81 lines
2.8 KiB
81 lines
2.8 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import cv2 as cv
# from PIL import Image
# import io
Demo program to open and play a file using OpenCV
It's main purpose is to show you:
1. How to get a frame at a time from a video file using OpenCV
2. How to display an image in a PySimpleGUI Window
For added fun, you can reposition the video using the slider.
Copyright 2022 PySimpleGUI
def main():
# ---===--- Get the filename --- #
filename = sg.popup_get_file('Filename to play')
if filename is None:
vidFile = cv.VideoCapture(filename)
# ---===--- Get some Stats --- #
num_frames = vidFile.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)
fps = vidFile.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FPS)
# ---===--- define the window layout --- #
layout = [[sg.Text('OpenCV Demo', size=(15, 1), font='Helvetica 20')],
[sg.Slider(range=(0, num_frames), size=(60, 10), orientation='h', key='-SLIDER-')],
[sg.Push(), sg.Button('Exit', font='Helvetica 14')]]
# create the window and show it without the plot
window = sg.Window('Demo Application - OpenCV Integration', layout, no_titlebar=False, location=(0, 0))
# locate the elements we'll be updating. Does the search only 1 time
image_elem = window['-IMAGE-']
slider_elem = window['-SLIDER-']
timeout = 1000//fps # time in ms to use for window reads
# ---===--- LOOP through video file by frame --- #
cur_frame = 0
while vidFile.isOpened():
event, values = window.read(timeout=timeout)
if event in ('Exit', None):
ret, frame = vidFile.read()
if not ret: # if out of data stop looping
# if someone moved the slider manually, the jump to that frame
if int(values['-SLIDER-']) != cur_frame-1:
cur_frame = int(values['-SLIDER-'])
vidFile.set(cv.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, cur_frame)
cur_frame += 1
imgbytes = cv.imencode('.ppm', frame)[1].tobytes() # can also use png. ppm found to be more efficient
# | | #
# | | #
# |_| #
# __ __ #
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# \_/ #
""" #############
# This was another way updates were being done, but seems slower than the above
img = Image.fromarray(frame) # create PIL image from frame
bio = io.BytesIO() # a binary memory resident stream
img.save(bio, format= 'PNG') # save image as png to it
imgbytes = bio.getvalue() # this can be used by OpenCV hopefully
""" |