## Contributing to PySimpleGUI

Hi there!  Mike here....thank you for taking time to read this document.

### Open Source License, but Private Development

PySimpleGUI is different than most projects on GitHub.  It is licensed using the "Open Source License" LGPL3.  However, the coding and development of the project is not structured in the same way most open source projects are structured.

This project/account does not accept user submitted code nor documentation.

### You Can Still Contribute

#### Write Applications, Use PySimpleGUI, Make Repos, Post Screenshots, Write Tutorials, Teach Others

These are a few of the ways you can directly contribute to PySimpleGUI.  Using the package to make cool stuff and helping others learn how to use it to make cool stuff is a big help to PySimpleGUI.   **Everyone** learns from seeing other people's implementations.  It's through user's creating applications that new problems and needs are discovered.  These have had a profound and positive impact on the project in the past.

#### Make Suggestions

There are 100's of open issues in the main PySimpleGUI GitHub account that are actively worked, daily. There are 1,000s that have been completed. The evolution of PySimpleGUI over the years has been a combination of my vision for the product and ideas from users. So many people have helped make PySimpleGUI better.

### Pull Requests

Pull requests are *not being accepted* for the project.  This includes sending code changes via other means than "pull requests".  Plainly put, code you send will not be used.

I don't mean to be ugly.  This isn't personal.  Heck, I don't know "you",the reader personally.  It's not about ego.  It's complicated.  The result is that it allows me to dedicate my life to this project.  It's what's required, for whatever reason, for me to do this. That's the best explanation I have. I love and respect the users of this work.

### Bug Fixes

If you file an Issue for a bug, have located the bug, and found a fix in 10 lines of code or less.... and you wish to share your fix with the community, then feel free to include it with the filed Issue.  If it's longer than 10 lines and wish to discuss it, then send an email to help@PySimpleGUI.org.

## Thank You

This project comes from a well-meaning, love of computing, and helping others place.  It's not about "me", it's about ***you***.

The support from the user community has been ***amazing***.  Your passion for creating PySimpleGUI applications is infectious.  Every "thank you" is noticed and appreciated!  Your passion for wanting to see PySimpleGUI improve is neither ignored nor unappreciated.  At a time when the Internet can feel toxic, there's been expressions of appreciation, gratitude, and encouragement that's unbelievable.  I'm touched on a very frequent basis and am filled with gratitude myself as a result.

It's understood that this way of development of a Python package is unorthodox.  You may find it frustrating and slow, but hope you can respect the decision for it to operate in this manner and be supportive.