#!/usr/bin/env python import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import PySimpleGUI27 as sg else: import PySimpleGUI as sg # Demonstrates a number of PySimpleGUI features including: # Default element size # auto_size_buttons # ReadButton # Dictionary return values # Update of elements in form (Text, Input) # do_not_clear of Input elements layout = [[sg.Text('Enter Your Passcode')], [sg.Input(size=(10, 1), do_not_clear=True, key='input')], [sg.ReadButton('1'), sg.ReadButton('2'), sg.ReadButton('3')], [sg.ReadButton('4'), sg.ReadButton('5'), sg.ReadButton('6')], [sg.ReadButton('7'), sg.ReadButton('8'), sg.ReadButton('9')], [sg.ReadButton('Submit'), sg.ReadButton('0'), sg.ReadButton('Clear')], [sg.Text('', size=(15, 1), font=('Helvetica', 18), text_color='red', key='out')], ] window = sg.Window('Keypad', default_button_element_size=(5, 2), auto_size_buttons=False, grab_anywhere=False).Layout(layout) # Loop forever reading the form's values, updating the Input field keys_entered = '' while True: button, values = window.Read() # read the form if button is None: # if the X button clicked, just exit break if button == 'Clear': # clear keys if clear button keys_entered = '' elif button in '1234567890': keys_entere=d = values['input'] # get what's been entered so far keys_entered += button # add the new digit elif button == 'Submit': keys_entered = values['input'] window.FindElement('out').Update(keys_entered) # output the final string window.FindElement('input').Update(keys_entered) # change the form to reflect current key string