import PySimpleGUI as sg import os import sys import chess import chess.pgn import copy import chess.uci CHESS_PATH = '.' # path to the chess pieces BLANK = 0 # piece names PAWNB = 1 KNIGHTB = 2 BISHOPB = 3 ROOKB = 4 KINGB = 5 QUEENB = 6 PAWNW = 7 KNIGHTW = 8 BISHOPW = 9 ROOKW = 10 KINGW = 11 QUEENW = 12 initial_board = [[ROOKB, KNIGHTB, BISHOPB, QUEENB, KINGB, BISHOPB, KNIGHTB, ROOKB], [PAWNB, ] * 8, [BLANK, ] * 8, [BLANK, ] * 8, [BLANK, ] * 8, [BLANK, ] * 8, [PAWNW, ] * 8, [ROOKW, KNIGHTW, BISHOPW, QUEENW, KINGW, BISHOPW, KNIGHTW, ROOKW]] blank = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'blank.png') bishopB = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nbishopb.png') bishopW = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nbishopw.png') pawnB = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'npawnb.png') pawnW = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'npawnw.png') knightB = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nknightb.png') knightW = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nknightw.png') rookB = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nrookb.png') rookW = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nrookw.png') queenB = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nqueenb.png') queenW = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nqueenw.png') kingB = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nkingb.png') kingW = os.path.join(CHESS_PATH, 'nkingw.png') images = {BISHOPB: bishopB, BISHOPW: bishopW, PAWNB: pawnB, PAWNW: pawnW, KNIGHTB: knightB, KNIGHTW: knightW, ROOKB: rookB, ROOKW: rookW, KINGB: kingB, KINGW: kingW, QUEENB: queenB, QUEENW: queenW, BLANK: blank} def open_pgn_file(filename): pgn = open(filename) first_game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) moves = [move for move in first_game.main_line()] return moves def render_square(image, key, location): if (location[0] + location[1]) % 2: color = '#B58863' else: color = '#F0D9B5' return sg.RButton('', image_filename=image, size=(1, 1), button_color=('white', color), pad=(0, 0), key=key) def redraw_board(window, board): for i in range(8): for j in range(8): color = '#B58863' if (i + j) % 2 else '#F0D9B5' piece_image = images[board[i][j]] elem = window.FindElement(key=(i, j)) elem.Update(button_color=('white', color), image_filename=piece_image, ) def PlayGame(): menu_def = [['&File', ['&Open PGN File', 'E&xit']], ['&Help', '&About...'], ] # sg.SetOptions(margins=(0,0)) sg.ChangeLookAndFeel('GreenTan') # create initial board setup psg_board = copy.deepcopy(initial_board) # the main board display layout board_layout = [[sg.T(' ')] + [sg.T('{}'.format(a), pad=((23, 27), 0), font='Any 13') for a in 'abcdefgh']] # loop though board and create buttons with images for i in range(8): row = [sg.T(str(8 - i) + ' ', font='Any 13')] for j in range(8): piece_image = images[psg_board[i][j]] row.append(render_square(piece_image, key=(i, j), location=(i, j))) row.append(sg.T(str(8 - i) + ' ', font='Any 13')) board_layout.append(row) # add the labels across bottom of board board_layout.append([sg.T(' ')] + [sg.T('{}'.format(a), pad=((23, 27), 0), font='Any 13') for a in 'abcdefgh']) # setup the controls on the right side of screen openings = ( 'Any', 'Defense', 'Attack', 'Trap', 'Gambit', 'Counter', 'Sicillian', 'English', 'French', 'Queen\'s openings', 'King\'s Openings', 'Indian Openings') board_controls = [[sg.RButton('New Game', key='New Game'), sg.RButton('Draw')], [sg.RButton('Resign Game'), sg.RButton('Set FEN')], [sg.RButton('Player Odds'), sg.RButton('Training')], [sg.Drop(openings), sg.Text('Opening/Style')], [sg.CBox('Play As White', key='_white_')], [sg.Drop([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], size=(3, 1), key='_level_'), sg.Text('Difficulty Level')], [sg.Text('Move List')], [sg.Multiline([], do_not_clear=True, autoscroll=True, size=(15, 10), key='_movelist_')], ] # layouts for the tabs controls_layout = [[sg.Text('Performance Parameters', font='_ 20')], [sg.T('Put stuff like AI engine tuning parms on this tab')]] statistics_layout = [[sg.Text('Statistics', font=('_ 20'))], [sg.T('Game statistics go here?')]] board_tab = [[sg.Column(board_layout)]] # the main window layout layout = [[sg.Menu(menu_def, tearoff=False)], [sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Board', board_tab), sg.Tab('Controls', controls_layout), sg.Tab('Statistics', statistics_layout)]], title_color='red'), sg.Column(board_controls)], [sg.Text('Click anywhere on board for next move', font='_ 14')]] window = sg.Window('Chess', default_button_element_size=(12, 1), auto_size_buttons=False, icon='kingb.ico').Layout(layout) filename = sg.PopupGetFile('\n'.join(('To begin, set location of AI EXE file', 'If you have not done so already, download the engine', 'Download the StockFish Chess engine at:')), file_types=(('Chess AI Engine EXE File', '*.exe'),)) if filename is None: sys.exit() engine = chess.uci.popen_engine(filename) engine.uci() info_handler = chess.uci.InfoHandler() engine.info_handlers.append(info_handler) board = chess.Board() move_count = 1 move_state = move_from = move_to = 0 # ---===--- Loop taking in user input --- # while not board.is_game_over(): if board.turn == chess.WHITE: engine.position(board) # human_player(board) move_state = 0 while True: button, value = window.Read() if button in (None, 'Exit'): exit() if button == 'New Game': sg.Popup('You have to restart the program to start a new game... sorry....') break psg_board = copy.deepcopy(initial_board) redraw_board(window, psg_board) move_state = 0 break level = value['_level_'] if type(button) is tuple: if move_state == 0: move_from = button row, col = move_from piece = psg_board[row][col] # get the move-from piece button_square = window.FindElement(key=(row, col)) button_square.Update(button_color=('white', 'red')) move_state = 1 elif move_state == 1: move_to = button row, col = move_to if move_to == move_from: # cancelled move color = '#B58863' if (row + col) % 2 else '#F0D9B5' button_square.Update(button_color=('white', color)) move_state = 0 continue picked_move = '{}{}{}{}'.format('abcdefgh'[move_from[1]], 8 - move_from[0], 'abcdefgh'[move_to[1]], 8 - move_to[0]) if picked_move in [str(move) for move in board.legal_moves]: board.push(chess.Move.from_uci(picked_move)) else: print('Illegal move') move_state = 0 color = '#B58863' if (move_from[0] + move_from[1]) % 2 else '#F0D9B5' button_square.Update(button_color=('white', color)) continue psg_board[move_from[0]][move_from[1]] = BLANK # place blank where piece was psg_board[row][col] = piece # place piece in the move-to square redraw_board(window, psg_board) move_count += 1 window.FindElement('_movelist_').Update(picked_move + '\n', append=True) break else: engine.position(board) best_move = engine.go(searchmoves=board.legal_moves, depth=level, movetime=(level * 100)).bestmove move_str = str(best_move) from_col = ord(move_str[0]) - ord('a') from_row = 8 - int(move_str[1]) to_col = ord(move_str[2]) - ord('a') to_row = 8 - int(move_str[3]) window.FindElement('_movelist_').Update(move_str + '\n', append=True) piece = psg_board[from_row][from_col] psg_board[from_row][from_col] = BLANK psg_board[to_row][to_col] = piece redraw_board(window, psg_board) board.push(best_move) move_count += 1 sg.Popup('Game over!', 'Thank you for playing') # Download the StockFish Chess engine at: # engine = chess.uci.popen_engine(r'E:\DownloadsE\stockfish-9-win\Windows\stockfish_9_x64.exe') # engine.uci() # info_handler = chess.uci.InfoHandler() # engine.info_handlers.append(info_handler) # level = 2 PlayGame()