#PySimple examples (v 3.9) #Tony Crewe #Oct 2018 MacOs import PySimpleGUI as sg sg.SetOptions(background_color = 'DarkGrey', element_background_color = 'DarkGrey', text_element_background_color = 'DarkGrey', font= ('Calibri', 14, 'bold')) #setup column (called column1) of buttons to use in layout column1 = [[sg.ReadButton('Original list', size = (10,1))], [sg.ReadButton('Default sort', size = (10,1))], [sg.ReadButton('Sort: selection',size = (10,1))], [sg.ReadButton('Sort: quick', size = (10,1))]] layout =[[sg.Text('Search and Sort Demo', font =('Calibri', 20, 'bold'))], [sg.Listbox(values =[''], size = (14, 11),font = ('Calibri', 12), background_color ='White',key = '_display_'), sg.Column(column1)], [sg.Text('_'*38,font = ('Calibri', 16))], [sg.InputText(size = (10,1), key = '_linear_'), sg.Text(' '), sg.InputText(size = (11,1), key = '_binary_')], [sg.ReadButton('Linear Search', size = (11,1)), sg.Text(' '), sg.ReadButton('Binary Search', size = (11,1))], ] window = sg.Window('Search and Sort Demo').Layout(layout) names= ['Roberta', 'Kylie', 'Jenny', 'Helen', 'Andrea', 'Meredith','Deborah','Pauline', 'Belinda', 'Wendy'] #function to display list def display_list(list): global list_displayed #store list in Multiline text globally list_displayed = list #add list elements with new line values = [l for l in list] window.FindElement('_display_').Update(values) #use inbuilt python sort def default(names): l = names[:] l.sort() display_list(l) #Selection sort def sel_sort(names): l = names[:] for i in range(len(l)): smallest = i for j in range(i+1, len(l)): if l[j] < l[smallest]: smallest = j l[smallest], l[i] = l[i], l[smallest] display_list(l) #Quick sort def qsort_holder(names): l = names[:] quick_sort(l, 0, len(l) - 1) display_list(l) def quick_sort(l, first, last): if first >= last: return l pivot = l[first] low = first high = last while low < high: while l[high] > pivot: high = high -1 while l[low] < pivot: low = low + 1 if low <= high: l[high], l[low] = l[low], l[high] low = low + 1 high = high -1 quick_sort(l, first, low -1) quick_sort(l, low, last) #Linear Search - no need for Ordered list def linear_search(): l = names[:] found = False for l in l: if l == value['_linear_']: found = True #Create list for display result = ['Linear search', l + ' found'] window.FindElement('_display_').Update(result) break if not found: #Create list for display result = [value['_linear_'], 'was not found'] window.FindElement('_display_').Update(result) #Binary Search def binary_search(): l = list_displayed[:] lo = 0 hi = len(l)-1 found = False while lo <= hi: mid = (lo + hi) //2 if l[mid] == value['_binary_']: #Create list for display result = ['Binary search', l[mid] + ' found.'] window.FindElement('_display_').Update(result) found = True break elif l[mid] < value['_binary_']: lo = mid + 1 else: hi = mid - 1 if not found: #Create list for display result = [value['_binary_'], 'was not found'] window.FindElement('_display_').Update(result) while True: button, value = window.Read() if button is not None: if button == 'Original list': display_list(names) if button == 'Default sort': default(names) if button == 'Sort: selection': sel_sort(names) if button == 'Sort: quick': qsort_holder(names) if button == 'Linear Search': linear_search() if button == 'Binary Search': binary_search() else: break