import PySimpleGUI as sg """" Demo Justification Columns Using Column elements to justify one or more elements within a window Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI """ col1 = [[sg.T('Left side')],[sg.T('Still left')]] col2 = [[sg.T('Middle')]] col3 = [[sg.T('Right side')]] layout = [[sg.T('First row of the layout is left justified', font='Any 14')], [sg.HorizontalSeparator()], [sg.Column(col1, key='c1', element_justification='l', expand_x=True), sg.Column(col2, key='c2', element_justification='c', expand_x=True), sg.Column(col3, key='c3', element_justification='r', expand_x=True)], [sg.HorizontalSeparator()], [sg.Text('The remainder of the window is left justified')], [sg.Input(key='-IN-')], [sg.Button('Go'), sg.Button('Exit')]] window = sg.Window('Justifying and resizing window contents', layout, finalize=True, resizable=True) # If using an older version of PySimpleGUI, you can add the expansion using these expand method calls # window['c1'].expand(True, False, False) # window['c2'].expand(True, False, False) # window['c3'].expand(True, False, False) while True: # Event Loop event, values = print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break window.close()