import PySimpleGUI as sg import praw # The Reddit APIs from webbrowser import open_new_tab """ Demo Reddit Searcher Will search through a list of subreddits for a string of your choice. You can search only the posts or the posts and comments. When a match is found the title will be displayed in the window. The post details are displayed in a popup window or launched a browser tab to the post on Reddit. NOTE - you must register with Reddit as a developer. Instructions on doing that are below Copyright 2020 PySimpleGUI """ # To use the Reddit APIs you will need to sign up by visiting this site: # # You will receive a client_id and client_secret string that you can # enter below along with your normal Reddit ID & Password reddit_praw_parameters = {'client_id': ' YOU MUST REGISTER ', # get from Reddit PRAW signup 'client_secret': ' YOU MUST REGISTER ', # get from Reddit PRAW signup 'user_agent': 'YourRedditID', # same as user name on Reddit 'username': 'YourRedditID', # same as user name on Reddit 'password': 'YourRedditPassword'} # your Reddit password # The list of subreddits to search sub_names = ('Python', 'learnpython', 'learnprogramming', 'PySimpleGUI', 'AskProgramming', 'Coding', 'Programming') sg.theme('Dark Red') if reddit_praw_parameters['username'] == 'YourRedditID': sg.popup_error('You must register with Reddit to get credentials first', 'Modify the reddit_praw_parameters dictionary with the details', r'Go here to register:') exit() layout = [[sg.Text('Reddit Reader')], [sg.Listbox(sub_names, size=(25, 7), select_mode=sg.SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE, key='-SUBS-')], [sg.Text('Search for:'), sg.Input(key='-SEARCH STRING-')], [sg.Checkbox('Look in Comments', key='-COMMENTS-')], [sg.Checkbox('Show finds in browser', key='-BROWSER-')], [sg.Text('Limit: '), sg.Spin(list(range(100, 5000)), size=(4, 1), key='-LIMIT-')], [sg.Text('Now Reading Sub:'), sg.Text(size=(25, 1), key='-OUT SUB-')], [sg.Text('Now Reading Post:'), sg.Text(size=(40, 1), key='-OUT POST-')], [sg.Text('Posts Read:'), sg.Text(size=(25, 1), key='-NUM POSTS-')], [sg.Multiline(size=(60, 10), key='-MLINE-')], [sg.ProgressBar(100, orientation='horizontal', size=(30, 20), key='-PROG-')], [sg.Button('Start Scrape'), sg.Button('Exit')], ] window = sg.Window('Reddit Reader', layout) reddit = praw.Reddit(**reddit_praw_parameters) while True: # Event Loop event, values = if event in (None, 'Exit'): break subs_to_read = values['-SUBS-'] search_string = values['-SEARCH STRING-'] if event.startswith('Start'): for sub in subs_to_read: window['-OUT SUB-'].update(sub) subreddit = reddit.subreddit(sub) submissions =['-LIMIT-'])) num_submissions = int(values['-LIMIT-']) for num, submission in enumerate(submissions): opened = False text = ''.join([t for t in submission.selftext if ord(t) in range(65536)]) window['-PROG-'].update_bar(100 * (num + 1) // num_submissions) title = ''.join([t for t in submission.title if ord(t) in range(65536)]) window['-NUM POSTS-'].update(num) window.refresh() if search_string in text: opened = True window['-MLINE-'].update(str(title) + '\n', append=True, autoscroll=True) if values['-BROWSER-']: open_new_tab(submission.url) else: sg.popup_scrolled(f'Found {search_string} in post', submission.url, f'\nTITLE: {title}', str(text), title=title, non_blocking=True) window['-OUT POST-'].update(str(title)) if values['-COMMENTS-']: # if should also search comments comments = submission.comments for comment in comments: if search_string in comment.body: window['-MLINE-'].update(str(title) + '\n', append=True, autoscroll=True) comment = ''.join([t for t in comment.body if ord(t) in range(65536)]) if values['-BROWSER-']: if not opened: open_new_tab(submission.url) opened = True else: sg.popup_scrolled(f'Found {search_string} in comment', submission.url, f'\nTITLE: {title}', comment, title=title, non_blocking=True) window.refresh() event, values = if event in (None, 'Exit'): break if event in (None, 'Exit'): window['-OUT SUB-'].update('*** Aborted ***') break else: window['-OUT SUB-'].update('*** Done! ***') if event is None: break window.close()