from tkinter import * from random import randint import PySimpleGUI as g from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, FigureCanvasAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure import matplotlib.backends.tkagg as tkagg import tkinter as Tk def main(): fig = Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlabel("X axis") ax.set_ylabel("Y axis") ax.grid() canvas_elem = g.Canvas(size=(640, 480)) # get the canvas we'll be drawing on # define the form layout layout = [[g.Text('Animated Matplotlib', size=(40,1), justification='center', font='Helvetica 20')], [canvas_elem], [g.ReadFormButton('Exit', size=(10,2), pad=((280, 0), 3), font='Helvetica 14')]] # create the form and show it without the plot form = g.FlexForm('Demo Application - Embedding Matplotlib In PySimpleGUI') form.Layout(layout) form.ReadNonBlocking() graph = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=canvas_elem.TKCanvas) canvas = canvas_elem.TKCanvas dpts = [randint(0, 10) for x in range(10000)] for i in range(len(dpts)): button, values = form.ReadNonBlocking() if button is 'Exit' or values is None: exit(69) ax.cla() ax.grid() ax.plot(range(20), dpts[i:i+20], color='purple') graph.draw() figure_x, figure_y, figure_w, figure_h = fig.bbox.bounds figure_w, figure_h = int(figure_w), int(figure_h) photo = Tk.PhotoImage(master=canvas, width=figure_w, height=figure_h) canvas.create_image(640/2, 480/2, image=photo) figure_canvas_agg = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) figure_canvas_agg.draw() # Unfortunately, there's no accessor for the pointer to the native renderer tkagg.blit(photo, figure_canvas_agg.get_renderer()._renderer, colormode=2) # time.sleep(.1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()