import PySimpleGUI as sg """ Demo Element Justification In A Window Using A Text Element That Expands How to Justify elements on 1 row to be left, right or left, middle, right Additionally, locate these buttons at the bottom of the screen The key concepts to use are the newly added expand_x and expand_y To get 2 buttons to be all the way to the left and to the far right, then you want to place a text element between them that expands If you want a third button that is centered, then add TWO Text elements, one on each side of the middle one Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI """ layout = [ [sg.Text('Window with elements on the left and the right')], [sg.T('Using a text element that expands enables you to "push" other elements around')], [sg.HorizontalSeparator()], [sg.T(expand_y=True, pad=(0,0), font='_ 1')], # Take as little room as possible [sg.Button('Left'), sg.Text(expand_x=True, pad=(0,0)), sg.Button('Right')], [sg.Text(expand_x=True), sg.B('Right')], [sg.Button('Left'), sg.Text(expand_x=True, pad=(0,0)), sg.B('Middle'), sg.Text(expand_x=True, pad=(0,0)), sg.Button('Right')] ] window = sg.Window('Left and Right Justification', layout, resizable=True) while True: event, values = print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break window.close()