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Utah Teapot - Using a Graph Element

To quote from the Wikipedia page:

The Utah teapot, or the Newell teapot, is a 3D test model that has become a standard reference object and an in-joke within the computer graphics community. "Using a teapot model is considered the 3D equivalent of a "Hello, World!" program"

This PySimpleGUI program originated from GitHub user EdwardChamberlain who has given permission for it to be used here in the PySimpleGUI eCookbook. Thank you Edward!!

This is a link to the GitHub repo where you'll find the latest version of the project: PySimpleGUI-3D-Viewer

You can rotate the object using the top-most slider labelled "R" or you can use your mouse to rotate it by dragging your mouse (hold the left mouse button while dragging) in the Graph area.