import cv2, PySimpleGUI as sg

window = sg.Window('Demo Application - OpenCV Integration', [[sg.Image(key='-I-')], ], location=(800, 400))
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)  # Setup the camera as a capture device
while True:  # The PSG "Event Loop"
    event, values =  # get events for the window with 20ms max wait
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:  break  # if user closed window, quit
    window['-I-'].update(data=cv2.imencode('.ppm',[1])[1].tobytes())  # Update image in window

    Putting the comment at the bottom so that you can see that the code is indeed 7 lines long.  And, there is nothing
    done out of the ordinary to make it 7 lines long.  There are no ; for example.  OK, so the if statement is on one line
    but that's the only place that you would traditionally see one more line.  So, call it 8 if you want.
    NOTE - the encoding format PPM has been shown to be significantly less CPU intensive than using PNG (thank you reporting PySimpleGUI user!)
    In some cases however, PPM may not be supported.  If you have problems with PPM encoding, then change ".ppm" to ".png" on line 8.
    Copyright 2022 PySimpleGUI