import PySimpleGUI as sg """ Demo - User Settings as a Database The PySimpleGUI User Settings APIs are implemnted to look like a dictionary to the user and utilize JSON files to store the data. As a result, one "key" is used to store and retrieve each "setting". This capability cab be used to implement a simple database. In this demo the User Settings file is used to store a user ID and data associated with that ID. Each User ID has a dictionary stored in the User Settings file. This dictionary is built from the values dictionary of the window. There is a map varaible called data_map that translates between the two dictionaries. Copyright 2022 PySimpleGUI """ def get_id_data(user_setting, id): return user_setting[id] def main(): # Maps between keys used in the User Settings an the Window itself data_map = {'-name-': '-NAME-', '-password-': '-PASSWORD-', '-dept-': '-DEPT-', '-security-': '-SECURITY-'} user_data = sg.UserSettings('my_user_data.json') INPUT_SIZE=30 layout = [ [sg.Text('User ID Management')], [sg.Push(), sg.Text('User ID:'), sg.Input(key='-ID-', size=INPUT_SIZE)], [sg.Push(), sg.Text('Name:'), sg.Input(key='-NAME-', size=INPUT_SIZE,)], [sg.Push(), sg.Text('Password:'), sg.Input(key='-PASSWORD-', size=INPUT_SIZE, password_char='*')], [sg.Push(), sg.Text('Department:'), sg.Input(key='-DEPT-', size=INPUT_SIZE,)], [ sg.Text('Security Level:'), sg.Combo(('Low', 'Medium', 'High'), size=(INPUT_SIZE-2,3), readonly=True, default_value='Low', key='-SECURITY-')], [sg.Button('Add/Update'), sg.Button('Load'), sg.Button('Display'), sg.Button('Exit')] ] window = sg.Window('User Settings as Database', layout) while True: # Event Loop event, values = print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break elif event == 'Add/Update': # Make a dictionary of data for the ID being added/updated based on the window's values user = values['-ID-'] data = {} for setting_key, values_key in data_map.items(): data[setting_key] = values[values_key] user_data[user] = data sg.popup(f'Added or updated user: {values["-ID-"]}') elif event == 'Load': user = values['-ID-'] data = user_data[user] for setting_key, values_key in data_map.items(): value = data[setting_key] if data is not None else '' window[values_key].update(value) elif event == 'Display': user = values['-ID-'] data = user_data[user] output = f'Detailed User Information for ID: {user}\n' for setting_key, values_key in data_map.items(): value = data[setting_key] if data is not None else '' output += f'{setting_key} = {value}\n' sg.popup_scrolled(output, title='Detailed User Data') if __name__ == '__main__': main()