from inspect import getmembers, isfunction, isclass, getsource, signature, _empty, isdatadescriptor from datetime import datetime import click, textwrap, logging, json, re, os import os cd = CD = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) import PySimpleGUI as sg module_to_process = sg from collections import namedtuple triplet = namedtuple('triplet', 'name value atype'.split(' ')) ######################################################## # _ _ _ # # | | | | | | # # | |_ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ | | __ _| |_ ___ ___ # # | __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _` | __/ _ \/ __| # # | || __/ | | | | | |_) | | (_| | || __/\__ \ # # \__\___|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\__,_|\__\___||___/ # # | | # # |_| # ######################################################## TAB_char = ' ' TABLE_ROW_TEMPLATE = '|{name}|{desc}|' TABLE_RETURN_TEMPLATE = '|||\n|| **return** | {} |' TABLE_Only_table_RETURN_TEMPLATE = '''|Type|Name|Meaning|\n|---|---|---|\n|| **return** | $ |''' # $ - is the part for return value ############################################################################## # _ _ # # | | | | # # ___ _ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___| | __ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ # # / __| | | / __| __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / __| |/ _` / __/ __|/ _ \/ __| # # | (__| |_| \__ \ || (_) | | | | | | | (__| | (_| \__ \__ \ __/\__ \ # # \___|\__,_|___/\__\___/|_| |_| |_| \___|_|\__,_|___/___/\___||___/ # # # # # ############################################################################## from collections import namedtuple special_case = namedtuple('special_case', 'ok sig table just_text'.split(' ')) """ injection_points: injection_point structure cal look like this: FUNCTION { "tag" : "", "function_object" : "", "parent_class" : None, "part1" : "func", "part2" : "hello", "number" : "" } { "tag" : "", "function_object" : "", "parent_class" : None, "part1" : "func", "part2" : "hello", "number" : "1" } CLASS { "tag" : "", "function_object" : , "parent_class" : , "part1" : "Mike_Like", "part2" : "__init__", "number" : "" } { "tag" : "", "function_object" : , "parent_class" : , "part1" : "Mike_Like", "part2" : "__init__", "number" : "2" } """ def get_return_part(code: str, line_break=None) -> str: """ Find ":return:" part in given "doc string".""" if not line_break: # line_break = '
' line_break = '' if ':return:' not in code: return '' only_return = code[code.index(':return:')+len(':return:'):].strip().replace('\n', line_break) if ':rtype' in only_return: only_return = only_return.split(':rtype')[0] return only_return def special_cases(function_name, function_obj, sig, doc_string, line_break=None): doca, params_names = doc_string.strip(), list(dict(sig).keys()) only_self = 'self' in params_names and len(params_names) == 1 ############################################################################ # _ _ # # | | | | # # ___| | __ _ ___ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __| |_ _ _ # # / __| |/ _` / __/ __| | '_ \| '__/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| __| | | | # # | (__| | (_| \__ \__ \ | |_) | | | (_) | |_) | __/ | | |_| |_| | # # \___|_|\__,_|___/___/ | .__/|_| \___/| .__/ \___|_| \__|\__, | # # | | | | __/ | # # |_| |_| |___/ # ############################################################################ """ # TEMPLATE1 def Get(self): ''' ''' # TEMPLATE2 -return -param def Get(self): ''' blah blah blah ''' # TEMPLATE3 +return -param def Get(self): ''' blah blah blah :return: blah-blah ''' """ if is_propery(function_obj): # TEMPLATE1 if only_self and not doca: return special_case(ok=True, just_text=f'\n\n#### property: {function_name}\n\n', sig='', table='') # TEMPLATE2 elif only_self and doca and ':param' not in doca and ':return:' not in doca: return special_case(ok=True, just_text=f'\n\n#### property: {function_name}\n{get_doc_desc(doca, function_obj)}\n\n', sig='', table='') # TEMPLATE3 elif only_self and doca and ':param' not in doca and ':return:' in doca: return_part, desc = get_return_part(doca, line_break=line_break), get_doc_desc(doca, function_obj) return special_case(ok=True, just_text='', sig=f'\n\n#### property: {function_name}\n{desc}\n\n', table=TABLE_Only_table_RETURN_TEMPLATE.replace('$', return_part) + '\n\n') ################################################################################################################ # _ _ _ _ _ # # | | | | | | | | | | # # _ __ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ __ _| | ___| | __ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___| |_| |__ ___ __| |___ # # | '_ \ / _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | | / __| |/ _` / __/ __| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __| '_ \ / _ \ / _` / __| # # | | | | (_) | | | | | | | | (_| | | | (__| | (_| \__ \__ \ | | | | | | __/ |_| | | | (_) | (_| \__ \ # # |_| |_|\___/|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| \___|_|\__,_|___/___/ |_| |_| |_|\___|\__|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/ # # # # # ################################################################################################################ """ # TEMPLATE1 def Get(self): ''' ''' # TEMPLATE2 -return -param def Get(self): ''' blah blah blah ''' # TEMPLATE3 +return -param def Get(self): ''' blah blah blah :return: blah-blah ''' # TEMPLATE4 -return +param def SetFocus(self, elem): ''' blah blah blah :param elem: qwerty ''' """ # TEMPLATE1 if only_self and not doca: return special_case(ok=True, just_text=f'\n\n```python\n{function_name}()\n```\n\n', sig='', table='') # TEMPLATE2 elif only_self and doca and ':param' not in doca and ':return:' not in doca: return special_case(ok=True, just_text=f'\n\n{doca}\n\n```python\n{function_name}()\n```\n\n', sig='', table='') # TEMPLATE3 elif only_self and doca and ':param' not in doca and ':return:' in doca: return_part, desc = get_return_part(doca, line_break=line_break), get_doc_desc(doca, function_obj) return special_case(ok=True, just_text='', sig=f'\n\n{desc}\n\n`{function_name}()`\n\n', table=TABLE_Only_table_RETURN_TEMPLATE.replace('$', return_part) + '\n\n') # TEMPLATE4 elif only_self and doca and ':param' not in doca and ':return:' in doca: return special_case(ok=False, just_text='', sig='', table='') return special_case(ok=False, just_text='', sig='', table='') def get_doc_desc(doc, original_obj): return_in = ':return' in doc param_in = ':param' in doc if return_in and param_in and doc.index(':return') < doc.index(':param'): logging.error(f'BS. You need to FIX IT. PROBLEM ":return:" BEFORE ":param:" in "{original_obj.__name__}"') if ':param' in doc: doc = doc[:doc.index(':param')] if ':return' in doc: doc = doc[:doc.index(':return:')] if ':param' in doc: doc = doc[:doc.index(':param')] if ':return' in doc: doc = doc[:doc.index(':return:')] desc = doc.strip().replace(' ', '') return f'\n{desc}' if desc else '' def is_propery(func): return isdatadescriptor(func) and not isfunction(func) def get_sig_table_parts(function_obj, function_name, doc_string, logger=None, is_method=False, line_break=None, insert_md_section_for__class_methods=False): """ Convert python object "function + __doc__" to "method call + params table" in MARKDOWN """ doc_string = doc_string.strip() # qpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqp # 0 0 Making INIT_CALL 0 0 # # qpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqp try: rows = [] sig = {'self': None} if is_propery(function_obj) else signature(function_obj).parameters except Exception as e: if logger: logger.error(f'PROBLEM WITH "{function_obj}" "{function_name}":\nit\'s signature is BS. Ok, I will just return \'\' for \'signature\' and \'param_table\'\nOR BETTER - delete it from the\n======') return '', '' if not is_propery(function_obj): for key in sig: val = sig[key].default if 'self' == str(key): continue elif key == 'args': rows.append('args=*<1 or N object>') elif val == _empty: rows.append(key) elif val == None: rows.append(f'{key}=None') elif type(val) in (int, float): rows.append(f'{key}={val}') elif type(val) is str: rows.append(f'{key}="{val}"') elif type(val) is tuple: rows.append(f'{key}={val}') elif type(val) is bool: rows.append(f'{key}={val}') elif type(val) is bytes: rows.append(f'{key}=...') else: raise Exception(f'IDK this type -> {key, val}') sig_content = f',\n{TAB_char}'.join(rows) if len(rows) > 2 else f', '.join(rows) if rows else '' sign = "\n\n{0}\n\n```\n{1}({2})\n```".format(get_doc_desc(doc_string, function_obj), function_name, sig_content) if is_method: if insert_md_section_for__class_methods: sign = "\n\n{0}\n\n```\n{1}({2})\n```".format(get_doc_desc(doc_string, function_obj), function_name, sig_content) else: sign = "{0}\n\n```\n{1}({2})\n```".format(get_doc_desc(doc_string, function_obj), function_name, sig_content) # -------------- # SPECIAL CASES # -------------- result = special_cases(function_name, function_obj, sig, doc_string, line_break=line_break) if result.ok: if result.just_text: return result.just_text, '' else: return result.sig, result.table # qpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqp # 0 0 Making params_TABLE 0 0 # # qpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqp # 1 return_guy = get_return_part(doc_string, line_break=line_break) if not return_guy: md_return = return_guy = '' else: md_return = TABLE_RETURN_TEMPLATE.format(return_guy.strip()) # 2 def make_md_table_from_docstring(docstring, a_original_obj): row_n_type_regex = re.compile(r':param ([\s\S]*?):([\s\S]*?):type [\s\S]*?:([\d\D]*?)\n', flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) # row_n_type_regex = re.compile(r':param ([\d\w]+):([\d\D]*?):type [\w\d]+:([\d\D].*?)$', flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) '''replace WITH regex''' def replace_re(i, a=r' ',z=' '): return re.sub(a,z,i, flags=re.MULTILINE).strip() def process_type(txt): ''' striping brackets () from txt: Example: (str) -> str Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] -> Union[str, Tuple[str, int]] ''' if re.compile(r'\(\s?\w+\s?\)', flags=re.M|re.DOTALL).match(txt): return txt.rstrip(')').lstrip('(') else: return txt # if 'led by application to change the tooltip text for an Element. Normally invoked using ' in docstring: # pass # print(123) # |> find PARAM, PARAM_TYPE, PARAM_DESCRIPTIONe trips = [triplet(, replace_re(, r'\s{2,}', ' '), process_type( for index, i in enumerate(re.finditer(row_n_type_regex, docstring + ' \n'))] if not trips: raise Exception('no _TRIPs found!') # ===|> format markdown table # --------------------------- # ROW template: max_type_width, max_name_width = 20, 20 try: max_type_width, max_name_width = max([len(i.atype) for i in trips]), max([len( for i in trips]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"ALERT ------ bug with max_type_width, max_name_width variables") row_template = f'| {{: ^{max_type_width}}} | {{: ^{max_name_width}}} | {{}} |' # rows, and finally table. rows = [row_template.format(i.atype,, i.value) for i in trips] row_n_type_regex = re.compile(r':param ([\d\w\*\s]+):([\d\D]*?):type [\w\d]+:([\d\D].*?)\n', flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) try: # try to get return value # return_regex = re.compile(r':return:\s*(.*?):rtype:\s*(.*?)\n', flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) regex_pattern = re.compile(r':return:\s*(.*?)\n\s*:rtype:\s*(.*?)\n', flags=re.M|re.DOTALL) a_doc = docstring + ' \n' aa = list(re.finditer(regex_pattern, a_doc))[0] text, atype =, rows.append(f'| {atype} | **RETURN** | {text}') except Exception as e: padded_name = "{: <25}".format(f"'{a_original_obj.__name__}'") # TODO - Mike changed this! # logger.warning(f"ALERT ------ Hi, Mike! Please, fix ':return:' in {padded_name}" # " \tIF you want to see 'return' row in 'signature table'") # import pdb; pdb.set_trace(); header = '\nParameter Descriptions:\n\n|Type|Name|Meaning|\n|--|--|--|\n' md_table = header+'\n'.join(rows) # md_table = '\n'.join(rows) return md_table # md_table = '\n'.join([TABLE_ROW_TEMPLATE.format(name=name, desc=desc) # for name, desc in # get_params_part(doc_string).items()]) # 3 try: params_TABLE = md_table = make_md_table_from_docstring(doc_string, function_obj) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Boy======= We got empty md_table for "{function_obj.__name__}"') params_TABLE = md_table = '' if not md_table.strip(): params_TABLE = '' if return_guy: sign = sign[:-4] + f' -> {return_guy}\n```\n' return sign, params_TABLE def pad_n(text): return f'\n{text}\n' def render(injection, logger=None, line_break=None, insert_md_section_for__class_methods=False): try: if 'skip readme' in injection['function_object'].__doc__: return '' except Exception as e: return '' if injection['part1'] == 'func': # function sig, table = get_sig_table_parts(function_obj=injection['function_object'], function_name=injection['part2'], insert_md_section_for__class_methods=insert_md_section_for__class_methods, doc_string=injection['function_object'].__doc__, logger=logger, line_break=line_break) else: # class method function_name = injection['parent_class'].__name__ if injection['part2'] == '__init__' else injection['part2'] sig, table = get_sig_table_parts(function_obj=injection['function_object'], function_name=function_name, is_method=True, insert_md_section_for__class_methods=insert_md_section_for__class_methods, doc_string=injection['function_object'].__doc__, logger=logger, line_break=line_break) if injection['number'] == '': return pad_n(sig) + pad_n(table) elif injection['number'] == '1': return pad_n(sig) elif injection['number'] == '2': return pad_n(table) else: if logger: logger.error(f'Error in processing {injection}') def readfile(fname): with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as ff: return def main(do_full_readme=False, files_to_include: list = [], logger:object=None, output_name:str=None, delete_html_comments:bool=True, delete_x3_newlines:bool=True, allow_multiple_tags:bool=True, line_break:str=None, insert_md_section_for__class_methods:bool=True, remove_repeated_sections_classmethods:bool=False, output_repeated_tags:bool=False, main_md_file='markdown input files/', skip_dunder_method:bool=True): """ Goal is: 1) load 2) get memes - classes and functions in PSG 3) find all tags in 2_ 4) structure tags and REAL objects 5) replaces classes, functions. 6) join 1 big readme file :param do_full_readme: (bool=True) if False - use only :param files_to_include: (list=[]) list of markdown files to include in output markdown :param logger: (object=None) logger object from logging module :param output_name: (str=None) base filename of output markdown file :param delete_html_comments: (bool=True) flag for preprocessing input markwon text e.g. deleting every html tag, that is injection_point :param delete_x3_newlines: (bool=True) flag for deleting '\\n\\n\\n' in final output makrdown text :param allow_multiple_tags: (bool=True) flag for replacing every tag in "input markdown text" :param line_break: (str=None) linebreak_character in "return part" :param insert_md_section_for__class_methods: (bool=True) insert '###' sign to class_methods when outputing in markdown :param remove_repeated_sections_classmethods: (bool=True) :param output_repeated_tags: (bool=True) log REPEATED tags in file :param skip_dunder_method: (bool=True) skip __something__ methods in classes """ if logger:'STARTING') # 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 # =========== 1 loading files =========== # # =========== 2 GET classes, funcions, varialbe a.k.a. memes =========== # # 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 readme = readfile(main_md_file) def valid_field(pair): bad_fields = 'LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE copyright __builtins__ icon'.split(' ') bad_prefix = 'TITLE_ TEXT_ ELEM_TYPE_ DEFAULT_ BUTTON_TYPE_ LISTBOX_SELECT METER_ POPUP_ THEME_'.split(' ') field_name, python_object = pair if type(python_object) is bytes: return False if field_name in bad_fields: return False if any([i for i in bad_prefix if field_name.startswith(i)]): return False return True psg_members = [i for i in getmembers(module_to_process) if valid_field(i)] # variables, functions, classes # psg_members = getmembers(PySimpleGUIlib) # variables, functions, classes psg_funcs = [o for o in psg_members if isfunction(o[1])] # only functions psg_classes = [o for o in psg_members if isclass(o[1])] # only classes psg_classes_ = list(set([i[1] for i in psg_classes])) # boildown B,Btn,Butt -into-> Button psg_classes = list(zip([i.__name__ for i in psg_classes_], psg_classes_)) # psg_props = [o for o in psg_members if type(o[1]).__name__ == 'property'] # 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 # =========== 3 find all tags in 2_readme =========== # # 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 # PLAN: # (1) REMOVE HEADER # (2) find good tags e.g. # (3) (optional) find '_' tags e.g. # '_' tag - is a tag, that has '_' after '.' # # Example: # /\ # |---that's sign of a bad tags # (4) (optional) log repeated tags. # like # and # # 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 # >1 REMOVE HEADER started_mark = '' if started_mark in readme: readme = readme.split('')[1] # readme = re.sub(r'([\d\D]*)', '', readme, flags=re.MULTILINE) # 2> find good tags re_tags = re.compile(r'') mark_points = [i for i in readme.split('\n') if re_tags.match(i)] special_dunder_methods = ['init', 'repr', 'str', 'next'] # 3> find '_' tags OPTION if skip_dunder_method: re_bad_tags = re.compile(r'') for i in readme.split('\n'): if re_bad_tags.match(i.strip()): if not [s_tag for s_tag in special_dunder_methods if s_tag in i.strip()]: readme = readme.replace(i, '\n') # 4> log repeated tags if output_repeated_tags: if not allow_multiple_tags and len(list(set(mark_points))) != len(mark_points): mark_points_copy = mark_points[:] [mark_points_copy.remove(x) for x in set(mark_points)] if logger: logger.error("You have repeated tags! \n {0}".format( ','.join(mark_points_copy))) return '' # 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 # =========== 4 structure tags and REAL objects =========== # # 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 injection_points = [] classes_method_tags = [j for j in mark_points if 'func.' not in j] func_tags = [j for j in mark_points if 'func.' in j] # 0===0 functions 0===0 for tag in func_tags: try: function_name = part2 = tag.split('.')[1].split('+')[0] # {{{{{{{{{ filter number }}}}}}}}} number = '' if part2[0] in ['1', '2']: number, part2 = part2[0], part2[1:] # {{{{{{{{{ find function }}}}}}}}} founded_function = [func for func_name, func in psg_funcs if func_name == function_name] if not founded_function: if logger: logger.error(f'function "{function_name}" not found in PySimpleGUI') continue if len(founded_function) > 1: if logger: logger.error(f'more than 1 function named "{function_name}" found in PySimpleGUI') continue # {{{{{{{{{ collect }}}}}}}}} injection_points.append({ "tag": tag, "function_object": founded_function[0], "parent_class": None, "part1": 'func', "part2": part2, "number": number, }) except Exception as e: if logger: logger.error(f' General error in parsing function tag: tag = "{tag}"; error="{str(e)}"') continue injection_points.append('now, classes.') # 0===0 classes 0===0 for tag in classes_method_tags: try: class_name, method_name = tag.split('.') class_name, method_name = part1, part2 = class_name.split('+')[-1], method_name.split('+')[0] # {{{{{{{{{ filter number }}}}}}}}} number = '' if part2[0] in ['1', '2']: number, method_name = part2[0], part2[1:] # {{{{{{{{{ find class }}}}}}}}} founded_class = [a_class_obj for a_class_name, a_class_obj in psg_classes if a_class_name == class_name] if not founded_class: if logger: logger.error(f'skipping tag "{tag}", WHY: not found in PySimpleGUI') continue if len(founded_class) > 1: if logger: logger.error(f'skipping tag "{tag}", WHY: found more than 1 class in PySimpleGUI') continue # {{{{{{{{{ find method }}}}}}}}} try: if method_name != 'doc': founded_method = getattr(founded_class[0], method_name) else: founded_method = None except AttributeError as e: if logger: logger.error(f'METHOD not found!: {str(e)}') continue except Exception as e: if logger: logger.error(f' General error in parsing class_method tag: tag = "{tag}"; error="{str(e)}"') continue # {{{{{{{{{ collect }}}}}}}}} injection_points.append({ "tag": tag, "function_object": founded_method, "parent_class": founded_class[0], "part1": part1, "part2": part2, "number": number, }) except Exception as e: if logger: logger.error(f' General error in parsing class_method tag: tag = "{tag}"; error="{str(e)}"') continue # 888888888888888888888888888888888888888 # =========== 5 injecting =========== # # 888888888888888888888888888888888888888 # PLAN: # (1) replace tags in 2_readme # with properly formateed text # (2) log some data # 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 bar_it = lambda x: '\n' + '='*len(x) + f'\nSTARTING TO INSERT markdown text into\n' + '='*len(x) + '\n' # 1> log some data success_tags = [] bad_tags = [] for injection in injection_points: if injection == 'now, classes.':'STARTING TO INSERT markdown text into')) continue # SPECIAL CASE: X.doc tag if injection['part2'] == 'doc': a_tag = injection['tag']'a_tag = {a_tag, type(a_tag).__name__}') doc_ = '' if not injection['parent_class'].__doc__ else injection['parent_class'].__doc__ # if doc_ == None or a_tag == None: readme = readme.replace(a_tag, doc_) else: content = render(injection, logger=logger, line_break=line_break, insert_md_section_for__class_methods=insert_md_section_for__class_methods) tag = injection["tag"] if content: success_tags.append(f'{tag} - COMPLETE') else: bad_tags.append(f'{tag} - FAIL') readme = readme.replace(tag, content) bad_part = '''\n\nParameter Descriptions:\n\n|Type|Name|Meaning|\n|--|--|--|\n\n''' readme = readme.replace(bad_part, '\n') # 2> log some data if logger: success_tags_str = '\n'.join(success_tags).strip() bad_tags_str = '\n'.join(bad_tags).strip() # good message good_message = f'DONE {len(success_tags)} TAGS:\n' + '\n'.join(success_tags) if success_tags_str else 'All tags are wrong//' # bad message bad_message = f'FAIL WITH {len(bad_tags)} TAGS:\n' + '\n'.join(bad_tags) if bad_tags_str else 'No bad tags, YES!' bad_part = '''\n\nParameter Descriptions:\n\n|Type|Name|Meaning|\n|--|--|--|\n\n''' readme = readme.replace(bad_part, '\n') # 8888888888888888888888888888888888 # =========== 6 join =========== # # 8888888888888888888888888888888888 files = [] if 0 in files_to_include: files.append(readfile('markdown input files/')) if 1 in files_to_include: files.append(readme) if 2 in files_to_include: files.append(readfile('markdown input files/')) if 3 in files_to_include: files.append(readfile('markdown input files/')) Joined_MARKDOWN = '\n\n'.join(files) if do_full_readme or files else readme if output_name: with open(output_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: CURR_DT ='\n') content = CURR_DT + Joined_MARKDOWN # {{{{{{{{{ html removing }}}}}}}}} if delete_html_comments: if logger:'Deleting html comments') # remove html comments filt_readme = re.sub(r'', '\n', content, flags=re.MULTILINE) for i in range(5): filt_readme = filt_readme.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n') # add staked_edit if '