import PySimpleGUI as sg import math """ Demo - Graph Element used to plot a mathematical formula The Graph element has a flexible coordinate system that you define. Thie makes is possible for you to work in your coordinates instead of an arbitrary system. For example, in a typical mathematics graph, (0,0) is located at the center of the graph / page / diagram. This Demo Program shows a graph with (0,0) being at the center of the Graph area rather than at one of the corners. It graphs the formula: y = sine(x/x2) * x1 The values of x1 and x2 can be changed using 2 sliders Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 PySimpleGUI """ SIZE_X = 200 SIZE_Y = 200 NUMBER_MARKER_FREQUENCY = SIZE_X//8 # How often to put tick marks on the axis def draw_axis(): graph.draw_line((-SIZE_X, 0), (SIZE_X, 0)) # axis lines graph.draw_line((0, -SIZE_Y), (0, SIZE_Y)) for x in range(-SIZE_X, SIZE_X+1, NUMBER_MARKER_FREQUENCY): graph.draw_line((x, -SIZE_Y/66), (x, SIZE_Y/66)) # tick marks if x != 0: # numeric labels graph.draw_text(str(x), (x, -SIZE_Y/15), color='green', font='courier 10') for y in range(-SIZE_Y, SIZE_Y+1, NUMBER_MARKER_FREQUENCY): graph.draw_line((-SIZE_X/66, y), (SIZE_X/66, y)) if y != 0: graph.draw_text(str(y), (-SIZE_X/11, y), color='blue', font='courier 10') # Create the graph that will be put into the window. Making outside of layout so have element in a variable graph = sg.Graph(canvas_size=(500, 500), graph_bottom_left=(-(SIZE_X+5), -(SIZE_Y+5)), graph_top_right=(SIZE_X+5, SIZE_Y+5), background_color='white', expand_x=True, expand_y=True, key='-GRAPH-') # Window layout layout = [[sg.Text('Graph Element Combined with Math!', justification='center', relief=sg.RELIEF_SUNKEN, expand_x=True, font='Courier 18')], [graph], [sg.Text('y = sin(x / x2) * x1', font='COURIER 18')], [sg.Text('x1', font='Courier 14'), sg.Slider((0, SIZE_Y), orientation='h', enable_events=True, key='-SLIDER-', expand_x=True)], [sg.Text('x2', font='Courier 14'), sg.Slider((1, SIZE_Y), orientation='h', enable_events=True, key='-SLIDER2-', expand_x=True)]] window = sg.Window('Graph of Sine Function', layout, finalize=True) draw_axis() # draw the axis (an empty graph) while True: event, values = if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: break graph.erase() # erase entire graph every time there's a change to a slider draw_axis() # redraw the axis # plot the function by drawing short line segments prev_x = prev_y = None for x in range(-SIZE_X, SIZE_X): y = math.sin(x/int(values['-SLIDER2-'])) * int(values['-SLIDER-']) if prev_x is not None: graph.draw_line((prev_x, prev_y), (x, y), color='red') prev_x, prev_y = x, y window.close()