#!/usr/bin/env python import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import PySimpleGUI27 as sg else: import PySimpleGUI as sg import os import mido import time import sys PLAYER_COMMAND_NONE = 0 PLAYER_COMMAND_EXIT = 1 PLAYER_COMMAND_PAUSE = 2 PLAYER_COMMAND_NEXT = 3 PLAYER_COMMAND_RESTART_SONG = 4 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PlayerGUI CLASS # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class PlayerGUI(): ''' Class implementing GUI for both initial screen but the player itself ''' def __init__(self): self.Window = None self.TextElem = None self.PortList = mido.get_output_names() # use to get the list of midi ports self.PortList = self.PortList[::-1] # reverse the list so the last one is first # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PlayerChooseSongGUI # # Show a GUI get to the file to playback # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # def PlayerChooseSongGUI(self): # ---------------------- DEFINION OF CHOOSE WHAT TO PLAY GUI ---------------------------- layout = [[sg.Text('MIDI File Player', font=("Helvetica", 15), size=(20, 1), text_color='green')], [sg.Text('File Selection', font=("Helvetica", 15), size=(20, 1))], [sg.Text('Single File Playback', justification='right'), sg.InputText(size=(65, 1), key='midifile'), sg.FileBrowse(size=(10, 1), file_types=(("MIDI files", "*.mid"),))], [sg.Text('Or Batch Play From This Folder', auto_size_text=False, justification='right'), sg.InputText(size=(65, 1), key='folder'), sg.FolderBrowse(size=(10, 1))], [sg.Text('_' * 250, auto_size_text=False, size=(100, 1))], [sg.Text('Choose MIDI Output Device', size=(22, 1)), sg.Listbox(values=self.PortList, size=(30, len(self.PortList) + 1), key='device')], [sg.Text('_' * 250, auto_size_text=False, size=(100, 1))], [sg.SimpleButton('PLAY', size=(12, 2), button_color=('red', 'white'), font=("Helvetica", 15), bind_return_key=True), sg.Text(' ' * 2, size=(4, 1)), sg.Cancel(size=(8, 2), font=("Helvetica", 15))]] window = sg.Window('MIDI File Player', auto_size_text=False, default_element_size=(30, 1), font=("Helvetica", 12)).Layout(layout) self.Window = window return window.Read() def PlayerPlaybackGUIStart(self, NumFiles=1): # ------- Make a new FlexForm ------- # image_pause = './ButtonGraphics/Pause.png' image_restart = './ButtonGraphics/Restart.png' image_next = './ButtonGraphics/Next.png' image_exit = './ButtonGraphics/Exit.png' self.TextElem = sg.T('Song loading....', size=(70, 5 + NumFiles), font=("Helvetica", 14), auto_size_text=False) self.SliderElem = sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), size=(50, 8), orientation='h', text_color='#f0f0f0') layout = [ [sg.T('MIDI File Player', size=(30, 1), font=("Helvetica", 25))], [self.TextElem], [self.SliderElem], [sg.ReadFormButton('PAUSE', button_color=sg.TRANSPARENT_BUTTON, image_filename=image_pause, image_size=(50,50), image_subsample=2, border_width=0), sg.T(' '), sg.ReadFormButton('NEXT', button_color=sg.TRANSPARENT_BUTTON, image_filename=image_next, image_size=(50,50), image_subsample=2, border_width=0), sg.T(' '), sg.ReadFormButton('Restart Song', button_color=sg.TRANSPARENT_BUTTON, image_filename=image_restart, image_size=(50,50), image_subsample=2, border_width=0), sg.T(' '), sg.SimpleButton('EXIT', button_color=sg.TRANSPARENT_BUTTON, image_filename=image_exit, image_size=(50,50), image_subsample=2, border_width=0, )] ] window = sg.FlexForm('MIDI File Player', default_element_size=(30, 1), font=("Helvetica", 25)).Layout(layout).Finalize() self.Window = window # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PlayerPlaybackGUIUpdate # # Refresh the GUI for the main playback interface (must call periodically # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def PlayerPlaybackGUIUpdate(self, DisplayString): window = self.Window if 'window' not in locals() or window is None: # if the form has been destoyed don't mess with it return PLAYER_COMMAND_EXIT self.TextElem.Update(DisplayString) button, (values) = window.ReadNonBlocking() if values is None: return PLAYER_COMMAND_EXIT if button == 'PAUSE': return PLAYER_COMMAND_PAUSE elif button == 'EXIT': return PLAYER_COMMAND_EXIT elif button == 'NEXT': return PLAYER_COMMAND_NEXT elif button == 'Restart Song': return PLAYER_COMMAND_RESTART_SONG return PLAYER_COMMAND_NONE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # MAIN - our main program... this is it # # Runs the GUI to get the file / path to play # # Decodes the MIDI-Video into a MID file # # Plays the decoded MIDI file # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # def main(): def GetCurrentTime(): ''' Get the current system time in milliseconds :return: milliseconds ''' return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) pback = PlayerGUI() button, values = pback.PlayerChooseSongGUI() if button != 'PLAY': sg.PopupCancel('Cancelled...\nAutoclose in 2 sec...', auto_close=True, auto_close_duration=2) sys.exit(69) if values['device']: midi_port = values['device'][0] else: sg.PopupCancel('No devices found\nAutoclose in 2 sec...', auto_close=True, auto_close_duration=2) batch_folder = values['folder'] midi_filename = values['midifile'] # ------ Build list of files to play --------------------------------------------------------- # if batch_folder: filelist = os.listdir(batch_folder) filelist = [batch_folder+'/'+f for f in filelist if f.endswith(('.mid', '.MID'))] filetitles = [os.path.basename(f) for f in filelist] elif midi_filename: # an individual filename filelist = [midi_filename,] filetitles = [os.path.basename(midi_filename),] else: sg.PopupError('*** Error - No MIDI files specified ***') sys.exit(666) # ------ LOOP THROUGH MULTIPLE FILES --------------------------------------------------------- # pback.PlayerPlaybackGUIStart(NumFiles=len(filelist) if len(filelist) <=10 else 10) port = None # Loop through the files in the filelist for now_playing_number, current_midi_filename in enumerate(filelist): display_string = 'Playing Local File...\n{} of {}\n{}'.format(now_playing_number+1, len(filelist), current_midi_filename) midi_title = filetitles[now_playing_number] # --------------------------------- REFRESH THE GUI ----------------------------------------- # pback.PlayerPlaybackGUIUpdate(display_string) # ---===--- Output Filename is .MID --- # midi_filename = current_midi_filename # --------------------------------- MIDI - STARTS HERE ----------------------------------------- # if not port: # if the midi output port not opened yet, then open it port = mido.open_output(midi_port if midi_port else None) try: mid = mido.MidiFile(filename=midi_filename) except: print('****** Exception trying to play MidiFile filename = {}***************'.format(midi_filename)) sg.PopupError('Exception trying to play MIDI file:', midi_filename, 'Skipping file') continue # Build list of data contained in MIDI File using only track 0 midi_length_in_seconds = mid.length display_file_list = '>> ' + '\n'.join([f for i, f in enumerate(filetitles[now_playing_number:]) if i < 10]) paused = cancelled = next_file = False ######################### Loop through MIDI Messages ########################### while(True): start_playback_time = GetCurrentTime() port.reset() for midi_msg_number, msg in enumerate(mid.play()): #################### GUI - read values ################## if not midi_msg_number % 4: # update the GUI every 4 MIDI messages t = (GetCurrentTime() - start_playback_time)//1000 display_midi_len = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(*divmod(int(midi_length_in_seconds),60)) display_string = 'Now Playing {} of {}\n{}\n {:02d}:{:02d} of {}\nPlaylist:'.\ format(now_playing_number+1, len(filelist), midi_title, *divmod(t, 60), display_midi_len) # display list of next 10 files to be played. pback.SliderElem.Update(t, range=(1,midi_length_in_seconds)) rc = pback.PlayerPlaybackGUIUpdate(display_string + '\n' + display_file_list) else: # fake rest of code as if GUI did nothing rc = PLAYER_COMMAND_NONE if paused: rc = PLAYER_COMMAND_NONE while rc == PLAYER_COMMAND_NONE: # TIGHT-ASS loop waiting on a GUI command rc = pback.PlayerPlaybackGUIUpdate(display_string) time.sleep(.25) ####################################### MIDI send data ################################## port.send(msg) # ------- Execute GUI Commands after sending MIDI data ------- # if rc == PLAYER_COMMAND_EXIT: cancelled = True break elif rc == PLAYER_COMMAND_PAUSE: paused = not paused port.reset() elif rc == PLAYER_COMMAND_NEXT: next_file = True break elif rc == PLAYER_COMMAND_RESTART_SONG: break if cancelled or next_file: break #------- DONE playing the song ------- # port.reset() # reset the midi port when done with the song if cancelled: break # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # LAUNCH POINT -- program starts and ends here # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # if __name__ == '__main__': main()