#!/usr/bin/env python import PySimpleGUI as sg ''' Example of colors in PySimpleGUI ''' def main(): s10 = (10, 2) window = sg.Window('GoodColors', [ [sg.Text('Having trouble picking good colors? Try this')], [sg.Text('Here come the good colors as defined by PySimpleGUI')], [sg.Text('Button Colors Using PySimpleGUI.BLUES')], [*[sg.Button('BLUES[{}]\n{}'.format(j, c), button_color=(sg.YELLOWS[0], c), size=s10) for j, c in enumerate(sg.BLUES)]], [sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(65, 1))], [sg.Text('Button Colors Using PySimpleGUI.PURPLES')], [*[sg.Button('PURPLES[{}]\n{}'.format(j, c), button_color=(sg.YELLOWS[0], c), size=s10) for j, c in enumerate(sg.PURPLES)]], [sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(65, 1))], [sg.Text('Button Colors Using PySimpleGUI.GREENS')], [*[sg.Button('GREENS[{}]\n{}'.format(j, c), button_color=(sg.YELLOWS[0], c), size=s10) for j, c in enumerate(sg.GREENS)]], [sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(65, 1))], [sg.Text('Button Colors Using PySimpleGUI.TANS')], [*[sg.Button('TANS[{}]\n{}'.format(j, c), button_color=(sg.GREENS[0], c), size=s10) for j, c in enumerate(sg.TANS)]], [sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(65, 1))], [sg.Text('Button Colors Using PySimpleGUI.YELLOWS')], [*[sg.Button('YELLOWS[{}]\n{}'.format(j, c), button_color=('black', c), size=s10) for j, c in enumerate(sg.YELLOWS)]], [sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(65, 1))], [sg.Button('Click ME!')] ], default_element_size=(30, 2)) event, values = window.read() window.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()