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#!/usr/bin/env python
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import chatterbot.utils
Note - this code was written using version 0.8.7 of Chatterbot... to install:
python -m pip install chatterbot==0.8.7
It still runs fine with the old version.
A GUI wrapped arouind the Chatterbot package.
The GUI is used to show progress bars during the training process and
to collect user input that is sent to the chatbot. The reply is displayed in the GUI window
# Create the 'Trainer GUI'
# The Trainer GUI consists of a lot of progress bars stacked on top of each other
# sg.DebugWin()
MAX_PROG_BARS = 20 # number of training sessions
bars = []
texts = []
training_layout = [[sg.Text('TRAINING PROGRESS', size=(20, 1), font=('Helvetica', 17))]]
for i in range(MAX_PROG_BARS):
bars.append(sg.ProgressBar(100, size=(30, 4)))
texts.append(sg.Text(' ' * 20, size=(20, 1), justification='right'))
training_layout += [[texts[i], bars[i]], ] # add a single row
training_window = sg.Window('Training', training_layout)
current_bar = 0
# callback function for training runs
def print_progress_bar(description, iteration_counter, total_items, progress_bar_length=20):
global current_bar
global bars
global texts
global training_window
# update the window and the bars
button, values =
if button is None: # if user closed the window on us, exit
if bars[current_bar].UpdateBar(iteration_counter, max=total_items) is False:
# show the training dataset name
if iteration_counter == total_items:
current_bar += 1
# redefine the chatbot text based progress bar with a graphical one
chatterbot.utils.print_progress_bar = print_progress_bar
from chatterbot import ChatBot
from chatterbot.trainers import ChatterBotCorpusTrainer
chatbot = ChatBot('Ron Obvious')
# Create a new trainer for the chatbot
trainer = ChatterBotCorpusTrainer(chatbot)
# Train based on the english corpus
# Train based on english greetings corpus
# Train based on the english conversations corpus
chatbot = ChatBot('Ron Obvious', trainer='chatterbot.trainers.ChatterBotCorpusTrainer')
# Train based on the english corpus
# chatbot.train("chatterbot.corpus.english")
################# GUI #################
layout = [[sg.Multiline(size=(80, 20), reroute_stdout=True, echo_stdout_stderr=True)],
[sg.MLine(size=(70, 5), key='-MLINE IN-', enter_submits=True, do_not_clear=False),
sg.Button('SEND', bind_return_key=True), sg.Button('EXIT')]]
window = sg.Window('Chat Window', layout,
default_element_size=(30, 2))
# ---===--- Loop taking in user input and using it to query HowDoI web oracle --- #
while True:
event, values =
if event != 'SEND':
string = values['-MLINE IN-'].rstrip()
print(' ' + string)
# send the user input to chatbot to get a response
response = chatbot.get_response(values['-MLINE IN-'].rstrip())