import PySimpleGUI as sg from win32com.client import Dispatch import os """ Demo Program = Make Windows Shortcut Creates a shortcut to your python file. Input just the .PY or .PYW file or... Optionally Add: - The interpreter to use - An icon for your shortcut - A new name for the shortcut that's different than your Python filename Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI """ python_command = r'python.exe' def create_shortcut(path, target='', icon=''): """ Create a shortcut for a given target filename :param path str: full path and filename to make link to :param target str: what to launch (e.g. python) :param icon str: .ICO file :return: filename of the created shortcut file :rtype: str """ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(path) working_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if ext == 'url': shortcut = file(filename, 'w') shortcut.write('[InternetShortcut]\n') shortcut.write('URL=%s' % target) shortcut.close() else: shell = Dispatch('WScript.Shell') shortcut_filename = filename + ".lnk" shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(f'{shortcut_filename}') target_path = f'{target}' shortcut.Targetpath = target_path shortcut.Arguments = f'"{path}"' shortcut.WorkingDirectory = working_dir if icon == '': pass else: shortcut.IconLocation = icon return shortcut_filename def main(): sg.theme('dark grey 13') txt_size = 22 layout = [[sg.Text('Create a link to your Python file (Click Go or return key to start)', font='_ 15')], [sg.T('Python file', s=txt_size), sg.Input(key='-IN FILE-'), sg.FileBrowse(file_types=(("Python Files", "*.py *.pyw *.PY *.PYW"),), )], [sg.T('Icon file (optional)', s=txt_size), sg.Input(key='-ICON-'), sg.FileBrowse(file_types=(("Icon Files", "*.ico *.ICO",),), )], [sg.T('Shortcut Name (optional)', s=txt_size), sg.Input(key='-SHORTCUT NAME-')], [sg.T('Python Command (optional)', s=txt_size), sg.Input(key='-PYTHON COMMAND-')], [sg.Button('Go', bind_return_key=True), sg.Button('Exit')]] window = sg.Window('Create Shortcut To Python File', layout) while True: event, values = print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break if event == 'Go': try: if values['-PYTHON COMMAND-']: py_cmd = values['-PYTHON COMMAND-'] else: py_cmd = python_command shortcut_name = create_shortcut(values['-IN FILE-'], target=fr'{py_cmd}', icon=values['-ICON-']) if values['-SHORTCUT NAME-']: new_shortcut_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(shortcut_name), values['-SHORTCUT NAME-'] + '.lnk') os.rename(shortcut_name, new_shortcut_name) shortcut_name = new_shortcut_name window.close() choice = sg.popup('Done!', 'Created shortcut:', shortcut_name, custom_text=('Take me there', 'Close')) if choice == 'Take me there': sg.execute_command_subprocess(r'explorer.exe', os.path.dirname(shortcut_name)) break except Exception as e: sg.popup_error('Error encountered', e) window.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()