#!/usr/bin/env python import sys if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import PySimpleGUIQt as sg else: import PySimpleGUI27 as sg import csv # sg.PopupQuickMessage('Loading...', auto_close_duration=4, keep_on_top=True, location=(800,800)) # sg.Popup('This is a normal blocking popup','It was called after the PopupQuickMessage call.', location=(1000,800)) filename = r'C:\Python\PycharmProjects\GooeyGUI\ProgrammingClassExamples\Win10 versions\AFL2018 (sorted pts and %).csv' # filename = sg.PopupGetFile('filename to open', no_window=False, file_types=(("CSV Files","*.csv"),)) # --- populate table with file contents --- # data = [] if filename is not None: with open(filename, "r") as infile: reader = csv.reader(infile) try: data = list(reader) # read everything else into a list of rows except: sg.PopupError('Error reading file') sys.exit(69) else: sys.exit() # sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0,0)) headings = [data[0][x] for x in range(len(data[0]))] print(data) layout = [[sg.Table(values=data[1:][:], headings=headings, max_col_width=25, auto_size_columns=True, display_row_numbers=True, change_submits=True, bind_return_key=True, justification='right', num_rows=20, alternating_row_color='lightblue', key='_table_', text_color='black')], [sg.Button('Read'), sg.Button('Double')], [sg.T('Read = read which rows are selected')],[sg.T('Double = double the amount of data in the table')]] window = sg.Window('Table', grab_anywhere=False, resizable=True).Layout(layout) window.FindElement('_table_').StartingRowNumber = 1 window.FindElement('_table_').RowHeaderText = 'Row' while True: event, values = window.Read() print(event, values) if event is None: break # sg.Print( event, values, location=(200,200)) if event == 'Double': for i in range(len(data)): data.append(data[i]) window.FindElement('_table_').Update(values = data) # sg.Popup(event, values) # print(event, values) sys.exit(69)