
89 lines
3.1 KiB

#20/1/18 Oz date
from tkinter import *
def callback(event): #used to allow Return key as well as
calculate() # button press for mark entry
def calculate():
global i, total,name
name = entry_name.get() #get the name and prevent another
mark[i] = entry_mark.get()
label_name.configure(state = DISABLED)
entry_name.configure(state = DISABLED)
mark[i] = entry_mark.get() #get and store in mark list and clear entry
i = i + 1 #get total i - needs to be global
if i == 4: #if four marks - stop
button_done.configure(state = NORMAL)
button_calculate.configure(state = DISABLED)
def done():
total = 0
for m in mark: #total marks - convery to integer
total += int(m)
average = total/4 #calculate average
f = open(pathname, 'w')
print(name, file= f)
print(total, file= f) #write to file
print(average, file= f)
button_done.configure(state = DISABLED) #stop button being pressed again
button_display.configure(state = NORMAL)
def display():
#create list of three valuesand combine elemnets into one string - use \n for new line
data = [line.strip() for line in open(pathname)]
s= 'Name: ' + data[0] +'\nTotal: ' + str(data[1]) + '\nAverage: ' + str(data[2])
label_displayresults.configure(text = s)
root = Tk()
root.title('text files')
#set up controls
label_instructs = Label(justify = LEFT, padx = 10, pady=10,width = 30, height =4, text = 'Enter a Name then a Mark then press\nCalculate, do this 4 times.Then press\nDone to Save Name, Total and Average.')
label_name = Label(text='Name: ', width = 8)
entry_name = Entry(width = 8)
label_mark = Label(text='Mark: ', width = 8)
entry_mark = Entry(width = 8)
button_calculate = Button(text = 'Calculate', command=calculate)
button_done= Button(pady = 8, text='Done', command = done, state = DISABLED)
button_display = Button(pady =8,text = 'Display', command=display, state = DISABLED)
label_displaytext = Label(justify = LEFT, text='Press display to\nretrieve recent\nTotal & Average')
label_displayresults=Label(justify = LEFT, padx = 10, height = 5,)
#set up positioning of controls
label_instructs.grid(row = 0, columnspan = 3)
label_name.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
entry_name.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
label_mark.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
entry_mark.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
entry_mark.bind('<Return>', callback) #create binding for Return key for mark entry box
button_calculate.grid(row =3, column = 0)
button_done.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
button_display.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
label_displaytext.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
label_displayresults.grid(row = 5, columnspan = 2)
#global variables when used in more than one function
global i
global mark
global total
global average
mark = [0,0,0,0]
average = 0.0
entry_name.focus() #set initial focus
global pathname
pathname = "C:\\Users\\tcrewe\\Dropbox\\01 Teaching folders\\07 TCC Python stuff\\TCC py files\\TCC sample files\wordlist.txt"