#!/usr/bin/env python import PySimpleGUI as sg import sys import psutil """ Desktop floating widget - CPU Cores Uses psutil to display: CPU usage of each individual core CPU utilization is updated every 500 ms by default Utiliziation is shown as a scrolling area graph To achieve a "rainmeter-style" of window, these featurees were used: An alpha-channel setting of 0.8 to give a little transparency No titlebar Grab anywhere, making window easy to move around Note that the keys are tuples, with a tuple as the second item ('-KEY-', (row, col)) Copyright 2020 PySimpleGUI """ GRAPH_WIDTH = 120 # each individual graph size in pixels GRAPH_HEIGHT = 40 TRANSPARENCY = .8 # how transparent the window looks. 0 = invisible, 1 = normal window NUM_COLS = 4 POLL_FREQUENCY = 1500 # how often to update graphs in milliseconds colors = ('#23a0a0', '#56d856', '#be45be', '#5681d8', '#d34545', '#BE7C29') # DashGraph does the drawing of each graph class DashGraph(object): def __init__(self, graph_elem, text_elem, starting_count, color): self.graph_current_item = 0 self.graph_elem = graph_elem # type: sg.Graph self.text_elem = text_elem self.prev_value = starting_count self.max_sent = 1 self.color = color self.line_list = [] # list of currently visible lines. Used to delete oild figures def graph_percentage_abs(self, value): self.line_list.append(self.graph_elem.draw_line( # draw a line and add to list of lines (self.graph_current_item, 0), (self.graph_current_item, value), color=self.color)) if self.graph_current_item >= GRAPH_WIDTH: self.graph_elem.move(-1,0) self.graph_elem.delete_figure(self.line_list[0]) # delete the oldest line self.line_list = self.line_list[1:] # remove line id from list of lines else: self.graph_current_item += 1 def text_display(self, text): self.text_elem.update(text) def main(location): # A couple of "User defined elements" that combine several elements and enable bulk edits def Txt(text, **kwargs): return(sg.Text(text, font=('Helvetica 8'), **kwargs)) def GraphColumn(name, key): return sg.Column([[Txt(name, size=(10,1), key=('-TXT-', key))], [sg.Graph((GRAPH_WIDTH, GRAPH_HEIGHT), (0, 0), (GRAPH_WIDTH, 100), background_color='black', key=('-GRAPH-', key))]], pad=(2, 2)) num_cores = len(psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)) # get the number of cores in the CPU sg.theme('Black') layout = [[ sg.Text(sg.SYMBOL_X, enable_events=True, key='Exit', tooltip='Closes window'), sg.Text(' CPU Core Usage')] ] # add on the graphs for rows in range(num_cores//NUM_COLS+1): # for cols in range(min(num_cores-rows*NUM_COLS, NUM_COLS)): layout += [[GraphColumn('CPU '+str(rows*NUM_COLS+cols), (rows, cols)) for cols in range(min(num_cores-rows*NUM_COLS, NUM_COLS))]] # ---------------- Create Window ---------------- window = sg.Window('CPU Cores Usage Widget', layout, keep_on_top=True, grab_anywhere=True, no_titlebar=True, return_keyboard_events=True, alpha_channel=TRANSPARENCY, use_default_focus=False, finalize=True, margins=(1,1), element_padding=(0,0), border_depth=0, location=location) graphs = [] for rows in range(num_cores//NUM_COLS+1): for cols in range(min(num_cores-rows*NUM_COLS, NUM_COLS)): graphs += [DashGraph(window[('-GRAPH-', (rows, cols))], window[('-TXT-', (rows, cols))], 0, colors[(rows*NUM_COLS+cols)%len(colors)])] # ---------------- main loop ---------------- while True : # --------- Read and update window once every Polling Frequency -------- event, values = window.read(timeout=POLL_FREQUENCY) if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Exit'): # Be nice and give an exit break # read CPU for each core stats = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True) # update each graph for i, util in enumerate(stats): graphs[i].graph_percentage_abs(util) graphs[i].text_display('{} CPU {:2.0f}'.format(i, util)) window.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # when invoking this program, if a location is set on the command line, then the window will be created there. Use x,y with no ( ) if len(sys.argv) > 1: location = sys.argv[1].split(',') location = (int(location[0]), int(location[1])) else: location = (None, None) main(location)