#!/usr/bin/env python import sys if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import PySimpleGUI as sg else: import PySimpleGUI27 as sg import pandas as pd def table_example(): sg.SetOptions(auto_size_buttons=True) filename = sg.PopupGetFile('filename to open', no_window=True, file_types=(("CSV Files", "*.csv"),)) # --- populate table with file contents --- # if filename == '': sys.exit(69) data = [] header_list = [] button = sg.PopupYesNo('Does this file have column names already?') if filename is not None: try: df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',', engine='python', header=None) # Header=None means you directly pass the columns names to the dataframe data = df.values.tolist() # read everything else into a list of rows if button == 'Yes': # Press if you named your columns in the csv header_list = df.iloc[0].tolist() # Uses the first row (which should be column names) as columns names data = df[1:].values.tolist() # Drops the first row in the table (otherwise the header names and the first row will be the same) elif button == 'No': # Press if you didn't name the columns in the csv header_list = ['column' + str(x) for x in range(len(data[0]))] # Creates columns names for each column ('column0', 'column1', etc) except: sg.PopupError('Error reading file') sys.exit(69) # sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0, 0)) col_layout = [[sg.Table(values=data, headings=header_list, display_row_numbers=True, auto_size_columns=False, size=(None, len(data)))]] canvas_size = (13*10*len(header_list), 600) # estimate canvas size - 13 pixels per char * 10 per column * num columns layout = [[sg.Column(col_layout, size=canvas_size, scrollable=True)]] window = sg.Window('Table', grab_anywhere=False) b, v = window.LayoutAndRead(layout) sys.exit(69) table_example()