
44 lines
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import PySimpleGUI as sg
Demo - Find window's location according to tkinter
Drag this window around your multiple monitors. It will show you where
tkinter believes the corners are for the window.
You can then use this information to locate your what to pass in the location
parameter when you want to create a window at a specific spot.
The value in the center is the screen dimensions for the primary window.
Copyright 2021, 2022 PySimpleGUI
sg.theme('dark green 7')
layout = [
sg.Text(size=(None,1), key='-OUT-'),
sg.Text(size=(None,1), key='-OUT2-', expand_x=True, expand_y=True, justification='c'), sg.T(sg.SYMBOL_UP_ARROWHEAD)],
[sg.T('Screen size: '),sg.T(sg.Window.get_screen_size()), sg.T(sg.SYMBOL_SQUARE)],
sg.Text(size=(None,1), key='-OUT4-'),
sg.Text(size=(None,1), key='-OUT3-', expand_x=True, expand_y=True, justification='r'), sg.T(sg.SYMBOL_DOWN_ARROWHEAD, justification='r')],
window = sg.Window('Title not seen', layout, grab_anywhere=True, no_titlebar=True, margins=(0,0), element_padding=(0,0), right_click_menu=sg.MENU_RIGHT_CLICK_EDITME_EXIT, keep_on_top=True, font='_ 25', finalize=True, transparent_color=sg.theme_background_color())
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
if event == 'Edit Me':
loc = window.current_location()
window['-OUT2-'].update((loc[0]+window.size[0], loc[1]))
window['-OUT3-'].update((loc[0]+window.size[0], loc[1]+window.size[1]))
window['-OUT4-'].update((loc[0], loc[1]+window.size[1]))