import PySimpleGUI as sg """ Demo - "Collapsible" sections of windows This demo shows one techinique for creating a collapsible section (Column) within your window. It uses the "pin" function so you'll need version 4.28.0+ Copyright 2020 """ SYMBOL_UP = '▲' SYMBOL_DOWN = '▼' def collapse(layout, key): """ Helper function that creates a Column that can be later made hidden, thus appearing "collapsed" :param layout: The layout for the section :param key: Key used to make this seciton visible / invisible :return: A pinned column that can be placed directly into your layout :rtype: """ return, key=key)) section1 = [['Input sec 1', key='-IN1-'))], [sg.Input(key='-IN11-')], ['Button section 1', button_color='yellow on green')),'Button2 section 1', button_color='yellow on green')), sg.B('Button3 section 1', button_color='yellow on green')]] section2 = [['Input sec 2', key='-IN2-'))], [sg.Input(key='-IN21-')], ['Button section 2', button_color='yellow on purple')),sg.Button('Button2 section 2', button_color='yellow on purple'), sg.B('Button3 section 2', button_color='yellow on purple')]] layout = [ [sg.Text('Window with 2 collapsible sections')], ['Input 1', key='-IN0-'))], [sg.T(SYMBOL_DOWN, enable_events=True, k='-OPEN SEC1-', text_color='yellow'), sg.T('Section 1', enable_events=True, text_color='yellow', k='-OPEN SEC1-0')], [collapse(section1, '-SEC1-')], [sg.T(SYMBOL_DOWN, enable_events=True, k='-OPEN SEC2-', text_color='purple'), sg.T('Section 2', enable_events=True, text_color='purple', k='-OPEN SEC2-0')], [collapse(section2, '-SEC2-')], ['Button1')),'Button2')), sg.B('Hide/Unhide Input 1', k='-HIDE-IN1-')]] window = sg.Window('Visible / Invisible Element Demo', layout, finalize=True) toggle_in, opened1, opened2 = False, True, True while True: # Event Loop event, values = print(event, values) if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': break if event.startswith('-OPEN SEC1-'): opened1 = not opened1 window['-OPEN SEC1-'].update(SYMBOL_DOWN if opened1 else SYMBOL_UP) window['-SEC1-'].update(visible=opened1) if event.startswith('-OPEN SEC2-'): opened2 = not opened2 window['-OPEN SEC2-'].update(SYMBOL_DOWN if opened2 else SYMBOL_UP) window['-SEC2-'].update(visible=opened2) if event == '-HIDE-IN1-': window['-IN0-'].update(visible=toggle_in) toggle_in = not toggle_in window.close()