#!/usr/bin/env python import PySimpleGUI as sg ''' Use this code as a starting point for creating your own Popup functions. Rather than creating a long list of Popup high-level API calls, PySimpleGUI provides you with the tools to easily create your own. If you need more than what the standard popup_get_text and other calls provide, then it's time for you to graduate into making your own windows. Or, maybe you need another window that pops-up over your primary window. Whatever the need, don't hesitate to dive in and create your own Popup call. This example is for a DropDown / Combobox Popup. You provide it with a title, a message and the list of values to choose from. It mimics the return values of existing Popup calls (None if nothing was input) ''' def PopupDropDown(title, text, values): window = sg.Window(title, [[sg.Text(text)], [sg.DropDown(values, key='-DROP-')], [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()] ]) event, values = window.read() return None if event != 'OK' else values['-DROP-'] # ----------------------- Calling your PopupDropDown function ----------------------- values = ['choice {}'.format(x) for x in range(30)] print(PopupDropDown('My Title', 'Please make a selection', values))