#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter.colorchooser import askcolor from tkinter import ttk import tkinter.scrolledtext as tkst import tkinter.font else: import Tkinter as tk import tkFileDialog import ttk import tkColorChooser import tkFont import ScrolledText import types import datetime import textwrap import pickle import calendar g_time_start = 0 g_time_end = 0 g_time_delta = 0 import time def TimerStart(): global g_time_start g_time_start = time.time() def TimerStop(): global g_time_delta, g_time_end g_time_end = time.time() g_time_delta = g_time_end - g_time_start print(g_time_delta) # ----====----====----==== Constants the user CAN safely change ====----====----====----# DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON = 'default_icon.ico' DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE = (45,1) # In CHARACTERS DEFAULT_BUTTON_ELEMENT_SIZE = (10,1) # In CHARACTERS DEFAULT_MARGINS = (10,5) # Margins for each LEFT/RIGHT margin is first term DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PADDING = (5,3) # Padding between elements (row, col) in pixels DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_TEXT = True DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_BUTTONS = True DEFAULT_FONT = ("Helvetica", 10) DEFAULT_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION = 'left' DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH = 1 DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME = 3 # time in seconds to show an autoclose form DEFAULT_DEBUG_WINDOW_SIZE = (80,20) DEFAULT_WINDOW_LOCATION = (None,None) MAX_SCROLLED_TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT = 50 DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME = 400 #################### COLOR STUFF #################### BLUES = ("#082567","#0A37A3","#00345B") PURPLES = ("#480656","#4F2398","#380474") GREENS = ("#01826B","#40A860","#96D2AB", "#00A949","#003532") YELLOWS = ("#F3FB62", "#F0F595") TANS = ("#FFF9D5","#F4EFCF","#DDD8BA") NICE_BUTTON_COLORS = ((GREENS[3], TANS[0]), ('#000000','#FFFFFF'),('#FFFFFF', '#000000'), (YELLOWS[0], PURPLES[1]), (YELLOWS[0], GREENS[3]), (YELLOWS[0], BLUES[2])) COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = '1234567890' # Colors should never be this long if sys.platform == 'darwin': DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default OFFICIAL_PYSIMPLEGUI_BUTTON_COLOR = COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT # Colors should never be this long else: DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = ('white', BLUES[0]) # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default OFFICIAL_PYSIMPLEGUI_BUTTON_COLOR = ('white', BLUES[0]) # Colors should never be this long DEFAULT_ERROR_BUTTON_COLOR =("#FFFFFF", "#FF0000") DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = None DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = None DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TEXT_COLOR = COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT DEFAULT_TEXT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = None DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR = COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR = COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT DEFAULT_SCROLLBAR_COLOR = None # DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = (YELLOWS[0], PURPLES[0]) # (Text, Background) or (Color "on", Color) as a way to remember # DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = (GREENS[3], TANS[0]) # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default # DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = (YELLOWS[0], GREENS[4]) # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default # DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = ('white', 'black') # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default # DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = (YELLOWS[0], PURPLES[2]) # Foreground, Background (None, None) == System Default # DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (GREENS[2], GREENS[0]) # a nice green progress bar # DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (BLUES[1], BLUES[1]) # a nice green progress bar # DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (BLUES[0], BLUES[0]) # a nice green progress bar # DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (PURPLES[1],PURPLES[0]) # a nice purple progress bar # A transparent button is simply one that matches the background TRANSPARENT_BUTTON = ('#F0F0F0', '#F0F0F0') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Progress Bar Relief Choices RELIEF_RAISED = 'raised' RELIEF_SUNKEN = 'sunken' RELIEF_FLAT = 'flat' RELIEF_RIDGE = 'ridge' RELIEF_GROOVE = 'groove' RELIEF_SOLID = 'solid' DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = (GREENS[0], '#D0D0D0') # a nice green progress bar DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE = (25,20) # Size of Progress Bar (characters for length, pixels for width) DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH=1 DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_RELIEF = RELIEF_GROOVE PROGRESS_BAR_STYLES = ('default','winnative', 'clam', 'alt', 'classic', 'vista', 'xpnative') DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE = 'default' DEFAULT_METER_ORIENTATION = 'Horizontal' DEFAULT_SLIDER_ORIENTATION = 'vertical' DEFAULT_SLIDER_BORDER_WIDTH=1 DEFAULT_SLIDER_RELIEF = tk.FLAT DEFAULT_FRAME_RELIEF = tk.GROOVE DEFAULT_LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE = tk.SINGLE SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE = tk.MULTIPLE LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE = 'multiple' SELECT_MODE_BROWSE = tk.BROWSE LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_BROWSE = 'browse' SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED = tk.EXTENDED LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED = 'extended' SELECT_MODE_SINGLE = tk.SINGLE LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_SINGLE = 'single' TABLE_SELECT_MODE_NONE = tk.NONE TABLE_SELECT_MODE_BROWSE = tk.BROWSE TABLE_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED = tk.EXTENDED DEFAULT_TABLE_SECECT_MODE = TABLE_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED TITLE_LOCATION_TOP = tk.N TITLE_LOCATION_BOTTOM = tk.S TITLE_LOCATION_LEFT = tk.W TITLE_LOCATION_RIGHT = tk.E TITLE_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT = tk.NW TITLE_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT = tk.NE TITLE_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT = tk.SW TITLE_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT = tk.SE THEME_DEFAULT = 'default' THEME_WINNATIVE = 'winnative' THEME_CLAM = 'clam' THEME_ALT = 'alt' THEME_CLASSIC = 'classic' THEME_VISTA = 'vista' THEME_XPNATIVE = 'xpnative' # DEFAULT_METER_ORIENTATION = 'Vertical' # ----====----====----==== Constants the user should NOT f-with ====----====----====----# ThisRow = 555666777 # magic number # DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON = '' MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH = 60 # a shameful global variable. This represents the top-level window information. Needed because opening a second window is different than opening the first. class MyWindows(): def __init__(self): self.NumOpenWindows = 0 self.user_defined_icon = None def Decrement(self): self.NumOpenWindows -= 1 * (self.NumOpenWindows != 0) # decrement if not 0 # print('---- DECREMENTING Num Open Windows = {} ---'.format(self.NumOpenWindows)) def Increment(self): self.NumOpenWindows += 1 # print('++++ INCREMENTING Num Open Windows = {} ++++'.format(self.NumOpenWindows)) _my_windows = MyWindows() # terrible hack using globals... means need a class for collecing windows # ====================================================================== # # One-liner functions that are handy as f_ck # # ====================================================================== # def RGB(red,green,blue): return '#%02x%02x%02x' % (red,green,blue) # ====================================================================== # # Enums for types # # ====================================================================== # # ------------------------- Button types ------------------------- # #todo Consider removing the Submit, Cancel types... they are just 'RETURN' type in reality #uncomment this line and indent to go back to using Enums # class ButtonType(Enum): BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FOLDER = 1 BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FILE = 2 BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FILES = 21 BUTTON_TYPE_SAVEAS_FILE = 3 BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN = 5 BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN_ONLY = 6 BUTTON_TYPE_READ_FORM = 7 BUTTON_TYPE_REALTIME = 9 BUTTON_TYPE_CALENDAR_CHOOSER = 30 BUTTON_TYPE_COLOR_CHOOSER = 40 # ------------------------- Element types ------------------------- # # class ElementType(Enum): ELEM_TYPE_TEXT = 1 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_TEXT = 20 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_COMBO = 21 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_OPTION_MENU = 22 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_RADIO = 5 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_MULTILINE = 7 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_CHECKBOX = 8 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SPIN = 9 ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON = 3 ELEM_TYPE_IMAGE = 30 ELEM_TYPE_CANVAS = 40 ELEM_TYPE_FRAME = 41 ELEM_TYPE_GRAPH = 42 ELEM_TYPE_TAB = 50 ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP = 51 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SLIDER = 10 ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_LISTBOX = 11 ELEM_TYPE_OUTPUT = 300 ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN = 555 ELEM_TYPE_MENUBAR = 600 ELEM_TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR = 200 ELEM_TYPE_BLANK = 100 ELEM_TYPE_TABLE = 700 ELEM_TYPE_ERROR = 666 # ------------------------- Popup Buttons Types ------------------------- # POPUP_BUTTONS_YES_NO = 1 POPUP_BUTTONS_CANCELLED = 2 POPUP_BUTTONS_ERROR = 3 POPUP_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL = 4 POPUP_BUTTONS_OK = 0 POPUP_BUTTONS_NO_BUTTONS = 5 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ToolTip used by the Elements # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class ToolTip: """ Create a tooltip for a given widget (inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/a/36221216) """ def __init__(self, widget, text, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME): self.widget = widget self.text = text self.timeout = timeout #self.wraplength = wraplength if wraplength else widget.winfo_screenwidth() // 2 self.tipwindow = None self.id = None self.x = self.y = 0 self.widget.bind("", self.enter) self.widget.bind("", self.leave) self.widget.bind("", self.leave) def enter(self, event=None): self.schedule() def leave(self, event=None): self.unschedule() self.hidetip() def schedule(self): self.unschedule() self.id = self.widget.after(self.timeout, self.showtip) def unschedule(self): if self.id: self.widget.after_cancel(self.id) self.id = None def showtip(self): if self.tipwindow: return x = self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 20 y = self.widget.winfo_rooty() + self.widget.winfo_height() - 20 self.tipwindow = tk.Toplevel(self.widget) self.tipwindow.wm_overrideredirect(True) self.tipwindow.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y)) label = ttk.Label(self.tipwindow, text=self.text, justify=tk.LEFT, background="#ffffe0", relief=tk.SOLID, borderwidth=1) label.pack() def hidetip(self): if self.tipwindow: self.tipwindow.destroy() self.tipwindow = None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Cascading structure.... Objects get larger # # Button # # Element # # Row # # Form # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Element CLASS # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Element(): def __init__(self, type, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, font=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None): self.Size = size self.Type = type self.AutoSizeText = auto_size_text self.Pad = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PADDING if pad is None else pad self.Font = font self.TKStringVar = None self.TKIntVar = None self.TKText = None self.TKEntry = None self.TKImage = None self.ParentForm=None self.ParentContainer=None # will be a Form, Column, or Frame element self.TextInputDefault = None self.Position = (0,0) # Default position Row 0, Col 0 self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self.TextColor = text_color if text_color is not None else DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TEXT_COLOR self.Key = key # dictionary key for return values self.Tooltip = tooltip self.TooltipObject = None def FindReturnKeyBoundButton(self, form): for row in form.Rows: for element in row: if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON: if element.BindReturnKey: return element if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN: rc = self.FindReturnKeyBoundButton(element) if rc is not None: return rc if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_FRAME: rc = self.FindReturnKeyBoundButton(element) if rc is not None: return rc if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP: rc = self.FindReturnKeyBoundButton(element) if rc is not None: return rc if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB: rc = self.FindReturnKeyBoundButton(element) if rc is not None: return rc return None def TextClickedHandler(self, event): if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.DisplayText self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick the users out of the mainloop def ReturnKeyHandler(self, event): MyForm = self.ParentForm button_element = self.FindReturnKeyBoundButton(MyForm) if button_element is not None: button_element.ButtonCallBack() def ListboxSelectHandler(self, event): MyForm = self.ParentForm # first, get the results table built # modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = '' self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick the users out of the mainloop def ComboboxSelectHandler(self, event): MyForm = self.ParentForm # first, get the results table built # modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = '' self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick the users out of the mainloop def CheckboxHandler(self): MyForm = self.ParentForm if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = '' self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() def TabGroupSelectHandler(self, event): MyForm = self.ParentForm if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = '' self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() def __del__(self): try: self.TKStringVar.__del__() except: pass try: self.TKIntVar.__del__() except: pass try: self.TKText.__del__() except: pass try: self.TKEntry.__del__() except: pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Input Class # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class InputText(Element): def __init__(self, default_text ='', size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, password_char='', justification=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, font=None, tooltip=None, do_not_clear=False, key=None, focus=False, pad=None): ''' Input a line of text Element :param default_text: Default value to display :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param password_char: If non-blank, will display this character for every character typed :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex ''' self.DefaultText = default_text self.PasswordCharacter = password_char bg = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR fg = text_color if text_color is not None else DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR self.Focus = focus self.do_not_clear = do_not_clear self.Justification = justification super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_TEXT, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, background_color=bg, text_color=fg, key=key, pad=pad, font=font, tooltip=tooltip) def Update(self, value=None, disabled=None): if disabled is True: self.TKEntry['state'] = 'disabled' elif disabled is False: self.TKEntry['state'] = 'normal' if value is not None: try: self.TKStringVar.set(value) except: pass self.DefaultText = value def Get(self): return self.TKStringVar.get() def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ------------------------- INPUT TEXT Element lazy functions ------------------------- # In = InputText Input = InputText # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Combo # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class InputCombo(Element): def __init__(self, values, default_value=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, change_submits=False, disabled=False, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None): ''' Input Combo Box Element (also called Dropdown box) :param values: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex ''' self.Values = values self.DefaultValue = default_value self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits self.TKCombo = None self.InitializeAsDisabled = disabled bg = background_color if background_color else DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR fg = text_color if text_color is not None else DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_COMBO, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, background_color=bg, text_color=fg, key=key, pad=pad, tooltip=tooltip) def Update(self, value=None, values=None, set_to_index=None, disabled=None): if values is not None: try: self.TKCombo['values'] = values self.TKCombo.current(0) except: pass self.Values = values if value is not None: for index, v in enumerate(self.Values): if v == value: try: self.TKCombo.current(index) except: pass self.DefaultValue = value break if set_to_index is not None: try: self.TKCombo.current(set_to_index) self.DefaultValue = self.Values[set_to_index] except: pass if disabled == True: self.TKCombo['state'] = 'disable' elif disabled == False: self.TKCombo['state'] = 'enable' def __del__(self): try: self.TKCombo.__del__() except: pass super().__del__() # ------------------------- INPUT COMBO Element lazy functions ------------------------- # Combo = InputCombo DropDown = InputCombo Drop = InputCombo # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Option Menu # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class InputOptionMenu(Element): def __init__(self, values, default_value=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None): ''' Input Combo Box Element (also called Dropdown box) :param values: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex ''' self.Values = values self.DefaultValue = default_value self.TKOptionMenu = None bg = background_color if background_color else DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR fg = text_color if text_color is not None else DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_OPTION_MENU, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, background_color=bg, text_color=fg, key=key, pad=pad, tooltip=tooltip) def Update(self, value=None, values=None, disabled=None): if values is not None: self.Values = values if self.Values is not None: for index, v in enumerate(self.Values): if v == value: try: self.TKStringVar.set(value) except: pass self.DefaultValue = value break if disabled == True: self.TKOptionMenu['state'] = 'disabled' elif disabled == False: self.TKOptionMenu['state'] = 'normal' def __del__(self): try: self.TKOptionMenu.__del__() except: pass super().__del__() # ------------------------- OPTION MENU Element lazy functions ------------------------- # OptionMenu = InputOptionMenu # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Listbox # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Listbox(Element): def __init__(self, values, default_values=None, select_mode=None, change_submits=False, bind_return_key=False, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, font=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None): ''' Listbox Element :param values: :param select_mode: SELECT_MODE_BROWSE, SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED, SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE, SELECT_MODE_SINGLE :param font: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex ''' self.Values = values self.DefaultValues = default_values self.TKListbox = None self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits self.BindReturnKey = bind_return_key if select_mode == LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_BROWSE: self.SelectMode = SELECT_MODE_BROWSE elif select_mode == LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED: self.SelectMode = SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED elif select_mode == LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE: self.SelectMode = SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE elif select_mode == LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_SINGLE: self.SelectMode = SELECT_MODE_SINGLE else: self.SelectMode = DEFAULT_LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE bg = background_color if background_color else DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR fg = text_color if text_color is not None else DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_LISTBOX, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, font=font, background_color=bg, text_color=fg, key=key, pad=pad, tooltip=tooltip) def Update(self, values=None, disabled=None): if disabled == True: self.TKListbox.configure(state='disabled') elif disabled == False: self.TKListbox.configure(state='normal') if values is not None: self.TKListbox.delete(0, 'end') for item in values: self.TKListbox.insert(tk.END, item) self.TKListbox.selection_set(0, 0) self.Values = values def SetValue(self, values): for index, item in enumerate(self.Values): try: if item in values: self.TKListbox.selection_set(index) else: self.TKListbox.selection_clear(index) except: pass self.DefaultValues = values def GetListValues(self): return self.Values def __del__(self): try: self.TKListBox.__del__() except: pass super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Radio # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Radio(Element): def __init__(self, text, group_id, default=False, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, font=None, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None): ''' Radio Button Element :param text: :param group_id: :param default: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex :param font: ''' self.InitialState = default self.Text = text self.TKRadio = None self.GroupID = group_id self.Value = None self.TextColor = text_color if text_color else DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_RADIO, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, font=font, background_color=background_color, text_color=self.TextColor, key=key, pad=pad, tooltip=tooltip) def Update(self, value=None, disabled=None): location = EncodeRadioRowCol(self.Position[0], self.Position[1]) if value is not None: try: self.TKIntVar.set(location) except: pass self.InitialState = value if disabled == True: self.TKRadio['state'] = 'disabled' elif disabled == False: self.TKRadio['state'] = 'normal' def __del__(self): try: self.TKRadio.__del__() except: pass super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Checkbox # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Checkbox(Element): def __init__(self, text, default=False, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, font=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, change_submits=False, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None): ''' Check Box Element :param text: :param default: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex :param font: ''' self.Text = text self.InitialState = default self.Value = None self.TKCheckbutton = None self.TextColor = text_color if text_color else DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_CHECKBOX, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, font=font, background_color=background_color, text_color=self.TextColor, key=key, pad=pad, tooltip=tooltip) def Get(self): return self.TKIntVar.get() def Update(self, value=None, disabled=None): if value is not None: try: self.TKIntVar.set(value) self.InitialState = value except: pass if disabled == True: self.TKCheckbutton.configure(state='disabled') elif disabled == False: self.TKCheckbutton.configure(state='normal') def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ------------------------- CHECKBOX Element lazy functions ------------------------- # CB = Checkbox CBox = Checkbox Check = Checkbox # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Spin # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Spin(Element): # Values = None # TKSpinBox = None def __init__(self, values, initial_value=None, change_submits=False, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, font=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None): ''' Spin Box Element :param values: :param initial_value: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex :param font: ''' self.Values = values self.DefaultValue = initial_value self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits self.TKSpinBox = None bg = background_color if background_color else DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR fg = text_color if text_color is not None else DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SPIN, size, auto_size_text, font=font,background_color=bg, text_color=fg, key=key, pad=pad, tooltip=tooltip) return def Update(self, value=None, values=None, disabled=None): if values != None: old_value = self.TKStringVar.get() self.Values = values self.TKSpinBox.configure(values=values) self.TKStringVar.set(old_value) if value is not None: try: self.TKStringVar.set(value) except: pass self.DefaultValue = value if disabled == True: self.TKSpinBox.configure(state='disabled') elif disabled == False: self.TKSpinBox.configure(state='normal') def SpinChangedHandler(self, event): # first, get the results table built # modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = '' self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick the users out of the mainloop def __del__(self): try: self.TKSpinBox.__del__() except: pass super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Multiline # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Multiline(Element): def __init__(self, default_text='', enter_submits = False, autoscroll=False, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, do_not_clear=False, key=None, focus=False, pad=None, tooltip=None): ''' Input Multi-line Element :param default_text: :param enter_submits: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex ''' self.DefaultText = default_text self.EnterSubmits = enter_submits bg = background_color if background_color else DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR self.Focus = focus self.do_not_clear = do_not_clear fg = text_color if text_color is not None else DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR self.Autoscroll = autoscroll super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_MULTILINE, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, background_color=bg, text_color=fg, key=key, pad=pad, tooltip=tooltip) return def Update(self, value=None, disabled=None, append=False): if value is not None: try: if not append: self.TKText.delete('1.0', tk.END) self.TKText.insert(tk.END, value) except: pass self.DefaultText = value if self.Autoscroll: self.TKText.see(tk.END) if disabled == True: self.TKText.configure(state='disabled') elif disabled == False: self.TKText.configure(state='normal') def Get(self): return self.TKText.get(1.0, tk.END) def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Text # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Text(Element): def __init__(self, text, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, click_submits=None, relief=None, font=None, text_color=None, background_color=None,justification=None, pad=None, key=None, tooltip=None): ''' Text Element - Displays text in your form. Can be updated in non-blocking forms :param text: The text to display :param size: Size of Element in Characters :param auto_size_text: True if the field should shrink to fit the text :param font: Font name and size ("name", size) :param text_color: Text Color name or RGB hex value '#RRGGBB' :param background_color: Background color for text (name or RGB Hex) :param justification: 'left', 'right', 'center' ''' self.DisplayText = text self.TextColor = text_color if text_color else DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR self.Justification = justification self.Relief = relief self.ClickSubmits = click_submits if background_color is None: bg = DEFAULT_TEXT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR else: bg = background_color super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_TEXT, size, auto_size_text, background_color=bg, font=font if font else DEFAULT_FONT, text_color=self.TextColor, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return def Update(self, value = None, background_color=None, text_color=None, font=None): if value is not None: self.DisplayText=value stringvar = self.TKStringVar stringvar.set(value) if background_color is not None: self.TKText.configure(background=background_color) if text_color is not None: self.TKText.configure(fg=text_color) if font is not None: self.TKText.configure(font=font) def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ------------------------- Text Element lazy functions ------------------------- # Txt = Text T = Text # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TKProgressBar # # Emulate the TK ProgressBar using canvas and rectangles # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class TKProgressBar(): def __init__(self, root, max, length=400, width=DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE[1], style=DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE, relief=DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_RELIEF, border_width=DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH, orientation='horizontal', BarColor=(None,None), key=None): self.Length = length self.Width = width self.Max = max self.Orientation = orientation self.Count = None self.PriorCount = 0 if orientation[0].lower() == 'h': s = ttk.Style() s.theme_use(style) if BarColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: s.configure(str(key)+"my.Horizontal.TProgressbar", background=BarColor[0], troughcolor=BarColor[1], troughrelief=relief, borderwidth=border_width, thickness=width) else: s.configure(str(key)+"my.Horizontal.TProgressbar", troughrelief=relief, borderwidth=border_width, thickness=width) self.TKProgressBarForReal = ttk.Progressbar(root, maximum=self.Max, style=str(key)+'my.Horizontal.TProgressbar', length=length, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, mode='determinate') else: s = ttk.Style() s.theme_use(style) if BarColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: s.configure(str(length)+str(width)+"my.Vertical.TProgressbar", background=BarColor[0], troughcolor=BarColor[1], troughrelief=relief, borderwidth=border_width, thickness=width) else: s.configure(str(length)+str(width)+"my.Vertical.TProgressbar", troughrelief=relief, borderwidth=border_width, thickness=width) self.TKProgressBarForReal = ttk.Progressbar(root, maximum=self.Max, style=str(length)+str(width)+'my.Vertical.TProgressbar', length=length, orient=tk.VERTICAL, mode='determinate') def Update(self, count=None, max=None): if max is not None: self.Max = max try: self.TKProgressBarForReal.config(maximum=max) except: return False if count is not None and count > self.Max: return False if count is not None: try: self.TKProgressBarForReal['value'] = count except: return False return True def __del__(self): try: self.TKProgressBarForReal.__del__() except: pass # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TKOutput # # New Type of TK Widget that's a Text Widget in disguise # # Note that it's inherited from the TKFrame class so that the # # Scroll bar will span the length of the frame # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class TKOutput(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, width, height, bd, background_color=None, text_color=None, font=None, pad=None): frame = tk.Frame(parent) tk.Frame.__init__(self, frame) self.output = tk.Text(frame, width=width, height=height, bd=bd, font=font) if background_color and background_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: self.output.configure(background=background_color) frame.configure(background=background_color) if text_color and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: self.output.configure(fg=text_color) self.vsb = tk.Scrollbar(frame, orient="vertical", command=self.output.yview) self.output.configure(yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.output.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) self.vsb.pack(side="left", fill="y", expand=False) frame.pack(side="left", padx=pad[0], pady=pad[1], expand=True, fill='y') self.previous_stdout = sys.stdout self.previous_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = self sys.stderr = self self.pack() def write(self, txt): try: self.output.insert(tk.END, str(txt)) self.output.see(tk.END) except: pass def Close(self): sys.stdout = self.previous_stdout sys.stderr = self.previous_stderr def flush(self): sys.stdout = self.previous_stdout sys.stderr = self.previous_stderr def __del__(self): sys.stdout = self.previous_stdout sys.stderr = self.previous_stderr # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Output # # Routes stdout, stderr to a scrolled window # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Output(Element): def __init__(self, size=(None, None), background_color=None, text_color=None, pad=None, font=None, tooltip=None, key=None): ''' Output Element - reroutes stdout, stderr to this window :param size: Size of field in characters :param background_color: Color for Element. Text or RGB Hex ''' self._TKOut = None bg = background_color if background_color else DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR fg = text_color if text_color is not None else DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_OUTPUT, size=size, background_color=bg, text_color=fg, pad=pad, font=font, tooltip=tooltip, key=key) @property def TKOut(self): if self._TKOut is None: print('*** Did you forget to call Finalize()? Your code should look something like: ***') print('*** form = sg.Window("My Form").Layout(layout).Finalize() ***') return self._TKOut def __del__(self): try: self._TKOut.__del__() except: pass super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Button Class # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Button(Element): def __init__(self, button_text='', button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, target=(None, None), tooltip=None, file_types=(("ALL Files", "*.*"),), initial_folder=None, image_filename=None, image_size=(None, None), image_subsample=None, border_width=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, default_value = None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): ''' Button Element - Specifies all types of buttons :param button_type: :param target: :param button_text: :param file_types: :param image_filename: :param image_size: :param image_subsample: :param border_width: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_button: :param button_color: :param font: ''' self.AutoSizeButton = auto_size_button self.BType = button_type self.FileTypes = file_types self.TKButton = None self.Target = target self.ButtonText = button_text self.ButtonColor = button_color if button_color else DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR self.ImageFilename = image_filename self.ImageSize = image_size self.ImageSubsample = image_subsample self.UserData = None self.BorderWidth = border_width if border_width is not None else DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH self.BindReturnKey = bind_return_key self.Focus = focus self.TKCal = None self.DefaultValue = default_value self.InitialFolder = initial_folder super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON, size=size, font=font, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return # Realtime button release callback def ButtonReleaseCallBack(self, parm): self.LastButtonClickedWasRealtime = False self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = None # Realtime button callback def ButtonPressCallBack(self, parm): self.ParentForm.LastButtonClickedWasRealtime = True if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.ButtonText # ------- Button Callback ------- # def ButtonCallBack(self): global _my_windows # print(f'Parent = {self.ParentForm} Position = {self.Position}') # Buttons modify targets or return from the form # If modifying target, get the element object at the target and modify its StrVar target = self.Target target_element = None if target[0] == ThisRow: target = [self.Position[0], target[1]] if target[1] < 0: target[1] = self.Position[1] + target[1] strvar = None if target == (None, None): strvar = self.TKStringVar else: if not isinstance(target, str): if target[0] < 0: target = [self.Position[0] + target[0], target[1]] target_element = self.ParentContainer._GetElementAtLocation(target) else: target_element = self.ParentForm.FindElement(target) try: strvar = target_element.TKStringVar except: pass filetypes = [] if self.FileTypes is None else self.FileTypes if self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FOLDER: folder_name = tk.filedialog.askdirectory(initialdir=self.InitialFolder) # show the 'get folder' dialog box if folder_name != '': try: strvar.set(folder_name) self.TKStringVar.set(folder_name) except: pass elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FILE: file_name = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=filetypes, initialdir=self.InitialFolder) # show the 'get file' dialog box if file_name != '': strvar.set(file_name) self.TKStringVar.set(file_name) elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_COLOR_CHOOSER: color = tk.colorchooser.askcolor() # show the 'get file' dialog box color = color[1] # save only the #RRGGBB portion strvar.set(color) self.TKStringVar.set(color) elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FILES: file_name = tk.filedialog.askopenfilenames(filetypes=filetypes, initialdir=self.InitialFolder) if file_name != '': file_name = ';'.join(file_name) strvar.set(file_name) self.TKStringVar.set(file_name) elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_SAVEAS_FILE: file_name = tk.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=filetypes, initialdir=self.InitialFolder) # show the 'get file' dialog box if file_name != '': strvar.set(file_name) self.TKStringVar.set(file_name) elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN: # this is a return type button so GET RESULTS and destroy window # first, get the results table built # modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.ButtonText self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = False # if the form is tabbed, must collect all form's results and destroy all forms self.ParentForm._Close() self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() if self.ParentForm.NonBlocking: self.ParentForm.TKroot.destroy() _my_windows.Decrement() elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_READ_FORM: # LEAVE THE WINDOW OPEN!! DO NOT CLOSE # first, get the results table built # modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.ButtonText self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick the users out of the mainloop elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN_ONLY: # special kind of button that does not exit main loop self.ParentForm._Close() if self.ParentForm.NonBlocking: self.ParentForm.TKroot.destroy() _my_windows.Decrement() elif self.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_CALENDAR_CHOOSER: # this is a return type button so GET RESULTS and destroy window root = tk.Toplevel() root.title('Calendar Chooser') self.TKCal = TKCalendar(master=root, firstweekday=calendar.SUNDAY, target_element=target_element) self.TKCal.pack(expand=1, fill='both') # self.ParentForm.TKRroot.mainloop() root.update() # root.mainloop() # root.update() # strvar.set(ttkcal.selection) return def Update(self, value=None, text=None, button_color=(None, None), disabled=None): try: if text is not None: self.TKButton.configure(text=text) self.ButtonText = text if button_color != (None, None): self.TKButton.config(foreground=button_color[0], background=button_color[1]) except: return if value is not None: self.DefaultValue = value if disabled == True: self.TKButton['state'] = 'disabled' elif disabled == False: self.TKButton['state'] = 'normal' def GetText(self): return self.ButtonText def __del__(self): try: self.TKButton.__del__() except: pass super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ProgreessBar # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class ProgressBar(Element): def __init__(self, max_value, orientation=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_text=None, bar_color=(None, None), style=None, border_width=None, relief=None, key=None, pad=None): ''' Progress Bar Element :param max_value: :param orientation: :param size: Size of field in characters :param auto_size_text: True if should shrink field to fit the default text :param bar_color: :param style: :param border_width: :param relief: ''' self.MaxValue = max_value self.TKProgressBar = None self.Cancelled = False self.NotRunning = True self.Orientation = orientation if orientation else DEFAULT_METER_ORIENTATION self.BarColor = bar_color self.BarStyle = style if style else DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE self.BorderWidth = border_width if border_width else DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH self.Relief = relief if relief else DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_RELIEF self.BarExpired = False super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR, size=size, auto_size_text=auto_size_text, key=key, pad=pad) return # returns False if update failed def UpdateBar(self, current_count, max=None): if self.ParentForm.TKrootDestroyed: return False self.TKProgressBar.Update(current_count, max=max) try: self.ParentForm.TKroot.update() except: _my_windows.Decrement() return False return True def __del__(self): try: self.TKProgressBar.__del__() except: pass super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Image # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Image(Element): def __init__(self, filename=None, data=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, key=None, tooltip=None): ''' Image Element :param filename: :param size: Size of field in characters ''' self.Filename = filename self.Data = data self.tktext_label = None if data is None and filename is None: print('* Warning... no image specified in Image Element! *') super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_IMAGE, size=size, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return def Update(self, filename=None, data=None): if filename is not None: image = tk.PhotoImage(file=filename) elif data is not None: if type(data) is bytes: image = tk.PhotoImage(data=data) else: image = data else: return width, height = image.width(), image.height() self.tktext_label.configure(image=image, width=width, height=height) # self.tktext_label.configure(image=image) self.tktext_label.image = image def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Canvas # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Canvas(Element): def __init__(self, canvas=None, background_color=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, key=None, tooltip=None): self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self._TKCanvas = canvas super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_CANVAS, background_color=background_color, size=size, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return @property def TKCanvas(self): if self._TKCanvas is None: print('*** Did you forget to call Finalize()? Your code should look something like: ***') print('*** form = sg.Window("My Form").Layout(layout).Finalize() ***') return self._TKCanvas def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Graph # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Graph(Element): def __init__(self, canvas_size, graph_bottom_left, graph_top_right, background_color=None, pad=None, key=None, tooltip=None): self.CanvasSize = canvas_size self.BottomLeft = graph_bottom_left self.TopRight = graph_top_right self._TKCanvas = None self._TKCanvas2 = None super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_GRAPH, background_color=background_color, size=canvas_size, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return def _convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(self, x_in, y_in): scale_x = (self.CanvasSize[0] - 0) / (self.TopRight[0] - self.BottomLeft[0]) scale_y = (0 - self.CanvasSize[1]) / (self.TopRight[1] - self.BottomLeft[1]) new_x = 0 + scale_x * (x_in - self.BottomLeft[0]) new_y = self.CanvasSize[1] + scale_y * (y_in - self.BottomLeft[1]) return new_x, new_y def DrawLine(self, point_from, point_to, color='black', width=1): converted_point_from = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(point_from[0], point_from[1]) converted_point_to = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(point_to[0], point_to[1]) if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None return self._TKCanvas2.create_line(converted_point_from, converted_point_to, width=width, fill=color) def DrawPoint(self, point, size=2, color='black'): converted_point = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(point[0], point[1]) if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None return self._TKCanvas2.create_oval(converted_point[0]-size, converted_point[1]-size, converted_point[0]+size, converted_point[1]+size, fill=color, outline=color ) def DrawCircle(self, center_location, radius, fill_color=None, line_color='black'): converted_point = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(center_location[0], center_location[1]) if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None return self._TKCanvas2.create_oval(converted_point[0]-radius, converted_point[1]-radius, converted_point[0]+radius, converted_point[1]+radius, fill=fill_color, outline=line_color) def DrawOval(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None): converted_top_left = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(top_left[0], top_left[1]) converted_bottom_right = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(bottom_right[0],bottom_right[1]) if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None return self._TKCanvas2.create_oval(converted_top_left[0], converted_top_left[1], converted_bottom_right[0], converted_bottom_right[1], fill=fill_color, outline=line_color) def DrawRectangle(self, top_left, bottom_right, fill_color=None, line_color=None): converted_top_left = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(top_left[0], top_left[1] ) converted_bottom_right = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(bottom_right[0], bottom_right[1]) if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None return self._TKCanvas2.create_rectangle(converted_top_left[0], converted_top_left[1], converted_bottom_right[0], converted_bottom_right[1], fill=fill_color, outline=line_color) def DrawText(self, text, location, color='black', font=None, angle=0): converted_point = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(location[0], location[1]) if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None text_id = self._TKCanvas2.create_text(converted_point[0], converted_point[1], text=text, font=font, fill=color, angle=angle) return text_id def Erase(self): if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None self._TKCanvas2.delete('all') def Update(self, background_color): if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None self._TKCanvas2.configure(background=background_color) def Move(self, x_direction, y_direction): zero_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(0,0) shift_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(x_direction, y_direction) shift_amount = (shift_converted[0]-zero_converted[0], shift_converted[1]-zero_converted[1]) if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** WARNING - The Graph element has not been finalized and cannot be drawn upon ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to this operation') return None self._TKCanvas2.move('all', shift_amount[0], shift_amount[1]) def MoveFigure(self, figure, x_direction, y_direction): zero_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(0,0) shift_converted = self._convert_xy_to_canvas_xy(x_direction, y_direction) shift_amount = (shift_converted[0]-zero_converted[0], shift_converted[1]-zero_converted[1]) if figure is None: print('*** WARNING - Your figure is None. It most likely means your did not Finalize your Window ***') print('Call Window.Finalize() prior to all graph operations') return None self._TKCanvas2.move(figure, shift_amount[0], shift_amount[1]) @property def TKCanvas(self): if self._TKCanvas2 is None: print('*** Did you forget to call Finalize()? Your code should look something like: ***') print('*** form = sg.Window("My Form").Layout(layout).Finalize() ***') return self._TKCanvas2 def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Frame # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Frame(Element): def __init__(self, title, layout, title_color=None, background_color=None, title_location=None , relief=DEFAULT_FRAME_RELIEF, size=(None, None), font=None, pad=None, border_width=None, key=None, tooltip=None): self.UseDictionary = False self.ReturnValues = None self.ReturnValuesList = [] self.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} self.DictionaryKeyCounter = 0 self.ParentWindow = None self.Rows = [] # self.ParentForm = None self.TKFrame = None self.Title = title self.Relief = relief self.TitleLocation = title_location self.BorderWidth = border_width self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self.Layout(layout) super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_FRAME, background_color=background_color, text_color=title_color, size=size, font=font, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return def AddRow(self, *args): ''' Parms are a variable number of Elements ''' NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number CurrentRow = [] # start with a blank row and build up # ------------------------- Add the elements to a row ------------------------- # for i, element in enumerate(args): # Loop through list of elements and add them to the row element.Position = (CurrentRowNumber, i) element.ParentContainer = self CurrentRow.append(element) if element.Key is not None: self.UseDictionary = True # ------------------------- Append the row to list of Rows ------------------------- # self.Rows.append(CurrentRow) def Layout(self, rows): for row in rows: self.AddRow(*row) def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location): (row_num,col_num) = location row = self.Rows[row_num] element = row[col_num] return element def __del__(self): for row in self.Rows: for element in row: element.__del__() super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Tab # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Tab(Element): def __init__(self, title, layout, title_color=None, background_color=None, font=None, pad=None, disabled=False, border_width=None, key=None, tooltip=None): self.UseDictionary = False self.ReturnValues = None self.ReturnValuesList = [] self.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} self.DictionaryKeyCounter = 0 self.ParentWindow = None self.Rows = [] self.TKFrame = None self.Title = title self.BorderWidth = border_width self.Disabled = disabled self.ParentNotebook = None self.TabID = None self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self.Layout(layout) super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_TAB, background_color=background_color, text_color=title_color, font=font, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return def AddRow(self, *args): ''' Parms are a variable number of Elements ''' NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number CurrentRow = [] # start with a blank row and build up # ------------------------- Add the elements to a row ------------------------- # for i, element in enumerate(args): # Loop through list of elements and add them to the row element.Position = (CurrentRowNumber, i) element.ParentContainer = self CurrentRow.append(element) if element.Key is not None: self.UseDictionary = True # ------------------------- Append the row to list of Rows ------------------------- # self.Rows.append(CurrentRow) def Layout(self, rows): for row in rows: self.AddRow(*row) return self def Update(self, disabled = None): # TODO Disable / enable of tabs is not complete if disabled is None: return self.Disabled = disabled state = 'disabled' if disabled is True else 'normal' self.ParentNotebook.tab(self.TabID, state=state) return self def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location): (row_num,col_num) = location row = self.Rows[row_num] element = row[col_num] return element def __del__(self): for row in self.Rows: for element in row: element.__del__() super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TabGroup # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class TabGroup(Element): def __init__(self, layout, tab_location=None, title_color=None, selected_title_color=None, background_color=None, font=None, change_submits=False, pad=None, border_width=None, theme=None, key=None, tooltip=None): self.UseDictionary = False self.ReturnValues = None self.ReturnValuesList = [] self.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} self.DictionaryKeyCounter = 0 self.ParentWindow = None self.SelectedTitleColor = selected_title_color self.Rows = [] self.TKNotebook = None self.TabCount = 0 self.BorderWidth = border_width self.Theme = theme self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits self.TabLocation = tab_location self.Layout(layout) super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP, background_color=background_color, text_color=title_color, font=font, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return def AddRow(self, *args): ''' Parms are a variable number of Elements ''' NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number CurrentRow = [] # start with a blank row and build up # ------------------------- Add the elements to a row ------------------------- # for i, element in enumerate(args): # Loop through list of elements and add them to the row element.Position = (CurrentRowNumber, i) element.ParentContainer = self CurrentRow.append(element) if element.Key is not None: self.UseDictionary = True # ------------------------- Append the row to list of Rows ------------------------- # self.Rows.append(CurrentRow) def Layout(self, rows): for row in rows: self.AddRow(*row) def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location): (row_num,col_num) = location row = self.Rows[row_num] element = row[col_num] return element def FindKeyFromTabName(self, tab_name): for row in self.Rows: for element in row: if element.Title == tab_name: return element.Key return None def __del__(self): for row in self.Rows: for element in row: element.__del__() super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Slider # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Slider(Element): def __init__(self, range=(None,None), default_value=None, resolution=None, orientation=None, border_width=None, relief=None, change_submits=False, size=(None, None), font=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, key=None, pad=None, tooltip=None): ''' Slider :param range: :param default_value: :param resolution: :param orientation: :param border_width: :param relief: :param change_submits: :param scale: :param size: :param font: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param key: :param pad: ''' self.TKScale = None self.Range = (1,10) if range == (None, None) else range self.DefaultValue = self.Range[0] if default_value is None else default_value self.Orientation = orientation if orientation else DEFAULT_SLIDER_ORIENTATION self.BorderWidth = border_width if border_width else DEFAULT_SLIDER_BORDER_WIDTH self.Relief = relief if relief else DEFAULT_SLIDER_RELIEF self.Resolution = 1 if resolution is None else resolution self.ChangeSubmits = change_submits super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SLIDER, size=size, font=font, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, key=key, pad=pad, tooltip=tooltip) return def Update(self, value=None, range=(None, None), disabled=None): if value is not None: try: self.TKIntVar.set(value) if range != (None, None): self.TKScale.config(from_ = range[0], to_ = range[1]) except: pass self.DefaultValue = value if disabled == True: self.TKScale['state'] = 'disabled' elif disabled == False: self.TKScale['state'] = 'normal' def SliderChangedHandler(self, event): # first, get the results table built # modify the Results table in the parent FlexForm object if self.Key is not None: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = self.Key else: self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = '' self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick the users out of the mainloop def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TkScrollableFrame (Used by Column) # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class TkScrollableFrame(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kwargs) # create a canvas object and a vertical scrollbar for scrolling it self.vscrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.VERTICAL) self.vscrollbar.pack(side='right', fill="y", expand="false") self.hscrollbar = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) self.hscrollbar.pack(side='bottom', fill="x", expand="false") self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, yscrollcommand=self.vscrollbar.set, xscrollcommand=self.hscrollbar.set) self.canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) self.vscrollbar.config(command=self.canvas.yview) self.hscrollbar.config(command=self.canvas.xview) # reset the view self.canvas.xview_moveto(0) self.canvas.yview_moveto(0) # create a frame inside the canvas which will be scrolled with it self.TKFrame = tk.Frame(self.canvas, **kwargs) self.frame_id = self.canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=self.TKFrame, anchor="nw") self.canvas.config(borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0) self.TKFrame.config(borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0) self.config(borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0) self.bind('', self.set_scrollregion) self.bind_mouse_scroll(self.canvas, self.yscroll) self.bind_mouse_scroll(self.hscrollbar, self.xscroll) self.bind_mouse_scroll(self.vscrollbar, self.yscroll) def resize_frame(self, e): self.canvas.itemconfig(self.frame_id, height=e.height, width=e.width) def yscroll(self, event): if event.num == 5 or event.delta < 0: self.canvas.yview_scroll(1, "unit") elif event.num == 4 or event.delta > 0: self.canvas.yview_scroll(-1, "unit") def xscroll(self, event): if event.num == 5 or event.delta < 0: self.canvas.xview_scroll(1, "unit") elif event.num == 4 or event.delta > 0: self.canvas.xview_scroll(-1, "unit") def bind_mouse_scroll(self, parent, mode): # ~~ Windows only parent.bind("", mode) # ~~ Unix only parent.bind("", mode) parent.bind("", mode) def set_scrollregion(self, event=None): """ Set the scroll region on the canvas""" self.canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.canvas.bbox('all')) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Column # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Column(Element): def __init__(self, layout, background_color = None, size=(None, None), pad=None, scrollable=False, key=None): self.UseDictionary = False self.ReturnValues = None self.ReturnValuesList = [] self.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} self.DictionaryKeyCounter = 0 self.ParentWindow = None self.Rows = [] # self.ParentForm = None self.TKFrame = None self.Scrollable = scrollable bg = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self.Layout(layout) super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN, background_color=background_color, size=size, pad=pad, key=key) return def AddRow(self, *args): ''' Parms are a variable number of Elements ''' NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number CurrentRow = [] # start with a blank row and build up # ------------------------- Add the elements to a row ------------------------- # for i, element in enumerate(args): # Loop through list of elements and add them to the row element.Position = (CurrentRowNumber, i) element.ParentContainer = self CurrentRow.append(element) if element.Key is not None: self.UseDictionary = True # ------------------------- Append the row to list of Rows ------------------------- # self.Rows.append(CurrentRow) def Layout(self, rows): for row in rows: self.AddRow(*row) def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location): (row_num,col_num) = location row = self.Rows[row_num] element = row[col_num] return element def __del__(self): for row in self.Rows: for element in row: element.__del__() try: del(self.TKFrame) except: pass super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Calendar # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class TKCalendar(ttk.Frame): """ This code was shamelessly lifted from moshekaplan's repository - moshekaplan/tkinter_components """ # XXX ToDo: cget and configure datetime = calendar.datetime.datetime timedelta = calendar.datetime.timedelta def __init__(self, master=None, target_element=None, **kw): """ WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS locale, firstweekday, year, month, selectbackground, selectforeground """ self._TargetElement = target_element # remove custom options from kw before initializating ttk.Frame fwday = kw.pop('firstweekday', calendar.MONDAY) year = kw.pop('year', self.datetime.now().year) month = kw.pop('month', self.datetime.now().month) locale = kw.pop('locale', None) sel_bg = kw.pop('selectbackground', '#ecffc4') sel_fg = kw.pop('selectforeground', '#05640e') self._date = self.datetime(year, month, 1) self._selection = None # no date selected ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw) # instantiate proper calendar class if locale is None: self._cal = calendar.TextCalendar(fwday) else: self._cal = calendar.LocaleTextCalendar(fwday, locale) self.__setup_styles() # creates custom styles self.__place_widgets() # pack/grid used widgets self.__config_calendar() # adjust calendar columns and setup tags # configure a canvas, and proper bindings, for selecting dates self.__setup_selection(sel_bg, sel_fg) # store items ids, used for insertion later self._items = [self._calendar.insert('', 'end', values='') for _ in range(6)] # insert dates in the currently empty calendar self._build_calendar() def __setitem__(self, item, value): if item in ('year', 'month'): raise AttributeError("attribute '%s' is not writeable" % item) elif item == 'selectbackground': self._canvas['background'] = value elif item == 'selectforeground': self._canvas.itemconfigure(self._canvas.text, item=value) else: ttk.Frame.__setitem__(self, item, value) def __getitem__(self, item): if item in ('year', 'month'): return getattr(self._date, item) elif item == 'selectbackground': return self._canvas['background'] elif item == 'selectforeground': return self._canvas.itemcget(self._canvas.text, 'fill') else: r = ttk.tclobjs_to_py({item: ttk.Frame.__getitem__(self, item)}) return r[item] def __setup_styles(self): # custom ttk styles style = ttk.Style(self.master) arrow_layout = lambda dir: ( [('Button.focus', {'children': [('Button.%sarrow' % dir, None)]})] ) style.layout('L.TButton', arrow_layout('left')) style.layout('R.TButton', arrow_layout('right')) def __place_widgets(self): # header frame and its widgets hframe = ttk.Frame(self) lbtn = ttk.Button(hframe, style='L.TButton', command=self._prev_month) rbtn = ttk.Button(hframe, style='R.TButton', command=self._next_month) self._header = ttk.Label(hframe, width=15, anchor='center') # the calendar self._calendar = ttk.Treeview(self, show='', selectmode='none', height=7) # pack the widgets hframe.pack(in_=self, side='top', pady=4, anchor='center') lbtn.grid(in_=hframe) self._header.grid(in_=hframe, column=1, row=0, padx=12) rbtn.grid(in_=hframe, column=2, row=0) self._calendar.pack(in_=self, expand=1, fill='both', side='bottom') def __config_calendar(self): cols = self._cal.formatweekheader(3).split() self._calendar['columns'] = cols self._calendar.tag_configure('header', background='grey90') self._calendar.insert('', 'end', values=cols, tag='header') # adjust its columns width font = tkinter.font.Font() maxwidth = max(font.measure(col) for col in cols) for col in cols: self._calendar.column(col, width=maxwidth, minwidth=maxwidth, anchor='e') def __setup_selection(self, sel_bg, sel_fg): self._font = tkinter.font.Font() self._canvas = canvas = tk.Canvas(self._calendar, background=sel_bg, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0) canvas.text = canvas.create_text(0, 0, fill=sel_fg, anchor='w') canvas.bind('', lambda evt: canvas.place_forget()) self._calendar.bind('', lambda evt: canvas.place_forget()) self._calendar.bind('', self._pressed) def __minsize(self, evt): width, height = self._calendar.master.geometry().split('x') height = height[:height.index('+')] self._calendar.master.minsize(width, height) def _build_calendar(self): year, month = self._date.year, self._date.month # update header text (Month, YEAR) header = self._cal.formatmonthname(year, month, 0) self._header['text'] = header.title() # update calendar shown dates cal = self._cal.monthdayscalendar(year, month) for indx, item in enumerate(self._items): week = cal[indx] if indx < len(cal) else [] fmt_week = [('%02d' % day) if day else '' for day in week] self._calendar.item(item, values=fmt_week) def _show_selection(self, text, bbox): """Configure canvas for a new selection.""" x, y, width, height = bbox textw = self._font.measure(text) canvas = self._canvas canvas.configure(width=width, height=height) canvas.coords(canvas.text, width - textw, height / 2 - 1) canvas.itemconfigure(canvas.text, text=text) canvas.place(in_=self._calendar, x=x, y=y) # Callbacks def _pressed(self, evt): """Clicked somewhere in the calendar.""" x, y, widget = evt.x, evt.y, evt.widget item = widget.identify_row(y) column = widget.identify_column(x) if not column or not item in self._items: # clicked in the weekdays row or just outside the columns return item_values = widget.item(item)['values'] if not len(item_values): # row is empty for this month return text = item_values[int(column[1]) - 1] if not text: # date is empty return bbox = widget.bbox(item, column) if not bbox: # calendar not visible yet return # update and then show selection text = '%02d' % text self._selection = (text, item, column) self._show_selection(text, bbox) year, month = self._date.year, self._date.month try: self._TargetElement.Update(self.datetime(year, month, int(self._selection[0]))) except: pass def _prev_month(self): """Updated calendar to show the previous month.""" self._canvas.place_forget() self._date = self._date - self.timedelta(days=1) self._date = self.datetime(self._date.year, self._date.month, 1) self._build_calendar() # reconstuct calendar def _next_month(self): """Update calendar to show the next month.""" self._canvas.place_forget() year, month = self._date.year, self._date.month self._date = self._date + self.timedelta( days=calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1] + 1) self._date = self.datetime(self._date.year, self._date.month, 1) self._build_calendar() # reconstruct calendar # Properties @property def selection(self): """Return a datetime representing the current selected date.""" if not self._selection: return None year, month = self._date.year, self._date.month return self.datetime(year, month, int(self._selection[0])) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Menu # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Menu(Element): def __init__(self, menu_definition, background_color=None, size=(None, None), tearoff=True, pad=None, key=None): self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self.MenuDefinition = menu_definition self.TKMenu = None self.Tearoff = tearoff super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_MENUBAR, background_color=background_color, size=size, pad=pad, key=key) return def MenuItemChosenCallback(self, item_chosen): # print('IN MENU ITEM CALLBACK', item_chosen) self.ParentForm.LastButtonClicked = item_chosen self.ParentForm.FormRemainedOpen = True self.ParentForm.TKroot.quit() # kick the users out of the mainloop def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Table # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Table(Element): def __init__(self, values, headings=None, visible_column_map=None, col_widths=None, def_col_width=10, auto_size_columns=True, max_col_width=20, select_mode=None, display_row_numbers=False, scrollable=None, font=None, justification='right', text_color=None, background_color=None, size=(None, None), pad=None, key=None, tooltip=None): self.Values = values self.ColumnHeadings = headings self.ColumnsToDisplay = visible_column_map self.ColumnWidths = col_widths self.MaxColumnWidth = max_col_width self.DefaultColumnWidth = def_col_width self.AutoSizeColumns = auto_size_columns self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color is not None else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self.TextColor = text_color self.Justification = justification self.Scrollable = scrollable self.InitialState = None self.SelectMode = select_mode self.DisplayRowNumbers = display_row_numbers self.TKTreeview = None super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_TABLE, text_color=text_color, background_color=background_color, font=font, size=size, pad=pad, key=key, tooltip=tooltip) return def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Error Element # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # class ErrorElement(Element): def __init__(self, key=None): self.Key = key super().__init__(ELEM_TYPE_ERROR, key=key) return def Update(self, *args, **kwargs): PopupError('Keyword error in Update', 'You need to stop this madness and check your spelling', 'Bad key = {}'.format(self.Key), 'Your bad line of code may resemble this:', 'window.FindElement("{}")'.format(self.Key)) return self def Get(self): return 'This is NOT a valid Element!\nSTOP trying to do things with it or I will have to crash at some point!' def __del__(self): super().__del__() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Window CLASS # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class Window: ''' Display a user defined for and return the filled in data ''' def __init__(self, title, default_element_size=DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE, default_button_element_size = (None, None), auto_size_text=None, auto_size_buttons=None, location=(None, None), button_color=None, font=None, progress_bar_color=(None, None), background_color=None, border_depth=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, force_toplevel = False, return_keyboard_events=False, use_default_focus=True, text_justification=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False): self.AutoSizeText = auto_size_text if auto_size_text is not None else DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_TEXT self.AutoSizeButtons = auto_size_buttons if auto_size_buttons is not None else DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_BUTTONS self.Title = title self.Rows = [] # a list of ELEMENTS for this row self.DefaultElementSize = default_element_size self.DefaultButtonElementSize = default_button_element_size if default_button_element_size != (None, None) else DEFAULT_BUTTON_ELEMENT_SIZE self.Location = location self.ButtonColor = button_color if button_color else DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR self.BackgroundColor = background_color if background_color else DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR self.ParentWindow = None self.Font = font if font else DEFAULT_FONT self.RadioDict = {} self.BorderDepth = border_depth self.WindowIcon = icon if icon is not None else _my_windows.user_defined_icon self.AutoClose = auto_close self.NonBlocking = False self.TKroot = None self.TKrootDestroyed = False self.FormRemainedOpen = False self.TKAfterID = None self.ProgressBarColor = progress_bar_color self.AutoCloseDuration = auto_close_duration self.UberParent = None self.RootNeedsDestroying = False self.Shown = False self.ReturnValues = None self.ReturnValuesList = [] self.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} self.DictionaryKeyCounter = 0 self.LastButtonClicked = None self.LastButtonClickedWasRealtime = False self.UseDictionary = False self.UseDefaultFocus = use_default_focus self.ReturnKeyboardEvents = return_keyboard_events self.LastKeyboardEvent = None self.TextJustification = text_justification self.NoTitleBar = no_titlebar self.GrabAnywhere = grab_anywhere self.KeepOnTop = keep_on_top self.ForceTopLevel = force_toplevel # ------------------------- Add ONE Row to Form ------------------------- # def AddRow(self, *args): ''' Parms are a variable number of Elements ''' NumRows = len(self.Rows) # number of existing rows is our row number CurrentRowNumber = NumRows # this row's number CurrentRow = [] # start with a blank row and build up # ------------------------- Add the elements to a row ------------------------- # for i, element in enumerate(args): # Loop through list of elements and add them to the row element.Position = (CurrentRowNumber, i) element.ParentContainer = self CurrentRow.append(element) # ------------------------- Append the row to list of Rows ------------------------- # self.Rows.append(CurrentRow) # ------------------------- Add Multiple Rows to Form ------------------------- # def AddRows(self,rows): for row in rows: self.AddRow(*row) def Layout(self,rows): self.AddRows(rows) return self def LayoutAndRead(self,rows, non_blocking=False): self.AddRows(rows) self.Show(non_blocking=non_blocking) return self.ReturnValues def LayoutAndShow(self, rows): raise DeprecationWarning('LayoutAndShow is no longer supported... change your call to LayoutAndRead') # ------------------------- ShowForm THIS IS IT! ------------------------- # def Show(self, non_blocking=False): self.Shown = True # Compute num rows & num cols (it'll come in handy debugging) self.NumRows = len(self.Rows) self.NumCols = max(len(row) for row in self.Rows) self.NonBlocking=non_blocking # Search through entire form to see if any elements set the focus # if not, then will set the focus to the first input element found_focus = False for row in self.Rows: for element in row: try: if element.Focus: found_focus = True except: pass try: if element.Key is not None: self.UseDictionary = True except: pass if not found_focus and self.UseDefaultFocus: self.UseDefaultFocus = True else: self.UseDefaultFocus = False # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RUN the GUI -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ## StartupTK(self) # If a button or keyboard event happened but no results have been built, build the results if self.LastKeyboardEvent is not None or self.LastButtonClicked is not None: return BuildResults(self, False, self) return self.ReturnValues # ------------------------- SetIcon - set the window's fav icon ------------------------- # def SetIcon(self, icon): self.WindowIcon = icon try: self.TKroot.iconbitmap(icon) except: pass def _GetElementAtLocation(self, location): (row_num,col_num) = location row = self.Rows[row_num] element = row[col_num] return element def _GetDefaultElementSize(self): return self.DefaultElementSize def _AutoCloseAlarmCallback(self): try: if self.UberParent: window = self.UberParent else: window = self if window: if window.NonBlocking: self.CloseNonBlockingForm() else: window._Close() self.TKroot.quit() self.RootNeedsDestroying = True except: pass def Read(self): self.NonBlocking = False if self.TKrootDestroyed: return None, None if not self.Shown: self.Show() else: InitializeResults(self) self.TKroot.mainloop() if self.RootNeedsDestroying: self.TKroot.destroy() _my_windows.Decrement() # if form was closed with X if self.LastButtonClicked is None and self.LastKeyboardEvent is None and self.ReturnValues[0] is None: _my_windows.Decrement() if self.LastKeyboardEvent is not None or self.LastButtonClicked is not None: return BuildResults(self, False, self) else: return self.ReturnValues def ReadNonBlocking(self, Message=''): if self.TKrootDestroyed: return None, None if not self.Shown: self.Show(non_blocking=True) if Message: print(Message) try: rc = self.TKroot.update() except: self.TKrootDestroyed = True _my_windows.Decrement() # return None, None return BuildResults(self, False, self) def Finalize(self): if self.TKrootDestroyed: return self if not self.Shown: self.Show(non_blocking=True) try: rc = self.TKroot.update() except: self.TKrootDestroyed = True _my_windows.Decrement() # return None, None return self def Refresh(self): if self.TKrootDestroyed: return self try: rc = self.TKroot.update() except: pass return self def Fill(self, values_dict): FillFormWithValues(self, values_dict) return self def FindElement(self, key): element = _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(self, key) if element is None: print('*** WARNING = FindElement did not find the key. Please check your key\'s spelling ***') if element is None: print('*** WARNING = FindElement did not find the key. Please check your key\'s spelling ***') PopupError('Keyword error in FindElement Call', 'Bad key = {}'.format(key), 'Your bad line of code may resemble this:', 'window.FindElement("{}")'.format(key)) return ErrorElement(key=key) return element def SaveToDisk(self, filename): try: results = BuildResults(self, False, self) with open(filename, 'wb') as sf: pickle.dump(results[1], sf) except: print('*** Error saving form to disk ***') def LoadFromDisk(self, filename): try: with open(filename, 'rb') as df: self.Fill(pickle.load(df)) except: print('*** Error loading form to disk ***') def GetScreenDimensions(self): if self.TKrootDestroyed: return None, None screen_width = self.TKroot.winfo_screenwidth() # get window info to move to middle of screen screen_height = self.TKroot.winfo_screenheight() return screen_width, screen_height def StartMove(self, event): try: self.TKroot.x = event.x self.TKroot.y = event.y except: pass def StopMove(self, event): try: self.TKroot.x = None self.TKroot.y = None except: pass def OnMotion(self, event): try: deltax = event.x - self.TKroot.x deltay = event.y - self.TKroot.y x = self.TKroot.winfo_x() + deltax y = self.TKroot.winfo_y() + deltay self.TKroot.geometry("+%s+%s" % (x, y)) except: pass def _KeyboardCallback(self, event ): self.LastButtonClicked = None self.FormRemainedOpen = True if event.char != '': self.LastKeyboardEvent = event.char else: self.LastKeyboardEvent = str(event.keysym) + ':' + str(event.keycode) if not self.NonBlocking: BuildResults(self, False, self) self.TKroot.quit() def _MouseWheelCallback(self, event ): self.LastButtonClicked = None self.FormRemainedOpen = True self.LastKeyboardEvent = 'MouseWheel:Down' if event.delta < 0 else 'MouseWheel:Up' if not self.NonBlocking: BuildResults(self, False, self) self.TKroot.quit() def _Close(self): try: self.TKroot.update() except: pass if not self.NonBlocking: BuildResults(self, False, self) if self.TKrootDestroyed: return None self.TKrootDestroyed = True self.RootNeedsDestroying = True return None def CloseNonBlocking(self): if self.TKrootDestroyed: return try: self.TKroot.destroy() _my_windows.Decrement() except: pass CloseNonBlockingForm = CloseNonBlocking def OnClosingCallback(self): return def Disable(self): self.TKroot.grab_set_global() def Enable(self): self.TKroot.grab_release() def Hide(self): self.TKroot.withdraw() def UnHide(self): self.TKroot.deiconify() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *a): self.__del__() return False def __del__(self): for row in self.Rows: for element in row: element.__del__() # try: # del(self.TKroot) # except: # pass FlexForm = Window # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # UberForm CLASS # # Used to make forms into TABS (it's trick) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class UberForm(): FormList = None # list of all the forms in this window FormReturnValues = None TKroot = None # tk root for the overall window TKrootDestroyed = False def __init__(self): self.FormList = [] self.FormReturnValues = [] self.TKroot = None self.TKrootDestroyed = False self.FormStayedOpen = False def AddForm(self, form): self.FormList.append(form) def _Close(self): self.FormReturnValues = [] for form in self.FormList: form._Close() self.FormReturnValues.append(form.ReturnValues) if not self.TKrootDestroyed: self.TKrootDestroyed = True self.TKroot.destroy() _my_windows.Decrement() def __del__(self): return # ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ # END OF ELEMENT DEFINITIONS # ################################################################################ # ################################################################################ # =========================================================================== # # Button Lazy Functions so the caller doesn't have to define a bunch of stuff # # =========================================================================== # # ------------------------- FOLDER BROWSE Element lazy function ------------------------- # def FolderBrowse(button_text='Browse', target=(ThisRow, -1), initial_folder=None, tooltip=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FOLDER, target=target, initial_folder=initial_folder, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- FILE BROWSE Element lazy function ------------------------- # def FileBrowse( button_text='Browse',target=(ThisRow, -1), file_types=(("ALL Files", "*.*"),), initial_folder=None, tooltip=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FILE, target=target, file_types=file_types,initial_folder=initial_folder, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- FILES BROWSE Element (Multiple file selection) lazy function ------------------------- # def FilesBrowse(button_text='Browse',target=(ThisRow, -1), file_types=(("ALL Files", "*.*"),), initial_folder=None, tooltip=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FILES, target=target, file_types=file_types, initial_folder=initial_folder, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- FILE BROWSE Element lazy function ------------------------- # def FileSaveAs(button_text='Save As...',target=(ThisRow, -1), file_types=(("ALL Files", "*.*"),), initial_folder=None, tooltip=None,size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_SAVEAS_FILE, target=target, file_types=file_types, initial_folder=initial_folder, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- SAVE AS Element lazy function ------------------------- # def SaveAs(button_text='Save As...',target=(ThisRow, -1), file_types=(("ALL Files", "*.*"),),initial_folder=None,tooltip=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_SAVEAS_FILE, target=target, file_types=file_types, initial_folder=initial_folder, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- SAVE BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Save(button_text='Save', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, bind_return_key=True, tooltip=None, font=None, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color,font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- SUBMIT BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Submit(button_text='Submit', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, bind_return_key=True, tooltip=None, font=None, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button( button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color,font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- OPEN BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Open(button_text='Open', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, bind_return_key=True, tooltip=None, font=None, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color,font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- OK BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def OK(button_text='OK', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, bind_return_key=True, tooltip=None, font=None,focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color,font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- YES BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Ok(button_text='Ok', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, bind_return_key=True, tooltip=None, font=None,focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- CANCEL BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Cancel(button_text='Cancel', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, tooltip=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- QUIT BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Quit(button_text='Quit', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, tooltip=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- Exit BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Exit(button_text='Exit', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, tooltip=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- YES BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Yes(button_text='Yes', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, tooltip=None, font=None, bind_return_key=True, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- NO BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def No(button_text='No', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, tooltip=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- NO BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def Help(button_text='Help', size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None,font=None,tooltip=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- GENERIC BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def SimpleButton(button_text, image_filename=None, image_size=(None, None), image_subsample=None, border_width=None,tooltip=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN, image_filename=image_filename, image_size=image_size, image_subsample=image_subsample, border_width=border_width, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- GENERIC BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def ReadButton(button_text, image_filename=None, image_size=(None, None),image_subsample=None,border_width=None,tooltip=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button( button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_READ_FORM, image_filename=image_filename, image_size=image_size, image_subsample=image_subsample, border_width=border_width, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) ReadFormButton = ReadButton RButton = ReadFormButton # ------------------------- Realtime BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def RealtimeButton(button_text, image_filename=None, image_size=(None, None),image_subsample=None,border_width=None,tooltip=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button( button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_REALTIME, image_filename=image_filename, image_size=image_size, image_subsample=image_subsample, border_width=border_width, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- Dummy BUTTON Element lazy function ------------------------- # def DummyButton(button_text, image_filename=None, image_size=(None, None),image_subsample=None,border_width=None,tooltip=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type= BUTTON_TYPE_CLOSES_WIN_ONLY, image_filename=image_filename, image_size=image_size, image_subsample=image_subsample, border_width=border_width, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- Calendar Chooser Button lazy function ------------------------- # def CalendarButton(button_text, target=(None,None), image_filename=None, image_size=(None, None), image_subsample=None,tooltip=None, border_width=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text, button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_CALENDAR_CHOOSER, target=target, image_filename=image_filename, image_size=image_size, image_subsample=image_subsample, border_width=border_width, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) # ------------------------- Calendar Chooser Button lazy function ------------------------- # def ColorChooserButton(button_text, target=(None,None), image_filename=None, image_size=(None, None), image_subsample=None,tooltip=None, border_width=None, size=(None, None), auto_size_button=None, button_color=None, font=None, bind_return_key=False, focus=False, pad=None, key=None): return Button(button_text=button_text,button_type=BUTTON_TYPE_COLOR_CHOOSER, target=target, image_filename=image_filename, image_size=image_size, image_subsample=image_subsample, border_width=border_width, tooltip=tooltip, size=size, auto_size_button=auto_size_button, button_color=button_color, font=font, bind_return_key=bind_return_key, focus=focus, pad=pad, key=key) ##################################### ----- RESULTS ------ ################################################## def AddToReturnDictionary(form, element, value): if element.Key is None: form.ReturnValuesDictionary[form.DictionaryKeyCounter] = value element.Key = form.DictionaryKeyCounter form.DictionaryKeyCounter += 1 else: form.ReturnValuesDictionary[element.Key] = value def AddToReturnList(form, value): form.ReturnValuesList.append(value) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # ------- FUNCTION InitializeResults. Sets up form results matrix --------# def InitializeResults(form): BuildResults(form, True, form) return #===== Radio Button RadVar encoding and decoding =====# #===== The value is simply the row * 1000 + col =====# def DecodeRadioRowCol(RadValue): row = RadValue//1000 col = RadValue%1000 return row,col def EncodeRadioRowCol(row, col): RadValue = row * 1000 + col return RadValue # ------- FUNCTION BuildResults. Form exiting so build the results to pass back ------- # # format of return values is # (Button Pressed, input_values) def BuildResults(form, initialize_only, top_level_form): # Results for elements are: # TEXT - Nothing # INPUT - Read value from TK # Button - Button Text and position as a Tuple # Get the initialized results so we don't have to rebuild form.DictionaryKeyCounter = 0 form.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} form.ReturnValuesList = [] BuildResultsForSubform(form, initialize_only, top_level_form) if not top_level_form.LastButtonClickedWasRealtime: top_level_form.LastButtonClicked = None return form.ReturnValues def BuildResultsForSubform(form, initialize_only, top_level_form): button_pressed_text = top_level_form.LastButtonClicked for row_num,row in enumerate(form.Rows): for col_num, element in enumerate(row): value = None if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN: element.DictionaryKeyCounter = top_level_form.DictionaryKeyCounter element.ReturnValuesList = [] element.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} BuildResultsForSubform(element, initialize_only, top_level_form) for item in element.ReturnValuesList: AddToReturnList(top_level_form, item) if element.UseDictionary: top_level_form.UseDictionary = True if element.ReturnValues[0] is not None: # if a button was clicked button_pressed_text = element.ReturnValues[0] if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_FRAME: element.DictionaryKeyCounter = top_level_form.DictionaryKeyCounter element.ReturnValuesList = [] element.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} BuildResultsForSubform(element, initialize_only, top_level_form) for item in element.ReturnValuesList: AddToReturnList(top_level_form, item) if element.UseDictionary: top_level_form.UseDictionary = True if element.ReturnValues[0] is not None: # if a button was clicked button_pressed_text = element.ReturnValues[0] if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP: element.DictionaryKeyCounter = top_level_form.DictionaryKeyCounter element.ReturnValuesList = [] element.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} BuildResultsForSubform(element, initialize_only, top_level_form) for item in element.ReturnValuesList: AddToReturnList(top_level_form, item) if element.UseDictionary: top_level_form.UseDictionary = True if element.ReturnValues[0] is not None: # if a button was clicked button_pressed_text = element.ReturnValues[0] if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB: element.DictionaryKeyCounter = top_level_form.DictionaryKeyCounter element.ReturnValuesList = [] element.ReturnValuesDictionary = {} BuildResultsForSubform(element, initialize_only, top_level_form) for item in element.ReturnValuesList: AddToReturnList(top_level_form, item) if element.UseDictionary: top_level_form.UseDictionary = True if element.ReturnValues[0] is not None: # if a button was clicked button_pressed_text = element.ReturnValues[0] if not initialize_only: if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_TEXT: value=element.TKStringVar.get() if not top_level_form.NonBlocking and not element.do_not_clear and not top_level_form.ReturnKeyboardEvents: element.TKStringVar.set('') elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_CHECKBOX: value = element.TKIntVar.get() value = (value != 0) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_RADIO: RadVar=element.TKIntVar.get() this_rowcol = EncodeRadioRowCol(row_num,col_num) value = RadVar == this_rowcol elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON: if top_level_form.LastButtonClicked == element.ButtonText: button_pressed_text = top_level_form.LastButtonClicked if element.BType != BUTTON_TYPE_REALTIME: # Do not clear realtime buttons top_level_form.LastButtonClicked = None if element.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_CALENDAR_CHOOSER: try: value = element.TKCal.selection except: value = None else: try: value = element.TKStringVar.get() except: value = None elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_COMBO: value=element.TKStringVar.get() elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_OPTION_MENU: value=element.TKStringVar.get() elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_LISTBOX: try: items=element.TKListbox.curselection() value = [element.Values[int(item)] for item in items] except: value = '' elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SPIN: try: value=element.TKStringVar.get() except: value = 0 elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SLIDER: try: value=element.TKIntVar.get() except: value = 0 elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_MULTILINE: try: value=element.TKText.get(1.0, tk.END) if not top_level_form.NonBlocking and not element.do_not_clear and not top_level_form.ReturnKeyboardEvents: element.TKText.delete('1.0', tk.END) except: value = None elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP: try: value=element.TKNotebook.tab(element.TKNotebook.index('current'))['text'] tab_key = element.FindKeyFromTabName(value) if tab_key is not None: value = tab_key except: value = None else: value = None # if an input type element, update the results if element.Type != ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON and element.Type != ELEM_TYPE_TEXT and element.Type != ELEM_TYPE_IMAGE and\ element.Type != ELEM_TYPE_OUTPUT and element.Type != ELEM_TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR and \ element.Type!= ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN and element.Type != ELEM_TYPE_FRAME \ and element.Type != ELEM_TYPE_TAB: AddToReturnList(form, value) AddToReturnDictionary(top_level_form, element, value) elif (element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON and element.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_CALENDAR_CHOOSER and element.Target == (None,None)) or \ (element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON and element.BType == BUTTON_TYPE_COLOR_CHOOSER and element.Target == (None,None)) or \ (element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON and element.Key is not None and (element.BType in (BUTTON_TYPE_SAVEAS_FILE, BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FILE, BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FILES, BUTTON_TYPE_BROWSE_FOLDER))): AddToReturnList(form, value) AddToReturnDictionary(top_level_form, element, value) # if this is a column, then will fail so need to wrap with tr try: if form.ReturnKeyboardEvents and form.LastKeyboardEvent is not None: button_pressed_text = form.LastKeyboardEvent form.LastKeyboardEvent = None except: pass try: form.ReturnValuesDictionary.pop(None, None) # clean up dictionary include None was included except: pass if not form.UseDictionary: form.ReturnValues = button_pressed_text, form.ReturnValuesList else: form.ReturnValues = button_pressed_text, form.ReturnValuesDictionary return form.ReturnValues def FillFormWithValues(form, values_dict): FillSubformWithValues(form, values_dict) def FillSubformWithValues(form, values_dict): for row_num,row in enumerate(form.Rows): for col_num, element in enumerate(row): value = None if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN: FillSubformWithValues(element, values_dict) if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_FRAME: FillSubformWithValues(element, values_dict) if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP: FillSubformWithValues(element, values_dict) if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB: FillSubformWithValues(element, values_dict) try: value = values_dict[element.Key] except: continue if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_TEXT: element.Update(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_CHECKBOX: element.Update(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_RADIO: element.Update(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_COMBO: element.Update(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_OPTION_MENU: element.Update(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_LISTBOX: element.SetValue(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SLIDER: element.Update(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_MULTILINE: element.Update(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SPIN: element.Update(value) elif element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON: element.Update(value) def _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(form, key): for row_num, row in enumerate(form.Rows): for col_num, element in enumerate(row): if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN: matching_elem = _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(element, key) if matching_elem is not None: return matching_elem if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_FRAME: matching_elem = _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(element, key) if matching_elem is not None: return matching_elem if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP: matching_elem = _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(element, key) if matching_elem is not None: return matching_elem if element.Type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB: matching_elem = _FindElementFromKeyInSubForm(element, key) if matching_elem is not None: return matching_elem if element.Key == key: return element if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: def AddMenuItem(top_menu, sub_menu_info, element, is_sub_menu=False, skip=False): if type(sub_menu_info) is str: if not is_sub_menu and not skip: # print(f'Adding command {sub_menu_info}') pos = sub_menu_info.find('&') if pos != -1: if pos == 0 or sub_menu_info[pos - 1] != "\\": sub_menu_info = sub_menu_info[:pos] + sub_menu_info[pos + 1:] if sub_menu_info == '---': top_menu.add('separator') else: top_menu.add_command(label=sub_menu_info, underline=pos, command=lambda: Menu.MenuItemChosenCallback(element, sub_menu_info)) else: i = 0 while i < (len(sub_menu_info)): item = sub_menu_info[i] if i != len(sub_menu_info) - 1: if type(sub_menu_info[i + 1]) == list: new_menu = tk.Menu(top_menu, tearoff=element.Tearoff) pos = sub_menu_info[i].find('&') if pos != -1: if pos == 0 or sub_menu_info[i][pos - 1] != "\\": sub_menu_info[i] = sub_menu_info[i][:pos] + sub_menu_info[i][pos + 1:] top_menu.add_cascade(label=sub_menu_info[i], menu=new_menu, underline=pos) AddMenuItem(new_menu, sub_menu_info[i + 1], element, is_sub_menu=True) i += 1 # skip the next one else: AddMenuItem(top_menu, item, element) else: AddMenuItem(top_menu, item, element) i += 1 else: def AddMenuItem(top_menu, sub_menu_info, element, is_sub_menu=False, skip=False): if isinstance(sub_menu_info, types.StringType): if not is_sub_menu and not skip: # print(f'Adding command {sub_menu_info}') pos = sub_menu_info.find('&') if pos != -1: if pos == 0 or sub_menu_info[pos-1] != "\\": sub_menu_info = sub_menu_info[:pos] + sub_menu_info[pos+1:] if sub_menu_info == '---': top_menu.add('separator') else: top_menu.add_command(label=sub_menu_info, underline=pos, command=lambda: Menu.MenuItemChosenCallback(element, sub_menu_info)) else: i = 0 while i < (len(sub_menu_info)): item = sub_menu_info[i] if i != len(sub_menu_info) - 1: if not isinstance(sub_menu_info[i+1], types.StringType): new_menu = tk.Menu(top_menu, tearoff=element.Tearoff) pos = sub_menu_info[i].find('&') if pos != -1: if pos == 0 or sub_menu_info[i][pos - 1] != "\\": sub_menu_info[i] = sub_menu_info[i][:pos] + sub_menu_info[i][pos + 1:] top_menu.add_cascade(label=sub_menu_info[i], menu=new_menu, underline=pos) AddMenuItem(new_menu, sub_menu_info[i + 1], element, is_sub_menu=True) i += 1 # skip the next one else: AddMenuItem(top_menu, item, element) else: AddMenuItem(top_menu, item, element) i += 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ===================================== TK CODE STARTS HERE ====================================================== # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def PackFormIntoFrame(form, containing_frame, toplevel_form): def CharWidthInPixels(): return tkinter.font.Font().measure('A') # single character width # only set title on non-tabbed forms border_depth = toplevel_form.BorderDepth if toplevel_form.BorderDepth is not None else DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # **************** Use FlexForm to build the tkinter window ********** ----- # # Building is done row by row. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # focus_set = False ######################### LOOP THROUGH ROWS ######################### # *********** ------- Loop through ROWS ------- ***********# for row_num, flex_row in enumerate(form.Rows): ######################### LOOP THROUGH ELEMENTS ON ROW ######################### # *********** ------- Loop through ELEMENTS ------- ***********# # *********** Make TK Row ***********# tk_row_frame = tk.Frame(containing_frame) for col_num, element in enumerate(flex_row): element.ParentForm = toplevel_form # save the button's parent form object if toplevel_form.Font and (element.Font == DEFAULT_FONT or not element.Font): font = toplevel_form.Font elif element.Font is not None: font = element.Font else: font = DEFAULT_FONT # ------- Determine Auto-Size setting on a cascading basis ------- # if element.AutoSizeText is not None: # if element overide auto_size_text = element.AutoSizeText elif toplevel_form.AutoSizeText is not None: # if form override auto_size_text = toplevel_form.AutoSizeText else: auto_size_text = DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_TEXT element_type = element.Type # Set foreground color text_color = element.TextColor # Determine Element size element_size = element.Size if (element_size == (None, None) and element_type != ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON): # user did not specify a size element_size = toplevel_form.DefaultElementSize elif (element_size == (None, None) and element_type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON): element_size = toplevel_form.DefaultButtonElementSize else: auto_size_text = False # if user has specified a size then it shouldn't autosize # ------------------------- COLUMN element ------------------------- # if element_type == ELEM_TYPE_COLUMN: if element.Scrollable: col_frame = TkScrollableFrame(tk_row_frame) # do not use yet! not working PackFormIntoFrame(element, col_frame.TKFrame, toplevel_form) col_frame.TKFrame.update() if element.Size == (None, None): # if no size specified, use column width x column height/2 col_frame.canvas.config(width=col_frame.TKFrame.winfo_reqwidth(),height=col_frame.TKFrame.winfo_reqheight()/2) else: col_frame.canvas.config(width=element.Size[0],height=element.Size[1]) if not element.BackgroundColor in (None, COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT): col_frame.canvas.config(background=element.BackgroundColor) col_frame.TKFrame.config(background=element.BackgroundColor, borderwidth =0, highlightthickness=0) col_frame.config(background=element.BackgroundColor, borderwidth =0, highlightthickness=0) else: col_frame = tk.Frame(tk_row_frame) PackFormIntoFrame(element, col_frame, toplevel_form) col_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.BackgroundColor is not None: col_frame.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightbackground=element.BackgroundColor, highlightcolor=element.BackgroundColor) # ------------------------- TEXT element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_TEXT: # auto_size_text = element.AutoSizeText display_text = element.DisplayText # text to display if auto_size_text is False: width, height=element_size else: lines = display_text.split('\n') max_line_len = max([len(l) for l in lines]) num_lines = len(lines) if max_line_len > element_size[0]: # if text exceeds element size, the will have to wrap width = element_size[0] else: width=max_line_len height=num_lines # ---===--- LABEL widget create and place --- # stringvar = tk.StringVar() element.TKStringVar = stringvar stringvar.set(display_text) if auto_size_text: width = 0 if element.Justification is not None: justification = element.Justification elif toplevel_form.TextJustification is not None: justification = toplevel_form.TextJustification else: justification = DEFAULT_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION justify = tk.LEFT if justification == 'left' else tk.CENTER if justification == 'center' else tk.RIGHT anchor = tk.NW if justification == 'left' else tk.N if justification == 'center' else tk.NE tktext_label = tk.Label(tk_row_frame, textvariable=stringvar, width=width, height=height, justify=justify, bd=border_depth, font=font) # Set wrap-length for text (in PIXELS) == PAIN IN THE ASS wraplen = tktext_label.winfo_reqwidth()+40 # width of widget in Pixels if not auto_size_text and height == 1: wraplen = 0 # print("wraplen, width, height", wraplen, width, height) tktext_label.configure(anchor=anchor, wraplen=wraplen) # set wrap to width of widget if element.Relief is not None: tktext_label.configure(relief=element.Relief) if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: tktext_label.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) if element.TextColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.TextColor is not None: tktext_label.configure(fg=element.TextColor) tktext_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1], expand=True) element.TKText = tktext_label if element.ClickSubmits: tktext_label.bind('', element.TextClickedHandler) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKText, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- BUTTON element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_BUTTON: stringvar = tk.StringVar() element.TKStringVar = stringvar element.Location = (row_num, col_num) btext = element.ButtonText btype = element.BType if element.AutoSizeButton is not None: auto_size = element.AutoSizeButton else: auto_size = toplevel_form.AutoSizeButtons if auto_size is False or element.Size[0] is not None: width, height = element_size else: width = 0 height= toplevel_form.DefaultButtonElementSize[1] if element.ButtonColor != (None, None)and element.ButtonColor != DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR: bc = element.ButtonColor elif toplevel_form.ButtonColor != (None, None) and toplevel_form.ButtonColor != DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR: bc = toplevel_form.ButtonColor else: bc = DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR border_depth = element.BorderWidth if btype != BUTTON_TYPE_REALTIME: tkbutton = tk.Button(tk_row_frame, text=btext, width=width, height=height,command=element.ButtonCallBack, justify=tk.LEFT, bd=border_depth, font=font) else: tkbutton = tk.Button(tk_row_frame, text=btext, width=width, height=height, justify=tk.LEFT, bd=border_depth, font=font) tkbutton.bind('', element.ButtonReleaseCallBack) tkbutton.bind('', element.ButtonPressCallBack) if bc != (None, None) and bc != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: tkbutton.config(foreground=bc[0], background=bc[1], activebackground=bc[1]) element.TKButton = tkbutton # not used yet but save the TK button in case wraplen = tkbutton.winfo_reqwidth() # width of widget in Pixels if element.ImageFilename: # if button has an image on it tkbutton.config(highlightthickness=0) photo = tk.PhotoImage(file=element.ImageFilename) if element.ImageSize != (None, None): width, height = element.ImageSize if element.ImageSubsample: photo = photo.subsample(element.ImageSubsample) else: width, height = photo.width(), photo.height() tkbutton.config(image=photo, width=width, height=height) tkbutton.image = photo if width != 0: tkbutton.configure(wraplength=wraplen+10) # set wrap to width of widget tkbutton.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.BindReturnKey: element.TKButton.bind('', element.ReturnKeyHandler) if element.Focus is True or (toplevel_form.UseDefaultFocus and not focus_set): focus_set = True element.TKButton.bind('', element.ReturnKeyHandler) element.TKButton.focus_set() toplevel_form.TKroot.focus_force() if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKButton, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- INPUT (Single Line) element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_TEXT: default_text = element.DefaultText element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar() element.TKStringVar.set(default_text) show = element.PasswordCharacter if element.PasswordCharacter else "" if element.Justification is not None: justification = element.Justification else: justification = DEFAULT_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION justify = tk.LEFT if justification == 'left' else tk.CENTER if justification == 'center' else tk.RIGHT # anchor = tk.NW if justification == 'left' else tk.N if justification == 'center' else tk.NE element.TKEntry = tk.Entry(tk_row_frame, width=element_size[0], textvariable=element.TKStringVar, bd=border_depth, font=font, show=show, justify=justify) element.TKEntry.bind('', element.ReturnKeyHandler) if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKEntry.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKEntry.configure(fg=text_color) element.TKEntry.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1], expand=True, fill='x') if element.Focus is True or (toplevel_form.UseDefaultFocus and not focus_set): focus_set = True element.TKEntry.focus_set() if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKEntry, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- COMBO BOX (Drop Down) element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_COMBO: max_line_len = max([len(str(l)) for l in element.Values]) if auto_size_text is False: width=element_size[0] else: width = max_line_len element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar() if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: combostyle = ttk.Style() try: combostyle.theme_create('combostyle', settings={'TCombobox': {'configure': {'selectbackground': element.BackgroundColor, 'fieldbackground': element.BackgroundColor, 'foreground': text_color, 'background': element.BackgroundColor} }}) except: try: combostyle.theme_settings('combostyle', settings={'TCombobox': {'configure': {'selectbackground': element.BackgroundColor, 'fieldbackground': element.BackgroundColor, 'foreground': text_color, 'background': element.BackgroundColor} }}) except: pass # ATTENTION: this applies the new style 'combostyle' to all ttk.Combobox combostyle.theme_use('combostyle') element.TKCombo = ttk.Combobox(tk_row_frame, width=width, textvariable=element.TKStringVar,font=font ) if element.Size[1] != 1 and element.Size[1] is not None: element.TKCombo.configure(height=element.Size[1]) # element.TKCombo['state']='readonly' element.TKCombo['values'] = element.Values if element.InitializeAsDisabled: element.TKCombo['state'] = 'disabled' # if element.BackgroundColor is not None: # element.TKCombo.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) element.TKCombo.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.DefaultValue: for i, v in enumerate(element.Values): if v == element.DefaultValue: element.TKCombo.current(i) break else: element.TKCombo.current(0) if element.ChangeSubmits: element.TKCombo.bind('<>', element.ComboboxSelectHandler) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKCombo, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- OPTION MENU (Like ComboBox but different) element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_OPTION_MENU: max_line_len = max([len(str(l)) for l in element.Values]) if auto_size_text is False: width=element_size[0] else: width = max_line_len element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar() default = element.DefaultValue if element.DefaultValue else element.Values[0] element.TKStringVar.set(default) element.TKOptionMenu = tk.OptionMenu(tk_row_frame, element.TKStringVar ,*element.Values) element.TKOptionMenu.config(highlightthickness=0, font=font, width=width ) element.TKOptionMenu.config(borderwidth=border_depth) if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKOptionMenu.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) if element.TextColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.TextColor is not None: element.TKOptionMenu.configure(fg=element.TextColor) element.TKOptionMenu.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKOptionMenu, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- LISTBOX element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_LISTBOX: max_line_len = max([len(str(l)) for l in element.Values]) if len(element.Values) != 0 else 0 if auto_size_text is False: width=element_size[0] else: width = max_line_len listbox_frame = tk.Frame(tk_row_frame) element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar() element.TKListbox= tk.Listbox(listbox_frame, height=element_size[1], width=width, selectmode=element.SelectMode, font=font) for index, item in enumerate(element.Values): element.TKListbox.insert(tk.END, item) if element.DefaultValues is not None and item in element.DefaultValues: element.TKListbox.selection_set(index) if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKListbox.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKListbox.configure(fg=text_color) if element.ChangeSubmits: element.TKListbox.bind('<>', element.ListboxSelectHandler) vsb = tk.Scrollbar(listbox_frame, orient="vertical", command=element.TKListbox.yview) element.TKListbox.configure(yscrollcommand=vsb.set) element.TKListbox.pack(side=tk.LEFT) vsb.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill='y') listbox_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.BindReturnKey: element.TKListbox.bind('', element.ReturnKeyHandler) element.TKListbox.bind('', element.ReturnKeyHandler) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKListbox, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- INPUT MULTI LINE element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_MULTILINE: default_text = element.DefaultText width, height = element_size element.TKText = tk.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(tk_row_frame, width=width, height=height, wrap='word', bd=border_depth,font=font) element.TKText.insert(1.0, default_text) # set the default text if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKText.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) element.TKText.vbar.config(troughcolor=DEFAULT_SCROLLBAR_COLOR) element.TKText.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1], expand=True, fill='both') if element.EnterSubmits: element.TKText.bind('', element.ReturnKeyHandler) if element.Focus is True or (toplevel_form.UseDefaultFocus and not focus_set): focus_set = True element.TKText.focus_set() if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKText.configure(fg=text_color) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKText, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- INPUT CHECKBOX element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_CHECKBOX: width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size[0] default_value = element.InitialState element.TKIntVar = tk.IntVar() element.TKIntVar.set(default_value if default_value is not None else 0) if element.ChangeSubmits: element.TKCheckbutton = tk.Checkbutton(tk_row_frame, anchor=tk.NW, text=element.Text, width=width, variable=element.TKIntVar, bd=border_depth, font=font, command=element.CheckboxHandler) else: element.TKCheckbutton = tk.Checkbutton(tk_row_frame, anchor=tk.NW, text=element.Text, width=width, variable=element.TKIntVar, bd=border_depth, font=font) if default_value is None: element.TKCheckbutton.configure(state='disable') if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKCheckbutton.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) element.TKCheckbutton.configure(selectcolor=element.BackgroundColor) element.TKCheckbutton.configure(activebackground=element.BackgroundColor) if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKCheckbutton.configure(fg=text_color) element.TKCheckbutton.pack(side=tk.LEFT,padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKCheckbutton, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- PROGRESS BAR element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR: # save this form because it must be 'updated' (refreshed) solely for the purpose of updating bar width = element_size[0] fnt = tkinter.font.Font() char_width = fnt.measure('A') # single character width progress_length = width*char_width progress_width = element_size[1] direction = element.Orientation if element.BarColor != (None, None): # if element has a bar color, use it bar_color = element.BarColor else: bar_color = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR element.TKProgressBar = TKProgressBar(tk_row_frame, element.MaxValue, progress_length, progress_width, orientation=direction, BarColor=bar_color, border_width=element.BorderWidth, relief=element.Relief, style=element.BarStyle, key=element.Key ) element.TKProgressBar.TKProgressBarForReal.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) # ------------------------- INPUT RADIO BUTTON element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_RADIO: width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size[0] default_value = element.InitialState ID = element.GroupID # see if ID has already been placed value = EncodeRadioRowCol(row_num, col_num) # value to set intvar to if this radio is selected if ID in toplevel_form.RadioDict: RadVar = toplevel_form.RadioDict[ID] else: RadVar = tk.IntVar() toplevel_form.RadioDict[ID] = RadVar element.TKIntVar = RadVar # store the RadVar in Radio object if default_value: # if this radio is the one selected, set RadVar to match element.TKIntVar.set(value) element.TKRadio = tk.Radiobutton(tk_row_frame, anchor=tk.NW, text=element.Text, width=width, variable=element.TKIntVar, value=value, bd=border_depth, font=font) if not element.BackgroundColor in (None, COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT): element.TKRadio.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) element.TKRadio.configure(selectcolor=element.BackgroundColor) if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKRadio.configure(fg=text_color) element.TKRadio.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0],pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKRadio, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- INPUT SPIN Box element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SPIN: width, height = element_size width = 0 if auto_size_text else element_size[0] element.TKStringVar = tk.StringVar() element.TKSpinBox = tk.Spinbox(tk_row_frame, values=element.Values, textvariable=element.TKStringVar, width=width, bd=border_depth) element.TKStringVar.set(element.DefaultValue) element.TKSpinBox.configure(font=font) # set wrap to width of widget if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKSpinBox.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) element.TKSpinBox.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element.TKSpinBox.configure(fg=text_color) if element.ChangeSubmits: element.TKSpinBox.bind('', element.SpinChangedHandler) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKSpinBox, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- OUTPUT element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_OUTPUT: width, height = element_size element._TKOut = TKOutput(tk_row_frame, width=width, height=height, bd=border_depth, background_color=element.BackgroundColor, text_color=text_color, font=font, pad=element.Pad) element._TKOut.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=True, fill='both') if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element._TKOut, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- IMAGE Box element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_IMAGE: if element.Filename is not None: photo = tk.PhotoImage(file=element.Filename) elif element.Data is not None: photo = tk.PhotoImage(data=element.Data) else: photo = None print('*ERROR laying out form.... Image Element has no image specified*') if photo is not None: if element_size == (None, None) or element_size == None or element_size == toplevel_form.DefaultElementSize: width, height = photo.width(), photo.height() else: width, height = element_size if photo is not None: element.tktext_label = tk.Label(tk_row_frame, image=photo, width=width, height=height, bd=border_depth) else: element.tktext_label = tk.Label(tk_row_frame, width=width, height=height, bd=border_depth) element.tktext_label.image = photo # tktext_label.configure(anchor=tk.NW, image=photo) element.tktext_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0],pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.tktext_label, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- Canvas element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_CANVAS: width, height = element_size if element._TKCanvas is None: element._TKCanvas = tk.Canvas(tk_row_frame, width=width, height=height, bd=border_depth) else: element._TKCanvas.master = tk_row_frame if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element._TKCanvas.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightthickness=0) element._TKCanvas.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element._TKCanvas, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- Graph element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_GRAPH: width, height = element_size if element._TKCanvas is None: element._TKCanvas = tk.Canvas(tk_row_frame, width=width, height=height, bd=border_depth) else: element._TKCanvas.master = tk_row_frame element._TKCanvas2 = tk.Canvas(element._TKCanvas, width=width, height=height, bd=border_depth) element._TKCanvas2.pack(side=tk.LEFT) element._TKCanvas2.addtag_all('mytag') if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: element._TKCanvas2.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightthickness=0) element._TKCanvas.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightthickness=0) element._TKCanvas.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element._TKCanvas, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- MENUBAR element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_MENUBAR: menu_def = element.MenuDefinition element.TKMenu = tk.Menu(toplevel_form.TKroot, tearoff=element.Tearoff) # create the menubar menubar = element.TKMenu for menu_entry in menu_def: # print(f'Adding a Menubar ENTRY {menu_entry}') baritem = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=element.Tearoff) pos = menu_entry[0].find('&') # print(pos) if pos != -1: if pos == 0 or menu_entry[0][pos-1] != "\\": menu_entry[0] = menu_entry[0][:pos] + menu_entry[0][pos+1:] menubar.add_cascade(label=menu_entry[0], menu=baritem, underline = pos) if len(menu_entry) > 1: AddMenuItem(baritem, menu_entry[1], element) toplevel_form.TKroot.configure(menu=element.TKMenu) # ------------------------- Frame element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_FRAME: labeled_frame = tk.LabelFrame(tk_row_frame, text=element.Title, relief=element.Relief) PackFormIntoFrame(element, labeled_frame, toplevel_form) labeled_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) if element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.BackgroundColor is not None: labeled_frame.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightbackground=element.BackgroundColor, highlightcolor=element.BackgroundColor) if element.TextColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.TextColor is not None: labeled_frame.configure(foreground=element.TextColor) if font is not None: labeled_frame.configure(font=font) if element.TitleLocation is not None: labeled_frame.configure(labelanchor=element.TitleLocation) if element.BorderWidth is not None: labeled_frame.configure(borderwidth=element.BorderWidth) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(labeled_frame, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- Tab element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB: element.TKFrame = tk.Frame(form.TKNotebook) PackFormIntoFrame(element, element.TKFrame, toplevel_form) if element.Disabled: form.TKNotebook.add(element.TKFrame, text=element.Title, state='disabled') else: form.TKNotebook.add(element.TKFrame, text=element.Title) form.TKNotebook.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1]) element.ParentNotebook = form.TKNotebook element.TabID = form.TabCount form.TabCount += 1 if element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.BackgroundColor is not None: element.TKFrame.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor, highlightbackground=element.BackgroundColor, highlightcolor=element.BackgroundColor) # if element.TextColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT and element.TextColor is not None: # element.TKFrame.configure(foreground=element.TextColor) # ttk.Style().configure("TNotebook", background='red') # ttk.Style().map("TNotebook.Tab", background=[("selected", 'orange')], # foreground=[("selected", 'green')]) # ttk.Style().configure("TNotebook.Tab", background='blue', foreground='yellow') if element.BorderWidth is not None: element.TKFrame.configure(borderwidth=element.BorderWidth) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKFrame, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- TabGroup element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_TAB_GROUP: custom_style = str(element.Key)+'customtab.TNotebook' style = ttk.Style(tk_row_frame) if element.Theme is not None: style.theme_use(element.Theme) if element.TabLocation is not None: position_dict = {'left':'w','right':'e', 'top':'n', 'bottom':'s', 'lefttop':'wn', 'leftbottom':'ws', 'righttop':'en', 'rightbottom':'es', 'bottomleft':'sw', 'bottomright':'se', 'topleft':'nw', 'topright':'ne'} try: tab_position = position_dict[element.TabLocation] except: tab_position = position_dict['top'] style.configure(custom_style, tabposition=tab_position) if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: style.configure(custom_style, background=element.BackgroundColor, foreground='purple') # style.theme_create("yummy", parent="alt", settings={ # "TNotebook": {"configure": {"tabmargins": [2, 5, 2, 0]}}, # "TNotebook.Tab": { # "configure": {"padding": [5, 1], "background": mygreen}, # "map": {"background": [("selected", myred)], # "expand": [("selected", [1, 1, 1, 0])]}}}) # style.configure(custom_style+'.Tab', background='red') if element.SelectedTitleColor != None: style.map(custom_style+'.Tab', foreground=[("selected",element.SelectedTitleColor)]) if element.TextColor is not None and element.TextColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: style.configure(custom_style+'.Tab', foreground=element.TextColor) # style.configure(custom_style, background='blue', foreground='yellow') element.TKNotebook = ttk.Notebook(tk_row_frame, style=custom_style) PackFormIntoFrame(element, toplevel_form.TKroot, toplevel_form) if element.ChangeSubmits: element.TKNotebook.bind('<>', element.TabGroupSelectHandler) if element.BorderWidth is not None: element.TKNotebook.configure(borderwidth=element.BorderWidth) if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKNotebook, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- SLIDER Box element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_INPUT_SLIDER: slider_length = element_size[0] * CharWidthInPixels() slider_width = element_size[1] element.TKIntVar = tk.IntVar() element.TKIntVar.set(element.DefaultValue) if element.Orientation[0] == 'v': range_from = element.Range[1] range_to = element.Range[0] slider_length += DEFAULT_MARGINS[1]*(element_size[0]*2) # add in the padding else: range_from = element.Range[0] range_to = element.Range[1] if element.ChangeSubmits: tkscale = tk.Scale(tk_row_frame, orient=element.Orientation, variable=element.TKIntVar, from_=range_from, to_=range_to, resolution = element.Resolution, length=slider_length, width=slider_width , bd=element.BorderWidth, relief=element.Relief, font=font, command=element.SliderChangedHandler) else: tkscale = tk.Scale(tk_row_frame, orient=element.Orientation, variable=element.TKIntVar, from_=range_from, to_=range_to, resolution = element.Resolution, length=slider_length, width=slider_width , bd=element.BorderWidth, relief=element.Relief, font=font) tkscale.config(highlightthickness=0) if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: tkscale.configure(background=element.BackgroundColor) if DEFAULT_SCROLLBAR_COLOR != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: tkscale.config(troughcolor=DEFAULT_SCROLLBAR_COLOR) if text_color is not None and text_color != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: tkscale.configure(fg=text_color) tkscale.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0],pady=element.Pad[1]) element.TKScale = tkscale if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKScale, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) # ------------------------- TABLE element ------------------------- # elif element_type == ELEM_TYPE_TABLE: width, height = element_size if element.Justification == 'left': anchor = tk.W elif element.Justification == 'right': anchor = tk.E else: anchor = tk.CENTER column_widths = {} for row in element.Values: for i,col in enumerate(row): col_width = min(len(str(col)), element.MaxColumnWidth) try: if col_width > column_widths[i]: column_widths[i] = col_width except: column_widths[i] = col_width if element.ColumnsToDisplay is None: displaycolumns = element.ColumnHeadings else: displaycolumns = [] for i, should_display in enumerate(element.ColumnsToDisplay): if should_display: displaycolumns.append(element.ColumnHeadings[i]) column_headings= element.ColumnHeadings if element.DisplayRowNumbers: # if display row number, tack on the numbers to front of columns displaycolumns = ['Row',] + displaycolumns column_headings = ['Row',] + element.ColumnHeadings element.TKTreeview = ttk.Treeview(tk_row_frame, columns=column_headings, displaycolumns=displaycolumns, show='headings', height=height, selectmode=element.SelectMode) treeview = element.TKTreeview if element.DisplayRowNumbers: treeview.heading('Row', text='Row') # make a dummy heading treeview.column('Row', width=50, anchor=anchor) for i, heading in enumerate(element.ColumnHeadings): treeview.heading(heading, text=heading) if element.AutoSizeColumns: width = max(column_widths[i], len(heading)) else: try: width = element.ColumnWidths[i] except: width = element.DefaultColumnWidth treeview.column(heading, width=width*CharWidthInPixels(), anchor=anchor) for i, value in enumerate(element.Values): if element.DisplayRowNumbers: value = [i] + value id = treeview.insert('', 'end', text=value, values=value) if element.BackgroundColor is not None and element.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: ttk.Style().configure("Treeview", background=element.BackgroundColor, fieldbackground=element.BackgroundColor) if element.TextColor is not None and element.TextColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: ttk.Style().configure("Treeview", foreground=element.TextColor) # scrollable_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=element.Pad[0], pady=element.Pad[1], expand=True, fill='both') element.TKTreeview.pack(side=tk.LEFT,expand=True, padx=0, pady=0, fill='both') if element.Tooltip is not None: element.TooltipObject = ToolTip(element.TKTreeview, text=element.Tooltip, timeout=DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME) #............................DONE WITH ROW pack the row of widgets ..........................# # done with row, pack the row of widgets # tk_row_frame.grid(row=row_num+2, sticky=tk.NW, padx=DEFAULT_MARGINS[0]) tk_row_frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor='nw', padx=DEFAULT_MARGINS[0], expand=True) if form.BackgroundColor is not None and form.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: tk_row_frame.configure(background=form.BackgroundColor) toplevel_form.TKroot.configure(padx=DEFAULT_MARGINS[0], pady=DEFAULT_MARGINS[1]) return def ConvertFlexToTK(MyFlexForm): master = MyFlexForm.TKroot # only set title on non-tabbed forms master.title(MyFlexForm.Title) InitializeResults(MyFlexForm) try: if MyFlexForm.NoTitleBar: MyFlexForm.TKroot.wm_overrideredirect(True) except: pass PackFormIntoFrame(MyFlexForm, master, MyFlexForm) #....................................... DONE creating and laying out window ..........................# screen_width = master.winfo_screenwidth() # get window info to move to middle of screen screen_height = master.winfo_screenheight() if MyFlexForm.Location != (None, None): x,y = MyFlexForm.Location elif DEFAULT_WINDOW_LOCATION != (None, None): x,y = DEFAULT_WINDOW_LOCATION else: master.update_idletasks() # don't forget to do updates or values are bad win_width = master.winfo_width() win_height = master.winfo_height() x = screen_width/2 -win_width/2 y = screen_height/2 - win_height/2 if y+win_height > screen_height: y = screen_height-win_height if x+win_width > screen_width: x = screen_width-win_width move_string = '+%i+%i'%(int(x),int(y)) master.geometry(move_string) master.update_idletasks() # don't forget return # ----====----====----====----====----==== STARTUP TK ====----====----====----====----====----# def StartupTK(my_flex_form): global _my_windows ow = _my_windows.NumOpenWindows # print('Starting TK open Windows = {}'.format(ow)) if not ow and not my_flex_form.ForceTopLevel: root = tk.Tk() else: root = tk.Toplevel() try: root.attributes('-alpha', 0) # hide window while building it. makes for smoother 'paint' except: pass # root.wm_overrideredirect(True) if my_flex_form.BackgroundColor is not None and my_flex_form.BackgroundColor != COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT: root.configure(background=my_flex_form.BackgroundColor) _my_windows.Increment() my_flex_form.TKroot = root # Make moveable window if (my_flex_form.GrabAnywhere is not False and not (my_flex_form.NonBlocking and my_flex_form.GrabAnywhere is not True)): root.bind("", my_flex_form.StartMove) root.bind("", my_flex_form.StopMove) root.bind("", my_flex_form.OnMotion) if my_flex_form.KeepOnTop: root.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) # root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", MyFlexForm.DestroyedCallback()) # root.bind('', MyFlexForm.DestroyedCallback()) ConvertFlexToTK(my_flex_form) my_flex_form.SetIcon(my_flex_form.WindowIcon) try: root.attributes('-alpha', 255) # hide window while building it. makes for smoother 'paint' except: pass if my_flex_form.ReturnKeyboardEvents and not my_flex_form.NonBlocking: root.bind("", my_flex_form._KeyboardCallback) root.bind("", my_flex_form._MouseWheelCallback) elif my_flex_form.ReturnKeyboardEvents: root.bind("", my_flex_form._KeyboardCallback) root.bind("", my_flex_form._MouseWheelCallback) if my_flex_form.AutoClose: duration = DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME if my_flex_form.AutoCloseDuration is None else my_flex_form.AutoCloseDuration my_flex_form.TKAfterID = root.after(duration * 1000, my_flex_form._AutoCloseAlarmCallback) if my_flex_form.NonBlocking: my_flex_form.TKroot.protocol("WM_WINDOW_DESTROYED", my_flex_form.OnClosingCallback()) else: # it's a blocking form # print('..... CALLING MainLoop') my_flex_form.TKroot.mainloop() # print('..... BACK from MainLoop') if not my_flex_form.FormRemainedOpen: _my_windows.Decrement() if my_flex_form.RootNeedsDestroying: my_flex_form.TKroot.destroy() my_flex_form.RootNeedsDestroying = False return # ==============================_GetNumLinesNeeded ==# # Helper function for determining how to wrap text # # ===================================================# def _GetNumLinesNeeded(text, max_line_width): if max_line_width == 0: return 1 lines = text.split('\n') num_lines = len(lines) # number of original lines of text max_line_len = max([len(l) for l in lines]) # longest line lines_used = [] for L in lines: lines_used.append(len(L)//max_line_width + (len(L) % max_line_width > 0)) # fancy math to round up total_lines_needed = sum(lines_used) return total_lines_needed # ============================== PROGRESS METER ========================================== # def ConvertArgsToSingleString(*args): max_line_total, width_used , total_lines, = 0,0,0 single_line_message = '' # loop through args and built a SINGLE string from them for message in args: # fancy code to check if string and convert if not is not need. Just always convert to string :-) # if not isinstance(message, str): message = str(message) message = str(message) longest_line_len = max([len(l) for l in message.split('\n')]) width_used = max(longest_line_len, width_used) max_line_total = max(max_line_total, width_used) lines_needed = _GetNumLinesNeeded(message, width_used) total_lines += lines_needed single_line_message += message + '\n' return single_line_message, width_used, total_lines # ============================== ProgressMeter =====# # ===================================================# def _ProgressMeter(title, max_value, *args, orientation=None, bar_color=(None,None), button_color=None, size=DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE, border_width=None, grab_anywhere=False): ''' Create and show a form on tbe caller's behalf. :param title: :param max_value: :param args: ANY number of arguments the caller wants to display :param orientation: :param bar_color: :param size: :param Style: :param StyleOffset: :return: ProgressBar object that is in the form ''' local_orientation = DEFAULT_METER_ORIENTATION if orientation is None else orientation local_border_width = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH if border_width is None else border_width bar2 = ProgressBar(max_value, orientation=local_orientation, size=size, bar_color=bar_color, border_width=local_border_width, relief=DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_RELIEF) form = Window(title, auto_size_text=True, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere) # Form using a horizontal bar if local_orientation[0].lower() == 'h': single_line_message, width, height = ConvertArgsToSingleString(*args) bar2.TextToDisplay = single_line_message bar2.MaxValue = max_value bar2.CurrentValue = 0 bar_text = Text(single_line_message, size=(width, height + 3), auto_size_text=True) form.AddRow(bar_text) form.AddRow((bar2)) form.AddRow((Cancel(button_color=button_color))) else: single_line_message, width, height = ConvertArgsToSingleString(*args) bar2.TextToDisplay = single_line_message bar2.MaxValue = max_value bar2.CurrentValue = 0 bar_text = Text(single_line_message, size=(width, height + 3), auto_size_text=True) form.AddRow(bar2, bar_text) form.AddRow((Cancel(button_color=button_color))) form.NonBlocking = True form.Show(non_blocking= True) return bar2, bar_text # ============================== ProgressMeterUpdate =====# def _ProgressMeterUpdate(bar, value, text_elem, *args): ''' Update the progress meter for a form :param form: class ProgressBar :param value: int :return: True if not cancelled, OK....False if Error ''' global _my_windows if bar == None: return False if bar.BarExpired: return False message, w, h = ConvertArgsToSingleString(*args) text_elem.Update(message) # bar.TextToDisplay = message bar.CurrentValue = value rc = bar.UpdateBar(value) if value >= bar.MaxValue or not rc: bar.BarExpired = True bar.ParentForm._Close() if rc: # if update was OK but bar expired, decrement num windows _my_windows.Decrement() if bar.ParentForm.RootNeedsDestroying: try: bar.ParentForm.TKroot.destroy() # _my_windows.Decrement() except: pass bar.ParentForm.RootNeedsDestroying = False bar.ParentForm.__del__() return False return rc # ============================== EASY PROGRESS METER ========================================== # # class to hold the easy meter info (a global variable essentialy) class EasyProgressMeterDataClass(): def __init__(self, title='', current_value=1, max_value=10, start_time=None, stat_messages=()): self.Title = title self.CurrentValue = current_value self.MaxValue = max_value self.StartTime = start_time self.StatMessages = stat_messages self.ParentForm = None self.MeterID = None self.MeterText = None # =========================== COMPUTE PROGRESS STATS ======================# def ComputeProgressStats(self): utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() time_delta = utc - self.StartTime total_seconds = time_delta.total_seconds() if not total_seconds: total_seconds = 1 try: time_per_item = total_seconds / self.CurrentValue except: time_per_item = 1 seconds_remaining = (self.MaxValue - self.CurrentValue) * time_per_item time_remaining = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds_remaining)) time_remaining_short = (time_remaining).split(".")[0] time_delta_short = str(time_delta).split(".")[0] total_time = time_delta + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds_remaining) total_time_short = str(total_time).split(".")[0] self.StatMessages = [ '{} of {}'.format(self.CurrentValue, self.MaxValue), '{} %'.format(100*self.CurrentValue//self.MaxValue), '', ' {:6.2f} Iterations per Second'.format(self.CurrentValue/total_seconds), ' {:6.2f} Seconds per Iteration'.format(total_seconds/(self.CurrentValue if self.CurrentValue else 1)), '', '{} Elapsed Time'.format(time_delta_short), '{} Time Remaining'.format(time_remaining_short), '{} Estimated Total Time'.format(total_time_short)] return # ============================== EasyProgressMeter =====# def EasyProgressMeter(title, current_value, max_value, *args, orientation=None, bar_color=(None,None), button_color=None, size=DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE, border_width=None): ''' A ONE-LINE progress meter. Add to your code where ever you need a meter. No need for a second function call before your loop. You've got enough code to write! :param title: Title will be shown on the window :param current_value: Current count of your items :param max_value: Max value your count will ever reach. This indicates it should be closed :param args: VARIABLE number of arguements... you request it, we'll print it no matter what the item! :param orientation: :param bar_color: :param size: :param Style: :param StyleOffset: :return: False if should stop the meter ''' local_border_width = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH if not border_width else border_width # STATIC VARIABLE! # This is a very clever form of static variable using a function attribute # If the variable doesn't yet exist, then it will create it and initialize with the 3rd parameter EasyProgressMeter.Data = getattr(EasyProgressMeter, 'Data', EasyProgressMeterDataClass()) # if no meter currently running if EasyProgressMeter.Data.MeterID is None: # Starting a new meter print("Please change your call of EasyProgressMeter to use OneLineProgressMeter. EasyProgressMeter will be removed soon") if int(current_value) >= int(max_value): return False del(EasyProgressMeter.Data) EasyProgressMeter.Data = EasyProgressMeterDataClass(title, 1, int(max_value), datetime.datetime.utcnow(), []) EasyProgressMeter.Data.ComputeProgressStats() message = "\n".join([line for line in EasyProgressMeter.Data.StatMessages]) EasyProgressMeter.Data.MeterID, EasyProgressMeter.Data.MeterText= _ProgressMeter(title, int(max_value), message, *args, orientation=orientation, bar_color=bar_color, size=size, button_color=button_color, border_width=local_border_width) EasyProgressMeter.Data.ParentForm = EasyProgressMeter.Data.MeterID.ParentForm return True # if exactly the same values as before, then ignore. if EasyProgressMeter.Data.MaxValue == max_value and EasyProgressMeter.Data.CurrentValue == current_value: return True if EasyProgressMeter.Data.MaxValue != int(max_value): EasyProgressMeter.Data.MeterID = None EasyProgressMeter.Data.ParentForm = None del(EasyProgressMeter.Data) EasyProgressMeter.Data = EasyProgressMeterDataClass() # setup a new progress meter return True # HAVE to return TRUE or else the new meter will thing IT is failing when it hasn't EasyProgressMeter.Data.CurrentValue = int(current_value) EasyProgressMeter.Data.MaxValue = int(max_value) EasyProgressMeter.Data.ComputeProgressStats() message = '' for line in EasyProgressMeter.Data.StatMessages: message = message + str(line) + '\n' message = "\n".join(EasyProgressMeter.Data.StatMessages) args= args + (message,) rc = _ProgressMeterUpdate(EasyProgressMeter.Data.MeterID, current_value, EasyProgressMeter.Data.MeterText, *args) # if counter >= max then the progress meter is all done. Indicate none running if current_value >= EasyProgressMeter.Data.MaxValue or not rc: EasyProgressMeter.Data.MeterID = None del(EasyProgressMeter.Data) EasyProgressMeter.Data = EasyProgressMeterDataClass() # setup a new progress meter return False # even though at the end, return True so don't cause error with the app return rc # return whatever the update told us def EasyProgressMeterCancel(title, *args): EasyProgressMeter.EasyProgressMeterData = getattr(EasyProgressMeter, 'EasyProgressMeterData', EasyProgressMeterDataClass()) if EasyProgressMeter.EasyProgressMeterData.MeterID is not None: # tell the normal meter update that we're at max value which will close the meter rc = EasyProgressMeter(title, EasyProgressMeter.EasyProgressMeterData.MaxValue, EasyProgressMeter.EasyProgressMeterData.MaxValue, ' *** CANCELLING ***', 'Caller requested a cancel', *args) return rc return True # global variable containing dictionary will all currently running one-line progress meters. _one_line_progress_meters = {} # ============================== OneLineProgressMeter =====# def OneLineProgressMeter(title, current_value, max_value, key, *args, orientation=None, bar_color=(None,None), button_color=None, size=DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE, border_width=None, grab_anywhere=False): global _one_line_progress_meters local_border_width = DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH if border_width is not None else border_width try: meter_data = _one_line_progress_meters[key] except: # a new meater is starting if int(current_value) >= int(max_value): # if already expired then it's an old meter, ignore return False meter_data = EasyProgressMeterDataClass(title, 1, int(max_value), datetime.datetime.utcnow(), []) _one_line_progress_meters[key] = meter_data meter_data.ComputeProgressStats() message = "\n".join([line for line in meter_data.StatMessages]) meter_data.MeterID, meter_data.MeterText= _ProgressMeter(title, int(max_value), message, *args, orientation=orientation, bar_color=bar_color, size=size, button_color=button_color, border_width=local_border_width, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere) meter_data.ParentForm = meter_data.MeterID.ParentForm return True # if exactly the same values as before, then ignore, return success. if meter_data.MaxValue == max_value and meter_data.CurrentValue == current_value: return True meter_data.CurrentValue = int(current_value) meter_data.MaxValue = int(max_value) meter_data.ComputeProgressStats() message = '' for line in meter_data.StatMessages: message = message + str(line) + '\n' message = "\n".join(meter_data.StatMessages) args= args + (message,) rc = _ProgressMeterUpdate(meter_data.MeterID, current_value, meter_data.MeterText, *args) # if counter >= max then the progress meter is all done. Indicate none running if current_value >= meter_data.MaxValue or not rc: del _one_line_progress_meters[key] return False return rc # return whatever the update told us def OneLineProgressMeterCancel(key): global _one_line_progress_meters try: meter_data = _one_line_progress_meters[key] except: # meter is already deleted return OneLineProgressMeter('', meter_data.MaxValue, meter_data.MaxValue, key=key) # input is #RRGGBB # output is #RRGGBB def GetComplimentaryHex(color): # strip the # from the beginning color = color[1:] # convert the string into hex color = int(color, 16) # invert the three bytes # as good as substracting each of RGB component by 255(FF) comp_color = 0xFFFFFF ^ color # convert the color back to hex by prefixing a # comp_color = "#%06X" % comp_color return comp_color # ======================== EasyPrint =====# # ===================================================# _easy_print_data = None # global variable... I'm cheating class DebugWin(): def __init__(self, size=(None, None)): # Show a form that's a running counter win_size = size if size !=(None, None) else DEFAULT_DEBUG_WINDOW_SIZE self.form = Window('Debug Window', auto_size_text=True, font=('Courier New', 12)) self.output_element = Output(size=win_size) self.form_rows = [[Text('EasyPrint Output')], [self.output_element], [DummyButton('Quit')]] self.form.AddRows(self.form_rows) self.form.Show(non_blocking=True) # Show a ;non-blocking form, returns immediately return def Print(self, *args, end=None, sep=None): sepchar = sep if sep is not None else ' ' endchar = end if end is not None else '\n' print(*args, sep=sepchar, end=endchar) # for a in args: # msg = str(a) # print(msg, end="", sep=sepchar) # print(1, 2, 3, sep='-') # if end is None: # print("") self.form.ReadNonBlocking() def Close(self): self.form.CloseNonBlockingForm() self.form.__del__() def Print(*args, size=(None,None), end=None, sep=None): EasyPrint(*args, size=size, end=end, sep=sep) def PrintClose(): EasyPrintClose() def eprint(*args, size=(None,None), end=None, sep=None): EasyPrint(*args, size=size, end=end, sep=sep) def EasyPrint(*args, size=(None,None), end=None, sep=None): global _easy_print_data if _easy_print_data is None: _easy_print_data = DebugWin(size=size) _easy_print_data.Print(*args, end=end, sep=sep) def EasyPrintold(*args, size=(None,None), end=None, sep=None): if 'easy_print_data' not in EasyPrint.__dict__: # use a function property to save DebugWin object (static variable) EasyPrint.easy_print_data = DebugWin(size=size) if EasyPrint.easy_print_data is None: EasyPrint.easy_print_data = DebugWin(size=size) EasyPrint.easy_print_data.Print(*args, end=end, sep=sep) def EasyPrintClose(): if 'easy_print_data' in EasyPrint.__dict__: if EasyPrint.easy_print_data is not None: EasyPrint.easy_print_data._Close() EasyPrint.easy_print_data = None # del EasyPrint.easy_print_data # ======================== Scrolled Text Box =====# # ===================================================# def ScrolledTextBox(*args, button_color=None, yes_no=False, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, size=(None, None)): if not args: return width, height = size width = width if width else MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH form = Window(args[0], auto_size_text=True, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration) max_line_total, max_line_width, total_lines, height_computed = 0,0,0,0 complete_output = '' for message in args: # fancy code to check if string and convert if not is not need. Just always convert to string :-) # if not isinstance(message, str): message = str(message) message = str(message) longest_line_len = max([len(l) for l in message.split('\n')]) width_used = min(longest_line_len, width) max_line_total = max(max_line_total, width_used) max_line_width = width lines_needed = _GetNumLinesNeeded(message, width_used) height_computed += lines_needed complete_output += message + '\n' total_lines += lines_needed height_computed = MAX_SCROLLED_TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT if height_computed > MAX_SCROLLED_TEXT_BOX_HEIGHT else height_computed if height: height_computed = height form.AddRow(Multiline(complete_output, size=(max_line_width, height_computed))) pad = max_line_total-15 if max_line_total > 15 else 1 # show either an OK or Yes/No depending on paramater if yes_no: form.AddRow(Text('', size=(pad, 1), auto_size_text=False), Yes(), No()) button, values = form.Read() return button else: form.AddRow(Text('', size=(pad, 1), auto_size_text=False), Button('OK', size=(5, 1), button_color=button_color)) button, values = form.Read() return button PopupScrolled = ScrolledTextBox # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GetPathBox # # Pre-made dialog that looks like this roughly # # MESSAGE # # __________________________ # # |__________________________| (BROWSE) # # (SUBMIT) (CANCEL) # # RETURNS two values: # # True/False, path # # (True if Submit was pressed, false otherwise) # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # def PopupGetFolder(message, default_path='', no_window=False, size=(None,None), button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None, None)): """ Display popup with text entry field and browse button. Browse for folder :param message: :param default_path: :param no_window: :param size: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param icon: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: Contents of text field. None if closed using X """ if no_window: root = tk.Tk() try: root.attributes('-alpha', 0) # hide window while building it. makes for smoother 'paint' except: pass folder_name = tk.filedialog.askdirectory() # show the 'get folder' dialog box root.destroy() return folder_name layout = [[Text(message, auto_size_text=True, text_color=text_color, background_color=background_color)], [InputText(default_text=default_path, size=size), FolderBrowse()], [Ok(), Cancel()]] window = Window(title=message, icon=icon, auto_size_text=True, button_color=button_color, background_color=background_color, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) (button, input_values) = window.LayoutAndRead(layout) if button != 'Ok': return None else: path = input_values[0] return path ##################################### # PopupGetFile # ##################################### def PopupGetFile(message, default_path='', default_extension='', save_as=False, file_types=(("ALL Files", "*.*"),), no_window=False, size=(None,None), button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Display popup with text entry field and browse button. Browse for file :param message: :param default_path: :param save_as: :param file_types: :param no_window: :param size: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param icon: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ if no_window: root = tk.Tk() try: root.attributes('-alpha', 0) # hide window while building it. makes for smoother 'paint' except: pass if save_as: filename = tk.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=file_types, defaultextension=default_extension) # show the 'get file' dialog box else: filename = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=file_types, defaultextension=default_extension) # show the 'get file' dialog box root.destroy() return filename browse_button = SaveAs(file_types=file_types) if save_as else FileBrowse(file_types=file_types) layout = [[Text(message, auto_size_text=True, text_color=text_color, background_color=background_color)], [InputText(default_text=default_path, size=size), browse_button], [Ok(), Cancel()]] window = Window(title=message, icon=icon, auto_size_text=True, button_color=button_color, font=font, background_color=background_color, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) (button, input_values) = window.Layout(layout).Read() if button != 'Ok': return None else: path = input_values[0] return path ##################################### # PopupGetText # ##################################### def PopupGetText(message, default_text='', password_char='', size=(None,None), button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Display Popup with text entry field :param message: :param default_text: :param password_char: :param size: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param icon: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: Text entered or None if window was closed """ layout = [[Text(message, auto_size_text=True, text_color=text_color, background_color=background_color, font=font)], [InputText(default_text=default_text, size=size, password_char=password_char)], [Ok(), Cancel()]] window = Window(title=message, icon=icon, auto_size_text=True, button_color=button_color, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, background_color=background_color, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) (button, input_values) = window.Layout(layout).Read() if button != 'Ok': return None else: return input_values[0] # ============================== SetGlobalIcon ======# # Sets the icon to be used by default # # ===================================================# def SetGlobalIcon(icon): global _my_windows try: with open(icon, 'r') as icon_file: pass except: raise FileNotFoundError _my_windows.user_defined_icon = icon return True # ============================== SetOptions =========# # Sets the icon to be used by default # # ===================================================# def SetOptions(icon=None, button_color=None, element_size=(None,None), button_element_size=(None, None), margins=(None,None), element_padding=(None,None),auto_size_text=None, auto_size_buttons=None, font=None, border_width=None, slider_border_width=None, slider_relief=None, slider_orientation=None, autoclose_time=None, message_box_line_width=None, progress_meter_border_depth=None, progress_meter_style=None, progress_meter_relief=None, progress_meter_color=None, progress_meter_size=None, text_justification=None, background_color=None, element_background_color=None, text_element_background_color=None, input_elements_background_color=None, input_text_color=None, scrollbar_color=None, text_color=None, element_text_color = None, debug_win_size=(None,None), window_location=(None,None), tooltip_time=None): global DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE global DEFAULT_BUTTON_ELEMENT_SIZE global DEFAULT_MARGINS # Margins for each LEFT/RIGHT margin is first term global DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PADDING # Padding between elements (row, col) in pixels global DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_TEXT global DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_BUTTONS global DEFAULT_FONT global DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH global DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME global DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR global MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH global DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH global DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE global DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_RELIEF global DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR global DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE global DEFAULT_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION global DEFAULT_DEBUG_WINDOW_SIZE global DEFAULT_SLIDER_BORDER_WIDTH global DEFAULT_SLIDER_RELIEF global DEFAULT_SLIDER_ORIENTATION global DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR global DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR global DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR global DEFAULT_TEXT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR global DEFAULT_SCROLLBAR_COLOR global DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR global DEFAULT_WINDOW_LOCATION global DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TEXT_COLOR global DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR global DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME global _my_windows if icon: try: with open(icon, 'r') as icon_file: pass except: raise FileNotFoundError _my_windows.user_defined_icon = icon if button_color != None: DEFAULT_BUTTON_COLOR = button_color if element_size != (None,None): DEFAULT_ELEMENT_SIZE = element_size if button_element_size != (None,None): DEFAULT_BUTTON_ELEMENT_SIZE = button_element_size if margins != (None,None): DEFAULT_MARGINS = margins if element_padding != (None,None): DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PADDING = element_padding if auto_size_text != None: DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_TEXT = auto_size_text if auto_size_buttons != None: DEFAULT_AUTOSIZE_BUTTONS = auto_size_buttons if font !=None: DEFAULT_FONT = font if border_width != None: DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH = border_width if autoclose_time != None: DEFAULT_AUTOCLOSE_TIME = autoclose_time if message_box_line_width != None: MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH = message_box_line_width if progress_meter_border_depth != None: DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_BORDER_WIDTH = progress_meter_border_depth if progress_meter_style != None: DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE = progress_meter_style if progress_meter_relief != None: DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_RELIEF = progress_meter_relief if progress_meter_color != None: DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = progress_meter_color if progress_meter_size != None: DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_SIZE = progress_meter_size if slider_border_width != None: DEFAULT_SLIDER_BORDER_WIDTH = slider_border_width if slider_orientation != None: DEFAULT_SLIDER_ORIENTATION = slider_orientation if slider_relief != None: DEFAULT_SLIDER_RELIEF = slider_relief if text_justification != None: DEFAULT_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION = text_justification if background_color != None: DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = background_color if text_element_background_color != None: DEFAULT_TEXT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = text_element_background_color if input_elements_background_color != None: DEFAULT_INPUT_ELEMENTS_COLOR = input_elements_background_color if element_background_color != None: DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = element_background_color if window_location != (None,None): DEFAULT_WINDOW_LOCATION = window_location if debug_win_size != (None,None): DEFAULT_DEBUG_WINDOW_SIZE = debug_win_size if text_color != None: DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = text_color if scrollbar_color != None: DEFAULT_SCROLLBAR_COLOR = scrollbar_color if element_text_color != None: DEFAULT_ELEMENT_TEXT_COLOR = element_text_color if input_text_color is not None: DEFAULT_INPUT_TEXT_COLOR = input_text_color if tooltip_time is not None: DEFAULT_TOOLTIP_TIME = tooltip_time return True #################### ChangeLookAndFeel ####################### # Predefined settings that will change the colors and styles # # of the elements. # ############################################################## LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE = {'SystemDefault': {'BACKGROUND' : COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 'TEXT': COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 'INPUT': COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,'TEXT_INPUT' : COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 'SCROLL': COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 'BUTTON': OFFICIAL_PYSIMPLEGUI_BUTTON_COLOR, 'PROGRESS': COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':1, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, # ∩(^-^)∩ 'Topanga': {'BACKGROUND': '#282923', 'TEXT': '#E7DB74', 'INPUT': '#393a32', 'TEXT_INPUT': '#E7C855','SCROLL': '#E7C855', 'BUTTON': ('#E7C855', '#284B5A'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'GreenTan': {'BACKGROUND' : '#9FB8AD', 'TEXT': COLOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 'INPUT':'#F7F3EC','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black','SCROLL': '#F7F3EC', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#475841'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'Dark': {'BACKGROUND': 'gray25', 'TEXT': 'white', 'INPUT': 'gray30', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'white', 'SCROLL': 'gray44', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#004F00'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'Dark2': {'BACKGROUND': 'gray25', 'TEXT': 'white', 'INPUT': 'white', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'black', 'SCROLL': 'gray44', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#004F00'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'Black': {'BACKGROUND': 'black', 'TEXT': 'white', 'INPUT': 'gray30', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'white', 'SCROLL': 'gray44', 'BUTTON': ('black', 'white'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'Tan': {'BACKGROUND': '#fdf6e3', 'TEXT': '#268bd1', 'INPUT': '#eee8d5', 'TEXT_INPUT': '#6c71c3', 'SCROLL': '#eee8d5', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#063542'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'TanBlue': {'BACKGROUND': '#e5dece', 'TEXT': '#063289', 'INPUT': '#f9f8f4', 'TEXT_INPUT': '#242834', 'SCROLL': '#eee8d5', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#063289'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'DarkTanBlue': {'BACKGROUND': '#242834', 'TEXT': '#dfe6f8', 'INPUT': '#97755c', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'white', 'SCROLL': '#a9afbb', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#063289'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'DarkAmber': {'BACKGROUND': '#2c2825', 'TEXT': '#fdcb52', 'INPUT': '#705e52', 'TEXT_INPUT': '#fdcb52', 'SCROLL': '#705e52', 'BUTTON': ('black', '#fdcb52'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'DarkBlue': {'BACKGROUND': '#1a2835', 'TEXT': '#d1ecff', 'INPUT': '#335267', 'TEXT_INPUT': '#acc2d0', 'SCROLL': '#1b6497', 'BUTTON': ('black', '#fafaf8'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'Reds': {'BACKGROUND': '#280001', 'TEXT': 'white', 'INPUT': '#d8d584', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'black', 'SCROLL': '#763e00', 'BUTTON': ('black', '#daad28'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'Green': {'BACKGROUND': '#82a459', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#d8d584', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'black', 'SCROLL': '#e3ecf3', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#517239'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1, 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0}, 'LightGreen' :{'BACKGROUND' : '#B7CECE', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT':'#FDFFF7','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'SCROLL': '#FDFFF7','BUTTON': ('white', '#658268'), 'PROGRESS':DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER':1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'BluePurple': {'BACKGROUND' : '#A5CADD', 'TEXT': '#6E266E', 'INPUT':'#E0F5FF','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'SCROLL': '#E0F5FF','BUTTON': ('white', '#303952'),'PROGRESS':DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'Purple': {'BACKGROUND': '#B0AAC2', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#F2EFE8','SCROLL': '#F2EFE8','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('black', '#C2D4D8'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'BlueMono': {'BACKGROUND': '#AAB6D3', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#F1F4FC','SCROLL': '#F1F4FC','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#7186C7'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'GreenMono': {'BACKGROUND': '#A8C1B4', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#DDE0DE', 'SCROLL': '#E3E3E3','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#6D9F85'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'BrownBlue': {'BACKGROUND': '#64778d', 'TEXT': 'white', 'INPUT': '#f0f3f7', 'SCROLL': '#A6B2BE','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#283b5b'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'BrightColors': {'BACKGROUND': '#b4ffb4', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#ffff64','SCROLL': '#ffb482','TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('black', '#ffa0dc'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'NeutralBlue': {'BACKGROUND': '#92aa9d', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#fcfff6', 'SCROLL': '#fcfff6', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'black', 'BUTTON': ('black', '#d0dbbd'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'Kayak': {'BACKGROUND': '#a7ad7f', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#e6d3a8', 'SCROLL': '#e6d3a8', 'TEXT_INPUT': 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#5d907d'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'SandyBeach': {'BACKGROUND': '#efeccb', 'TEXT': '#012f2f', 'INPUT': '#e6d3a8', 'SCROLL': '#e6d3a8', 'TEXT_INPUT': '#012f2f', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#046380'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0}, 'TealMono': {'BACKGROUND': '#a8cfdd', 'TEXT': 'black', 'INPUT': '#dfedf2','SCROLL': '#dfedf2', 'TEXT_INPUT' : 'black', 'BUTTON': ('white', '#183440'), 'PROGRESS': DEFAULT_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH':0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH':0} } def ChangeLookAndFeel(index): global LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE if sys.platform == 'darwin': print('*** Changing look and feel is not supported on Mac platform ***') return # look and feel table try: colors = LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE[index] SetOptions(background_color=colors['BACKGROUND'], text_element_background_color=colors['BACKGROUND'], element_background_color=colors['BACKGROUND'], text_color=colors['TEXT'], input_elements_background_color=colors['INPUT'], button_color=colors['BUTTON'], progress_meter_color=colors['PROGRESS'], border_width=colors['BORDER'], slider_border_width=colors['SLIDER_DEPTH'], progress_meter_border_depth=colors['PROGRESS_DEPTH'], scrollbar_color=(colors['SCROLL']), element_text_color=colors['TEXT'], input_text_color=colors['TEXT_INPUT']) except: # most likely an index out of range pass # ============================== sprint ======# # Is identical to the Scrolled Text Box # # Provides a crude 'print' mechanism but in a # # GUI environment # # ============================================# sprint=ScrolledTextBox # Converts an object's contents into a nice printable string. Great for dumping debug data def ObjToStringSingleObj(obj): if obj is None: return 'None' return str(obj.__class__) + '\n' + '\n'.join( (repr(item) + ' = ' + repr(obj.__dict__[item]) for item in sorted(obj.__dict__))) def ObjToString(obj, extra=' '): if obj is None: return 'None' return str(obj.__class__) + '\n' + '\n'.join( (extra + (str(item) + ' = ' + (ObjToString(obj.__dict__[item], extra + ' ') if hasattr(obj.__dict__[item], '__dict__') else str( obj.__dict__[item]))) for item in sorted(obj.__dict__))) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ===================================== Upper PySimpleGUI ======================================================== # # Pre-built dialog boxes for all your needs These are the "high level API calls # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # ----------------------------------- The mighty Popup! ------------------------------------------------------------ # def Popup(*args, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_OK, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Popup - Display a popup box with as many parms as you wish to include :param args: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param button_type: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ if not args: args_to_print = [''] else: args_to_print = args if line_width != None: local_line_width = line_width else: local_line_width = MESSAGE_BOX_LINE_WIDTH title = args_to_print[0] if args_to_print[0] is not None else 'None' window = Window(title, auto_size_text=True, background_color=background_color, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, icon=icon, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) max_line_total, total_lines = 0,0 for message in args_to_print: # fancy code to check if string and convert if not is not need. Just always convert to string :-) # if not isinstance(message, str): message = str(message) message = str(message) if message.count('\n'): message_wrapped = message else: message_wrapped = textwrap.fill(message, local_line_width) message_wrapped_lines = message_wrapped.count('\n')+1 longest_line_len = max([len(l) for l in message.split('\n')]) width_used = min(longest_line_len, local_line_width) max_line_total = max(max_line_total, width_used) # height = _GetNumLinesNeeded(message, width_used) height = message_wrapped_lines window.AddRow(Text(message_wrapped, auto_size_text=True, text_color=text_color, background_color=background_color)) total_lines += height if non_blocking: PopupButton = DummyButton # important to use or else button will close other windows too! else: PopupButton = Button # show either an OK or Yes/No depending on paramater if button_type is POPUP_BUTTONS_YES_NO: window.AddRow(PopupButton('Yes', button_color=button_color, focus=True, bind_return_key=True, pad=((20,5),3)), PopupButton('No', button_color=button_color)) elif button_type is POPUP_BUTTONS_CANCELLED: window.AddRow(PopupButton('Cancelled', button_color=button_color, focus=True, bind_return_key=True, pad=((20,0),3))) elif button_type is POPUP_BUTTONS_ERROR: window.AddRow(PopupButton('Error', size=(6,1), button_color=button_color, focus=True, bind_return_key=True, pad=((20,0),3))) elif button_type is POPUP_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL: window.AddRow(PopupButton('OK', size=(5,1), button_color=button_color, focus=True, bind_return_key=True), PopupButton('Cancel', size=(5,1), button_color=button_color)) elif button_type is POPUP_BUTTONS_NO_BUTTONS: pass else: window.AddRow(PopupButton('OK', size=(5,1), button_color=button_color, focus=True, bind_return_key=True, pad=((20,0),3))) if non_blocking: button, values = window.ReadNonBlocking() else: button, values = window.Show() return button # ============================== MsgBox============# # Lazy function. Same as calling Popup with parms # # This function WILL Disappear perhaps today # # ==================================================# # MsgBox is the legacy call and should not be used any longer def MsgBox(*args): raise DeprecationWarning('MsgBox is no longer supported... change your call to Popup') # --------------------------- PopupNoButtons --------------------------- def PopupNoButtons(*args, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Show a Popup but without any buttons :param args: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ Popup(*args, button_color=button_color, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_NO_BUTTONS, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) # --------------------------- PopupNonBlocking --------------------------- def PopupNonBlocking(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_OK, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=True, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Show Popup box and immediately return (does not block) :param args: :param button_type: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ Popup(*args, button_color=button_color, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, button_type=button_type, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) PopupNoWait = PopupNonBlocking # --------------------------- PopupQuick - a NonBlocking, Self-closing Popup --------------------------- def PopupQuick(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_OK, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=True, auto_close_duration=1, non_blocking=True, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Show Popup box that doesn't block and closes itself :param args: :param button_type: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ Popup(*args, button_color=button_color, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, button_type=button_type, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) # --------------------------- PopupNoTitlebar --------------------------- def PopupNoTitlebar(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_OK, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, grab_anywhere=True, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Display a Popup without a titlebar. Enables grab anywhere so you can move it :param args: :param button_type: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ Popup(*args, button_color=button_color, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, button_type=button_type, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, font=font, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) PopupNoFrame = PopupNoTitlebar PopupNoBorder = PopupNoTitlebar PopupAnnoying = PopupNoTitlebar # --------------------------- PopupAutoClose --------------------------- def PopupAutoClose(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_OK, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=True, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None,no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Popup that closes itself after some time period :param args: :param button_type: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ Popup(*args, button_color=button_color, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, button_type=button_type, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) PopupTimed = PopupAutoClose # --------------------------- PopupError --------------------------- def PopupError(*args, button_color=DEFAULT_ERROR_BUTTON_COLOR, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Popup with colored button and 'Error' as button text :param args: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ Popup(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_ERROR, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) # --------------------------- PopupCancel --------------------------- def PopupCancel(*args, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Display Popup with "cancelled" button text :param args: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ Popup(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_CANCELLED, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) # --------------------------- PopupOK --------------------------- def PopupOK(*args, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Display Popup with OK button only :param args: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: """ Popup(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_OK, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) # --------------------------- PopupOKCancel --------------------------- def PopupOKCancel(*args, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Display popup with OK and Cancel buttons :param args: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: OK, Cancel or None """ return Popup(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) # --------------------------- PopupYesNo --------------------------- def PopupYesNo(*args, button_color=None, background_color=None, text_color=None, auto_close=False, auto_close_duration=None, non_blocking=False, icon=DEFAULT_WINDOW_ICON, line_width=None, font=None, no_titlebar=False, grab_anywhere=False, keep_on_top=False, location=(None,None)): """ Display Popup with Yes and No buttons :param args: :param button_color: :param background_color: :param text_color: :param auto_close: :param auto_close_duration: :param non_blocking: :param icon: :param line_width: :param font: :param no_titlebar: :param grab_anywhere: :param keep_on_top: :param location: :return: Yes, No or None """ return Popup(*args, button_type=POPUP_BUTTONS_YES_NO, background_color=background_color, text_color=text_color, non_blocking=non_blocking, icon=icon, line_width=line_width, button_color=button_color, auto_close=auto_close, auto_close_duration=auto_close_duration, font=font, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=grab_anywhere, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, location=location) def main(): window = Window('Demo window..') window_rows = [[Text('You are running the PySimpleGUI.py file itself')], [Text('You should be importing it rather than running it', size=(50,2))], [Text('Here is your sample input window....')], [Text('Source Folder', size=(15, 1), justification='right'), InputText('Source', focus=True),FolderBrowse()], [Text('Destination Folder', size=(15, 1), justification='right'), InputText('Dest'), FolderBrowse()], [Ok(), Cancel()]] button, (source, dest) = window.LayoutAndRead(window_rows) if __name__ == '__main__': main() exit(69)