import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
import mmap, re
import warnings

import PySimpleGUI as sg

    PySimpleGUI Demo Program Browser

    Originaly written for PySimpleGUI Demo Programs, but expanded to
    be a general purpose tool. Enable Advanced Mode in settings for more fun
    Use to filter and search your source code tree.
        Then run or edit your files

    Filter the list of :
        * Search using filename
        * Searching within the programs' source code (like grep)
    The basic file operations are
        * Edit a file in your editor
        * Run a file
        * Filter file list
        * Search in files
        * Run a regular expression search on all files
        * Display the matching line in a file
    Additional operations
        * Edit this file in editor
    Keeps a "history" of the previously chosen folders to easy switching between projects
    Copyright 2021

def running_linux():
    return sys.platform.startswith('linux')

def running_windows():
    return sys.platform.startswith('win')

def get_file_list_dict():
    Returns dictionary of files
    Key is short filename
    Value is the full filename and path

    :return: Dictionary of demo files
    :rtype: Dict[str:str]

    demo_path = get_demo_path()
    demo_files_dict = {}
    for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(demo_path):
        for filename in filenames:
            if filename.endswith('.py') or filename.endswith('.pyw'):
                fname_full = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
                if filename not in demo_files_dict.keys():
                    demo_files_dict[filename] = fname_full
                    # Allow up to 100 dupicated names. After that, give up
                    for i in range(1, 100):
                        new_filename = f'{filename}_{i}'
                        if new_filename not in demo_files_dict:
                            demo_files_dict[new_filename] = fname_full

    return demo_files_dict

def get_file_list():
    Returns list of filenames of files to display
    No path is shown, only the short filename

    :return: List of filenames
    :rtype: List[str]
    return sorted(list(get_file_list_dict().keys()))

def get_demo_path():
    Get the top-level folder path
    :return: Path to list of files using the user settings for this file.  Returns folder of this file if not found
    :rtype: str
    demo_path = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-demos folder-', os.path.dirname(__file__))

    return demo_path

def get_global_editor():
    Get the path to the editor based on user settings or on PySimpleGUI's global settings

    :return: Path to the editor
    :rtype: str
    try:    # in case running with old version of PySimpleGUI that doesn't have a global PSG settings path
        global_editor = sg.pysimplegui_user_settings.get('-editor program-')
        global_editor = ''
    return global_editor

def get_editor():
    Get the path to the editor based on user settings or on PySimpleGUI's global settings

    :return: Path to the editor
    :rtype: str
    try:    # in case running with old version of PySimpleGUI that doesn't have a global PSG settings path
        global_editor = sg.pysimplegui_user_settings.get('-editor program-')
        global_editor = ''
    user_editor = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-editor program-', '')
    if user_editor == '':
        user_editor = global_editor

    return user_editor

def using_local_editor():
    user_editor = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-editor program-', None)
    return get_editor() ==  user_editor

def get_explorer():
    Get the path to the file explorer program

    :return: Path to the file explorer EXE
    :rtype: str
    try:    # in case running with old version of PySimpleGUI that doesn't have a global PSG settings path
        global_explorer = sg.pysimplegui_user_settings.get('-explorer program-', '')
        global_explorer = ''
    explorer = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-explorer program-', '')
    if explorer == '':
        explorer = global_explorer
    return explorer

def advanced_mode():
    Returns True is advanced GUI should be shown

    :return: True if user indicated wants the advanced GUI to be shown (set in the settings window)
    :rtype: bool
    return sg.user_settings_get_entry('-advanced mode-', False)

def get_theme():
    Get the theme to use for the program
    Value is in this program's user settings. If none set, then use PySimpleGUI's global default theme
    :return: The theme
    :rtype: str
    # First get the current global theme for PySimpleGUI to use if none has been set for this program
        global_theme = sg.theme_global()
        global_theme = sg.theme()
    # Get theme from user settings for this program.  Use global theme if no entry found
    user_theme = sg.user_settings_get_entry('-theme-', '')
    if user_theme == '':
        user_theme = global_theme
    return user_theme

# We handle our code properly. But in case the user types in a flag, the flags are now in the middle of a regex. Ignore this warning.

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)

# New function
def get_line_number(file_path, string, dupe_lines):
    lmn = 0
    with open(file_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
        for num, line in enumerate(f, 1):
            if string.strip() == line.strip() and num not in dupe_lines:
                lmn = num
    return lmn
def kill_ascii(s):
    return "".join([x if ord(x) < 128 else '?' for x in s])

def find_in_file(string, demo_files_dict, regex=False, verbose=False, window=None, ignore_case=True, show_first_match=True):
    Search through the demo files for a string.
    The case of the string and the file contents are ignored

    :param string: String to search for
    :param verbose: if True print the FIRST match
    :type verbose: bool
    :param find_all_matches: if True, then return all matches in the dictionary
    :type find_all_matches: bool
    :return: List of files containing the string
    :rtype: List[str]

    # So you face a predicament here. You wish to read files, both small and large; however the bigger the file/bigger the list, the longer to read the file.
    # This probably isn't what you want, right?
    # Well, we can't use a direct command line to run grep and parse. But it is an option. The user may not have it.
    # We could check if grep exists and if not use our method; but it isn't the best way.
    # So using background knowldge, we know that grep is *very* fast.
    # Why?
    # Grep reads a *ton* of files into memory then searches through the memory to find the string or regex/pattern corresponding to the file.
    # (This is useful if you ever accidently delete a file, grep may be able to get you the contents of it again!)
    # How can we load a file into memory on python as fast as grep whilst keeping it universal?
    # memory mapping (mmap).
    # We can't load a lot of files into memory as we may face issues with watchdog on other operating systems. So we load one file at a time and search though there.
    # This will allow the fastest searching and loading of a file without sacrificing read times.
    # 2.8 seconds on the highend for both small and large files in memory.
    # We also don't have to iterate over lines this way.
    file_list = []
    num_files = 0
    matched_dict = {}
    for file in demo_files_dict:
            full_filename = demo_files_dict[file]
            if not demo_files_dict == get_file_list_dict():
                full_filename = full_filename[0]
            matches = None

            with open(full_filename, 'rb', 0) as f, mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as s:
                if (regex):
                    window['-FIND NUMBER-'].update(f'{num_files} files')
                    matches = re.finditer(bytes("^.*(" + string + ").*$", 'utf-8'), s, re.MULTILINE)
                    if matches:
                        for match in matches:
                            if match is not None:
                                if file not in file_list:
                                    num_files += 1
                                if verbose:
                                    sg.cprint(f"{file}:", c = 'white on green')
                    window['-FIND NUMBER-'].update(f'{num_files} files')
                    matches = None
                    if (ignore_case):
                        if (show_first_match):
                            matches ='(?i)^' + bytes(".*("+re.escape(string.lower()) + ").*$", 'utf-8'), s, re.MULTILINE)
                            matches = re.finditer(br'(?i)^' + bytes(".*("+re.escape(string.lower()) + ").*$", 'utf-8'), s, re.MULTILINE)
                        if (show_first_match):
                            matches ='^' + bytes(".*("+re.escape(string) + ").*$", 'utf-8'), s, re.MULTILINE)
                            matches = re.finditer(br'^' + bytes(".*("+re.escape(string) + ").*$", 'utf-8'), s, re.MULTILINE)
                    if matches:
                        if show_first_match:
                            num_files += 1
                            match_array = []

                            matched_str ='utf-8')
                            if ("==" not in matched_str and "b'" not in matched_str):
                                # safe to assume this is not a base64 string as it does not contain the proper ending
                                matched_dict[full_filename] = match_array
                            # We need to do this because strings are "falsy" in Python, but empty matches still return True...
                            append_file = False
                            match_array = []
                            for match_ in matches:
                                match_str ='utf-8')
                                if match_str:
                                    if len(match_str) < 500 and "==" not in match_str and "b'" not in match_str:
                                        if append_file is False:
                                            append_file = True
                            if append_file:
                                num_files += 1
                                matched_dict[full_filename] = match_array

                # del matches
        except ValueError:
            del matches
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
            print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
            print(f'{file}', e, file=sys.stderr)

    # Format of the matches dictionary
    # Filename, [num1, num2, num3]
    file_lines_dict = {}
    list_of_matches = []
    if not regex:
        for key in matched_dict:
            head, tail = os.path.split(key)
            # Tails. Don't wanna put Washington in places he doesn't want to be.
            file_array_old = [key]

            file_array_new = []

            file_match_list = []

            if (verbose):
                sg.cprint(f"{tail}:", c='white on green')
                dupe_lines = []
                for _match in matched_dict[key]:
                    line_num_match = get_line_number(key, _match, dupe_lines)
                    file_match_list.append(_match) # I *really* overthinked this.
                    if (verbose):
                        sg.cprint(f"Line: {line_num_match} ", c='white on purple', end='')
                    # Make a list of the matches found in this file to add to the dictionry
                if (tail in file_lines_dict):
                    for i in range(1, 100):
                        new_tail = f'{tail}_{i}'
                        if new_tail not in file_lines_dict:
                            file_lines_dict[new_tail] = file_array_old
                    file_lines_dict[tail] = file_array_old
            except Exception as e:
        find_in_file.file_list_dict = file_lines_dict

    file_list = list(set(file_list))
    return file_list

def window_choose_line_to_edit(filename, full_filename,  line_num_list, match_list):
    # sg.popup('matches previously found for this file:', filename, line_num_list)
    i = 0
    if len(line_num_list) == 1:
        return full_filename, line_num_list[0]
    layout = [[sg.T(f'Choose line from {filename}', font='_ 14')]]
    for line in sorted(set(line_num_list)):
        match_text = match_list[i]
        layout += [[sg.Text(f'Line {line} : {match_text}', key=('-T-', line), enable_events=True, size=(min(len(match_text), 90), None))]]
        i += 1
    layout += [[sg.B('Cancel')]]

    window = sg.Window('Open Editor', layout)

    line_chosen = line_num_list[0]
    while True:
        event, values =
        if event in ('Cancel', sg.WIN_CLOSED):
            line_chosen = None
        # At this point we know a line was chosen
        line_chosen = event[1]

    return full_filename, line_chosen

def settings_window():
    Show the settings window.
    This is where the folder paths and program paths are set.
    Returns True if settings were changed

    :return: True if settings were changed
    :rtype: (bool)

        global_editor = sg.pysimplegui_user_settings.get('-editor program-')
        global_editor = ''
        global_explorer = sg.pysimplegui_user_settings.get('-explorer program-')
        global_explorer = ''
    try:    # in case running with old version of PySimpleGUI that doesn't have a global PSG settings path
        global_theme = sg.theme_global()
        global_theme = ''

    layout = [[sg.T('Program Settings', font='DEFAULT 25')],
              [sg.T('Path to Tree',  font='_ 16')],
               [sg.Combo(sorted(sg.user_settings_get_entry('-folder names-', [])), default_value=sg.user_settings_get_entry('-demos folder-', get_demo_path()), size=(50, 1), key='-FOLDERNAME-'),
               sg.FolderBrowse('Folder Browse', target='-FOLDERNAME-'), sg.B('Clear History')],
              [sg.T('Editor Program',  font='_ 16')],
              [sg.T('Leave blank to use global default'), sg.T(global_editor)],
                [ sg.In(sg.user_settings_get_entry('-editor program-', ''),k='-EDITOR PROGRAM-'), sg.FileBrowse()],
              [sg.T('File Explorer Program',  font='_ 16')],
              [sg.T('Leave blank to use global default'), sg.T(global_explorer)],
              [ sg.In(sg.user_settings_get_entry('-explorer program-'), k='-EXPLORER PROGRAM-'), sg.FileBrowse()],
               [sg.T('Theme', font='_ 16')],
              [sg.T('Leave blank to use global default'), sg.T(global_theme)],
              [sg.Combo(['']+sg.theme_list(),sg.user_settings_get_entry('-theme-', ''), readonly=True,  k='-THEME-')],
              [sg.T('Double-click a File Will:'), sg.R('Run', 2, sg.user_settings_get_entry('-dclick runs-', False), k='-DCLICK RUNS-'), sg.R('Edit', 2,  sg.user_settings_get_entry('-dclick edits-', False), k='-DCLICK EDITS-'), sg.R('Nothing', 2,  sg.user_settings_get_entry('-dclick none-', False), k='-DCLICK NONE-')],
              [sg.CB('Use Advanced Interface', default=advanced_mode() ,k='-ADVANCED MODE-')],
              [sg.B('Ok', bind_return_key=True), sg.B('Cancel')],

    window = sg.Window('Settings', layout)

    settings_changed = False

    while True:
        event, values =
        if event in ('Cancel', sg.WIN_CLOSED):
        if event == 'Ok':
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-demos folder-', values['-FOLDERNAME-'])
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-editor program-', values['-EDITOR PROGRAM-'])
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-theme-', values['-THEME-'])
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-folder names-', list(set(sg.user_settings_get_entry('-folder names-', []) + [values['-FOLDERNAME-'], ])))
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-explorer program-', values['-EXPLORER PROGRAM-'])
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-advanced mode-', values['-ADVANCED MODE-'])
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-dclick runs-', values['-DCLICK RUNS-'])
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-dclick edits-', values['-DCLICK EDITS-'])
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-dclick nothing-', values['-DCLICK NONE-'])
            settings_changed = True
        elif event == 'Clear History':
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-folder names-', [])
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-last filename-', '')
            window['-FOLDERNAME-'].update(values=[], value='')

    return settings_changed

ML_KEY = '-ML-'         # Multline's key

# --------------------------------- Create the window ---------------------------------
def make_window():
    Creates the main window
    :return: The main window object
    :rtype: (sg.Window)
    theme = get_theme()
    if not theme:
    # First the window layout...2 columns

    find_tooltip = "Find in file\nEnter a string in box to search for string inside of the files.\nFile list will update with list of files string found inside."
    filter_tooltip = "Filter files\nEnter a string in box to narrow down the list of files.\nFile list will update with list of files with string in filename."
    find_re_tooltip = "Find in file using Regular Expression\nEnter a string in box to search for string inside of the files.\nSearch is performed after clicking the FindRE button."

    left_col = sg.Column([
        [sg.Listbox(values=get_file_list(), select_mode=sg.SELECT_MODE_EXTENDED, size=(50,20), bind_return_key=True, key='-DEMO LIST-')],
        [sg.Text('Filter (F1):', tooltip=filter_tooltip), sg.Input(size=(25, 1), focus=True, enable_events=True, key='-FILTER-', tooltip=filter_tooltip),
         sg.T(size=(15,1), k='-FILTER NUMBER-')],
        [sg.Button('Run'), sg.B('Edit'), sg.B('Clear'), sg.B('Open Folder'), sg.B('Copy Path')],
        [sg.Text('Find (F2):', tooltip=find_tooltip), sg.Input(size=(25, 1), enable_events=True, key='-FIND-', tooltip=find_tooltip),
         sg.T(size=(15,1), k='-FIND NUMBER-')],
    ], element_justification='l', expand_x=True, expand_y=True)

    lef_col_find_re =[
        [sg.Text('Find (F3):', tooltip=find_re_tooltip), sg.Input(size=(25, 1),key='-FIND RE-', tooltip=find_re_tooltip),sg.B('Find RE')]], k='-RE COL-'))

    right_col = [
        [sg.Multiline(size=(70, 21), write_only=True, key=ML_KEY, reroute_stdout=True, echo_stdout_stderr=True, reroute_cprint=True)],
        [sg.Button('Edit Me (this program)'), sg.B('Settings'), sg.Button('Exit')],
        [sg.T('PySimpleGUI ver ' + sg.version.split(' ')[0] + '  tkinter ver ' + sg.tclversion_detailed, font='Default 8', pad=(0,0))],
        [sg.T('Python ver ' + sys.version, font='Default 8', pad=(0,0))],
        [sg.T('Interpreter ' + execute_py_get_interpreter(), font='Default 8', pad=(0,0))],

    options_at_bottom =[[sg.CB('Verbose', enable_events=True, k='-VERBOSE-'),
                         sg.CB('Show only first match in file', default=True, enable_events=True, k='-FIRST MATCH ONLY-'),
                         sg.CB('Find ignore case', default=True, enable_events=True, k='-IGNORE CASE-'),
                         sg.CB('Wait for Runs to Complete', default=False, enable_events=True, k='-WAIT-')
                                         pad=(0,0), k='-OPTIONS BOTTOM-',  expand_x=True, expand_y=False),  expand_x=True, expand_y=False)

    choose_folder_at_top =[[sg.T('Click settings to set top of your tree or choose a previously chosen folder'),
                                       sg.Combo(sorted(sg.user_settings_get_entry('-folder names-', [])), default_value=sg.user_settings_get_entry('-demos folder-', ''), size=(50, 30), key='-FOLDERNAME-', enable_events=True, readonly=True)]], pad=(0,0), k='-FOLDER CHOOSE-'))
    # ----- Full layout -----

    layout = [[sg.Text('PySimpleGUI Demo Program & Project Browser', font='Any 20')],
              # [sg.Column([[left_col],[ lef_col_find_re]], element_justification='l',  expand_x=True, expand_y=True), sg.Column(right_col, element_justification='c', expand_x=True, expand_y=True)],
              [sg.Pane([sg.Column([[left_col],[ lef_col_find_re]], element_justification='l',  expand_x=True, expand_y=True), sg.Column(right_col, element_justification='c', expand_x=True, expand_y=True) ], orientation='h', relief=sg.RELIEF_SUNKEN, k='-PANE-')],

    # --------------------------------- Create Window ---------------------------------
    window = sg.Window('PSG Demo & Project Browser', layout, finalize=True, icon=icon, resizable=True, use_default_focus=False)

    window['-DEMO LIST-'].expand(True, True, True)
    window[ML_KEY].expand(True, True, True)
    window['-PANE-'].expand(True, True, True)

    window.bind('<F1>', '-FOCUS FILTER-')
    window.bind('<F2>', '-FOCUS FIND-')
    window.bind('<F3>', '-FOCUS RE FIND-')
    if not advanced_mode():
        window['-FOLDER CHOOSE-'].update(visible=False)
        window['-RE COL-'].update(visible=False)
        window['-OPTIONS BOTTOM-'].update(visible=False)

    # sg.cprint_set_output_destination(window, ML_KEY)
    return window

# --------------------------------- Main Program Layout ---------------------------------

def main():
    The main program that contains the event loop.
    It will call the make_window function to create the window.

    find_in_file.file_list_dict = None

    old_typed_value = None

    file_list_dict = get_file_list_dict()
    file_list = get_file_list()
    window = make_window()
    window['-FILTER NUMBER-'].update(f'{len(file_list)} files')
    counter = 0
    while True:
        event, values =
        # print(event, values)
        counter += 1
        if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, 'Exit'):
        if event == '-DEMO LIST-':           # if double clicked (used the bind return key parm)
            if sg.user_settings_get_entry('-dclick runs-'):
                event = 'Run'
            elif sg.user_settings_get_entry('-dclick edits-'):
                event = 'Edit'
        if event == 'Edit':
            editor_program = get_editor()
            for file in values['-DEMO LIST-']:
                if find_in_file.file_list_dict is not None:
                    full_filename, line = window_choose_line_to_edit(file, find_in_file.file_list_dict[file][0], find_in_file.file_list_dict[file][1], find_in_file.file_list_dict[file][2])
                    full_filename, line = get_file_list_dict()[file], 1
                if line is not None:
                    sg.cprint(f'Editing using {editor_program}', c='white on red', end='')
                    sg.cprint(f'{full_filename}', c='white on purple')
                    # if line != 1:
                    if using_local_editor():
                        execute_command_subprocess(editor_program, full_filename)
                            sg.execute_editor(full_filename, line_number=int(line))
                            execute_command_subprocess(editor_program, full_filename)
                    # else:
                    #     sg.execute_editor(full_filename)
                    sg.cprint('Editing canceled')
        elif event == 'Run':
            sg.cprint('Running....', c='white on green', end='')
            for file in values['-DEMO LIST-']:
                file_to_run = str(file_list_dict[file])
                sg.cprint(file_to_run,text_color='white', background_color='purple')
                    sp = execute_py_file(file_to_run, pipe_output=values['-WAIT-'])
                except TypeError:
                    sg.cprint('Consider upgrading to a newer PySimpleGUI.... 4.37.0 has better execution controls', c='white on red')
                    sp = execute_py_file_with_pipe_output(f'{file_to_run}', pipe_output=values['-WAIT-'])
                    if values['-WAIT-']:
                        sg.cprint(f'Waiting on results..', text_color='white', background_color='red', end='')
                        while True:
                            results = sg.execute_get_results(sp)
                            sg.cprint(f'STDOUT:', text_color='white', background_color='green')
                            sg.cprint(f'STDERR:', text_color='white', background_color='green')
                            if not sg.execute_subprocess_still_running(sp):
                except AttributeError:
                    sg.cprint('Your version of PySimpleGUI needs to be upgraded to fully use the "WAIT" feature.', c='white on red')
        elif event.startswith('Edit Me'):
            editor_program = get_editor()
            sg.cprint(f'opening using {editor_program}:')
            sg.cprint(f'{__file__}', text_color='white', background_color='red', end='')
            execute_command_subprocess(f'{editor_program}', f'"{__file__}"')
        elif event == '-FILTER-':
            new_list = [i for i in file_list if values['-FILTER-'].lower() in i.lower()]
            window['-DEMO LIST-'].update(new_list)
            window['-FILTER NUMBER-'].update(f'{len(new_list)} files')
            window['-FIND NUMBER-'].update('')
            window['-FIND RE-'].update('')
        elif event == '-FOCUS FIND-':
        elif event == '-FOCUS FILTER-':
        elif event == '-FOCUS RE FIND-':
            window['-FIND RE-'].set_focus()
        elif event == '-FIND-' or event == '-FIRST MATCH ONLY-' or event == '-VERBOSE-' or event == '-FIND RE-':
            is_ignore_case = values['-IGNORE CASE-']
            old_ignore_case = False
            current_typed_value = str(values['-FIND-'])
            if len(values['-FIND-']) == 1:
                values['-VERBOSE-'] = False
            if values['-VERBOSE-']:
            if values['-FIND-']:
                if find_in_file.file_list_dict is None or old_typed_value is None or old_ignore_case is not is_ignore_case:
                    # New search.
                    old_typed_value = current_typed_value
                    file_list = find_in_file(values['-FIND-'], get_file_list_dict(), verbose=values['-VERBOSE-'], window=window, ignore_case=is_ignore_case, show_first_match=values['-FIRST MATCH ONLY-'])
                elif current_typed_value.startswith(old_typed_value) and old_ignore_case is is_ignore_case:
                    old_typed_value = current_typed_value
                    file_list = find_in_file(values['-FIND-'], find_in_file.file_list_dict, verbose=values['-VERBOSE-'], window=window, ignore_case=is_ignore_case, show_first_match=values['-FIRST MATCH ONLY-'])
                    old_typed_value = current_typed_value
                    file_list = find_in_file(values['-FIND-'], get_file_list_dict(), verbose=values['-VERBOSE-'], window=window, ignore_case=is_ignore_case, show_first_match=values['-FIRST MATCH ONLY-'])
                window['-DEMO LIST-'].update(sorted(file_list))
                window['-FIND NUMBER-'].update(f'{len(file_list)} files')
                window['-FILTER NUMBER-'].update('')
                window['-FIND RE-'].update('')
            elif values['-FIND RE-']:
                file_list = find_in_file(values['-FIND RE-'], get_file_list_dict(), regex=True, verbose=values['-VERBOSE-'],window=window)
                window['-DEMO LIST-'].update(sorted(file_list))
                window['-FIND NUMBER-'].update(f'{len(file_list)} files')
                window['-FILTER NUMBER-'].update('')
        elif event == 'Find RE':
            file_list = find_in_file(values['-FIND RE-'], get_file_list_dict(), regex=True, verbose=values['-VERBOSE-'],window=window)
            window['-DEMO LIST-'].update(sorted(file_list))
            window['-FIND NUMBER-'].update(f'{len(file_list)} files')
            window['-FILTER NUMBER-'].update('')
            sg.cprint('Regular expression find completed')
        elif event == 'Settings':
            if settings_window() is True:
                window = make_window()
                file_list_dict = get_file_list_dict()
                file_list = get_file_list()
                window['-FILTER NUMBER-'].update(f'{len(file_list)} files')
        elif event == 'Clear':
            file_list = get_file_list()
            window['-FILTER NUMBER-'].update(f'{len(file_list)} files')
            window['-DEMO LIST-'].update(file_list)
            window['-FIND NUMBER-'].update('')
            window['-FIND RE-'].update('')
        elif event == '-FOLDERNAME-':
            sg.user_settings_set_entry('-demos folder-', values['-FOLDERNAME-'])
            file_list_dict = get_file_list_dict()
            file_list = get_file_list()
            window['-DEMO LIST-'].update(values=file_list)
            window['-FILTER NUMBER-'].update(f'{len(file_list)} files')
            window['-FIND NUMBER-'].update('')
            window['-FIND RE-'].update('')
        elif event == 'Open Folder':
            explorer_program = get_explorer()
            if explorer_program:
                sg.cprint(f'Opening Folder using {explorer_program}...', c='white on green', end='')
                for file in values['-DEMO LIST-']:
                    file_selected = str(file_list_dict[file])
                    file_path = os.path.dirname(file_selected)
                    if running_windows():
                        file_path = file_path.replace('/', '\\')
                    sg.cprint(file_path, text_color='white', background_color='purple')
                    execute_command_subprocess(explorer_program, file_path)
        elif event == 'Copy Path':
            for file in values['-DEMO LIST-']:
                sg.cprint('Copying the last highlighted filename in your list')
                if find_in_file.file_list_dict is not None:
                    full_filename, line = window_choose_line_to_edit(file, find_in_file.file_list_dict[file][0], find_in_file.file_list_dict[file][1], find_in_file.file_list_dict[file][2])
                    full_filename, line = get_file_list_dict()[file], 1
                if line is not None:
                    sg.cprint(f'Added to Clipboard Full Path {full_filename}', c='white on purple')

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# .########.....##.......##.........######...######..

def execute_py_file_with_pipe_output(pyfile, parms=None, cwd=None, interpreter_command=None, wait=False, pipe_output=False):
    Executes a Python file.
    The interpreter to use is chosen based on this priority order:
        1. interpreter_command paramter
        2. global setting "-python command-"
        3. the interpreter running running PySimpleGUI
    :param pyfile: the file to run
    :type pyfile: (str)
    :param parms: parameters to pass on the command line
    :type parms: (str)
    :param cwd: the working directory to use
    :type cwd: (str)
    :param interpreter_command: the command used to invoke the Python interpreter
    :type interpreter_command: (str)
    :param wait: the working directory to use
    :type wait: (bool)
    :param pipe_output: If True then output from the subprocess will be piped. You MUST empty the pipe by calling execute_get_results or your subprocess will block until no longer full
    :type pipe_output: (bool)
    :return: Popen object
    :rtype: (subprocess.Popen) | None

    if pyfile[0] != '"' and ' ' in pyfile:
        pyfile = '"'+pyfile+'"'
        if interpreter_command is not None:
            python_program = interpreter_command
            python_program = sg.pysimplegui_user_settings.get('-python command-', '')
        python_program = ''

    if python_program == '':
        python_program = 'python' if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 'python3'
    if parms is not None and python_program:
        sp = execute_command_subprocess_with_pipe_output(python_program, pyfile, parms, wait=wait, cwd=cwd, pipe_output=pipe_output)
    elif python_program:
        sp = execute_command_subprocess_with_pipe_output(python_program, pyfile, wait=wait, cwd=cwd, pipe_output=pipe_output)
        print('execute_py_file - No interpreter has been configured')
        sp = None
    return sp

def execute_command_subprocess_with_pipe_output(command, *args, wait=False, cwd=None, pipe_output=False):
    Runs the specified command as a subprocess.
    By default the call is non-blocking.
    The function will immediately return without waiting for the process to complete running. You can use the returned Popen object to communicate with the subprocess and get the results.
    Returns a subprocess Popen object.

    :param command: Filename to load settings from (and save to in the future)
    :type command: (str)
    :param *args:  Variable number of arguments that are passed to the program being started as command line parms
    :type *args: (Any)
    :param wait: If True then wait for the subprocess to finish
    :type wait: (bool)
    :param cwd: Working directory to use when executing the subprocess
    :type cwd: (str))
    :param pipe_output: If True then output from the subprocess will be piped. You MUST empty the pipe by calling execute_get_results or your subprocess will block until no longer full
    :type pipe_output: (bool)
    :return: Popen object
    :rtype: (subprocess.Popen)
        if args is not None:
            expanded_args = ' '.join(args)
            # print('executing subprocess command:',command, 'args:',expanded_args)
            if command[0] != '"' and ' ' in command:
                command = '"'+command+'"'
            # print('calling popen with:', command +' '+ expanded_args)
            # sp = subprocess.Popen(command +' '+ expanded_args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=cwd)
            if pipe_output:
                sp = subprocess.Popen(command +' '+ expanded_args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
                sp = subprocess.Popen(command +' '+ expanded_args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=cwd)
            sp = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd)
        if wait:
            out, err = sp.communicate()
            if out:
            if err:
    except Exception as e:
        print('** Error executing subprocess **', 'Command:', command)
        print('error:', e)
        sp = None
    return sp

def execute_py_get_interpreter():
    Returns the command that was specified in the global options that will be used to execute Python files
    when the execute_py_file function is called.

    :return: Full path to python interpreter or '' if nothing entered
    :rtype: (str)

    return sg.pysimplegui_user_settings.get('-python command-', '')

# Normally you want to use the PySimpleGUI version of these functions
    execute_py_file = sg.execute_py_file
    execute_py_file = execute_py_file_with_pipe_output

    execute_py_get_interpreter = sg.execute_py_get_interpreter
    execute_py_get_interpreter = execute_py_get_interpreter

    execute_command_subprocess = sg.execute_command_subprocess
    execute_command_subprocess = execute_command_subprocess_with_pipe_output

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # is where I got the icon

    icon = b'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'

if __name__ == '__main__':
        version = sg.version
        version_parts = version.split('.')
        major_version, minor_version = int(version_parts[0]), int(version_parts[1])
        if major_version < 4 or minor_version < 32:
            sg.popup('Warning - Your PySimpleGUI version is less then 4.35.0',
                     'As a result, you will not be able to use the EDIT features of this program',
                     'Please upgrade to at least 4.35.0',
                     f'You are currently running version:',
                     background_color='red', text_color='white')
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'** Warning Exception parsing version: {version} **  ', f'{e}')