import threading import time import PySimpleGUI as sg import queue """ Threading Demo - "Call popup from a thread" Can be extended to call any PySimpleGUI function by passing the function through the queue Safest approach to threading is to use a Queue object to communicate between threads and maintrhead. The thread calls popup, a LOCAL function that should be called with the same parameters that would be used to call opiup when called directly The parameters passed to the local popup are passed through a queue to the main thread. When a messages is received from the queue, sg.popup is called using the parms passed through the queue Copyright 2021 """ mainthread_queue:queue.Queue = None def popup(*args, **kwargs): if mainthread_queue: mainthread_queue.put((args, kwargs)) def the_thread(count): """ The thread that communicates with the application through the window's events. Once a second wakes and sends a new event and associated value to the window """ i = 0 while True: time.sleep(2) popup(f'Hello, this is the thread #{count}', 'My counter value', i, text_color='white', background_color='red', non_blocking=True, keep_on_top=True, location=(1000-200*count, 400)) i += 1 def process_popup(): try: queued_value = mainthread_queue.get_nowait() sg.popup_auto_close(*queued_value[0], **queued_value[1]) except queue.Empty: # get_nowait() will get exception when Queue is empty pass def main(): """ The demo will display in the multiline info about the event and values dictionary as it is being returned from Every time "Start" is clicked a new thread is started Try clicking "Dummy" to see that the window is active while the thread stuff is happening in the background """ global mainthread_queue mainthread_queue = queue.Queue() layout = [ [sg.Text('Output Area - cprint\'s route to here', font='Any 15')], [sg.Multiline(size=(65,20), key='-ML-', autoscroll=True, reroute_stdout=True, write_only=True, reroute_cprint=True)], [sg.T('Input so you can see data in your dictionary')], [sg.Input(key='-IN-', size=(30,1))], [sg.B('Start A Thread'), sg.B('Dummy'), sg.Button('Exit')] ] window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout, finalize=True, keep_on_top=True) count = 0 while True: # Event Loop event, values = sg.cprint(event, values) if event != sg.TIMEOUT_EVENT else None if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break process_popup() if event.startswith('Start'): threading.Thread(target=the_thread, args=(count,), daemon=True).start() count += 1 window.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()