#PySimple examples (v 3.8) #Tony Crewe #Sep 2018 import PySimpleGUI as sg import os sg.SetOptions (font =('Calibri',12,'bold')) #get pathname to current file dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #add file name for image pathname = dirname + '\\Gym_Logo.png' layout = [[sg.Image(pathname),sg.Text(' Membership Calculator', font = ('Calibri', 16, 'bold'))], [sg.Checkbox(' Student? 10% off', size = (25,1)), sg.ReadButton('Display Cost', size = (14,1))], [sg.Radio('1 month $50', 'Radio1', default = True), sg.Radio('3 months $100', 'Radio1'), sg.Radio('1 year $300', 'Radio1')], [sg.Text('', size = (30,1), justification = 'center', font =('Calibri', 16, 'bold'), key = 'result')]] window = sg.Window('Gym Membership').Layout(layout) while True: button, value = window.Read() if button is not None: if value[1]: cost = 50 elif value[2]: cost = 100 else: cost = 300 if value[0]: cost = cost*0.9 #format as currency $ symbol and 2 d.p. - make a string result = str(' Cost: ' + '${:.2f}'.format(cost)) window.FindElement('result').Update(result) else: break