#!/usr/bin/env python import winsound import sys import PySimpleGUI as sg if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): sg.popup_error('Sorry, you gotta be on Windows') sys.exit(0) # .WAV files that contain your click sounds. Put full path if not in your application's folder click_sound = r'ButtonClick.wav' click_sound1 = r'ButtonClick1.wav' sg.change_look_and_feel('Dark Blue 3') # because gray windows are boring # Your window's layout layout = [ [sg.Text('Click a button to hear a click')], [sg.Button('Click'), sg.Button('Another Click')]] # Create your Window window = sg.Window("Button Click", layout) while True: # The Event Loops event, values = window.read() if event is None: break if event == 'Click': winsound.PlaySound(click_sound, 1) elif event == 'Another Click': winsound.PlaySound(click_sound1, 1) window.close()