immediately stop fading in and instead be fully visible. It's a way for the user to quickly dismiss the window.

    icon = ...,
    display_duration_in_ms = 3000,
    fade_in_duration = 1000,
    alpha = 0.9,
    location = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title Text to be shown at the top of the window in a larger font
str message Text message that makes up the majority of the window
bytes or str icon A base64 encoded PNG/GIF image or PNG/GIF filename that will be displayed in the window
int display_duration_in_ms Number of milliseconds to show the window
int fade_in_duration Number of milliseconds to fade window in and out
float alpha Alpha channel. 0 - invisible 1 - fully visible
(int, int) location Location on the screen to display the window
(int) RETURN (int) reason for returning


Reads the context menu

read(timeout = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
timeout Optional. Any value other than None indicates a non-blocking read


Shows a balloon above icon in system tray

    filename = None,
    data = None,
    data_base64 = None,
    messageicon = None,
    time = (1000, 3000))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title Title shown in balloon
str message Message to be displayed
str filename Optional icon filename
b'' data Optional in-ram icon
b'' data_base64 Optional base64 icon
int or (int, int) time Amount of time to display message in milliseconds. If tuple, first item is fade in/out duration
Any RETURN The event that happened during the display such as user clicked on message


Restores a previously hidden icon



Updates the menu, tooltip or icon

update(menu = None,
    tooltip = None,
    filename = None,
    data = None,
    data_base64 = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
??? menu menu defintion
??? tooltip string representing tooltip
??? filename icon filename
??? data icon raw image
??? data_base64 icon base 64 image

These are non-PEP8 Compliant Methods - do NOT use

The following methods are here for backwards compatibility reference. You will find there are PEP8 versions for each of these methods. The PEP8 versions will be all lower case and have underscores.


Close the system tray window



Hides the icon



Reads the context menu

Read(timeout = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
timeout Optional. Any value other than None indicates a non-blocking read


Shows a balloon above icon in system tray

    filename = None,
    data = None,
    data_base64 = None,
    messageicon = None,
    time = (1000, 3000))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title Title shown in balloon
str message Message to be displayed
str filename Optional icon filename
b'' data Optional in-ram icon
b'' data_base64 Optional base64 icon
int or (int, int) time Amount of time to display message in milliseconds. If tuple, first item is fade in/out duration
Any RETURN The event that happened during the display such as user clicked on message


Restores a previously hidden icon



Updates the menu, tooltip or icon

Update(menu = None,
    tooltip = None,
    filename = None,
    data = None,
    data_base64 = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
??? menu menu defintion
??? tooltip string representing tooltip
??? filename icon filename
??? data icon raw image
??? data_base64 icon base 64 image

Version Info

Returns a human-readable string of version numbers for:

Python version PySimpleGUI Port (tkinter in this case) tkinter version PySimpleGUI version The location of the file

The format is a newline between each value and descriptive text for each line


Multi-window Interface

Reads all windows that are "active" when the call is made. "Active" means that it's been finalized or read. If a window has not been finalized then it will not be considered an "active window"

If any of the active windows returns a value then the window and its event and values are returned.

If no windows are open, then the value (None, WIN_CLOSED, None) will be returned Since WIN_CLOSED is None, it means (None, None, None) is what's returned when no windows remain opened

read_all_windows(timeout = None, timeout_key = "__TIMEOUT__")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int timeout Time in milliseconds to delay before a returning a timeout event
Any timeout_key Key to return when a timeout happens. Defaults to the standard TIMEOUT_KEY
(Window, Any, Dict or List) RETURN A tuple with the (Window, event, values dictionary/list)

Pre-Defined Buttons (use in your layout)

Button that will show a calendar chooser window. Fills in the target element with result

    target = (555666777, -1),
    close_when_date_chosen = True,
    default_date_m_d_y = (None, None, None),
    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    tooltip = None,
    border_width = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    enable_events = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    locale = None,
    format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
    begin_at_sunday_plus = 0,
    month_names = None,
    day_abbreviations = None,
    title = "Choose Date",
    no_titlebar = True,
    location = (None, None),
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button
(int, int) or Any target Key or "coordinate" (see docs) of target element
bool close_when_date_chosen (Default = True)
(int, int or None, int) default_date_m_d_y Beginning date to show
image filename if there is a button image image_filename image filename if there is a button image
in-RAM image to be displayed on button image_data in-RAM image to be displayed on button
(Default = (None)) image_size image size (O.K.)
amount to reduce the size of the image image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
width of border around element border_width width of border around element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
str locale defines the locale used to get day names
str format formats result using this strftime format
List[str] month_names optional list of month names to use (should be 12 items)
List[str] day_abbreviations optional list of abbreviations to display as the day of week
str title Title shown on the date chooser window
bool no_titlebar if True no titlebar will be shown on the date chooser window
(int, int) location Location on the screen (x,y) to show the calendar popup window
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
Cancel(button_text = "Cancel",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Cancel')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
    target = (555666777, -1),
    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    tooltip = None,
    border_width = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button
str or (int, int) target key or (row,col) target for the button. Note that -1 for column means 1 element to the left of this one. The constant ThisRow is used to indicate the current row. The Button itself is a valid target for some types of button
str image_filename image filename if there is a button image. GIFs and PNGs only.
bytes or str image_data Raw or Base64 representation of the image to put on button. Choose either filename or data
(int, int) image_size Size of the image in pixels (width, height)
int image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
int border_width width of border around element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool focus Determines if initial focus should go to this element.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING
(Button) RETURN returns a button

This Button has been changed in how it works!! Your button has been replaced with a normal button that has the PySimpleGUI Debugger buggon logo on it. In your event loop, you will need to check for the event of this button and then call: show_debugger_popout_window()

Debug(button_text = "",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    font = None,
    tooltip = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = '')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button

This is a special type of Button.

It will close the window but NOT send an event that the window has been closed.

It's used in conjunction with non-blocking windows to silently close them. They are used to implement the non-blocking popup windows. They're also found in some Demo Programs, so look there for proper use.

    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    border_width = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    font = None,
    disabled = False,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button
image filename if there is a button image image_filename image filename if there is a button image
in-RAM image to be displayed on button image_data in-RAM image to be displayed on button
(Default = (None)) image_size image size (O.K.)
amount to reduce the size of the image image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image
int border_width width of border around element
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
Exit(button_text = "Exit",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Exit')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
FileBrowse(button_text = "Browse",
    target = (555666777, -1),
    file_types = (('ALL Files', '*.* *'),),
    initial_folder = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    font = None,
    disabled = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Browse')
str or (int, int) target key or (row,col) target for the button (Default value = (ThisRow, -1))
Tuple[(str, str), ...] file_types filter file types Default value = (("ALL Files", ". *"),). NOT avoilable on the MAC
initial_folder starting path for folders and files
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool change_submits If True, pressing Enter key submits window (Default = False)
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events.(Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
FileSaveAs(button_text = "Save As...",
    target = (555666777, -1),
    file_types = (('ALL Files', '*.* *'),),
    initial_folder = None,
    default_extension = "",
    disabled = False,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Save As...')
str or (int, int) target key or (row,col) target for the button (Default value = (ThisRow, -1))
Tuple[(str, str), ...] file_types Default value = (("ALL Files", ". *"),). NOT avoilable on the MAC
str default_extension If no extension entered by user, add this to filename (only used in saveas dialogs)
str initial_folder starting path for folders and files
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool change_submits If True, pressing Enter key submits window (Default = False)
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events.(Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button

Allows browsing of multiple files. File list is returned as a single list with the delimiter defined using the files_delimiter parameter.

FilesBrowse(button_text = "Browse",
    target = (555666777, -1),
    file_types = (('ALL Files', '*.* *'),),
    disabled = False,
    initial_folder = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    files_delimiter = ";",
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Browse')
str or (int, int) target key or (row,col) target for the button (Default value = (ThisRow, -1))
Tuple[(str, str), ...] file_types Default value = (("ALL Files", ". *"),). NOT avoilable on the MAC
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str initial_folder starting path for folders and files
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool change_submits If True, pressing Enter key submits window (Default = False)
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events.(Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
str files_delimiter String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ;
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
FolderBrowse(button_text = "Browse",
    target = (555666777, -1),
    initial_folder = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Browse')
str or (int, int) target target for the button (Default value = (ThisRow, -1))
str initial_folder starting path for folders and files
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
bool change_submits If True, pressing Enter key submits window (Default = False)
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events.(Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN The Button created
Help(button_text = "Help",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    font = None,
    tooltip = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Help')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
No(button_text = "No",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'No')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
OK(button_text = "OK",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    bind_return_key = True,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'OK')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
bool bind_return_key (Default = True) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
Ok(button_text = "Ok",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    bind_return_key = True,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Ok')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
bool bind_return_key (Default = True) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
Open(button_text = "Open",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    bind_return_key = True,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Open')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
bool bind_return_key (Default = True) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
Quit(button_text = "Quit",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Quit')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    border_width = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    font = None,
    disabled = False,
    bind_return_key = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button
image filename if there is a button image image_filename image filename if there is a button image
in-RAM image to be displayed on button image_data in-RAM image to be displayed on button
(Default = (None)) image_size image size (O.K.)
amount to reduce the size of the image image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image
int border_width width of border around element
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN Button created
Save(button_text = "Save",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    bind_return_key = True,
    disabled = False,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Save')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool bind_return_key (Default = True) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
SaveAs(button_text = "Save As...",
    target = (555666777, -1),
    file_types = (('ALL Files', '*.* *'),),
    initial_folder = None,
    default_extension = "",
    disabled = False,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    change_submits = False,
    enable_events = False,
    font = None,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Save As...')
str or (int, int) target key or (row,col) target for the button (Default value = (ThisRow, -1))
Tuple[(str, str), ...] file_types Default value = (("ALL Files", ". *"),). NOT avoilable on the MAC
str default_extension If no extension entered by user, add this to filename (only used in saveas dialogs)
str initial_folder starting path for folders and files
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool change_submits If True, pressing Enter key submits window (Default = False)
bool enable_events Turns on the element specific events.(Default = False)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int :param key: key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element) p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
Submit(button_text = "Submit",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    bind_return_key = True,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Submit')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
bool bind_return_key (Default = True) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button
Yes(button_text = "Yes",
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    disabled = False,
    tooltip = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = True,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    visible = True,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button (Default value = 'Yes')
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = True) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
bool visible set initial visibility state of the Button
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button

Button Functions No Longer Used (DO NOT USE)

Note - These are no longer recommended! They are shown here in case you run into them in some old code.

    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    border_width = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    disabled = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button
image filename if there is a button image image_filename image filename if there is a button image
in-RAM image to be displayed on button image_data in-RAM image to be displayed on button
(Default = (None)) image_size image size (O.K.)
amount to reduce the size of the image image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
int border_width width of border around element
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN Button created
    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    border_width = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    disabled = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button
image filename if there is a button image image_filename image filename if there is a button image
in-RAM image to be displayed on button image_data in-RAM image to be displayed on button
(Default = (None)) image_size image size (O.K.)
amount to reduce the size of the image image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
int border_width width of border around element
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN Button created


This button should not be used. Instead explicitly close your windows by calling window.close() or by using the close parameter in

    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    border_width = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    disabled = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button
image filename if there is a button image image_filename image filename if there is a button image
in-RAM image to be displayed on button image_data in-RAM image to be displayed on button
(Default = (None)) image_size image size (O.K.)
amount to reduce the size of the image image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button


This button should not be used. Instead explicitly close your windows by calling window.close() or by using the close parameter in

    image_filename = None,
    image_data = None,
    image_size = (None, None),
    image_subsample = None,
    border_width = None,
    tooltip = None,
    size = (None, None),
    s = (None, None),
    auto_size_button = None,
    button_color = None,
    font = None,
    bind_return_key = False,
    disabled = False,
    focus = False,
    pad = None,
    p = None,
    key = None,
    k = None,
    metadata = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str button_text text in the button
image filename if there is a button image image_filename image filename if there is a button image
in-RAM image to be displayed on button image_data in-RAM image to be displayed on button
(Default = (None)) image_size image size (O.K.)
amount to reduce the size of the image image_subsample amount to reduce the size of the image
str tooltip text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) or (None, None) or int s Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used
bool auto_size_button True if button size is determined by button text
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool bind_return_key (Default = False) If True, then the return key will cause a the Listbox to generate an event
bool disabled set disable state for element (Default = False)
idk_yetReally focus if focus should be set to this
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int pad Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int)
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int p Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used
str or int or tuple or object key key for uniquely identify this element (for window.find_element)
str or int or tuple or object k Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used.
Any metadata Anything you want to store along with this button
(Button) RETURN returns a button

Debug Window Output

Works like a "print" statement but with windowing options. Routes output to the "Debug Window"

In addition to the normal text and background colors, you can use a "colors" tuple/string The "colors" or "c" parameter defines both the text and background in a single parm. It can be a tuple or a single single. Both text and background colors need to be specified colors -(str, str) or str. A combined text/background color definition in a single parameter c - (str, str) - Colors tuple has format (foreground, backgrouned) c - str - can also be a string of the format "foreground on background" ("white on red")

easy_print(args=*<1 or N object>,
    size = (None, None),
    end = None,
    sep = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    no_button = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    do_not_reroute_stdout = True,
    echo_stdout = False,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    colors = None,
    c = None,
    erase_all = False,
    resizable = True,
    blocking = None,
    wait = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args stuff to output
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
str end end character
str sep separator character
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool no_button don't show button
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
bool do_not_reroute_stdout do not reroute stdout and stderr. If False, both stdout and stderr will reroute to here
bool echo_stdout If True stdout is sent to both the console and the debug window
str or str, str colors Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
str or str, str c Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
bool resizable if True, the user can resize the debug window. Default is True
bool erase_all If True when erase the output before printing
(bool or None) blocking if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changers to "More"
(bool or None) wait Same as the "blocking" parm. It's an alias. if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changes to "Click to Continue..."

Close a previously opened EasyPrint window


Works like a "print" statement but with windowing options. Routes output to the "Debug Window"

In addition to the normal text and background colors, you can use a "colors" tuple/string The "colors" or "c" parameter defines both the text and background in a single parm. It can be a tuple or a single single. Both text and background colors need to be specified colors -(str, str) or str. A combined text/background color definition in a single parameter c - (str, str) - Colors tuple has format (foreground, backgrouned) c - str - can also be a string of the format "foreground on background" ("white on red")

eprint(args=*<1 or N object>,
    size = (None, None),
    end = None,
    sep = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    no_button = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    do_not_reroute_stdout = True,
    echo_stdout = False,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    colors = None,
    c = None,
    erase_all = False,
    resizable = True,
    blocking = None,
    wait = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args stuff to output
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
str end end character
str sep separator character
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool no_button don't show button
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
bool do_not_reroute_stdout do not reroute stdout and stderr. If False, both stdout and stderr will reroute to here
bool echo_stdout If True stdout is sent to both the console and the debug window
str or str, str colors Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
str or str, str c Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
bool resizable if True, the user can resize the debug window. Default is True
bool erase_all If True when erase the output before printing
(bool or None) blocking if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changers to "More"
(bool or None) wait Same as the "blocking" parm. It's an alias. if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changes to "Click to Continue..."

Works like a "print" statement but with windowing options. Routes output to the "Debug Window"

In addition to the normal text and background colors, you can use a "colors" tuple/string The "colors" or "c" parameter defines both the text and background in a single parm. It can be a tuple or a single single. Both text and background colors need to be specified colors -(str, str) or str. A combined text/background color definition in a single parameter c - (str, str) - Colors tuple has format (foreground, backgrouned) c - str - can also be a string of the format "foreground on background" ("white on red")

sgprint(args=*<1 or N object>,
    size = (None, None),
    end = None,
    sep = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    no_button = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    do_not_reroute_stdout = True,
    echo_stdout = False,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    colors = None,
    c = None,
    erase_all = False,
    resizable = True,
    blocking = None,
    wait = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args stuff to output
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
str end end character
str sep separator character
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool no_button don't show button
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
bool do_not_reroute_stdout do not reroute stdout and stderr. If False, both stdout and stderr will reroute to here
bool echo_stdout If True stdout is sent to both the console and the debug window
str or str, str colors Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
str or str, str c Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
bool resizable if True, the user can resize the debug window. Default is True
bool erase_all If True when erase the output before printing
(bool or None) blocking if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changers to "More"
(bool or None) wait Same as the "blocking" parm. It's an alias. if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changes to "Click to Continue..."

Close a previously opened EasyPrint window


Works like a "print" statement but with windowing options. Routes output to the "Debug Window"

In addition to the normal text and background colors, you can use a "colors" tuple/string The "colors" or "c" parameter defines both the text and background in a single parm. It can be a tuple or a single single. Both text and background colors need to be specified colors -(str, str) or str. A combined text/background color definition in a single parameter c - (str, str) - Colors tuple has format (foreground, backgrouned) c - str - can also be a string of the format "foreground on background" ("white on red")

EasyPrint(args=*<1 or N object>,
    size = (None, None),
    end = None,
    sep = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    no_button = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    do_not_reroute_stdout = True,
    echo_stdout = False,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    colors = None,
    c = None,
    erase_all = False,
    resizable = True,
    blocking = None,
    wait = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args stuff to output
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
str end end character
str sep separator character
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool no_button don't show button
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
bool do_not_reroute_stdout do not reroute stdout and stderr. If False, both stdout and stderr will reroute to here
bool echo_stdout If True stdout is sent to both the console and the debug window
str or str, str colors Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
str or str, str c Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
bool resizable if True, the user can resize the debug window. Default is True
bool erase_all If True when erase the output before printing
(bool or None) blocking if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changers to "More"
(bool or None) wait Same as the "blocking" parm. It's an alias. if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changes to "Click to Continue..."

Close a previously opened EasyPrint window


Works like a "print" statement but with windowing options. Routes output to the "Debug Window"

In addition to the normal text and background colors, you can use a "colors" tuple/string The "colors" or "c" parameter defines both the text and background in a single parm. It can be a tuple or a single single. Both text and background colors need to be specified colors -(str, str) or str. A combined text/background color definition in a single parameter c - (str, str) - Colors tuple has format (foreground, backgrouned) c - str - can also be a string of the format "foreground on background" ("white on red")

Print(args=*<1 or N object>,
    size = (None, None),
    end = None,
    sep = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    no_button = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    do_not_reroute_stdout = True,
    echo_stdout = False,
    text_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    colors = None,
    c = None,
    erase_all = False,
    resizable = True,
    blocking = None,
    wait = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args stuff to output
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
str end end character
str sep separator character
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool no_button don't show button
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
bool do_not_reroute_stdout do not reroute stdout and stderr. If False, both stdout and stderr will reroute to here
bool echo_stdout If True stdout is sent to both the console and the debug window
str or str, str colors Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
str or str, str c Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors
bool resizable if True, the user can resize the debug window. Default is True
bool erase_all If True when erase the output before printing
(bool or None) blocking if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changers to "More"
(bool or None) wait Same as the "blocking" parm. It's an alias. if True, makes the window block instead of returning immediately. The "Quit" button changes to "Click to Continue..."

Close a previously opened EasyPrint window


Color Printing to Multiline Element of a Window

Color print to a multiline element in a window of your choice. Must have EITHER called cprint_set_output_destination prior to making this call so that the window and element key can be saved and used here to route the output, OR used the window and key parameters to the cprint function to specicy these items.

args is a variable number of things you want to print.

end - The end char to use just like print uses sep - The separation character like print uses text_color - The color of the text key - overrides the previously defined Multiline key window - overrides the previously defined window to output to background_color - The color of the background colors -(str, str) or str. A combined text/background color definition in a single parameter

There are also "aliases" for text_color, background_color and colors (t, b, c) t - An alias for color of the text (makes for shorter calls) b - An alias for the background_color parameter c - (str, str) - "shorthand" way of specifying color. (foreground, backgrouned) c - str - can also be a string of the format "foreground on background" ("white on red")

With the aliases it's possible to write the same print but in more compact ways: cprint('This will print white text on red background', c=('white', 'red')) cprint('This will print white text on red background', c='white on red') cprint('This will print white text on red background', text_color='white', background_color='red') cprint('This will print white text on red background', t='white', b='red')

cprint(args=*<1 or N object>,
    end = None,
    sep = " ",
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    t = None,
    background_color = None,
    b = None,
    colors = None,
    c = None,
    window = None,
    key = None,
    justification = None,
    autoscroll = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args stuff to output
str text_color Color of the text
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike for the value being updated
str background_color The background color of the line
str or str, str colors Either a tuple or a string that has both the text and background colors "text on background" or just the text color
str t Color of the text
str b The background color of the line
str or str, str c Either a tuple or a string. Same as the color parm
str end end character
str sep separator character
Any key key of multiline to output to (if you want to override the one previously set)
Window window Window containing the multiline to output to (if you want to override the one previously set)
str justification text justification. left, right, center. Can use single characters l, r, c. Sets only for this value, not entire element
bool autoscroll If True the contents of the element will automatically scroll as more data added to the end

Sets up the color print (cprint) output destination

cprint_set_output_destination(window, multiline_key)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Window window The window that the cprint call will route the output to
Any multiline_key Key for the Multiline Element where output will be sent
None RETURN None

One Line Progress Meter

Add a progress meter to your application by adding 1 line of code.

    args=*<1 or N object>,
    key = "OK for 1 meter",
    orientation = "v",
    bar_color = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    size = (20, 20),
    border_width = None,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    no_titlebar = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    no_button = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title text to display in eleemnt
int current_value current value
int max_value max value of QuickMeter
Any *args stuff to output
str or int or tuple or object key Used to differentiate between mutliple meters. Used to cancel meter early. Now optional as there is a default value for single meters
str orientation 'horizontal' or 'vertical' ('h' or 'v' work) (Default value = 'vertical' / 'v')
Tuple(str, str) bar_color color of a bar line
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high (Default value = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE)
int border_width width of border around element
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool no_titlebar If True: no titlebar will be shown on the window
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
bool no_button If True: window will be created without a cancel button
(bool) RETURN True if updated successfully. False if user closed the meter with the X or Cancel button

Cancels and closes a previously created One Line Progress Meter window

one_line_progress_meter_cancel(key = "OK for 1 meter")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key Key used when meter was created
None RETURN None

NON-PEP8 Versions

Don't use these. They are here in case you're searching for them. Instead use the PEP8 version one_line_progress_meter.

    args=*<1 or N object>,
    key = "OK for 1 meter",
    orientation = "v",
    bar_color = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    size = (20, 20),
    border_width = None,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    no_titlebar = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    no_button = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title text to display in eleemnt
int current_value current value
int max_value max value of QuickMeter
Any *args stuff to output
str or int or tuple or object key Used to differentiate between mutliple meters. Used to cancel meter early. Now optional as there is a default value for single meters
str orientation 'horizontal' or 'vertical' ('h' or 'v' work) (Default value = 'vertical' / 'v')
Tuple(str, str) bar_color color of a bar line
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high (Default value = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE)
int border_width width of border around element
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool no_titlebar If True: no titlebar will be shown on the window
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
bool no_button If True: window will be created without a cancel button
(bool) RETURN True if updated successfully. False if user closed the meter with the X or Cancel button

Cancels and closes a previously created One Line Progress Meter window

OneLineProgressMeterCancel(key = "OK for 1 meter")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key Key used when meter was created
None RETURN None

Popups PEP8 Versions

Popup - Display a popup Window with as many parms as you wish to include. This is the GUI equivalent of the "print" statement. It's also great for "pausing" your program's flow until the user can read some error messages.

If this popup doesn't have the features you want, then you can easily make your own. Popups can be accomplished in 1 line of code: choice, _ = sg.Window('Continue?', , disable_close=True).read(close=True)

popup(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    button_type = 0,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    custom_text = (None, None),
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    any_key_closes = False,
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of your arguments. Load up the call with stuff to see!
str title Optional title for the window. If none provided, the first arg will be used instead.
(str, str) or None button_color Color of the buttons shown (text color, button color)
str background_color Window's background color
str text_color text color
int button_type NOT USER SET! Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK). There are many Popup functions and they call Popup, changing this parameter to get the desired effect.
bool auto_close If True the window will automatically close
int auto_close_duration time in seconds to keep window open before closing it automatically
(str, str) or str custom_text A string or pair of strings that contain the text to display on the buttons
bool non_blocking If True then will immediately return from the function without waiting for the user's input.
str or bytes icon icon to display on the window. Same format as a Window call
int line_width Width of lines in characters. Defaults to MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH
str or Tuple[font_name, size, modifiers] font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True will not show the frame around the window and the titlebar across the top
bool grab_anywhere If True can grab anywhere to move the window. If no_titlebar is True, grab_anywhere should likely be enabled too
(int, int) location Location on screen to display the top left corner of window. Defaults to window centered on screen
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
bool any_key_closes If True then will turn on return_keyboard_events for the window which will cause window to close as soon as any key is pressed. Normally the return key only will close the window. Default is false.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show animation one frame at a time. This function has its own internal clocking meaning you can call it at any frequency and the rate the frames of video is shown remains constant. Maybe your frames update every 30 ms but your event loop is running every 10 ms. You don't have to worry about delaying, just call it every time through the loop.

    message = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = True,
    grab_anywhere = True,
    keep_on_top = True,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    alpha_channel = None,
    time_between_frames = 0,
    transparent_color = None,
    title = "",
    icon = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes or None image_source Either a filename or a base64 string. Use None to close the window.
str message An optional message to be shown with the animation
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
str or tuple font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True then the titlebar and window frame will not be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True then you can move the window just clicking anywhere on window, hold and drag
bool keep_on_top If True then Window will remain on top of all other windows currently shownn
(int, int) location (x,y) location on the screen to place the top left corner of your window. Default is to center on screen
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
float alpha_channel Window transparency 0 = invisible 1 = completely visible. Values between are see through
int time_between_frames Amount of time in milliseconds between each frame
str transparent_color This color will be completely see-through in your window. Can even click through
str title Title that will be shown on the window
str or bytes icon Same as Window icon parameter. Can be either a filename or Base64 byte string. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO
bool RETURN True if the window updated OK. False if the window was closed

Popup that closes itself after some time period

popup_auto_close(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = True,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display Popup with "cancelled" button text

popup_cancel(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Popup with colored button and 'Error' as button text

popup_error(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = (None, None),
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display a calendar window, get the user's choice, return as a tuple (mon, day, year)

popup_get_date(start_mon = None,
    start_day = None,
    start_year = None,
    begin_at_sunday_plus = 0,
    no_titlebar = True,
    title = "Choose Date",
    keep_on_top = True,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    close_when_chosen = False,
    icon = None,
    locale = None,
    month_names = None,
    day_abbreviations = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int start_mon The starting month
int or None start_day The starting day - optional. Set to None or 0 if no date to be chosen at start
int start_year The starting year
int begin_at_sunday_plus Determines the left-most day in the display. 0=sunday, 1=monday, etc
(str or bytes) icon Same as Window icon parameter. Can be either a filename or Base64 value. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO
(int, int) location (x,y) location on the screen to place the top left corner of your window. Default is to center on screen
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str title Title that will be shown on the window
bool close_when_chosen If True, the window will close and function return when a day is clicked
str locale locale used to get the day names
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
List[str] month_names optional list of month names to use (should be 12 items)
List[str] day_abbreviations optional list of abbreviations to display as the day of week
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
None or (int, int, int) RETURN Tuple containing (month, day, year) of chosen date or None if was cancelled

Display popup window with text entry field and browse button so that a file can be chosen by user.

    title = None,
    default_path = "",
    default_extension = "",
    save_as = False,
    multiple_files = False,
    file_types = (('ALL Files', '*.* *'),),
    no_window = False,
    size = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    icon = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    initial_folder = None,
    image = None,
    files_delimiter = ";",
    modal = True,
    history = False,
    show_hidden = True,
    history_setting_filename = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str message message displayed to user
str title Window title
str default_path path to display to user as starting point (filled into the input field)
str default_extension If no extension entered by user, add this to filename (only used in saveas dialogs)
bool save_as if True, the "save as" dialog is shown which will verify before overwriting
bool multiple_files if True, then allows multiple files to be selected that are returned with ';' between each filename
Tuple[Tuple[str,str]] file_types List of extensions to show using wildcards. All files (the default) = (("ALL Files", ". *"),). NOT avoilable on the MAC
bool no_window if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown
(int, int) size (width, height) of the InputText Element or Combo element if using history feature
(str, str) or str button_color Color of the button (text, background)
str background_color background color of the entire window
str text_color color of the text
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str initial_folder location in filesystem to begin browsing
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
str files_delimiter String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ;
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
bool history If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided
bool show_hidden If True then enables the checkbox in the system dialog to select hidden files to be shown
str history_setting_filename Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file
str or None RETURN string representing the file(s) chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X

Display popup with text entry field and browse button so that a folder can be chosen.

    title = None,
    default_path = "",
    no_window = False,
    size = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    icon = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    initial_folder = None,
    image = None,
    modal = True,
    history = False,
    history_setting_filename = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str message message displayed to user
str title Window title
str default_path path to display to user as starting point (filled into the input field)
bool no_window if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown
(int, int) size (width, height) of the InputText Element
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str initial_folder location in filesystem to begin browsing
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
bool history If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided
str history_setting_filename Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file
str or None RETURN string representing the path chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X

Display Popup with text entry field. Returns the text entered or None if closed / cancelled

    title = None,
    default_text = "",
    password_char = "",
    size = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    icon = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str message message displayed to user
str title Window title
str default_text default value to put into input area
str password_char character to be shown instead of actually typed characters
(int, int) size (width, height) of the InputText Element
(str, str) or str button_color Color of the button (text, background)
str background_color background color of the entire window
str text_color color of the message text
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True can click and drag anywhere in the window to move the window
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location (x,y) Location on screen to display the upper left corner of window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None RETURN Text entered or None if window was closed or cancel button clicked

Makes a "popup menu" This type of menu is what you get when a normal menu or a right click menu is torn off The settings for the menu are obtained from the window parameter's Window

    title = None,
    location = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Window window The window associated with the popup menu. The theme and right click menu settings for this window will be used
Element element An element in your window to associate the menu to. It can be any element
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] menu_def A menu definition. This will be the same format as used for Right Click Menus1
str title The title that will be shown on the torn off menu window. Defaults to window titlr
(int, int) or (None, None) location The location on the screen to place the window

Show a Popup but without any buttons

popup_no_buttons(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking If True then will immediately return from the function without waiting for the user's input. (Default = False)
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True, than can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display a Popup without a titlebar. Enables grab anywhere so you can move it

popup_no_titlebar(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    grab_anywhere = True,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show Popup window and immediately return (does not block)

popup_non_blocking(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = True,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = False
str or None RETURN Reason for popup closing

Displays a "notification window", usually in the bottom right corner of your display. Has an icon, a title, and a message. It is more like a "toaster" window than the normal popups.

The window will slowly fade in and out if desired. Clicking on the window will cause it to move through the end the current "phase". For example, if the window was fading in and it was clicked, then it would immediately stop fading in and instead be fully visible. It's a way for the user to quickly dismiss the window.

The return code specifies why the call is returning (e.g. did the user click the message to dismiss it)

popup_notify(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = "",
    icon = ...,
    display_duration_in_ms = 3000,
    fade_in_duration = 1000,
    alpha = 0.9,
    location = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str title Text to be shown at the top of the window in a larger font
str message Text message that makes up the majority of the window
bytes or str icon A base64 encoded PNG/GIF image or PNG/GIF filename that will be displayed in the window
int display_duration_in_ms Number of milliseconds to show the window
int fade_in_duration Number of milliseconds to fade window in and out
float alpha Alpha channel. 0 - invisible 1 - fully visible
(int, int) location Location on the screen to display the window
(int) RETURN reason for returning

Display Popup with OK button only

popup_ok(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display popup with OK and Cancel buttons

popup_ok_cancel(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = ...,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
"OK" or "Cancel" or None RETURN clicked button

Show Popup box that doesn't block and closes itself

popup_quick(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = True,
    auto_close_duration = 2,
    non_blocking = True,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = False
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show Popup window with no titlebar, doesn't block, and auto closes itself.

popup_quick_message(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 5,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = True,
    auto_close_duration = 2,
    non_blocking = True,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = True,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = False
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show a scrolled Popup window containing the user's text that was supplied. Use with as many items to print as you want, just like a print statement.

popup_scrolled(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    yes_no = False,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    size = (None, None),
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    non_blocking = False,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    font = None,
    image = None,
    icon = None,
    modal = True,
    no_sizegrip = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool yes_no If True, displays Yes and No buttons instead of Ok
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) location Location on the screen to place the upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True, than can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
bool no_sizegrip If True no Sizegrip will be shown when there is no titlebar. It's only shown if there is no titlebar
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display Popup with Yes and No buttons

popup_yes_no(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
"Yes" or "No" or None RETURN clicked button

sprint Popup Alias - Same as popup_scrolled

Show a scrolled Popup window containing the user's text that was supplied. Use with as many items to print as you want, just like a print statement.

sprint(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    yes_no = False,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    size = (None, None),
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    non_blocking = False,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    font = None,
    image = None,
    icon = None,
    modal = True,
    no_sizegrip = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool yes_no If True, displays Yes and No buttons instead of Ok
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) location Location on the screen to place the upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True, than can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
bool no_sizegrip If True no Sizegrip will be shown when there is no titlebar. It's only shown if there is no titlebar
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show a scrolled Popup window containing the user's text that was supplied. Use with as many items to print as you want, just like a print statement.

ScrolledTextBox(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    yes_no = False,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    size = (None, None),
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    non_blocking = False,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    font = None,
    image = None,
    icon = None,
    modal = True,
    no_sizegrip = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool yes_no If True, displays Yes and No buttons instead of Ok
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) location Location on the screen to place the upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True, than can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
bool no_sizegrip If True no Sizegrip will be shown when there is no titlebar. It's only shown if there is no titlebar
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Popup Not PEP8 Compliant names

*** You should not use these function names! ***

These versions of the popup functions are here only for backwards compatibility. Instead use the popup functions that have snake_case rather than CamelCase.

Popup - Display a popup Window with as many parms as you wish to include. This is the GUI equivalent of the "print" statement. It's also great for "pausing" your program's flow until the user can read some error messages.

If this popup doesn't have the features you want, then you can easily make your own. Popups can be accomplished in 1 line of code: choice, _ = sg.Window('Continue?', , disable_close=True).read(close=True)

Popup(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    button_type = 0,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    custom_text = (None, None),
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    any_key_closes = False,
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of your arguments. Load up the call with stuff to see!
str title Optional title for the window. If none provided, the first arg will be used instead.
(str, str) or None button_color Color of the buttons shown (text color, button color)
str background_color Window's background color
str text_color text color
int button_type NOT USER SET! Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK). There are many Popup functions and they call Popup, changing this parameter to get the desired effect.
bool auto_close If True the window will automatically close
int auto_close_duration time in seconds to keep window open before closing it automatically
(str, str) or str custom_text A string or pair of strings that contain the text to display on the buttons
bool non_blocking If True then will immediately return from the function without waiting for the user's input.
str or bytes icon icon to display on the window. Same format as a Window call
int line_width Width of lines in characters. Defaults to MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH
str or Tuple[font_name, size, modifiers] font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True will not show the frame around the window and the titlebar across the top
bool grab_anywhere If True can grab anywhere to move the window. If no_titlebar is True, grab_anywhere should likely be enabled too
(int, int) location Location on screen to display the top left corner of window. Defaults to window centered on screen
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
bool any_key_closes If True then will turn on return_keyboard_events for the window which will cause window to close as soon as any key is pressed. Normally the return key only will close the window. Default is false.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show animation one frame at a time. This function has its own internal clocking meaning you can call it at any frequency and the rate the frames of video is shown remains constant. Maybe your frames update every 30 ms but your event loop is running every 10 ms. You don't have to worry about delaying, just call it every time through the loop.

    message = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = True,
    grab_anywhere = True,
    keep_on_top = True,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    alpha_channel = None,
    time_between_frames = 0,
    transparent_color = None,
    title = "",
    icon = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str or bytes or None image_source Either a filename or a base64 string. Use None to close the window.
str message An optional message to be shown with the animation
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
str or tuple font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True then the titlebar and window frame will not be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True then you can move the window just clicking anywhere on window, hold and drag
bool keep_on_top If True then Window will remain on top of all other windows currently shownn
(int, int) location (x,y) location on the screen to place the top left corner of your window. Default is to center on screen
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
float alpha_channel Window transparency 0 = invisible 1 = completely visible. Values between are see through
int time_between_frames Amount of time in milliseconds between each frame
str transparent_color This color will be completely see-through in your window. Can even click through
str title Title that will be shown on the window
str or bytes icon Same as Window icon parameter. Can be either a filename or Base64 byte string. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO
bool RETURN True if the window updated OK. False if the window was closed

Display a Popup without a titlebar. Enables grab anywhere so you can move it

PopupAnnoying(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    grab_anywhere = True,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Popup that closes itself after some time period

PopupAutoClose(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = True,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display Popup with "cancelled" button text

PopupCancel(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Popup with colored button and 'Error' as button text

PopupError(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = (None, None),
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display popup window with text entry field and browse button so that a file can be chosen by user.

    title = None,
    default_path = "",
    default_extension = "",
    save_as = False,
    multiple_files = False,
    file_types = (('ALL Files', '*.* *'),),
    no_window = False,
    size = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    icon = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    initial_folder = None,
    image = None,
    files_delimiter = ";",
    modal = True,
    history = False,
    show_hidden = True,
    history_setting_filename = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str message message displayed to user
str title Window title
str default_path path to display to user as starting point (filled into the input field)
str default_extension If no extension entered by user, add this to filename (only used in saveas dialogs)
bool save_as if True, the "save as" dialog is shown which will verify before overwriting
bool multiple_files if True, then allows multiple files to be selected that are returned with ';' between each filename
Tuple[Tuple[str,str]] file_types List of extensions to show using wildcards. All files (the default) = (("ALL Files", ". *"),). NOT avoilable on the MAC
bool no_window if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown
(int, int) size (width, height) of the InputText Element or Combo element if using history feature
(str, str) or str button_color Color of the button (text, background)
str background_color background color of the entire window
str text_color color of the text
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str initial_folder location in filesystem to begin browsing
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
str files_delimiter String to place between files when multiple files are selected. Normally a ;
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
bool history If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided
bool show_hidden If True then enables the checkbox in the system dialog to select hidden files to be shown
str history_setting_filename Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file
str or None RETURN string representing the file(s) chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X

Display popup with text entry field and browse button so that a folder can be chosen.

    title = None,
    default_path = "",
    no_window = False,
    size = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    icon = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    initial_folder = None,
    image = None,
    modal = True,
    history = False,
    history_setting_filename = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str message message displayed to user
str title Window title
str default_path path to display to user as starting point (filled into the input field)
bool no_window if True, no PySimpleGUI window will be shown. Instead just the tkinter dialog is shown
(int, int) size (width, height) of the InputText Element
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str initial_folder location in filesystem to begin browsing
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
bool history If True then enable a "history" feature that will display previous entries used. Uses settings filename provided or default if none provided
str history_setting_filename Filename to use for the User Settings. Will store list of previous entries in this settings file
str or None RETURN string representing the path chosen, None if cancelled or window closed with X

Display Popup with text entry field. Returns the text entered or None if closed / cancelled

    title = None,
    default_text = "",
    password_char = "",
    size = (None, None),
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    icon = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str message message displayed to user
str title Window title
str default_text default value to put into input area
str password_char character to be shown instead of actually typed characters
(int, int) size (width, height) of the InputText Element
(str, str) or str button_color Color of the button (text, background)
str background_color background color of the entire window
str text_color color of the message text
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True can click and drag anywhere in the window to move the window
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location (x,y) Location on screen to display the upper left corner of window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None RETURN Text entered or None if window was closed or cancel button clicked

Display a Popup without a titlebar. Enables grab anywhere so you can move it

PopupNoBorder(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    grab_anywhere = True,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show a Popup but without any buttons

PopupNoButtons(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking If True then will immediately return from the function without waiting for the user's input. (Default = False)
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True, than can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display a Popup without a titlebar. Enables grab anywhere so you can move it

PopupNoFrame(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    grab_anywhere = True,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display a Popup without a titlebar. Enables grab anywhere so you can move it

PopupNoTitlebar(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    grab_anywhere = True,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show Popup window and immediately return (does not block)

PopupNonBlocking(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = True,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = False
str or None RETURN Reason for popup closing

Display Popup with OK button only

PopupOK(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display popup with OK and Cancel buttons

PopupOKCancel(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = ...,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
"OK" or "Cancel" or None RETURN clicked button

Show Popup box that doesn't block and closes itself

PopupQuick(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = True,
    auto_close_duration = 2,
    non_blocking = True,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = False
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show Popup window with no titlebar, doesn't block, and auto closes itself.

PopupQuickMessage(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 5,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = True,
    auto_close_duration = 2,
    non_blocking = True,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = True,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = False
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Show a scrolled Popup window containing the user's text that was supplied. Use with as many items to print as you want, just like a print statement.

PopupScrolled(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    yes_no = False,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    size = (None, None),
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    non_blocking = False,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    font = None,
    image = None,
    icon = None,
    modal = True,
    no_sizegrip = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
bool yes_no If True, displays Yes and No buttons instead of Ok
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
(int, int) size (w,h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high
(int, int) location Location on the screen to place the upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True, than can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
bool no_sizegrip If True no Sizegrip will be shown when there is no titlebar. It's only shown if there is no titlebar
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Popup that closes itself after some time period

PopupTimed(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_type = 0,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = True,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
int button_type Determines which pre-defined buttons will be shown (Default value = POPUP_BUTTONS_OK).
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
str or None or TIMEOUT_KEY RETURN Returns text of the button that was pressed. None will be returned if user closed window with X

Display Popup with Yes and No buttons

PopupYesNo(args=*<1 or N object>,
    title = None,
    button_color = None,
    background_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    auto_close = False,
    auto_close_duration = None,
    non_blocking = False,
    icon = None,
    line_width = None,
    font = None,
    no_titlebar = False,
    grab_anywhere = False,
    keep_on_top = None,
    location = (None, None),
    relative_location = (None, None),
    image = None,
    modal = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any *args Variable number of items to display
str title Title to display in the window.
(str, str) or str button_color button color (foreground, background)
str background_color color of background
str text_color color of the text
bool auto_close if True window will close itself
int or float auto_close_duration Older versions only accept int. Time in seconds until window will close
bool non_blocking if True the call will immediately return rather than waiting on user input
bytes or str icon filename or base64 string to be used for the window's icon
int line_width Width of lines in characters
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
bool no_titlebar If True no titlebar will be shown
bool grab_anywhere If True: can grab anywhere to move the window (Default = False)
bool keep_on_top If True the window will remain above all current windows
(int, int) location Location of upper left corner of the window
(int, int) relative_location (x,y) location relative to the default location of the window, in pixels. Normally the window centers. This location is relative to the location the window would be created. Note they can be negative.
str or bytes image Image to include at the top of the popup window
bool modal If True then makes the popup will behave like a Modal window... all other windows are non-operational until this one is closed. Default = True
"Yes" or "No" or None RETURN clicked button

Display Objects as Strings

These functions will return an object as a string that shows each of the object's member variables. They're nice to use if you want to print any Python object, not just PySimpleGUI ones.

Dumps an Object's values as a formatted string. Very nicely done. Great way to display an object's member variables in human form

obj_to_string(obj, extra = "    ")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any obj The object to display
str extra extra stuff (Default value = ' ')
(str) RETURN Formatted output of the object's values

Dumps an Object's values as a formatted string. Very nicely done. Great way to display an object's member variables in human form Returns only the top-most object's variables instead of drilling down to dispolay more


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any obj The object to display
(str) RETURN Formatted output of the object's values

The Main PySimpleGUI Program - Test Harness, Global Settings, Debug Information, Upgrade from GitHub

A convention that PySimpleGUI uses is that standalone entry points start with "main_". These calls are essentially a mini-program within the file.

Used to get SDK help, test the installation, get information about the versions, upgrade from GitHub.

You can call main() from your code and then access these other features such as the global settings. You can also directly call these functions.

You can also type psgmain from the command line to access it if you have pip installed your copy of PySimpleGUI.

The PySimpleGUI "Test Harness". This is meant to be a super-quick test of the Elements.


Collect up and display the data needed to file GitHub issues. This function will place the information on the clipboard. You MUST paste the information from the clipboard prior to existing your application (except on Windows).

main_get_debug_data(suppress_popup = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool suppress_popup If True no popup window will be shown. The string will be only returned, not displayed

Window to set settings that will be used across all PySimpleGUI programs that choose to use them. Use set_options to set the path to the folder for all PySimpleGUI settings.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(bool) RETURN True if settings were changed

Display a window that will display the docstrings for each PySimpleGUI Element and the Window object


The PySimpleGUI "Test Harness". This is meant to be a super-quick test of the Elements.



Shows the smaller "popout" window. Default location is the upper right corner of your screen

show_debugger_popout_window(location = (None, None), args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) location Locations (x,y) on the screen to place upper left corner of the window
None RETURN None

Shows the large main debugger window

show_debugger_window(location = (None, None), args=*<1 or N object>)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int, int) location Locations (x,y) on the screen to place upper left corner of the window
None RETURN None


The way to get Windows that have elements that have matching colors.

Sets / Gets the current Theme. If none is specified then returns the current theme. This call replaces the ChangeLookAndFeel / change_look_and_feel call which only sets the theme.

theme(new_theme = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str new_theme the new theme name to use
(str) RETURN the currently selected theme

Add a new theme to the dictionary of themes

theme_add_new(new_theme_name, new_theme_dict)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str new_theme_name text to display in element
dict new_theme_dict text to display in element

Sets/Returns the background color currently in use Used for Windows and containers (Column, Frame, Tab) and tables

theme_background_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str color new background color to use (optional)
(str) RETURN color string of the background color currently in use

Sets/Returns the border width currently in use Used by non ttk elements at the moment

theme_border_width(border_width = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int) RETURN border width currently in use

Sets/Returns the button color currently in use

theme_button_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str, str) RETURN (str, str) - TUPLE with color strings of the button color currently in use (button text color, button background color)

Sets/Returns the background color currently in use for all elements except containers

theme_element_background_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str) RETURN (str) - color string of the element background color currently in use

Sets/Returns the text color used by elements that have text as part of their display (Tables, Trees and Sliders)

theme_element_text_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str) RETURN color string currently in use

Sets / Gets the global PySimpleGUI Theme. If none is specified then returns the global theme from user settings. Note the theme must be a standard, built-in PySimpleGUI theme... not a user-created theme.

theme_global(new_theme = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str new_theme the new theme name to use
(str) RETURN the currently selected theme

Sets/Returns the input element background color currently in use

theme_input_background_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str) RETURN (str) - color string of the input element background color currently in use

Sets/Returns the input element entry color (not the text but the thing that's displaying the text)

theme_input_text_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str) RETURN (str) - color string of the input element color currently in use

Returns a sorted list of the currently available color themes


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[str] RETURN A sorted list of the currently available color themes

Displays a "Quick Reference Window" showing all of the different Look and Feel settings that are available. They are sorted alphabetically. The legacy color names are mixed in, but otherwise they are sorted into Dark and Light halves

theme_previewer(columns = 12,
    scrollable = False,
    scroll_area_size = (None, None),
    search_string = None,
    location = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int columns The number of themes to display per row
bool scrollable If True then scrollbars will be added
(int, int) scroll_area_size Size of the scrollable area (The Column Element used to make scrollable)
str search_string If specified then only themes containing this string will be shown
(int, int) location Location on the screen to place the window. Defaults to the center like all windows

Display themes in a window as color swatches. Click on a color swatch to see the hex value printed on the console. If you hover over a color or right click it you'll also see the hext value.


Sets/Returns the progress meter border width currently in use

theme_progress_bar_border_width(border_width = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int) RETURN border width currently in use for progress meters

Sets/Returns the progress bar colors by the current color theme

theme_progress_bar_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str, str) RETURN (str, str) - TUPLE with color strings of the ProgressBar color currently in use(button text color, button background color)

Sets/Returns the slider border width currently in use

theme_slider_border_width(border_width = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(int) RETURN border width currently in use for sliders

Sets/Returns the slider color (used for sliders)

theme_slider_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str) RETURN color string of the slider color currently in use

Sets/Returns the text color currently in use

theme_text_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str) RETURN (str) - color string of the text color currently in use

Sets/Returns the background color for text elements

theme_text_element_background_color(color = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str) RETURN (str) - color string of the text background color currently in use

Platform Checks

These are simple functions you can use that return a boolean True if sys.platform matches the platform. Saves you the trouble of importing sys and then looking up the values for sys.platform.

Determines the OS is Linux by using sys.platform

Returns True if Linux


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(bool) RETURN True if sys.platform indicates running Linux

Determines the OS is Mac by using sys.platform

Returns True if Mac


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(bool) RETURN True if sys.platform indicates running Mac

A special case for Trinket. Checks both the OS and the number of environment variables Currently, Trinket only has ONE environment variable. This fact is used to figure out if Trinket is being used.

Returns True if "Trinket" (in theory)


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(bool) RETURN True if sys.platform indicates Linux and the number of environment variables is 1

Determines the OS is Windows by using sys.platform

Returns True if Windows


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(bool) RETURN True if sys.platform indicates running Windows

UserSettings API - Class Interface

The User Settings API is used to store your settings information from one session to another or from one program to another. They are stored on disk in either JSON or INI file formats.

In addition to user settings files, there is also a global PySimpleGUI settings file that PySimpleGUI uses to store information about the default Python interpreter you want to use with the Exec APIs, the default theme. You can directly access the global settings through the UserSettings object: pysimplegui_user_settings

User Settings

UserSettings(filename = None,
    path = None,
    silent_on_error = False,
    autosave = True,
    use_config_file = None,
    convert_bools_and_none = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str or None) filename The name of the file to use. Can be a full path and filename or just filename
(str or None) path The folder that the settings file will be stored in. Do not include the filename.
bool silent_on_error If True errors will not be reported
bool autosave If True the settings file is saved after every update
bool use_config_file If True then the file format will be a config.ini rather than json
bool convert_bools_and_none If True then "True", "False", "None" will be converted to the Python values True, False, None when using INI files. Default is TRUE


Deletes an individual entry. If no filename has been specified up to this point, then a default filename will be used. After value has been deleted, the settings file is written to disk.

delete_entry(key, section = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key Setting to be deleted. Can be any valid dictionary key type (i.e. must be hashable)


Deltes the filename and path for your settings file. Either paramter can be optional. If you don't choose a path, one is provided for you that is OS specific Windows path default = users/name/AppData/Local/PySimpleGUI/settings. If you don't choose a filename, your application's filename + '.json' will be used Also sets your current dictionary to a blank one.

delete_file(filename = None,
    path = None,
    report_error = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str or None) filename The name of the file to use. Can be a full path and filename or just filename
(str or None) path The folder that the settings file will be stored in. Do not include the filename.
bool report_error Determines if an error should be shown if a delete error happen (i.e. file isn't present)


Deletes a section with the name provided in the section parameter. Your INI file will be saved afterwards if auto-save enabled (default is ON)


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str section Name of the section to delete


Check if a particular settings file exists. Returns True if file exists

exists(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str or None) filename The name of the file to use. Can be a full path and filename or just filename
(str or None) path The folder that the settings file will be stored in. Do not include the filename.


Returns the value of a specified setting. If the setting is not found in the settings dictionary, then the user specified default value will be returned. It no default is specified and nothing is found, then the "default value" is returned. This default can be specified in this call, or previously defined by calling set_default. If nothing specified now or previously, then None is returned as default.

get(key, default = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key Key used to lookup the setting in the settings dictionary
Any default Value to use should the key not be found in the dictionary
(Any) RETURN Value of specified settings


Returns the current settings dictionary. If you've not setup the filename for the settings, a default one will be used and then read.

Note that you can display the dictionary in text format by printing the object itself.


Type Name Meaning
Dict return The current settings dictionary


Sets the filename and path for your settings file. Either paramter can be optional.

If you don't choose a path, one is provided for you that is OS specific Windows path default = users/name/AppData/Local/PySimpleGUI/settings.

If you don't choose a filename, your application's filename + '.json' will be used.

Normally the filename and path are split in the user_settings calls. However for this call they can be combined so that the filename contains both the path and filename.

get_filename(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str or None) filename The name of the file to use. Can be a full path and filename or just filename
(str or None) path The folder that the settings file will be stored in. Do not include the filename.
(str) RETURN The full pathname of the settings file that has both the path and filename combined.


Specifies the path and filename to use for the settings and reads the contents of the file. The filename can be a full filename including a path, or the path can be specified separately. If no filename is specified, then the caller's filename will be used with the extension ".json"

load(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str or None) filename Filename to load settings from (and save to in the future)
(str or None) path Path to the file. Defaults to a specific folder depending on the operating system
(dict) RETURN The settings dictionary (i.e. all settings)


Reads settings file and returns the dictionary. If you have anything changed in an existing settings dictionary, you will lose your changes.


Type Name Meaning
(dict) return settings dictionary


Saves the current settings dictionary. If a filename or path is specified in the call, then it will override any previously specitfied filename to create a new settings file. The settings dictionary is then saved to the newly defined file.

save(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str or None) filename The fFilename to save to. Can specify a path or just the filename. If no filename specified, then the caller's filename will be used.
(str or None) path The (optional) path to use to save the file.
(str) RETURN The full path and filename used to save the settings


Sets an individual setting to the specified value. If no filename has been specified up to this point, then a default filename will be used. After value has been modified, the settings file is written to disk. Note that this call is not value for a config file normally. If it is, then the key is assumed to be the Section key and the value written will be the default value.

set(key, value)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key Setting to be saved. Can be any valid dictionary key type
Any value Value to save as the setting's value. Can be anything
(Any) RETURN value that key was set to


Set the value that will be returned if a requested setting is not found


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any default value to be returned if a setting is not found in the settings dictionary


Sets the location of the settings file

set_location(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str or None) filename The name of the file to use. Can be a full path and filename or just filename
(str or None) path The folder that the settings file will be stored in. Do not include the filename.


Writes a specified dictionary to the currently defined settings filename.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
dict settings_dict The dictionary to be written to the currently defined settings file

User Settings API - Function Interface

You have a couple of ways to access User Settings if your information is stored in JSON format. If you're using the INI format, then you must use the UserSettings object.

These are particularly useful directly in layouts, allowing you to you can easily set default values.

Returns the current settings dictionary. If you've not setup the filename for the settings, a default one will be used and then read.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(dict or str) RETURN The current settings dictionary as a dictionary or a nicely formatted string representing it

Deletes an individual entry. If no filename has been specified up to this point, then a default filename will be used. After value has been deleted, the settings file is written to disk.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key Setting to be saved. Can be any valid dictionary key type (hashable)

Deltes the filename and path for your settings file. Either paramter can be optional. If you don't choose a path, one is provided for you that is OS specific Windows path default = users/name/AppData/Local/PySimpleGUI/settings. If you don't choose a filename, your application's filename + '.json' will be used Also sets your current dictionary to a blank one.

user_settings_delete_filename(filename = None,
    path = None,
    report_error = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename The name of the file to use. Can be a full path and filename or just filename
str path The folder that the settings file will be stored in. Do not include the filename.

Determines if a settings file exists. If so a boolean True is returned. If either a filename or a path is not included, then the appropriate default will be used.

user_settings_file_exists(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename Filename to check
str path Path to the file. Defaults to a specific folder depending on the operating system
(bool) RETURN True if the file exists

Sets the filename and path for your settings file. Either paramter can be optional.

If you don't choose a path, one is provided for you that is OS specific Windows path default = users/name/AppData/Local/PySimpleGUI/settings.

If you don't choose a filename, your application's filename + '.json' will be used.

Normally the filename and path are split in the user_settings calls. However for this call they can be combined so that the filename contains both the path and filename.

user_settings_filename(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename The name of the file to use. Can be a full path and filename or just filename
str path The folder that the settings file will be stored in. Do not include the filename.
(str) RETURN The full pathname of the settings file that has both the path and filename combined.

Returns the value of a specified setting. If the setting is not found in the settings dictionary, then the user specified default value will be returned. It no default is specified and nothing is found, then None is returned. If the key isn't in the dictionary, then it will be added and the settings file saved. If no filename has been specified up to this point, then a default filename will be assigned and used. The settings are SAVED prior to returning.

user_settings_get_entry(key, default = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key Key used to lookup the setting in the settings dictionary
Any default Value to use should the key not be found in the dictionary
(Any) RETURN Value of specified settings

Specifies the path and filename to use for the settings and reads the contents of the file. The filename can be a full filename including a path, or the path can be specified separately. If no filename is specified, then the caller's filename will be used with the extension ".json"

user_settings_load(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename Filename to load settings from (and save to in the future)
str path Path to the file. Defaults to a specific folder depending on the operating system
(dict) RETURN The settings dictionary (i.e. all settings)

Saves the current settings dictionary. If a filename or path is specified in the call, then it will override any previously specitfied filename to create a new settings file. The settings dictionary is then saved to the newly defined file.

user_settings_save(filename = None, path = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str filename The fFilename to save to. Can specify a path or just the filename. If no filename specified, then the caller's filename will be used.
str path The (optional) path to use to save the file.
(str) RETURN The full path and filename used to save the settings

Sets an individual setting to the specified value. If no filename has been specified up to this point, then a default filename will be used. After value has been modified, the settings file is written to disk.

user_settings_set_entry(key, value)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Any key Setting to be saved. Can be any valid dictionary key type
Any value Value to save as the setting's value. Can be anything

Used to control the display of error messages. By default, error messages are displayed to stdout.

user_settings_silent_on_error(silent_on_error = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bool silent_on_error If True then all error messages are silenced (not displayed on the console)

Writes a specified dictionary to the currently defined settings filename.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
dict settings_dict The dictionary to be written to the currently defined settings file

Exec APIs - Launching Subprocesses

These API calls are used to launch subprocesses. You can launch Python files or any type of executable file. In these calls is where you invoke the editor and file explorer that was specified in the PySimpleGUI Global Settings.

Runs the specified command as a subprocess. By default the call is non-blocking. The function will immediately return without waiting for the process to complete running. You can use the returned Popen object to communicate with the subprocess and get the results. Returns a subprocess Popen object.

    args=*<1 or N object>,
    wait = False,
    cwd = None,
    pipe_output = False,
    merge_stderr_with_stdout = True,
    stdin = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str command Filename to load settings from (and save to in the future)
Any *args Variable number of arguments that are passed to the program being started as command line parms
bool wait If True then wait for the subprocess to finish
str cwd Working directory to use when executing the subprocess
bool pipe_output If True then output from the subprocess will be piped. You MUST empty the pipe by calling execute_get_results or your subprocess will block until no longer full
bool merge_stderr_with_stdout If True then output from the subprocess stderr will be merged with stdout. The result is ALL output will be on stdout.
bool stdin Value passed to the Popen call. Defaults to subprocess.DEVNULL so that the pyinstaller created executable work correctly
(subprocess.Popen) RETURN Popen object

Runs the editor that was configured in the global settings and opens the file to a specific line number. Two global settings keys are used. '-editor program-' the command line used to startup your editor. It's set in the global settings window or by directly manipulating the PySimpleGUI settings object '-editor format string-' a string containing 3 "tokens" that describes the command that is executed

execute_editor(file_to_edit, line_number = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str file_to_edit the full path to the file to edit
int line_number optional line number to place the cursor
(subprocess.Popen) or None RETURN Popen object

The global settings has a setting called - "-explorer program-" It defines the program to run when this function is called. The optional folder paramter specified which path should be opened.

execute_file_explorer(folder_to_open = "")

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str folder_to_open The path to open in the explorer program
(subprocess.Popen) or None RETURN Popen object

Returns the first filename found in a traceback that is not the nsame of this file (file) Used internally with the debugger for example.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str RETURN filename of the caller, asseumed to be the first non PySimpleGUI file

Get the text results of a previously executed execute call Returns a tuple of the strings (stdout, stderr)

execute_get_results(subprocess_id, timeout = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(subprocess.Popen) subprocess_id a Popen subprocess ID returned from a previous execute call
(None or float) timeout Time in fractions of a second to wait. Returns '','' if timeout. Default of None means wait forever

Executes a Python file. The interpreter to use is chosen based on this priority order:

  1. interpreter_command paramter
  2. global setting "-python command-"
  3. the interpreter running running PySimpleGUI
    parms = None,
    cwd = None,
    interpreter_command = None,
    wait = False,
    pipe_output = False,
    merge_stderr_with_stdout = True)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str pyfile the file to run
str parms parameters to pass on the command line
str cwd the working directory to use
str interpreter_command the command used to invoke the Python interpreter
bool wait the working directory to use
bool pipe_output If True then output from the subprocess will be piped. You MUST empty the pipe by calling execute_get_results or your subprocess will block until no longer full
bool merge_stderr_with_stdout If True then output from the subprocess stderr will be merged with stdout. The result is ALL output will be on stdout.
(subprocess.Popen) or None RETURN Popen object

Returns True is the subprocess ID provided is for a process that is still running


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(subprocess.Popen) subprocess_id ID previously returned from Exec API calls that indicate this value is returned
bool RETURN True if the subproces is running

Clipboard APIs

Note that this clipboard uses tkinter's clipboard. There is a known limitation that your application needs to remain running until you've pasted the contents. Managed to get around this limitation so that the clipboard stays set after you exit your application, but only have it working for Windows systems.

Gets the clipboard current value.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str) RETURN The current value of the clipboard

Sets the clipboard to a specific value. IMPORTANT NOTE - Your PySimpleGUI application needs to remain running until you've pasted your clipboard. This is a tkinter limitation. A workaround was found for Windows, but you still need to stay running for Linux systems.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
(str or bytes) new_value value to set the clipboard to. Will be converted to a string


Fills a window with values provided in a values dictionary { element_key : new_value }

fill_form_with_values(window, values_dict)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Window window The window object to fill
(Dict[Any, Any]) values_dict A dictionary with element keys as key and value is values parm for Update call
None RETURN None

Fills a window with values provided in a values dictionary { element_key : new_value }

FillFormWithValues(window, values_dict)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
Window window The window object to fill
(Dict[Any, Any]) values_dict A dictionary with element keys as key and value is values parm for Update call
None RETURN None

Application-wide Configuration / Settings (set_options, etc)

Sets the icon which will be used any time a window is created if an icon is not provided when the window is created.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bytes or str icon Either a Base64 byte string or a filename
set_options(icon = None,
    button_color = None,
    element_size = (None, None),
    button_element_size = (None, None),
    margins = (None, None),
    element_padding = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    auto_size_buttons = None,
    font = None,
    border_width = None,
    slider_border_width = None,
    slider_relief = None,
    slider_orientation = None,
    autoclose_time = None,
    message_box_line_width = None,
    progress_meter_border_depth = None,
    progress_meter_style = None,
    progress_meter_relief = None,
    progress_meter_color = None,
    progress_meter_size = None,
    text_justification = None,
    background_color = None,
    element_background_color = None,
    text_element_background_color = None,
    input_elements_background_color = None,
    input_text_color = None,
    scrollbar_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    element_text_color = None,
    debug_win_size = (None, None),
    window_location = (None, None),
    error_button_color = (None, None),
    tooltip_time = None,
    tooltip_font = None,
    use_ttk_buttons = None,
    ttk_theme = None,
    suppress_error_popups = None,
    suppress_raise_key_errors = None,
    suppress_key_guessing = None,
    warn_button_key_duplicates = False,
    enable_treeview_869_patch = None,
    enable_mac_notitlebar_patch = None,
    use_custom_titlebar = None,
    titlebar_background_color = None,
    titlebar_text_color = None,
    titlebar_font = None,
    titlebar_icon = None,
    user_settings_path = None,
    pysimplegui_settings_path = None,
    pysimplegui_settings_filename = None,
    keep_on_top = None,
    dpi_awareness = None,
    scaling = None,
    disable_modal_windows = None,
    force_modal_windows = None,
    tooltip_offset = (None, None),
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bytes or str icon Can be either a filename or Base64 value. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO. Most portable is to use a Base64 of a PNG file. This works universally across all OS's
(str, str) or str button_color Color of the button (text, background)
(int, int) element_size element size (width, height) in characters
(int, int) button_element_size Size of button
(int, int) margins (left/right, top/bottom) tkinter margins around outsize. Amount of pixels to leave inside the window's frame around the edges before your elements are shown.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int)) element_padding Default amount of padding to put around elements in window (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
bool auto_size_text True if the Widget should be shrunk to exactly fit the number of chars to show
bool auto_size_buttons True if Buttons in this Window should be sized to exactly fit the text on this.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
int border_width width of border around element
int slider_border_width Width of the border around sliders
str slider_relief Type of relief to use for sliders
??? slider_orientation ???
??? autoclose_time ???
??? message_box_line_width ???
??? progress_meter_border_depth ???
??? progress_meter_style You can no longer set a progress bar style. All ttk styles must be the same for the window
??? progress_meter_relief
??? progress_meter_color ???
??? progress_meter_size ???
'left' or 'right' or 'center' text_justification Default text justification for all Text Elements in window
str background_color color of background
str element_background_color element background color
str text_element_background_color text element background color
str input_elements_background_color Default color to use for the background of input elements
str input_text_color Default color to use for the text for Input elements
str scrollbar_color Default color to use for the slider trough
str text_color color of the text
str element_text_color Default color to use for Text elements
(int, int) debug_win_size window size
(int, int) or None window_location Default location to place windows. Not setting will center windows on the display
??? error_button_color (Default = (None))
int tooltip_time time in milliseconds to wait before showing a tooltip. Default is 400ms
str or Tuple[str, int] or Tuple[str, int, str] tooltip_font font to use for all tooltips
bool use_ttk_buttons if True will cause all buttons to be ttk buttons
str ttk_theme Theme to use with ttk widgets. Choices (on Windows) include - 'default', 'winnative', 'clam', 'alt', 'classic', 'vista', 'xpnative'
bool suppress_error_popups If True then error popups will not be shown if generated internally to PySimpleGUI
bool suppress_raise_key_errors If True then key errors won't be raised (you'll still get popup error)
bool suppress_key_guessing If True then key errors won't try and find closest matches for you
bool warn_button_key_duplicates If True then duplicate Button Keys generate warnings (not recommended as they're expected)
bool enable_treeview_869_patch If True, then will use the treeview color patch for tk 8.6.9
bool enable_mac_notitlebar_patch If True then Windows with no titlebar use an alternative technique when tkinter version < 8.6.10
bool use_custom_titlebar If True then a custom titlebar is used instead of the normal system titlebar
str or None titlebar_background_color If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as background color
str or None titlebar_text_color If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as text color
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) or None titlebar_font If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as title font
bytes or str titlebar_icon If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as the icon (file or base64 bytes)
str user_settings_path default path for user_settings API calls. Expanded with os.path.expanduser so can contain ~ to represent user
str pysimplegui_settings_path default path for the global PySimpleGUI user_settings
str pysimplegui_settings_filename default filename for the global PySimpleGUI user_settings
bool keep_on_top If True then all windows will automatically be set to keep_on_top=True
bool dpi_awareness If True then will turn on DPI awareness (Windows only at the moment)
float scaling Sets the default scaling for all windows including popups, etc.
bool disable_modal_windows If True then all windows, including popups, will not be modal windows (unless they've been set to FORCED using another option)
bool force_modal_windows If True then all windows will be modal (the disable option will be ignored... all windows will be forced to be modal)
((None, None) or (int, int)) tooltip_offset Offset to use for tooltips as a tuple. These values will be added to the mouse location when the widget was entered.
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
None RETURN None

Non PEP8 versions

Sets the icon which will be used any time a window is created if an icon is not provided when the window is created.


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bytes or str icon Either a Base64 byte string or a filename
SetOptions(icon = None,
    button_color = None,
    element_size = (None, None),
    button_element_size = (None, None),
    margins = (None, None),
    element_padding = (None, None),
    auto_size_text = None,
    auto_size_buttons = None,
    font = None,
    border_width = None,
    slider_border_width = None,
    slider_relief = None,
    slider_orientation = None,
    autoclose_time = None,
    message_box_line_width = None,
    progress_meter_border_depth = None,
    progress_meter_style = None,
    progress_meter_relief = None,
    progress_meter_color = None,
    progress_meter_size = None,
    text_justification = None,
    background_color = None,
    element_background_color = None,
    text_element_background_color = None,
    input_elements_background_color = None,
    input_text_color = None,
    scrollbar_color = None,
    text_color = None,
    element_text_color = None,
    debug_win_size = (None, None),
    window_location = (None, None),
    error_button_color = (None, None),
    tooltip_time = None,
    tooltip_font = None,
    use_ttk_buttons = None,
    ttk_theme = None,
    suppress_error_popups = None,
    suppress_raise_key_errors = None,
    suppress_key_guessing = None,
    warn_button_key_duplicates = False,
    enable_treeview_869_patch = None,
    enable_mac_notitlebar_patch = None,
    use_custom_titlebar = None,
    titlebar_background_color = None,
    titlebar_text_color = None,
    titlebar_font = None,
    titlebar_icon = None,
    user_settings_path = None,
    pysimplegui_settings_path = None,
    pysimplegui_settings_filename = None,
    keep_on_top = None,
    dpi_awareness = None,
    scaling = None,
    disable_modal_windows = None,
    force_modal_windows = None,
    tooltip_offset = (None, None),
    sbar_trough_color = None,
    sbar_background_color = None,
    sbar_arrow_color = None,
    sbar_width = None,
    sbar_arrow_width = None,
    sbar_frame_color = None,
    sbar_relief = None)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
bytes or str icon Can be either a filename or Base64 value. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO. Most portable is to use a Base64 of a PNG file. This works universally across all OS's
(str, str) or str button_color Color of the button (text, background)
(int, int) element_size element size (width, height) in characters
(int, int) button_element_size Size of button
(int, int) margins (left/right, top/bottom) tkinter margins around outsize. Amount of pixels to leave inside the window's frame around the edges before your elements are shown.
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int)) element_padding Default amount of padding to put around elements in window (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom))
bool auto_size_text True if the Widget should be shrunk to exactly fit the number of chars to show
bool auto_size_buttons True if Buttons in this Window should be sized to exactly fit the text on this.
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) font specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike
int border_width width of border around element
int slider_border_width Width of the border around sliders
str slider_relief Type of relief to use for sliders
??? slider_orientation ???
??? autoclose_time ???
??? message_box_line_width ???
??? progress_meter_border_depth ???
??? progress_meter_style You can no longer set a progress bar style. All ttk styles must be the same for the window
??? progress_meter_relief
??? progress_meter_color ???
??? progress_meter_size ???
'left' or 'right' or 'center' text_justification Default text justification for all Text Elements in window
str background_color color of background
str element_background_color element background color
str text_element_background_color text element background color
str input_elements_background_color Default color to use for the background of input elements
str input_text_color Default color to use for the text for Input elements
str scrollbar_color Default color to use for the slider trough
str text_color color of the text
str element_text_color Default color to use for Text elements
(int, int) debug_win_size window size
(int, int) or None window_location Default location to place windows. Not setting will center windows on the display
??? error_button_color (Default = (None))
int tooltip_time time in milliseconds to wait before showing a tooltip. Default is 400ms
str or Tuple[str, int] or Tuple[str, int, str] tooltip_font font to use for all tooltips
bool use_ttk_buttons if True will cause all buttons to be ttk buttons
str ttk_theme Theme to use with ttk widgets. Choices (on Windows) include - 'default', 'winnative', 'clam', 'alt', 'classic', 'vista', 'xpnative'
bool suppress_error_popups If True then error popups will not be shown if generated internally to PySimpleGUI
bool suppress_raise_key_errors If True then key errors won't be raised (you'll still get popup error)
bool suppress_key_guessing If True then key errors won't try and find closest matches for you
bool warn_button_key_duplicates If True then duplicate Button Keys generate warnings (not recommended as they're expected)
bool enable_treeview_869_patch If True, then will use the treeview color patch for tk 8.6.9
bool enable_mac_notitlebar_patch If True then Windows with no titlebar use an alternative technique when tkinter version < 8.6.10
bool use_custom_titlebar If True then a custom titlebar is used instead of the normal system titlebar
str or None titlebar_background_color If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as background color
str or None titlebar_text_color If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as text color
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) or None titlebar_font If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as title font
bytes or str titlebar_icon If custom titlebar indicated by use_custom_titlebar, then use this as the icon (file or base64 bytes)
str user_settings_path default path for user_settings API calls. Expanded with os.path.expanduser so can contain ~ to represent user
str pysimplegui_settings_path default path for the global PySimpleGUI user_settings
str pysimplegui_settings_filename default filename for the global PySimpleGUI user_settings
bool keep_on_top If True then all windows will automatically be set to keep_on_top=True
bool dpi_awareness If True then will turn on DPI awareness (Windows only at the moment)
float scaling Sets the default scaling for all windows including popups, etc.
bool disable_modal_windows If True then all windows, including popups, will not be modal windows (unless they've been set to FORCED using another option)
bool force_modal_windows If True then all windows will be modal (the disable option will be ignored... all windows will be forced to be modal)
((None, None) or (int, int)) tooltip_offset Offset to use for tooltips as a tuple. These values will be added to the mouse location when the widget was entered.
str sbar_trough_color Scrollbar color of the trough
str sbar_background_color Scrollbar color of the background of the arrow buttons at the ends AND the color of the "thumb" (the thing you grab and slide). Switches to arrow color when mouse is over
str sbar_arrow_color Scrollbar color of the arrow at the ends of the scrollbar (it looks like a button). Switches to background color when mouse is over
int sbar_width Scrollbar width in pixels
int sbar_arrow_width Scrollbar width of the arrow on the scrollbar. It will potentially impact the overall width of the scrollbar
str sbar_frame_color Scrollbar Color of frame around scrollbar (available only on some ttk themes)
str sbar_relief Scrollbar relief that will be used for the "thumb" of the scrollbar (the thing you grab that slides). Should be a constant that is defined at starting with "RELIEF_" - RELIEF_RAISED, RELIEF_SUNKEN, RELIEF_FLAT, RELIEF_RIDGE, RELIEF_GROOVE, RELIEF_SOLID
None RETURN None

Old Themes (Look and Feel) - Replaced by theme()

You should NOT use these calls. They are here for your reference should you run into them in existing code.

Change the "color scheme" of all future PySimpleGUI Windows. The scheme are string names that specify a group of colors. Background colors, text colors, button colors. There are 13 different color settings that are changed at one time using a single call to ChangeLookAndFeel The look and feel table itself has these indexes into the dictionary LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE. The original list was (prior to a major rework and renaming)... these names still work... In Nov 2019 a new Theme Formula was devised to make choosing a theme easier: The "Formula" is: ["Dark" or "Light"] Color Number Colors can be Blue Brown Grey Green Purple Red Teal Yellow Black The number will vary for each pair. There are more DarkGrey entries than there are LightYellow for example. Default = The default settings (only button color is different than system default) Default1 = The full system default including the button (everything's gray... how sad... don't be all gray... please....)

ChangeLookAndFeel(index, force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str index the name of the index into the Look and Feel table (does not have to be exact, can be "fuzzy")
bool force no longer used
None RETURN None

Get a list of the valid values to pass into your call to change_look_and_feel


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[str] RETURN list of valid string values

Displays a "Quick Reference Window" showing all of the different Look and Feel settings that are available. They are sorted alphabetically. The legacy color names are mixed in, but otherwise they are sorted into Dark and Light halves

preview_all_look_and_feel_themes(columns = 12,
    scrollable = False,
    scroll_area_size = (None, None),
    search_string = None,
    location = (None, None))

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
int columns The number of themes to display per row
bool scrollable If True then scrollbars will be added
(int, int) scroll_area_size Size of the scrollable area (The Column Element used to make scrollable)
str search_string If specified then only themes containing this string will be shown
(int, int) location Location on the screen to place the window. Defaults to the center like all windows

Get a list of the valid values to pass into your call to change_look_and_feel


Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
List[str] RETURN list of valid string values

Change the "color scheme" of all future PySimpleGUI Windows. The scheme are string names that specify a group of colors. Background colors, text colors, button colors. There are 13 different color settings that are changed at one time using a single call to ChangeLookAndFeel The look and feel table itself has these indexes into the dictionary LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE. The original list was (prior to a major rework and renaming)... these names still work... In Nov 2019 a new Theme Formula was devised to make choosing a theme easier: The "Formula" is: ["Dark" or "Light"] Color Number Colors can be Blue Brown Grey Green Purple Red Teal Yellow Black The number will vary for each pair. There are more DarkGrey entries than there are LightYellow for example. Default = The default settings (only button color is different than system default) Default1 = The full system default including the button (everything's gray... how sad... don't be all gray... please....)

change_look_and_feel(index, force = False)

Parameter Descriptions:

Type Name Meaning
str index the name of the index into the Look and Feel table (does not have to be exact, can be "fuzzy")
bool force no longer used
None RETURN None

This documentation is copyright 2021 by PySimpleGUI(tm)

The PySimpleGUI name and logo are trademarked. Use without permission is prohibited.

Republishing the copyrighted PySimpleGUI documentation and selling it IS PROHIBITED.

When in doubt, ask.