#!/usr/bin/env python import PySimpleGUI as sg ''' Usage of all Popups in PSG ''' sg.Print('test') sg.popup_get_file('Get file', save_as=True, file_types=(("ALL Files", "*.jpg"),)) # Here, have some windows on me.... [sg.popup_no_wait('No-wait Popup', location=(500+100*x, 500)) for x in range(10)] answer = sg.popup_yes_no( 'Do not worry about all those open windows... they will disappear at the end', 'Are you OK with that?') if answer == 'No': sg.popup_cancel( 'OK, we will destroy those windows as soon as you close this window') sys.exit() sg.popup_non_blocking('Your answer was', answer, location=(1000, 600)) text = sg.popup_get_text( 'This is a call to PopopGetText', location=(1000, 200)) sg.popup_get_file('Get file') sg.popup_get_folder('Get folder') sg.popup('Simple popup') sg.popup_no_titlebar('No titlebar') sg.popup_no_border('No border') sg.popup_no_frame('No frame') sg.popup_cancel('Cancel') sg.popup_okCancel('OK Cancel') sg.popup_auto_close('Autoclose')