import PySimpleGUI as sg """ Columns with a hard coded size that can have elements justified within it. The Column element can have the size set to a fixed size, but when doing so, PySimpleGUI has a limitation that the contents can't be justified using the normal element_justification parameter. What to do? The Sizer Element to the rescue. PySimpleGUI likes to have layouts that size themselves rather than hard coded using a size parameter. The Sizer Element enables you to create columns with fixed size by making the contents of your column a fixed size. It is an invisible "padding" type of element. It has a width and a height parameter. Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI """ ''' M#"""""""'M dP ## mmmm. `M 88 #' .M 88d888b. .d8888b. 88 .dP .d8888b. 88d888b. M# MMMb.'YM 88' `88 88' `88 88888" 88ooood8 88' `88 M# MMMM' M 88 88. .88 88 `8b. 88. ... 88 88 M# .;M dP `88888P' dP `YP `88888P' dP dP M#########M ''' # Let's say this is your layout and you want to center it in a 500 x 300 pixel Column Element. col_interior = [[sg.Text('My Window')], [sg.In()], [sg.In()], [sg.Button('Go'), sg.Button('Exit'), sg.Cancel(), sg.Ok()]] # Intuition would be to write it as this: layout = [[sg.Text('This layout is broken. The size of the Column is correct, but the elements are not justified')], [sg.Column(col_interior, element_justification='c', size=(500, 300), background_color='red')]] # But when you run it, you'll see that your interior is not centered. window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout) ''' M""MMM""MMM""M dP M MMM MMM M 88 M MMP MMP M .d8888b. 88d888b. 88 .dP .d8888b. M MM' MM' .M 88' `88 88' `88 88888" Y8ooooo. M `' . '' .MM 88. .88 88 88 `8b. 88 M .d .dMMM `88888P' dP dP `YP `88888P' MMMMMMMMMMMMMM ''' def ColumnFixedSize(layout, size=(None, None), *args, **kwargs): # An addition column is needed to wrap the column with the Sizers because the colors will not be set on the space the sizers take return sg.Column([[sg.Column([[sg.Sizer(0,size[1]-1), sg.Column([[sg.Sizer(size[0]-2,0)]] + layout, *args, **kwargs, pad=(0,0))]], *args, **kwargs)]],pad=(0,0)) col_interior = [[sg.Text('My Window')], [sg.In()], [sg.In()], [sg.Button('Go'), sg.Button('Exit'), sg.Cancel(), sg.Ok()]] layout = [[sg.Text('Below is a column that is 500 x 300')], [sg.Text('With the interior centered')], [ColumnFixedSize(col_interior, size=(500, 300), background_color='red', element_justification='c', vertical_alignment='t')]] window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)