import PySimpleGUI as sg import random # ------- Sort visualizer. Displays bar chart representing list items ------- BAR_SPACING, BAR_WIDTH, EDGE_OFFSET = 11, 10, 3 DATA_SIZE = GRAPH_SIZE = (700, 500) # width, height of the graph portion def bubble_sort(arr): def swap(i, j): arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i] n = len(arr) swapped = True x = -1 while swapped: swapped = False x = x + 1 for i in range(1, n - x): if arr[i - 1] > arr[i]: swap(i - 1, i) swapped = True yield arr def draw_bars(graph, items): # type: (sg.Graph, List)->None for i, item in enumerate(items): graph.draw_rectangle(top_left=(i * BAR_SPACING + EDGE_OFFSET, item), bottom_right=(i * BAR_SPACING + EDGE_OFFSET + BAR_WIDTH, 0), fill_color='#76506d') def main(): sg.theme('LightGreen') # Make list to sort num_bars = DATA_SIZE[0]//(BAR_WIDTH+1) list_to_sort = [DATA_SIZE[1]//num_bars*i for i in range(1, num_bars)] random.shuffle(list_to_sort) # define window layout graph = sg.Graph(GRAPH_SIZE, (0, 0), DATA_SIZE) layout = [[graph], [sg.Text('Speed Faster'), sg.Slider((0, 20), orientation='h', default_value=10, key='-SPEED-'), sg.Text('Slower')]] window = sg.Window('Sort Demonstration', layout, finalize=True) # draw the initial window's bars draw_bars(graph, list_to_sort) sg.popup('Click OK to begin Bubblesort') # Wait for user to start it up bsort = bubble_sort(list_to_sort) # get an iterator for the sort timeout = 10 # start with 10ms delays between draws while True: # ----- The event loop ----- event, values = if event is None: break try: partially_sorted_list = bsort.__next__() except: sg.popup('Sorting done!') break graph.erase() draw_bars(graph, partially_sorted_list) timeout = int(values['-SPEED-']) window.close() main()