#!/usr/bin/env python import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import PySimpleGUI27 as sg else: import PySimpleGUI as sg import ping from threading import Thread import time STEP_SIZE=1 SAMPLES = 1000 CANVAS_SIZE = (1000,500) # globale used to communicate with thread.. yea yea... it's working fine g_exit = False g_response_time = None def ping_thread(args): global g_exit, g_response_time while not g_exit: g_response_time = ping.quiet_ping('google.com', timeout=1000) def main(): global g_exit, g_response_time # start ping measurement thread thread = Thread(target=ping_thread, args=(None,)) thread.start() sg.ChangeLookAndFeel('Black') sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0,0)) layout = [ [sg.T('Ping times to Google.com', font='Any 12'), sg.Quit(pad=((100,0), 0), button_color=('white', 'black'))], [sg.Graph(CANVAS_SIZE, (0,0), (SAMPLES,500),background_color='black', key='graph')],] window = sg.Window('Canvas test', grab_anywhere=True, background_color='black', no_titlebar=False, use_default_focus=False).Layout(layout) graph = window.FindElement('graph') prev_response_time = None i=0 prev_x, prev_y = 0, 0 while True: time.sleep(.2) button, values = window.ReadNonBlocking() if button == 'Quit' or values is None: break if g_response_time is None or prev_response_time == g_response_time: continue new_x, new_y = i, g_response_time[0] prev_response_time = g_response_time if i >= SAMPLES: graph.Move(-STEP_SIZE,0) prev_x = prev_x - STEP_SIZE graph.DrawLine((prev_x, prev_y), (new_x, new_y), color='white') # window.FindElement('graph').DrawPoint((new_x, new_y), color='red') prev_x, prev_y = new_x, new_y i += STEP_SIZE if i < SAMPLES else 0 # tell thread we're done. wait for thread to exit g_exit = True thread.join() if __name__ == '__main__': main()