import PySimpleGUI as sg """ Dashboard using blocks of information. Requires file so can add the new theme Copyright 2020 """ theme_dict = {'BACKGROUND': '#2B475D', 'TEXT': '#FFFFFF', 'INPUT': '#F2EFE8', 'TEXT_INPUT': '#000000', 'SCROLL': '#F2EFE8', 'BUTTON': ('#000000', '#C2D4D8'), 'PROGRESS': ('#FFFFFF', '#C7D5E0'), 'BORDER': 1,'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0, 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0} sg.theme_add_new('Dashboard', theme_dict) sg.theme('Dashboard') BORDER_COLOR = '#C7D5E0' DARK_HEADER_COLOR = '#1B2838' BPAD_TOP = ((20,20), (20, 10)) BPAD_LEFT = ((20,10), (0, 10)) BPAD_LEFT_INSIDE = (0, 10) BPAD_RIGHT = ((10,20), (10, 20)) top_banner = [[sg.Text('Dashboard'+ ' '*64, font='Any 20', background_color=DARK_HEADER_COLOR), sg.Text('Tuesday 9 June 2020', font='Any 20', background_color=DARK_HEADER_COLOR)]] top = [[sg.Text('The Weather Will Go Here', size=(50,1), justification='c', pad=BPAD_TOP, font='Any 20')], [sg.T(f'{i*25}-{i*34}') for i in range(7)],] block_3 = [[sg.Text('Block 3', font='Any 20')], [sg.Input(), sg.Text('Some Text')], [sg.Button('Go'), sg.Button('Exit')] ] block_2 = [[sg.Text('Block 2', font='Any 20')], [sg.T('This is some random text')], [sg.Image(data=sg.DEFAULT_BASE64_ICON)] ] block_4 = [[sg.Text('Block 4', font='Any 20')], [sg.T('This is some random text')], [sg.T('This is some random text')], [sg.T('This is some random text')], [sg.T('This is some random text')]] layout = [[sg.Column(top_banner, size=(960, 60), pad=(0,0), background_color=DARK_HEADER_COLOR)], [sg.Column(top, size=(920, 90), pad=BPAD_TOP)], [sg.Column([[sg.Column(block_2, size=(450,150), pad=BPAD_LEFT_INSIDE)], [sg.Column(block_3, size=(450,150), pad=BPAD_LEFT_INSIDE)]], pad=BPAD_LEFT, background_color=BORDER_COLOR), sg.Column(block_4, size=(450, 320), pad=BPAD_RIGHT)]] window = sg.Window('Dashboard PySimpleGUI-Style', layout, margins=(0,0), background_color=BORDER_COLOR, no_titlebar=True, grab_anywhere=True) while True: # Event Loop event, values = if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break window.close()