149 lines
5.4 KiB
149 lines
5.4 KiB
import PySimpleGUI as sg, random
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Any, Union, Tuple, Dict
Sudoku Puzzle Demo
How to easily generate a GUI for a Sudoku puzzle.
The Window definition and creation is a single line of code.
Code to generate a playable puzzle was supplied from:
Copyright 2020 PySimpleGUI.com
def generate_sudoku(mask_rate):
Create a Sukoku board
:param mask_rate: % of squares to hide
:type mask_rate: float
:rtype: List[numpy.ndarry, numpy.ndarry]
while True:
n = 9
solution = np.zeros((n, n), np.int)
rg = np.arange(1, n + 1)
solution[0, :] = np.random.choice(rg, n, replace=False)
for r in range(1, n):
for c in range(n):
col_rest = np.setdiff1d(rg, solution[:r, c])
row_rest = np.setdiff1d(rg, solution[r, :c])
avb1 = np.intersect1d(col_rest, row_rest)
sub_r, sub_c = r//3, c//3
avb2 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, n+1), solution[sub_r*3:(sub_r+1)*3, sub_c*3:(sub_c+1)*3].ravel())
avb = np.intersect1d(avb1, avb2)
solution[r, c] = np.random.choice(avb, size=1)
except ValueError:
puzzle = solution.copy()
puzzle[np.random.choice([True, False], size=solution.shape, p=[mask_rate, 1 - mask_rate])] = 0
return puzzle, solution
def check_progress(window, solution):
Gives you a visual hint on your progress.
Red - You've got an incorrect number at the location
Yellow - You're missing an anwer for that location
:param window: The GUI's Window
:type window: sg.Window
:param solution: A 2D array containing the solution
:type solution: numpy.ndarray
:return: True if the puzzle has been solved correctly
:rtype: bool
solved = True
for r, row in enumerate(solution):
for c, col in enumerate(row):
value = window[r,c].get()
if value:
value = int(value)
value = 0
if value != solution[r][c]:
solved = False
solved = False
window[r, c].update(background_color='yellow')
return solved
def main(mask_rate=0.7):
The Main GUI - It does it all.
The "Board" is a grid that's 9 x 9. Even though the layout is a grid of 9 Frames, the
addressing of the individual squares is via a key that's a tuple (0,0) to (8,8)
def create_and_show_puzzle():
# create and display a puzzle by updating the Input elements
rate = mask_rate
if window['-RATE-'].get():
rate = float(window['-RATE-'].get())
puzzle, solution = generate_sudoku(mask_rate=rate)
for r, row in enumerate(puzzle):
for c, col in enumerate(row):
window[r, c].update(puzzle[r][c] if puzzle[r][c] else '', background_color=sg.theme_input_background_color())
return puzzle, solution
# It's 1 line of code to make a Sudoku board. If you don't like it, then replace it.
# Dude (Dudette), it's 1-line of code. If you don't like the board, write a line of code.
# The keys for the inputs are tuples (0-8, 0-8) that reference each Input Element.
# Get an input element for a position using: window[row, col]
# To get a better understanding, take it apart. Spread it out. You'll learn in the process.
window = sg.Window('Sudoku',
[[sg.Frame('', [[sg.I(random.randint(1,9), justification='r', size=(3,1), key=(fr*3+r,fc*3+c)) for c in range(3)] for r in range(3)]) for fc in range(3)] for fr in range(3)] +
[[sg.B('Solve'), sg.B('Check'), sg.B('Hint'), sg.B('New Game'), sg.T('Mask rate (0-1)'), sg.In(str(mask_rate), size=(3,1),key='-RATE-')],], finalize=True)
# create and display a puzzle by updating the Input elements
puzzle, solution = create_and_show_puzzle()
while True: # The Event Loop
event, values = window.read()
if event is None:
if event == 'Solve':
for r, row in enumerate(solution):
for c, col in enumerate(row):
window[r, c].update(solution[r][c], background_color=sg.theme_input_background_color())
elif event == 'Check':
solved = check_progress(window, solution)
if solved:
sg.popup('Solved! You have solved the puzzle correctly.')
elif event == 'Hint':
elem = window.find_element_with_focus()
elem.update(solution[elem.Key[0]][elem.Key[1]], background_color=sg.theme_input_background_color())
pass # Likely because an input element didn't have focus
elif event == 'New Game':
puzzle, solution = create_and_show_puzzle()
if __name__ == "__main__":
mask_rate = 0.7 # % Of cells to hide