
178 lines
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import threading
import time
import PySimpleGUI as sg
Performing function calls that are lengthy using a "wrapper function)
This is one way to use threads and PySimpleGUI's write_event_value to enable users
to call functions that would normally cause a GUI to appear hung.
A helper function, perform_long_operation is used where a function call is normally done in your code.
Instead of directly calling the function, a lambda is used and passed to the helper function along with
the window that will receive the results and a key that is used to signal that the function
has completed running.
The overall idea here is you can directly call your function until it gets too lengthy for
the GUI to remain reasonably responsive. When you get to the point the function takes too long, then
you'll copy and paste your function call into the call to perform_long_operation. The function looks
identical to your original code, except that it's now a parameter to another function and the
return value is passed back to you later.
Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI
M""""""""M dP dP
Mmmm mmmM 88 88
MMMM MMMM 88d888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. .d8888b. .d888b88
MMMM MMMM 88' `88 88' `88 88ooood8 88' `88 88' `88
MMMM MMMM 88 88 88 88. ... 88. .88 88. .88
MMMM MMMM dP dP dP `88888P' `88888P8 `88888P8
def perform_long_operation(func, window, end_key):
thread = threading.Thread(target=long_func_thread, args=(window, end_key, func))
def long_func_thread(window: sg.Window, end_key, original_func):
return_value = original_func()
window.write_event_value(end_key, return_value)
M MMMMM M .d8888b. .d8888b. 88d888b.
M MMMMM M Y8ooooo. 88ooood8 88' `88
M `MMM' M 88 88. ... 88
Mb dM `88888P' `88888P' dP
MM mmmmmmmM
M' MMMM dP dP 88d888b. .d8888b.
MM MMMMMMMM 88 88 88' `88 88' `""
MM MMMMMMMM 88. .88 88 88 88. ...
MM MMMMMMMM `88888P' dP dP `88888P'
def my_long_func(count, a=1, b=2):
This is your function that takes a long time
:param count:
:param a:
:param b:
for i in range(count):
print(i, a, b)
return 'DONE!'
88d8b.d8b. .d8888b. dP 88d888b.
88'`88'`88 88' `88 88 88' `88
88 88 88 88. .88 88 88 88
dP dP dP `88888P8 dP dP dP
oo dP oo dP dP dP
88 88 88 88
dP 88d888b. .d888b88 dP 88d888b. .d8888b. .d8888b. d8888P .d8888b. .d8888b. 88 88
88 88' `88 88' `88 88 88' `88 88ooood8 88' `"" 88 88' `"" 88' `88 88 88
88 88 88 88. .88 88 88 88. ... 88. ... 88 88. ... 88. .88 88 88
dP dP dP `88888P8 dP dP `88888P' `88888P' dP `88888P' `88888P8 dP dP
# This is your new code that uses a thread to perform the long operation
def main():
layout = [ [sg.Text('Indirect Call Version')],
[sg.Text('How many times to run the loop?'), sg.Input(s=(4,1), key='-IN-')],
[sg.Text(s=(30,1), k='-STATUS-')],
[sg.Button('Go', bind_return_key=True), sg.Button('Exit')] ]
window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
print(event, values)
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
elif event == 'Go':
window['-STATUS-'].update('Calling your function...')
if values['-IN-'].isnumeric():
# This is where the magic happens. Add your function call as a lambda
lambda : my_long_func(int(values['-IN-']), a=10),
window, '-END KEY-')
window['-STATUS-'].update('Try again... how about an int?')
elif event == '-END KEY-':
window['-STATUS-'].update(f'Completed. Returned: {values[event]}')
88d8b.d8b. .d8888b. dP 88d888b.
88'`88'`88 88' `88 88 88' `88
88 88 88 88. .88 88 88 88
dP dP dP `88888P8 dP dP dP
dP oo dP dP dP
88 88 88 88
.d888b88 dP 88d888b. .d8888b. .d8888b. d8888P .d8888b. .d8888b. 88 88
88' `88 88 88' `88 88ooood8 88' `"" 88 88' `"" 88' `88 88 88
88. .88 88 88 88. ... 88. ... 88 88. ... 88. .88 88 88
`88888P8 dP dP `88888P' `88888P' dP `88888P' `88888P8 dP dP
# This is your original code... it's all going great.... until the call takes too long
def old_main():
layout = [ [sg.Text('Direct Call Version')],
[sg.Text('How many times to run the loop?'), sg.Input(s=(4,1), key='-IN-')],
[sg.Text(s=(30,1), k='-STATUS-')],
[sg.Button('Go', bind_return_key=True), sg.Button('Exit')] ]
window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values =
print(event, values)
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':
elif event == 'Go':
if values['-IN-'].isnumeric():
window['-STATUS-'].update('Calling your function...')
window.refresh() # needed to make the message show up immediately20
return_value = my_long_func(int(values['-IN-']), a=10)
window['-STATUS-'].update(f'Completed. Returned: {return_value}')
window['-STATUS-'].update('Try again... how about an int?')
if __name__ == '__main__':