import PySimpleGUI as SG import subprocess import howdoi # Test this command in a dos window if you are having trouble. HOW_DO_I_COMMAND = 'python -m howdoi.howdoi' # if you want an icon on your taskbar for this gui, then change this line of code to point to the ICO file DEFAULT_ICON = 'E:\\TheRealMyDocs\\Icons\\QuestionMark.ico' def HowDoI(): ''' Make and show a window (PySimpleGUI form) that takes user input and sends to the HowDoI web oracle Excellent example of 2 GUI concepts 1. Output Element that will show text in a scrolled window 2. Non-Window-Closing Buttons - These buttons will cause the form to return with the form's values, but doesn't close the form :return: never returns ''' # ------- Make a new FlexForm ------- # SG.SetOptions(border_width=1) form = SG.FlexForm('How Do I ??', auto_size_text=True, default_element_size=(30, 2), icon=DEFAULT_ICON) form.AddRow(SG.Text('Ask and your answer will appear here....', size=(40, 1))) form.AddRow(SG.Output(size=(90, 20))) form.AddRow(SG.Multiline(size=(85, 5), enter_submits=True), SG.ReadFormButton('SEND', button_color=(SG.YELLOWS[0], SG.BLUES[0])), SG.SimpleButton('EXIT', button_color=(SG.YELLOWS[0], SG.GREENS[0]))) # ---===--- Loop taking in user input and using it to query HowDoI --- # while True: (button, value) = form.Read() if button == 'SEND': QueryHowDoI(value[0][:-1]) # send string without carriage return on end else: break # exit button clicked exit(69) def QueryHowDoI(Query): ''' Kicks off a subprocess to send the 'Query' to HowDoI Prints the result, which in this program will route to a gooeyGUI window :param Query: text english question to ask the HowDoI web engine :return: nothing ''' howdoi_command = HOW_DO_I_COMMAND t = subprocess.Popen(howdoi_command + ' '+ Query, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (output, err) = t.communicate() print('You asked: '+ Query) print('_______________________________________') print(output.decode("utf-8") ) exit_code = t.wait() if __name__ == '__main__': HowDoI()