import PySimpleGUI as sg """ Demo - Save previously entered strings for Input and Combo elements by using user_settings calls This demo is the same as the The difference between the 2 files is that this one users the UserSettings class syntax while the other uses the function calls. Copyright 2020 """ def main(): settings = sg.UserSettings(path='.') # The settings file will be in the same folder as this program layout = [[sg.T('This is your layout')], [sg.T('Enter or choose name'), sg.Combo(values=sorted(settings.get('-names-', [])), default_value=settings['-last name chosen-'], size=(20,1), k='-COMBO-')], [sg.T('Remembers last value'), sg.In(settings.get('-input-', ''), k='-INPUT-')], [sg.OK(), sg.Button('Exit')]] event, values = sg.Window('Pattern for saving with Combobox', layout).read(close=True) if event == 'OK': settings['-names-'] = list(set(settings.get('-names-', []) + [values['-COMBO-'],])) settings['-last name chosen-'] = values['-COMBO-'] settings['-input-'] = values['-INPUT-'] sg.popup(f"You chose {values['-COMBO-']} and input {values['-INPUT-']}", 'The settions dictionary:', settings) if __name__ == '__main__': main()