""" Bare Bones Media Player Demo with Playlist. Adapeted from media player located at https://github.com/israel-dryer/Media-Player Original Author : Israel Dryer Modified to be a PySimpleGUI Demo Program A very simple media player ready for you to customize. Uses the VLC player to playback local files and YouTube streams. You will need to install the Python bindings for VLC as well as the VLC player itself. You will need to pip install: pip install python-vlc pip install youtube-dl """ import PySimpleGUI as sg import vlc from sys import platform as PLATFORM #------- GUI definition & setup --------# sg.theme('DarkBlue') def btn(name): # a PySimpleGUI "User Defined Element" (see docs) return sg.Button(name, size=(6, 1), pad=(1, 1)) layout = [[sg.Input(default_text='Video URL or Local Path:', size=(30, 1), key='-VIDEO_LOCATION-'), sg.Button('load')], [sg.Image('', size=(300, 170), key='-VID_OUT-')], [btn('previous'), btn('play'), btn('next'), btn('pause'), btn('stop')], [sg.Text('Load media to start', key='-MESSAGE_AREA-')]] window = sg.Window('Mini Player', layout, element_justification='center', finalize=True, resizable=True) window['-VID_OUT-'].expand(True, True) # type: sg.Element #------------ Media Player Setup ---------# inst = vlc.Instance() list_player = inst.media_list_player_new() media_list = inst.media_list_new([]) list_player.set_media_list(media_list) player = list_player.get_media_player() if PLATFORM.startswith('linux'): player.set_xwindow(window['-VID_OUT-'].Widget.winfo_id()) else: player.set_hwnd(window['-VID_OUT-'].Widget.winfo_id()) #------------ The Event Loop ------------# while True: event, values = window.read(timeout=1000) # run with a timeout so that current location can be updated if event is None: break if event == 'play': list_player.play() if event == 'pause': list_player.pause() if event == 'stop': list_player.stop() if event == 'next': list_player.next() list_player.play() if event == 'previous': list_player.previous() # first call causes current video to start over list_player.previous() # second call moves back 1 video from current list_player.play() if event == 'load': if values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] and not 'Video URL' in values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']: media_list.add_media(values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']) list_player.set_media_list(media_list) window['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'].update('Video URL or Local Path:') # only add a legit submit # update elapsed time if there is a video loaded and the player is playing if player.is_playing(): window['-MESSAGE_AREA-'].update("{:02d}:{:02d} / {:02d}:{:02d}".format(*divmod(player.get_time()//1000, 60), *divmod(player.get_length()//1000, 60))) else: window['-MESSAGE_AREA-'].update('Load media to start' if media_list.count() == 0 else 'Ready to play media' ) window.close()