#!/usr/bin/env python from PIL import Image from sys import exit import PySimpleGUI as sg import os import io import numpy as np thumbnails = {} ROWS = 8 COLUMNS = 8 sg.set_options(border_width=0) # Get the folder containing the images from the user # folder = 'A:/TEMP/pdfs' folder = sg.popup_get_folder('Image folder to open') if folder is None: sg.popup_cancel('Cancelling') exit(0) def image_file_to_bytes(filename, size): try: image = Image.open(filename) image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS) bio = io.BytesIO() # a binary memory resident stream image.save(bio, format='PNG') # save image as png to it imgbytes = bio.getvalue() except: imgbytes = None return imgbytes def set_image_to_blank(key): img = Image.new('RGB', (100, 100), (255, 255, 255)) img.thumbnail((1, 1), Image.ANTIALIAS) bio = io.BytesIO() img.save(bio, format='PNG') imgbytes = bio.getvalue() window[key].update(image_data=imgbytes) # get list of PNG files in folder png_files = [os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.listdir(folder) if '.png' in f] filenames_only = [f for f in os.listdir(folder) if '.png' in f] if len(png_files) == 0: sg.popup('No PNG images in folder') exit(0) # define menu layout menu = [['&File', ['&Open Folder', 'E&xit']], ['&Help', ['&About', ]]] buttons = [] for display_index in range(ROWS): row = [] for j in range(COLUMNS): row.append(sg.Button('', border_width=0, button_color=sg.COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, key=(display_index, j))) buttons.append(row) col_buttons = [[]] # define layout, show and read the window col = [[sg.Text(png_files[0], size=(80, 3), key='filename')], [sg.Image(data=image_file_to_bytes(png_files[0], (500, 500)), key='image')], ] layout = [ [sg.Menu(menu)], [sg.Col(buttons), sg.Col([[sg.Slider((len(png_files), 0), default_value=0, size=(38, 20), orientation='v', key='-slider-', change_submits=True)]]), sg.Col(col)] ] window = sg.Window('Image Browser', layout, return_keyboard_events=True, use_default_focus=False, finalize=True) # -------========= Event Loop =========-------- display_index = 0 while True: for x in range(ROWS): # update thumbnails for y in range(COLUMNS): cur_index = display_index + (x * 4) + y if cur_index < len(png_files): filename = png_files[cur_index] if filename not in thumbnails: imgbytes = image_file_to_bytes(filename, (100, 100)) thumbnails[filename] = imgbytes else: imgbytes = thumbnails[filename] button_elem = window[(x, y)] button_elem.update(image_data=imgbytes) else: set_image_to_blank((x, y)) event, values = window.read() display_index = values['-slider-'] # --------------------- Button & Keyboard --------------------- if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Exit'): break elif event in ('MouseWheel:Down', 'Down:40',) and display_index < len(png_files)-1: display_index += 4 elif event in ('MouseWheel:Up', 'Up:38',) and display_index > 0: display_index -= 4 elif event in ('Prior:33', 'Prev'): display_index -= 16 elif event in ('Next:34', 'Next'): display_index += 16 window['-slider-'].update(display_index) # ----------------- Menu choices ----------------- if event == 'Open Folder': newfolder = sg.popup_get_folder('New folder', no_window=True) if newfolder is None: continue folder = newfolder png_files = [os.path.join(folder, f) for f in os.listdir(folder) if '.png' in f] filenames_only = [f for f in os.listdir(folder) if '.png' in f] display_index = 0 thumbnail = {} for j in range(ROWS): for i in range(COLUMNS): set_image_to_blank((i, j)) elif event == 'About': sg.popup('Demo PNG Viewer Program', 'Please give PySimpleGUI a try!') elif type(event) is tuple: x, y = event image_index = display_index + (x * 4) + y if image_index < len(png_files): filename = png_files[image_index] imgbytes = image_file_to_bytes(filename, (500, 500)) window['image'].update(data=imgbytes) window['filename'].update(filename) window.close()