import PySimpleGUI as sg """ Demo - Pin a window on top Note that the PIN used requires Python 3.7+ due to a tkinter problem This demo uses a Window call only recently added to GitHub in Aug 2021 Copyright 2021 PySimpleGUI """ sg.theme('dark green 7') PIN = '📌' # This custom titlebar inveses the normal text/background colors. Uses a little bigger font my_titlebar = [[sg.Text('Window title', expand_x=True, grab=True, text_color=sg.theme_background_color(), background_color=sg.theme_text_color(), font='_ 12', pad=(0,0)), sg.Text(PIN, enable_events=True, k='-PIN-', font='_ 12', pad=(0,0), metadata=False, text_color=sg.theme_background_color(), background_color=sg.theme_text_color())]] layout = my_titlebar + \ [ [sg.Text('This is my window layout')], [sg.Input(key='-IN-')], [sg.Button('Go'), sg.Button('Exit')] ] window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout, no_titlebar=True, resizable=True, margins=(0,0)) while True: event, values = print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break if event == '-PIN-': window['-PIN-'].metadata = not window['-PIN-'].metadata # use metadata to store current state of pin if window['-PIN-'].metadata: window['-PIN-'].update(text_color='red') window.keep_on_top_set() else: window['-PIN-'].update(text_color=sg.theme_background_color()) window.keep_on_top_clear() window.close()