""" Demo Graph Custom Progress Meter The "Graph Element" is a "Gateway Element" Looking to create your own custom elements? Then the Graph Element is an excellent place to start. This short demo implements a Circular Progress Meter The event loop has a little trick some may like.... Rather than adding a sleep instead use window.read with a timeout This has a dual purpose. You get the delay you're after AND your GUI is refreshed Copyright 2022 PySimpleGUI """ import PySimpleGUI as sg # Settings for you to modify are the size of the element, the circle width & color and the foht for the % complete GRAPH_SIZE = (300 , 300) # this one setting drives the other settings CIRCLE_LINE_WIDTH, LINE_COLOR = 20, 'yellow' TEXT_FONT = 'Courier' # Computations based on your settings above TEXT_HEIGHT = GRAPH_SIZE[0]//4 TEXT_LOCATION = (GRAPH_SIZE[0]//2, GRAPH_SIZE[1]//2) TEXT_COLOR = LINE_COLOR def update_meter(graph_elem, percent_complete): """ Update a circular progress meter :param graph_elem: The Graph element being drawn in :type graph_elem: sg.Graph :param percent_complete: Percentage to show complete from 0 to 100 :type percent_complete: float | int """ graph_elem.erase() arc_length = percent_complete/100*360+.9 if arc_length >= 360: arc_length = 359.9 graph_elem.draw_arc((CIRCLE_LINE_WIDTH, GRAPH_SIZE[1] - CIRCLE_LINE_WIDTH), (GRAPH_SIZE[0] - CIRCLE_LINE_WIDTH, CIRCLE_LINE_WIDTH), arc_length, 0, 'arc', arc_color=LINE_COLOR, line_width=CIRCLE_LINE_WIDTH) percent = percent_complete graph_elem.draw_text(f'{percent:.0f}%', TEXT_LOCATION, font=(TEXT_FONT, -TEXT_HEIGHT), color=TEXT_COLOR) def main(): layout = [ [sg.Graph(GRAPH_SIZE, (0,0), GRAPH_SIZE, key='-GRAPH-')], [sg.Button('Go')]] window = sg.Window('Circlular Meter', layout, finalize=True) while True: event, values = window.read() if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: break for i in range(500): update_meter(window['-GRAPH-'], i/500*100) window.read(timeout=5) # an easy way to make a loop that acts like it has a "sleep" in it window.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()