# !/usr/bin/env python """ Pong One of the most important video games. Pong was created by Al Alcorn and it did not use a microprocessor This demo is based on some initial code by Siddharth Natamai In 2021, it was reworked by Jay Nabaonne into this version you see today. A big ###### ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ###### #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ### #### ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ###### ###### ## to Jay for making it a smooth playing game. @jaynabonne https://github.com/jaynabonne Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI, Jay Nabonne """ import PySimpleGUI as sg import random import datetime GAMEPLAY_SIZE = (700, 400) BAT_SIZE = (20, 110) STARTING_BALL_POSITION = (327, 200) BALL_RADIUS = 12 BACKGROUND_COLOR = 'black' BALL_COLOR = 'green1' BALL_SPEED = 300 BAT_SPEED = 400 UP_ARROW = 38 DOWN_ARROW = 40 player1_up_keycode = ord('W') player1_down_keycode = ord('S') player2_up_keycode = UP_ARROW player2_down_keycode = DOWN_ARROW num_rounds = 10 class Bat: def __init__(self, graph: sg.Graph, colour, x, field_height): self.graph = graph self.field_height = field_height self.width = BAT_SIZE[0] self.height = BAT_SIZE[1] self.current_x = x self.current_y = self.field_height / 2 - self.height / 2 self.id = graph.draw_rectangle( (self.current_x, self.current_y), (self.current_x + self.width, self.current_y + self.height), fill_color=colour ) self.vy = 0 def stop(self): self.vy = 0 def up(self): self.vy = -BAT_SPEED def down(self): self.vy = BAT_SPEED def is_hit_by(self, pos): bat_p0 = (self.current_x, self.current_y) bat_p1 = (bat_p0[0] + self.width, bat_p0[1] + self.height) return bat_p0[0] <= pos[0] <= bat_p1[0] and bat_p0[1] <= pos[1] <= bat_p1[1] def update(self, delta: float): new_y = self.current_y + self.vy * delta if new_y <= 0: new_y = 0 self.stop() if new_y + self.height >= self.field_height: new_y = self.field_height - self.height self.stop() self.current_y = new_y self.graph.relocate_figure(self.id, self.current_x, self.current_y) class Ball: def __init__(self, graph: sg.Graph, bat_1: Bat, bat_2: Bat, colour): self.graph = graph # type: sg.Graph self.bat_1 = bat_1 self.bat_2 = bat_2 self.id = self.graph.draw_circle( STARTING_BALL_POSITION, BALL_RADIUS, line_color=colour, fill_color=colour) self.current_x, self.current_y = STARTING_BALL_POSITION self.vx = random.choice([-BALL_SPEED, BALL_SPEED]) self.vy = -BALL_SPEED def hit_left_bat(self): return self.bat_1.is_hit_by((self.current_x - BALL_RADIUS, self.current_y)) def hit_right_bat(self): return self.bat_2.is_hit_by((self.current_x + BALL_RADIUS, self.current_y)) def update(self, delta: float): self.current_x += self.vx * delta self.current_y += self.vy * delta if self.current_y <= BALL_RADIUS: # see if hit top or bottom of play area. If so, reverse y direction self.vy = -self.vy self.current_y = BALL_RADIUS if self.current_y >= GAMEPLAY_SIZE[1] - BALL_RADIUS: self.vy = -self.vy self.current_y = GAMEPLAY_SIZE[1] - BALL_RADIUS if self.hit_left_bat(): self.vx = abs(self.vx) if self.hit_right_bat(): self.vx = -abs(self.vx) self.position_to_current() def position_to_current(self): self.graph.relocate_figure(self.id, self.current_x - BALL_RADIUS, self.current_y - BALL_RADIUS) def restart(self): self.current_x, self.current_y = STARTING_BALL_POSITION self.position_to_current() class Scores: def __init__(self, graph: sg.Graph): self.player_1_score = 0 self.player_2_score = 0 self.score_1_element = None self.score_2_element = None self.graph = graph self.draw_player1_score() self.draw_player2_score() def draw_player1_score(self): if self.score_1_element: self.graph.delete_figure(self.score_1_element) self.score_1_element = self.graph.draw_text( str(self.player_1_score), (170, 50), font='Courier 40', color='white') def draw_player2_score(self): if self.score_2_element: self.graph.delete_figure(self.score_2_element) self.score_2_element = self.graph.draw_text( str(self.player_2_score), (550, 50), font='Courier 40', color='white') def win_loss_check(self): if self.player_1_score >= num_rounds: return 'Left player' if self.player_2_score >= num_rounds: return 'Right player' return None def increment_player_1(self): self.player_1_score += 1 self.draw_player1_score() def increment_player_2(self): self.player_2_score += 1 self.draw_player2_score() def reset(self): self.player_1_score = 0 self.player_2_score = 0 self.draw_player1_score() self.draw_player2_score() def check_ball_exit(ball: Ball, scores: Scores): if ball.current_x <= 0: scores.increment_player_2() ball.restart() if ball.current_x >= GAMEPLAY_SIZE[0]: scores.increment_player_1() ball.restart() def goto_menu(window): window['-MAIN_MENU-'].update(visible=True) window['-GAME-'].update(visible=False) def pong(): sleep_time = 10 inner_layout = [[sg.Graph(GAMEPLAY_SIZE, (0, GAMEPLAY_SIZE[1]), (GAMEPLAY_SIZE[0], 0), background_color=BACKGROUND_COLOR, key='-GRAPH-')], [sg.Button('Back to Menu', key="-MENU-")]] main_menu_layout = [[sg.Text("Pong", font="Courier 40", justification="center", size=(None, 1))], [sg.Text("-- Instructions --", font="Courier 16")], [sg.Text("Left player controls: W and S", font="Courier 12")], [sg.Text("Right player controls: \u2191 and \u2193", font="Courier 12")], [sg.Text("Escape to pause game", font="Courier 12")], [sg.Text("", font="Courier 8")], [sg.Text("Winner is first to 10 points", font="Courier 12")], [sg.Text("", font="Courier 8")], [sg.Button("Start", key='-START-', font="Courier 24"), sg.Button("Quit", key='-QUIT-', font="Courier 24")]] layout = [[sg.pin(sg.Column(main_menu_layout, key='-MAIN_MENU-', size=GAMEPLAY_SIZE)), sg.pin(sg.Column(inner_layout, key='-GAME-', visible=False))]] window = sg.Window('Pong', layout, finalize=True, use_default_focus=False) window.bind("<Key>", "+KEY+") window.bind("<KeyRelease>", "-KEY-") graph_elem = window['-GRAPH-'] # type: sg.Graph scores = Scores(graph_elem) bat_1 = Bat(graph_elem, 'red', 30, GAMEPLAY_SIZE[1]) bat_2 = Bat(graph_elem, 'blue', GAMEPLAY_SIZE[0] - 30 - BAT_SIZE[0], GAMEPLAY_SIZE[1]) ball_1 = Ball(graph_elem, bat_1, bat_2, 'green1') start = datetime.datetime.now() last_post_read_time = start game_playing = False while True: pre_read_time = datetime.datetime.now() processing_time = (pre_read_time - last_post_read_time).total_seconds() time_to_sleep = sleep_time - int(processing_time*1000) time_to_sleep = max(time_to_sleep, 0) event, values = window.read(time_to_sleep) now = datetime.datetime.now() delta = (now-last_post_read_time).total_seconds() # read_delta = (now-pre_read_time).total_seconds() last_post_read_time = now # print("**", event, delta, time_to_sleep, processing_time, read_delta) if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, "-QUIT-"): break elif event == "-START-": scores.reset() ball_1.restart() window['-MAIN_MENU-'].update(visible=False) window['-GAME-'].update(visible=True) sg.popup('\nPress a key to begin.\n', no_titlebar=True, font="Courier 12", text_color=sg.BLUES[0], background_color=sg.YELLOWS[1], any_key_closes=True, button_type=sg.POPUP_BUTTONS_NO_BUTTONS) last_post_read_time = datetime.datetime.now() game_playing = True elif event == "-MENU-": game_playing = False goto_menu(window) elif game_playing: if event == "+KEY+": if window.user_bind_event.keycode == player1_up_keycode: bat_1.up() elif window.user_bind_event.keycode == player1_down_keycode: bat_1.down() elif window.user_bind_event.keycode == player2_up_keycode: bat_2.up() elif window.user_bind_event.keycode == player2_down_keycode: bat_2.down() elif event == "-KEY-": if window.user_bind_event.keycode in [player1_up_keycode, player1_down_keycode]: bat_1.stop() elif window.user_bind_event.keycode in [player2_up_keycode, player2_down_keycode]: bat_2.stop() elif window.user_bind_event.keycode == 27: sg.popup('\nPaused. Press a key to resume.\n', no_titlebar=True, font="Courier 12", text_color=sg.BLUES[0], background_color=sg.YELLOWS[1], any_key_closes=True, button_type=sg.POPUP_BUTTONS_NO_BUTTONS) last_post_read_time = datetime.datetime.now() if game_playing: ball_1.update(delta) bat_1.update(delta) bat_2.update(delta) check_ball_exit(ball_1, scores) winner = scores.win_loss_check() if winner is not None: sg.popup('Game Over', winner + ' won!!', no_titlebar=True) game_playing = False goto_menu(window) window.close() if __name__ == '__main__': pong()