#!/usr/bin/env python import PySimpleGUI as sg # Yet another example of TabGroup element sg.theme('GreenTan') tab2_layout = [[sg.Text('This is inside tab 2')], [sg.Text('Tabs can be anywhere now!')]] tab1_layout = [[sg.Text('Type something here and click button'), sg.Input(key='in')]] tab3_layout = [[sg.Text('This is inside tab 3')]] tab4_layout = [[sg.Text('This is inside tab 4')]] tab_layout = [[sg.Text('This is inside of a tab')]] tab_group = sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Tab 7', tab_layout), sg.Tab('Tab 8', tab_layout)]]) tab5_layout = [[sg.Text('Watch this window')], [sg.Output(size=(40,5))]] tab6_layout = [[sg.Text('This is inside tab 6')], [sg.Text('How about a second row of stuff in tab 6?'), tab_group]] layout = [[sg.Text('My Window!')], [sg.Frame('A Frame', layout= [[sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Tab 1', tab1_layout), sg.Tab('Tab 2', tab2_layout)]]), sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Tab3', tab3_layout), sg.Tab('Tab 4', tab4_layout)]])]])], [sg.Text('This text is on a row with a column'),sg.Col(layout=[[sg.Text('In a column')], [sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Tab 5', tab5_layout), sg.Tab('Tab 6', tab6_layout)]])], [sg.Button('Click me')]])],] window = sg.Window('My window with tabs', layout, default_element_size=(12,1), finalize=True) print('Are there enough tabs for you?') while True: event, values = window.read() print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: # always, always give a way out! break window.close()