253 lines
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253 lines
14 KiB
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import color_themes
Program that is used to create new themes for use with PySimpleGUI's "Look and Feel" settings.
You are presented with a grid of mini-windows that is created for color palettes downloaded from https://colorhunt.co/palettes
The file color_themes.py contains a large dictionary of approx 1780 palettes.
For each palette you are shown 4 candidate themes, 2 "light" and 2 "dark". The window shows 5 palettes so you'll have a
total of 20 candidate themes displayed in total.
Each candidate theme has a 3 options - The button color (text and background), the text color for Input/Multiline elements,
and the name of the theme when you save it. These you choose using the radio buttons and one input field.
To "save" one of these candidate themes, check the checkbox to the left of the layout, choose the radio buttons for button
& text settings and optionally change the theme name that is shown above the grid of OK buttons. By default the name starts
with either "Dark" or "Light" and is followed by the first 2 "tags" that were posted with the palette on the colorhunt site.
After you've selected the themes you want to save from the window of 20 click any "OK" button in the window or close the
window with the "X". You will see the dictionary text in the Debug Window and the values will also be written to a file.
You'll then be shown the next group of 20 candidate themes.
If you want to exit the program entirely, click any "Cancel" button the page. Note - cliicking "Cancel" will not save any
theme you have checked with the checkbox. You should only exit from a window you have not selected any themes for saving
If a Theme is selected for saving, then the values for the LOOK_AND_FEEL dictionary are displayed in a debug window and are
also appended to the file new_theme_dict.py. You will need to edit the new_theme_dict.py file to get the syntax correct.
A "," or "}" may need to be added in order to make the table be correct.
If you're using this program it's assumed you know what you're doing and understand the LOOK_AND_FEEL dictionary and can
figure out how to get the syntax correct for adding it to the main dictionary of themes.
sg.change_look_and_feel('Dark Blue 3')
layout = [
[sg.T('Choose your window layout (default is a huge window)')],
[sg.In(default_text=CANDIDATES_PER_ROW),sg.T('Candidates Per Row')],
[sg.In(default_text=PALETTES_PER_WINDOW),sg.T('Palettes Per Window (4 candidates for each)')],
window = sg.Window('Choose Theme Layout', layout,default_element_size=(4,1))
event, values = window.read()
if event is None:
sg.popup_no_buttons('Aborting....', no_titlebar=True, auto_close=True, keep_on_top=True)
CANDIDATES_PER_ROW = int(values[0])
TOTAL_CANDIDATES_PER_PAGE = int(values[1]) * 4
sg.popup_no_buttons('Bad input... Aborting....', no_titlebar=True, auto_close=True, keep_on_top=True)
def rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b):
r = float(r)
g = float(g)
b = float(b)
high = max(r, g, b)
low = min(r, g, b)
h, s, v = ((high + low) / 2,)*3
if high == low:
h = s = 0.0
d = high - low
l = (high + low) / 2
s = d / (2 - high - low) if l > 0.5 else d / (high + low)
h = {
r: (g - b) / d + (6 if g < b else 0),
g: (b - r) / d + 2,
b: (r - g) / d + 4,
h /= 6
return h, s, v
def hex_to_rgb(hex):
hex = hex.lstrip('#')
hlen = len(hex)
return tuple(int(hex[i:i + hlen // 3], 16) for i in range(0, hlen, hlen // 3))
def sorted_tuple(tup, position):
tup.sort(key=lambda x: x[position])
return tup
sg.popup_quick_message('Hang on this could me a few moments....', background_color='red', text_color='white', keep_on_top=True)
sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE = {} # Entirely replace the look and feel table in PySimpleGUI
for key, colors in color_themes.themes.items():
# Sort the colors from darkest to lightest
color_lightness_pairs = []
for color in colors:
if type(color) in (tuple, list):
r,g,b = hex_to_rgb(color)
lightness = (rgb_to_hsl(r=r, g=g, b=b))[2]
color_lightness_pairs.append((lightness, color))
sorted_colors_tuples = sorted_tuple(color_lightness_pairs, 0) # sort the pairs by the first item (lightness)
scolors = [c for l, c in sorted_colors_tuples] # Colors sorted from darkest to lightest
# Create a "Dark" and a "Light" theme based on the sorted colors
sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE['Dark'+key] = {'BACKGROUND': scolors[0],
'TEXT': scolors[3],
'INPUT': scolors[2],
'TEXT_INPUT': '#000000',
'SCROLL': scolors[2],
'BUTTON': ('#FFFFFF', scolors[1]),
'BORDER': 1,
sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE['Light'+key] = {'BACKGROUND': scolors[3],
'TEXT': scolors[0],
'INPUT': scolors[1],
'SCROLL': scolors[0],
'BUTTON': ('#FFFFFF', scolors[2]),
'BORDER': 1,
'COLOR_LIST': scolors,
sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE['Dark2'+key] = {'BACKGROUND': scolors[1],
'TEXT': scolors[3],
'INPUT': scolors[2],
'TEXT_INPUT': '#000000',
'SCROLL': scolors[2],
'BUTTON': ('#FFFFFF', scolors[1]),
'BORDER': 1,
sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE['Light2'+key] = {'BACKGROUND': scolors[2],
'TEXT': scolors[0],
'INPUT': scolors[1],
'SCROLL': scolors[0],
'BUTTON': ('#FFFFFF', scolors[2]),
'BORDER': 1,
'COLOR_LIST': scolors,
def sample_layout(theme_name, colors, description):
name = 'Dark' if theme_name.startswith('D') else 'Light'
name += "".join(description[:2])
layout = [[sg.Text('Text element', size=(12,1)), sg.InputText(' '.join(colors),text_color='#000000' ),sg.Radio('',theme+'1', key='-INPUT_RAD0-'+theme, default=True, metadata='#000000'),
sg.Slider((0,10),size=(10,20), orientation='h')],
[sg.T(size=(12,1)), sg.InputText(colors[0], text_color='#FFFFFF'),sg.Radio('',theme+'1', key='-INPUT_RAD1-'+theme, metadata='#FFFFFF')],
[sg.T(size=(12,1)), sg.InputText(colors[0], text_color=colors[0]),sg.Radio('',theme+'1', key='-INPUT_RAD2-'+theme, metadata=colors[0])],
[sg.T(size=(12,1)),sg.InputText(colors[3], text_color=colors[3]),sg.Radio('',theme+'1', key='-INPUT_RAD3-'+theme, metadata=colors[3])],
[sg.T(', '.join(description)), sg.In(name, key='-NEW_THEME_NAME-'+theme)],
[sg.Button('OK'), sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD1-'+theme, default=True, metadata=sg.DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR),
sg.Button('OK', button_color=('white', colors[0])),sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD2-'+theme, metadata=('white', colors[0])),
sg.Button('OK', button_color=('black', colors[0])),sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD9-'+theme, metadata=('black', colors[0])),
sg.Button('OK', button_color=('white', colors[3])),sg.Radio('', theme+'2', key='-BTN_RAD10-' + theme, metadata=('white', colors[3])),
sg.Button('OK', button_color=('black', colors[3])),sg.Radio('', theme+'2', key='-BTN_RAD11-' + theme, metadata=('black', colors[3]))],
[sg.Button('OK', button_color=(colors[0],colors[1])),sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD3-'+theme, metadata=(colors[0], colors[1])),
sg.Button('OK', button_color=(colors[2],colors[1])),sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD4-'+theme, metadata=(colors[2], colors[1])),
sg.Button('OK', button_color=(colors[3],colors[1])),sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD5-'+theme, metadata=(colors[3], colors[1])),
sg.Button('OK', button_color=(colors[3],colors[0])),sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD7-'+theme, metadata=(colors[3], colors[0])),
sg.Button('OK', button_color=(colors[0],colors[3])),sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD8-'+theme, metadata=(colors[0], colors[3])),
sg.Button('Cancel', button_color=(colors[3], colors[2])),sg.Radio('',theme+'2',key='-BTN_RAD6-'+theme, metadata=(colors[3], colors[2])),
] ]
return layout
# layout = [[sg.Text('Here is list of some themes', font='Default 18', background_color=WINDOW_BACKGROUND)]]
layout = []
row = []
layouts = []
for count, theme in enumerate(sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE.keys()):
if count and not(count % CANDIDATES_PER_ROW):
layout += [row]
row = []
row += [sg.CB('',text_color='black', background_color=WINDOW_BACKGROUND, key='-CB-'+theme)]
row += [sg.Frame(theme, sample_layout(theme, sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE[theme]['COLOR_LIST'], sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE[theme]['DESCRIPTION']))]
if count and not (count % TOTAL_CANDIDATES_PER_PAGE):
if layout:
layout = []
if row:
layout += [row]
if layout:
print(f'len layouts = {len(layouts)}')
for layout in layouts:
window = sg.Window('PySimpleGUI Theme Maker', layout, background_color=WINDOW_BACKGROUND, default_element_size=(30,1))
event, values = window.read()
if event is not None and event.startswith('Cancel'):
for key, value in values.items():
if type(key) is str and key.startswith('-CB-') and value:
theme = key[4:]
theme_entry = sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE[theme]
if values['-INPUT_RAD1-'+theme]:
input_text_color = window['-INPUT_RAD1-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-INPUT_RAD2-'+theme]:
input_text_color = window['-INPUT_RAD2-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-INPUT_RAD3-'+theme]:
input_text_color = window['-INPUT_RAD3-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-INPUT_RAD0-'+theme]:
input_text_color = window['-INPUT_RAD0-'+theme].metadata
print('** ERROR none of the radio buttons are true for input text **')
if values['-BTN_RAD1-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD1-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD2-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD2-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD3-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD3-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD4-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD4-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD5-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD5-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD6-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD6-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD7-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD7-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD8-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD8-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD9-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD9-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD10-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD10-'+theme].metadata
elif values['-BTN_RAD11-'+theme]:
b_color = window['-BTN_RAD11-'+theme].metadata
print('** ERROR none of the radio buttons are true for button color **')
sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE[theme]['TEXT_INPUT'] = input_text_color
sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE[theme]['BUTTON'] = b_color
with open('new_theme_dict.py', 'a') as outfile:
outfile.write(f"'{values['-NEW_THEME_NAME-'+theme]}' : {sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE[theme]},\n")
sg.Print(f"'{values['-NEW_THEME_NAME-'+theme]}' : {sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE[theme]}\n")
del window