53 lines
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53 lines
2.3 KiB
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import webbrowser
Demo Cursors
Demonstration of setting an Element's Cursor to use a different cursor than the standard arrow.
Can also change Cursor at the Window level.
If you want no cursor, set the cursor to the string 'none'.
Copyright 2021, 2022 PySimpleGUI
# Here is a more complete list of cursors you can choose from
cursors = sg.TKINTER_CURSORS
sg.theme('Light Blue 2')
layout = [ [sg.Text('Here is a clickable link for you')],
[sg.Text('Notice how the cursor switches to a "hand" when hover over the link')],
[sg.Text('www.PySimpleGUI.org', font='default 12 underline', text_color='blue', enable_events=True, key='-LINK-')],
[sg.Text('Try out these additional cursors')],
[sg.Text('watch - This makes the spinning-donut-of-death cursor on Windows', key='-WATCH-')],
[sg.Text('fleur - The "Move" cursor', key='-FLEUR-')],
[sg.Text('trek - Beam me up Scotty!', key='-TREK-')],
[sg.Text('none - No cursor at all', key='-NONE-')],
[sg.Text('For touchscreen applications, you may want to turn off the cursor entirely for the windw')],
[sg.Text('Click the Hide Cursor button to turn off at the Window level.')],
[sg.Text('Elements that have specific cursors set will continue to show those cursors')],
[sg.Button('Hide Cursor'), sg.Button('Exit')] ]
window = sg.Window('Cursor Demo', layout, finalize=True)
# Make sure window is finalized first. Then set the cursor
while True: # Event Loop
event, values = window.read()
print(event, values)
if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Exit'):
elif event == 'Hide Cursor':
window.set_cursor('none') # special value that hides the cursor entirely
elif event == '-LINK-':
# if the text was clicked, open a browser using the text as the address
webbrowser.open(window['-LINK-'].DisplayText) # accessing DisplayText isn't something you'll see often
window.close() |