import PySimpleGUI as sg import datetime import calendar import itertools """ Demo_Date_Chooser This is the same code that is now used internally in PySimpleGUI as the 'date chooser' It is shown here in a demo program form to demonstrate to you that PySimpleGUI is being used to implement user features. The underlying GUI framework is no longer being used like it was previously Copyright 2020 PySimpleGUI """ def popup_get_date(start_mon=None, start_day=None, start_year=None, begin_at_sunday_plus=0, no_titlebar=True, title='Choose Date', keep_on_top=True, location=(None, None), close_when_chosen=False, icon=None, locale=None, month_names=None, day_abbreviations=None): """ Display a calendar window, get the user's choice, return as a tuple (mon, day, year) :param start_mon: The starting month :type start_mon: int :param start_day: The starting day - optional. Set to None or 0 if no date to be chosen at start :type start_day: int or None :param start_year: The starting year :type start_year: int :param begin_at_sunday_plus: Determines the left-most day in the display. 0=sunday, 1=monday, etc :type begin_at_sunday_plus: int :param icon: Same as Window icon parameter. Can be either a filename or Base64 value. For Windows if filename, it MUST be ICO format. For Linux, must NOT be ICO :type icon: str :param locale: locale used to get the day names :type locale: str :param month_names: optional list of month names to use (should be 12 items) :type month_names: List[str] :param day_abbreviations: optional list of abbreviations to display as the day of week :type day_abbreviations: List[str] :return: Tuple containing (month, day, year) of chosen date or None if was cancelled :rtype: None or (int, int, int) """ if month_names is not None and len(month_names) != 12: sg.popup_error('Incorrect month names list specified. Must have 12 entries.', 'Your list:', month_names) if day_abbreviations is not None and len(day_abbreviations) != 7: sg.popup_error('Incorrect day abbreviation list. Must have 7 entries.', 'Your list:', day_abbreviations) day_font = 'TkFixedFont 9' mon_year_font = 'TkFixedFont 10' arrow_font = 'TkFixedFont 7' now = cur_month, cur_day, cur_year = now.month,, now.year cur_month = start_mon or cur_month if start_mon is not None: cur_day = start_day else: cur_day = cur_day cur_year = start_year or cur_year def update_days(window, month, year, begin_at_sunday_plus): [window[(week, day)].update('') for day in range(7) for week in range(6)] weeks = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) month_days = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[0 for _ in range(8 - begin_at_sunday_plus)]] + weeks)) if month_days[6] == 0: month_days = month_days[7:] if month_days[6] == 0: month_days = month_days[7:] for i, day in enumerate(month_days): offset = i if offset >= 6 * 7: break window[(offset // 7, offset % 7)].update(str(day) if day else '') def make_days_layout(): days_layout = [] for week in range(6): row = [] for day in range(7): row.append(sg.T('', size=(4, 1), justification='c', font=day_font, key=(week, day), enable_events=True, pad=(0, 0))) days_layout.append(row) return days_layout # Create table of month names and week day abbreviations if day_abbreviations is None or len(day_abbreviations) != 7: fwday = calendar.SUNDAY try: if locale is not None: _cal = calendar.LocaleTextCalendar(fwday, locale) else: _cal = calendar.TextCalendar(fwday) day_names = _cal.formatweekheader(3).split() except Exception as e: print('Exception building day names from locale', locale, e) day_names = ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Th', 'Fri', 'Sat') else: day_names = day_abbreviations mon_names = month_names if month_names is not None and len(month_names) == 12 else [calendar.month_name[i] for i in range(1,13)] days_layout = make_days_layout() layout = [[sg.B('◄◄', font=arrow_font, border_width=0, key='-YEAR-DOWN-', pad=((10,2),2)), sg.B('◄', font=arrow_font, border_width=0, key='-MON-DOWN-', pad=(0,2)), sg.Text('{} {}'.format(mon_names[cur_month - 1], cur_year), size=(16, 1), justification='c', font=mon_year_font, key='-MON-YEAR-', pad=(0,2)), sg.B('►', font=arrow_font,border_width=0, key='-MON-UP-', pad=(0,2)), sg.B('►►', font=arrow_font,border_width=0, key='-YEAR-UP-', pad=(2,2))]] layout += [[sg.Col([[sg.T(day_names[i - (7 - begin_at_sunday_plus) % 7], size=(4,1), font=day_font, background_color=sg.theme_text_color(), text_color=sg.theme_background_color(), pad=(0,0)) for i in range(7)]], background_color=sg.theme_text_color(), pad=(0,0))]] layout += days_layout if not close_when_chosen: layout += [[sg.Button('Ok', border_width=0,font='TkFixedFont 8'), sg.Button('Cancel',border_width=0, font='TkFixedFont 8')]] window = sg.Window(title, layout, no_titlebar=no_titlebar, grab_anywhere=True, keep_on_top=keep_on_top, font='TkFixedFont 12', use_default_focus=False, location=location, finalize=True, icon=icon) update_days(window, cur_month, cur_year, begin_at_sunday_plus) prev_choice = chosen_mon_day_year = None if cur_day: chosen_mon_day_year = cur_month, cur_day, cur_year for week in range(6): for day in range(7): if window[(week,day)].DisplayText == str(cur_day): window[(week,day)].update(background_color=sg.theme_text_color(), text_color=sg.theme_background_color()) prev_choice = (week,day) break while True: # Event Loop event, values = if event in (None, 'Cancel'): chosen_mon_day_year = None break if event == 'Ok': break if event in ('-MON-UP-', '-MON-DOWN-', '-YEAR-UP-','-YEAR-DOWN-'): cur_month += (event == '-MON-UP-') cur_month -= (event == '-MON-DOWN-') cur_year += (event == '-YEAR-UP-') cur_year -= (event == '-YEAR-DOWN-') if cur_month > 12: cur_month = 1 cur_year += 1 elif cur_month < 1: cur_month = 12 cur_year -= 1 window['-MON-YEAR-'].update('{} {}'.format(mon_names[cur_month - 1], cur_year)) update_days(window, cur_month, cur_year, begin_at_sunday_plus) if prev_choice: window[prev_choice].update(background_color=sg.theme_background_color(), text_color=sg.theme_text_color()) elif type(event) is tuple: if window[event].DisplayText != "": chosen_mon_day_year = cur_month, int(window[event].DisplayText), cur_year if prev_choice: window[prev_choice].update(background_color=sg.theme_background_color(), text_color=sg.theme_text_color()) window[event].update(background_color=sg.theme_text_color(), text_color=sg.theme_background_color()) prev_choice = event if close_when_chosen: break window.close() return chosen_mon_day_year print(popup_get_date())