import PySimpleGUI as sg """ Demo Program - Simulated Buttons with Mouseover Highlights The purpose of this demo is to teach you 5 unique PySimpleGUI constructs that when combined create a "Button" that highlights on mouseover regarless of the Operating System. Because of how tktiner works, mouseover highlighting is inconsistent across operating systems for Buttons. This is one (dare I say "clever") way to get this effect in your program 1. Binding the Enter and Leave tkinter events 2. Using Tuples as keys 3. Using List Comprehensions to build a layout 4. Using Text Elements to Simulate Buttons 5. Using a "User Defined Element" to make what appears to be a new type of Button in the layout The KEY to making this work simply is these "Buttons" have a tuple as a key. The format of the key is ('-B-', button_text) An element's bind method will make a tuple if the original key is a tuple. (('-B-', button_text), 'ENTER') will be the event when the mouse is moved over the "Button" Copyright 2022 """ # sg.theme('dark red') def TextButton(text): """ A User Defined Element. It looks like a Button, but is a Text element :param text: The text that will be put on the "Button" :return: A Text element with a tuple as the key """ return sg.Text(text, key=('-B-', text), relief='raised', enable_events=True, font='_ 15',text_color=sg.theme_button_color_text(), background_color=sg.theme_button_color_background()) def do_binds(window, button_text): """ This is magic code that enables the mouseover highlighting to work. """ for btext in button_text: window[('-B-', btext)].bind('', 'ENTER') window[('-B-', btext)].bind('', 'EXIT') def main(): # Defines the text on the 3 buttons we're making button_text = ('Button 1', 'Button 2', 'Button 3') # The window's layout layout = [[TextButton(text) for text in button_text], [sg.Text(font='_ 14', k='-STATUS-')], [sg.Ok(), sg.Exit()]] window = sg.Window('Custom Mouseover Highlighting Buttons', layout, finalize=True) # After the window is finalized, then can perform the bindings do_binds(window, button_text) # The Event Looop while True: event, values = print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break # if the event is a tuple, it's one of our TextButtons if isinstance(event, tuple): # if second item is one of the bound strings, then do the mouseeover code if event[1] in ('ENTER', 'EXIT'): button_key = event[0] if event[1] == 'ENTER': window[button_key].update(text_color=sg.theme_button_color_background(), background_color=sg.theme_button_color_text()) if event[1] == 'EXIT': window[button_key].update(text_color=sg.theme_button_color_text(), background_color=sg.theme_button_color_background()) else: # a "normal" button click (Text clicked) so print the text which we put into the tuple window['-STATUS-'].update(f'Button pressed = {event[1]}') window.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()